Finale Notepad Rapidshare Files

Posted in: admin03/01/18Coments are closed

Wow, this game is awesome! I love the story and the other features; only a minor flaw: when you use a object the cursor remain on the enemy, and if you are using a healing object, in the fury of the battle, you can cure your enemy, so you can make in the next version that the cursor go automatically on your pokemon.

Your save is also left in the 15th slot. EDIT:the first battle wasn't so difficult.

Im not sure about the potion targeting issue- In all the years ive used rpgmaker, i didn't actually think it's possible, because you select the target when programming the item/attack. As either enemy or ally. Ive never managed to get an item programmed for allies to target an enemy and vice versa. Can you recall what object was used, and how many people in the team etc.etc. I left the save file in there incase people were too lazy to actually play it properly. They can get a 'feel' of the game.

Create orchestrations of up to 8 staves, and enter notes by clicking them into the staff or importing MIDI or MusicXML files. Once your music is in NotePad, you can hear it play back, see it on the printed page, and share it with other NotePad and users of other Finale family music notation software. Capture ideas.

-Yeah, the battle wasn't really difficult, but hard for an intro battle, because you can't train to get stronger at the start., plus theres no continues- it's a game over if you die. I suspected it could frustrate some people. ---- Im currently mapping out route 6/connecting caves. Unowns, charmanders and Natus roam wild.

Im also making a new feature called home base. It's sorta like the secret base thing found in R/S. But more expanded.

More on it once i finish implementing it. AIs World is run by AI's ever since the creator left. XDR- The Overseer of the AIs M- Controller of Creation and Evolution (the one who contacts the hero) Necro- Controller of Death Vanish_21- Controller of Systems XxLionheartxX- Controller of Enviroments Cratos- Controller of Battle Zero- The old controller of Creation and Evolution. Went missing just before Generation 1 was finished. It may or may not come up in the storyline:paranoid: Anyway. AI's will act as bosses that you'll have to defeat. ' Unlike gym battles, you actually fight the AI.

They have no pokemon, instead they pokemon attacks. They all have humanoid forms. Which slowly degrade to reveal their twisted forms. Necro will be the first you are ment to defeat. Excelling at Dark/Steel/Ghost Basic Form Hybrid Form Fury Form Pure Form HOME BASE -In every city, you can buy a house. You can name this house.

All instances of the house are the same, and interconnected. If you enter a house in city A, it would be the same house as city B. Also, by using the computer in the entrance, you can select your exit destination- The exit can be any house you've purchased. -It also acts as a replacement for HM fly.

-When you buy your home base it will have 2 rooms. The entrance and your room. But there will be lots of doors.

By clicking on the door you can build the room. Rooms you build will have a purpose. -Later in the game you will obtain a spaceship that you use to travel between the ingame and AI worlds. Home Base will be fully intergrated into it. EG: if you build guest rooms, they will be rented out to generate income. A kitchen can be built, which will make you free recovery items.

You can also build a pokemon center and pokemart. It can easily grow to the size of a mansion. Quote: I absolute love the Idea of the pure form to have similiaritis with old glitch! Also the house is very good, and I like the screen with four unown.I laughed a lot, when i saw it. Thanks, the idea of the pure form just poped into my head in the last minute. I was using the M glitch sprite as the AI; M's actual sprite, so i needed to give a trait that all AI's have. Just loaded up the M sprite, rearranged it, modified the colours.

And you have a pure form:D. Update: Im currently retrofitting in the rival guy. Putting him in events. He will have stolen all 3 jotoh starters. In the first battle you'll fight all three, but later he'll only use the starter that would be strong against the eevee form you're currently in. Flareon->totodile vaporeon ->chikarita jolteon ->chikarita (thunder is not effective on grass:/ ) espeon? (random, or croconaw, because he has Crunch) umbreon?

Leafeon ->cyndaquil glaceon ->cyndaquil EDIT: text only updates are boring. Heres some 3rd gen sprites that I devamped a while ago. Thanks, I used RPG maker 2003. When I started the project I was using my old desktop, which has a horrible monitor that couldn't display the minimum resolution to run RMXP, so i never used it. I have a good laptop now, I tried RMXP and the new one, but found myself going back to RM2k3 due to familarity.

--- The 'RPG_RT.ini' should be in the file, It looks like a notepad file with a gear next to it. Open it up with notepad, then just copy and paste (or type) FullPackageFlag=1 It should make it work.

Tell me if it does or doesnt. If anyone encounters errors, just post them in thread, they're all important. Quote: On the matter of the runtime package, I get the error too, I googled itand found that is a bounch of file that you need for games to run: if you have installed RPGmaker2k3 you have them, but the others like me and you need to download them to makes the game run normally. You could find them on the site of 2k3 but since it no longer exist I've downloaded them from another italian site: link you must click 'RTP Rm2k3' to get the exe that install them on your computer.

Bushmaster Jupiter F700 Telescope Manual. It worked for me. The Runtime package is just a bunch of graphic and sound files that you can use for your game, but I mainly used custom graphics, and I copied the files to the game folder. So the game shouldn't have a need for the runtime.

But it's in the game's programming to search for the RTP. You can install the RTP, or you can do the flag=1 thing. Which causes the game to bypass the search for RTP.

-------------- I'm currently doing the Event where you have to kill the first AI. Ive been working on the elemental cards minigame. It's actually avalible in the current demo, but is only text based. I added graphics in to make it better. Thanks, ive fixed the arbor house glitch, but I cant manage to actually get it to crash at the route. Finishing up creating the AI Necro boss battle. EDIT: Yeah, beta testers would be nice.

Just say you wanna be and Ill add name to beta testers list. -which shall appear on the credits. You dont even need to sign up, just report a new bug and ill add you. At the moment Saifors has reported 5 bugs.:) -if you need to screenshot it, just press the 'print screen' button on the keyboard(near the delete button), then paste it on Paint. Save and upload. The creator created a world of pokemon.

He filled it with enviroments, pokemon and people(NPCs) The creator then chose 5 people in the world, and promoted them to AIs. XxLionheartxX, Vanish_23, Geosigma, Necro and Zero. Therese were dubbed Type 1 AIs. The creator then created a new Master AI called XDR, a Type 2 AI. This advanced type2 AI would be the overseer of all AIs. The 'god of gods'. The creator created him because he's planning on leaving the game, and needed to find a replacement.

The creator then left, sealing the game in a 4th wall. Ensuring no rouge code would come in. - The creator was gone, the AIs managed different aspects of the world, while XDR was managing them.

All was well. - But this did not last long. One fateful day, Zero's code went missing. Zero was a fully powered AI, he could only be killed by a virus that only type2 AIs can make. Zero controlled Pokemon. And with his absence oddities started appearing. Rouge corrupted pokemon started appearing.

XDR needed to find a replacement quickly. So XDR used a portion of his code to create another AI.

She shared XDR's code so she was also a type 2 AI. - Spoilers!!! Unknown to everyone, Zero didn't die.

He detached himself from the AI mainframe. It was part of his plan. Zero always wanted more power. He found his existance trivial.

Even as an AI. He wanted more. The 4th wall was blocking him from escaping from the game world and entering reality. He new if he could leak out, he could become a super virus and cripple the world's network. But only the creator could break the 4th wall.

So Zero detached himself. He knew powered AIs could only be defeated using a virus. But he also knew that XDR would create another AI to replace him. He would use some of this own code, temporarily removing him of his immunity.

Zero waited for his chance, and when XDR was finished making M, zero attacked and killed XDR.`Zero, being XDR's twin absorbed his master AI privileges successfully. Zero's plan was simple.

He would destroy the world. Players of the game would notice that the game doesn't work and report it to the creator. The creator would then need to break the 4th wall to rebuild the world, with the 4th wall open, Zero would leak out and become the super virus he intends to be. But he couldn't destroy the game, as the other AIs still have the ability to override his decisions. So he made a ruse. The prospect of advancing to the third generation. It would require total destruction and reconstruction of the game.

But Zero didn't disclose he wasn't going to reconstruct. XDR wanted a new generation.

He was tired of the simple graphics, he wanted full colour. So he proposed the advancement to Generation 3. New graphics, new pokemon and a whole new data structure. It would require total destruction and reconstruction of the game. The other AIs wanted a new generation and quickly agreed. M, being the controller of pokemon, and having advanced type 2 coding had grown attached to all the pokemon and NPCs she has created.

She had a plan. To stop the new generation, to destroy the AIs, using viruses. Using her powers of creation; she creates a Super Eevee. She inserts 5 virises inside it.

Four Type 1 virises (for lionheart, vanish, geosigma and necro). Also, One Type 2 Viris for XDR. Story Progression MASSIVE SPOILERS (And a bit outdated). Act I (v0. Photoshop Cs6 Portable Deutsch Download Skype. 1 - v1.0) ======= You (the hero) is born - Oak gives you an Eevee - Encounter an AI called M M explains the new generation situation - M activates Eevees viris powers. You kill Necro - Kill Lionheart - Kill Cratos - Kill Vanish - Fight 'XDR'.

Use the Type 2 viris. It doesnt work.' XDR' Reveals he is actually Zero. Type 2 viris wont work on him.

Zero says he killed XDR. Zero reflects the viris on M. M dies -obtain her AI chip. Zero banishes you to the VOID. Chapter 2 (40% of game) ======= Wake up in the void. A graveyard of code. Obtain the Spaceship called Ragnarok.

Escape the void - contact Oak. You have no more viruses and no more type 2 AIs to make them.

So you can't kill Zero. - then have a flashback showing that XDR didn't die.

He detached himself from the AI mainframe. Zero assumed he was dead. - Red knows where XDR is. - Find XDR Fight Zero again Zero finally kills XDR. - World gets destroiedm, but peices of it still remain.

Chapter 3 (20% of game) ======= -You are still alive. Just before XDR died, he made the type2 AI and transfered it to your Eevee. - Final showdown.

The eve of the creators arrival. - Kill Zero - Creator restores the World to how it was before destruction. ---- Seems good, but I dont know if I should tie in the the pokemon leauge, maybe becomming champion and saving the world should exist sepratley.

---- Ill have the next version of the beta up in a couple of days. Its a minor update- It's mainly to fix some of the glitches, and more importantly the Runtime error. So you wont have to manually edit the RPG_RT.ini ---- Im trying to wonder if this could get moved to the game showcase section.

And if there would be much benefit.

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