Queen Latifah Order In The Court Rarely Speaks

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• In the area of commercials, the definitive Motor Mouth is no doubt actor John Moschitta, Jr, best known for his FedEx and Micro Machines commercials. He is () listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the world's fastest speaker. Kids might remember him for the ads, but those who remember their childhood TV shows more clearly than the commercials may remember him as Blurr from the (listed below). In fact, he voiced both versions of Blurr. He's even worked with where he laments his failed marriage and describes his decided method of suicide.

• The dvd commentary for that episode shows that he talks like that normally. Testaverde, the downright sadistic history teacher on. • Tropers of a certain age may even remember his FedEx, er, (1981).

• Moschitta claims he developed this skill from growing up with five sisters, as the only way he could ever get a word in. • He did, however, talk normally as the announcer during the final season of and the short-lived game Balderdash. • • 'BigMacMcDLT-aQuarterPounderwithsomecheese-Filet'OFish-ahamburger-acheeseburger-aHappyMeal-McNuggets-tastygoldenfrenchfries-regularorlargersize-andsalads-cheforgardenorachickensaladoriental-BigBigBreakfast-EggMcMuffinhothotcakes-andsausagemaybebiscuits-baconeggandcheeseasausage-danish-hashbrowns-too-andfordessert-hotapplepies-andsundaes-threevarieties-asoftservecone-threekindsofshakes-andchocolateychipcookies-andtodrinkaCocaCola-DietCokeand-orangedrink-aSpriteandcoffee-decaftoo-alowfatmilk-alsoanorangejuice-IloveMcDonald's-goodtimegreattaste-andIgetthisallatoneplace!' • Fun fact: this was initially a promotional stunt, where anyone that recited the full thing in a certain amount of time won a free burger. • In some countries, the medicine commercials usually have a notice how it's said that it's a medicine commercial, instructions should be read before using it and consulting the doctor in need is suggested. The speaking will be done within a few seconds.

• This is especially infamous in Italy, to the point of getting a more than once. In one commercial, for example, there's a woman reacting to the fast delivery of the notice with 'Hey.

Take it slowly'. The speaker then remarks 'Uh, sure' in an audibly awkward tone of voice.

• Often heard at the end of radio commercials for automotive dealerships to slip in what would be, in visual advertisements, the fine print. • In any radio ad requiring a disclaimer these days. • Lampshaded in one radio commercial where the announcer was interviewing the guy who rattles off disclaimers in commercials, while said guy's contribution to the interview is blisteringly-fast attacks of disclaimer speak. At the end of the commercial the announcer asked the disclaimer guy if his lips ever caught on fire. The latter admitted, 'Occasionally.' • UK example for the 1970s: 'Lipsmackinthirstquenchinacetastinmotivatingoodbuzzincooltalkinhighwalkinfastlivinevergivincoolfizzin. • At the end of government ads and Public Service Announcements in Australia: 'Authorisedbytheaustraliangovernmentcanberra' • • A 1960s commercial for 'The Look' has been described by some as this.

• The woman on the Savings Catcher commercials played in the stores: ' it could save you money!' • ◊ from 's popular Belgian children's show. She talks very fast preventing the other gnomes to talk. Where the male gnomes criticizes her habit of telling various embarrassing moments that she witness from the other gnomes.

• This Little Caesar's Pizza commercial from 2017. Jeff: 'And as Southern as I am, I'm goin', 'Dude, what? Were there any words in that?' ' • Jeff also does this as part of his ' routine. • by Mindless Self Indulgence's Jimmy Urine in Stupid Motherfucker: 'Is this simple enough for you? Does everybody understand?

Are you all still following following me? Should I talk slower like you're a retard? Should I talk slower like you're retarded?' MSI is usually fairly understandable in speed, if not pronunciation. • 's 'Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television'.

The words themselves are spoken very fast. Also 'You and Me (Things That Come Off of Your Body)' from Complaints and Grievances, especially that long expletive of insults that became a running gag.

• The and the are sometimes portrayed as this, quipping through and through during a battle, which more often than not, annoys a LOT his enemies. More the Ultimate, as he's a teenager who won't shut up at all sometimes. It is heavily implied that this is Spidey's form of coping with his fear during a battle. However, • Comics characters with sometimes do this when excited; and his cousin XS are notable examples. • once broke the sound barrier with his motor mouth. • On the Marvel side, gets quieter when this happens. • Maxine Hunkel, alias Cyclone, is a Motor Mouth, to the sometimes annoyance of her teammates in the.

She is not a speedster, instead she can create tornadoes. • In fact, when extended her a JSA invitation, she threatened to immediately revoke it if Maxine didn't shut up for a minute. • Me,; made clear by the fact that I'm sometimes called the 'Merc With A Mouth'. This goes so far that despite my death in the I still narrate the exploits of my wife.

Ex or no-ex not even Death herself can make me shut up. • Delight in: Endless Nights. • of the drifts into this when she gets excited, nervous, or scared. •: Swerve, who always loves to talk, and his nickname in the academy was Shut the Hell Up. The Decepticons have Misfire, who accidentally took a and has ADHD, he's easily distracted and won't stop, makes him the go to guy for an. • In, Hal McCoy describes himself as 'a creature of few words', but once he starts talking it's difficult to get him to stop.

• Rhona Burchill from. When she talks, she spits a constant stream of dialogue, and her speech bubbles to emphasize how quickly she talks. Oz The Great And Powerful Avi Free Download. Braeburn: So, you see, we decided that everypony would really benefit if we started a new orchard. And I have seven siblings, of course, so I wasn't really needed at my home, so I wanted to be the one to go start this new settlement.

But with the Apples, we almost always have families go to start these things. I was all set to start this new town and orchard, and I was going to name it Aaaaaaappleloosa! Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? But then when Big Macintosh was married, he decided to go, at least to start it and then come back to Sweet Apple Acres, 'cause of the family thing, so I came to Ponyville to take his place at this orchard. But he didn't even keep the name Appleloosa!

•: Blaze really seems to like talking. • In, Ibuki gets into this at one point, while trying to tell Togami the history of punk rock in half an hour. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Hack Edition Atlas more. • Gossipette Smurfette from Raven Child's series has a habit of speaking like this • Played for laughs in, a / / Borderlands/ Halo.

Kevin Filner engages in this when describing a he suggests might work for powering a new ship design. •: • This is used when Kirigiri hastily provides an explanation for why Fujisaki was originally killed in the boys' locker room despite being found dead in the girls' locker room- saying that it's because Fujisaki 'isdesignatedmaleatbirthalthoughicannotsayeitherwaywhethertheyidentifyaseitheroranygenderbutnonethelesstheiridrecognizesthemasmale' without offending anyone. • Mixing it with, Ishimaru also had such moments when he realized that the 'class trial' was about to decide who will get executed, and accuse the wrong guy, then everyone else gets executed. 'ICHANGEDMYMIND' • In, Krillin just can not shut up when he's scared. • In, after Robert Arryn is finally weaned off of the poison that kept him weak, there are times when Jory wonders if the boy will be able to shut up for five straight minutes. • When George in: The Soft World, he simply cannot stop talking, mostly to brag about himself.

He's supposed to breathe sleep gas on a roomful of giant centipedes, but instead he blathers and brags and sings and generally annoys the others so much that John shouts, “Eh, chatty, reckon you might do whatever it is you were gonna do before we all die of boredom here?”After George becomes himself again, most embarrassed at his loss of verbal control, the others officially strip the title of “Quiet Beatle” from him. • Theecat Stefnable, tech rogue, is also very chatty and verbose (to the point of annoying the four). His companion Nyvan the archer is also a motormouth, but it's entirely an that George, Theecat, and Nyvan's cousin Chana complain about. Marionette Woody: What's that? [in one breath] Jessie and Prospector are trapped in the old abandoned mine and Prospector just lit a stick of dynamite thinkin' it was a candle and now they're about to be blown to smithereens? • Donkey from.

When they first meet, Shrek tries covering the donkey's mouth and he still keeps talking. • The radio from is a chatterbox who usually phrases his dialogue as radio broadcasts about Teddy Roosevelt. •: When Dean lets Hogarth have some espresso (described as 'Coffee-zilla'), the boy launches into a rambling rant about school, ending with the expected request for more coffee. • On the NSA profiles on DVD, the deceased heroine Blazestone was this. •: Both leads. Once you get Tulip yammering, she doesn't shut up.

Especially if she's forced to talk to herself out of boredom. Junior, being played by Andy Samberg, has a habit of explaining things very quickly under his breath. • DJ Vince Fontaine in the movie version of ‘’Film/Grease’’. • playing 's Mumbles. (His confession of 'Big Boy did it!' Is rendered 'Beebeedit!' Until the police play his testimony back in slow motion.) This was also a characteristic of Mumbles in the comic strip, who talked so fast he didn't bother to pronounce vowels (which, in English at least, are naturally slower than the consonants).

• George in babbles rapidly about 'java' when he has coffee for the first time. Was cast in part because he could handle at the appropriate rate of speed. The comedian who plays the part, Louis-Jose Houde, is exactly this. Incredibly hilarious too. Orienter: You punch in at 8:30 every morning, except you punch in at 7:30 following a business holiday, unless it's a Monday, then you punch in at 8 o'clock.

Punch in late and they dock you. Incoming articles get a voucher, outgoing articles provide a voucher. Move any article without a voucher and they dock you! Letter size a green voucher, oversize a yellow voucher, parcel size a maroon voucher. Wrong color voucher and they dock you! That is your employee number.

It will not be repeated! Dekker is yelling at Jack Slater in his office the second time. Steam comes out of his ears. • In the movie adaptation of, Violet the Tooth Fairy is played as this, chattering on and on through a gag until Teatime threatens unspeakable consequences if she doesn't shut up. • Carl Showalter from. Can't even pull off total silence.

'I don't have to talk, either, man! See how you like it. Just total fricassee'n silence. Two can play at that game, smart guy. We'll just see how you like it. Total silence.' • Actor James Lorinz plays this role in and.

• One of 's favorite acting moves; when his character is upset, angry, or scared, he starts to babble. • Walter from fast talks his way out of most problems and can get anyone to go along with anything. Hildy punctuates an especially rapid rant with 'Sold American!' Like an auctioneer. • Wilhelm Burgdorf from. The way he talks and rants throughout the film became a subject of a joke among those who make Downfall parodies, which earned him the nickname 'fast-ranting boozing Burgdorf'. • Motor Mouth is a common symptom among characters in 1930s/40s movies.

Films like feature characters who rapidly bounce back and forth in conversations with one another, rattling off dialogue without ever stumbling over their words or having to pause for thought. It never noticed by the other characters (who often speak with equal velocity). • has a tendency to go into Motor Mouth mode, especially when giving.

You can tell when it starts: he takes a huge breath. • Jay in never shuts his trap, unlike his. In fact, some fans think that the reason Bob rarely talks is because Jay never lets him get a word in edgewise. •: 'My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night!' (Slower than most of the examples here, but still impressive as it indicates that the character has an excellent memory.) • Another example occurs in. When Wyatt's brother comes home and finds the house a total wreck, Wyatt with a rapid-fire summation of all of the movie's plot up to that point, delivered as one long run-on sentence. • In Hammer babbles incessantly throughout most of his scenes; moreover, a lot of his impressive-sounding techno-jabber is pure bullshit.

It's not entirely clear if it's a case of or Hammer just being a schmooze who tries too hard. He's a foil to Tony, who also chatters, but usually has a point to everything he says, or to Vanko, who is highly intelligent but barely says anything. Vanko expressly calls him out on it during one of Hammer's angry rants, where Vanko's only response (in unsubtitled Russian) is 'You talk too much.' • In, David, from his teenage years but worse after he suffers his mental breakdown, speaks very fastly and disjointly. • Esteban in the film adaptation of. He's a Spanish revolutionary who constantly tries to rouse his comrades to raise arms against Franco, and during the short time he is onscreen, he literally never stops talking, extremely rapidly to boot.

It's implied he keeps this up for months before finally getting killed in his first battle. •: •: Wade Wilson. Stryker thinks it's his worst feature. •: Quicksilver talks as fast as he. Just about everything else. And good luck shutting him up. • 's portrayal of does this a lot.

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