The Sims 3 Nanny Career Objective

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— William Cassidy of GameSpy on the Atari 7800 port of The dark side of (though not necessarily mutually exclusive) and a 's favorite variety, Game Breaking Bugs are severe bugs that cripple your ability to play the game involved. They’re almost as old as gaming itself.

Game-Breaking Bugs were more prevalent in the earlier days of gaming. Many games that were made after seem so much easier because of the reduction in such bugs on average. It was also incarnate, since several licensed games actually may not have been as bad as many people say they were. If not for game breaking bugs that slipped past the beta testings () and made them literally unplayable.

In these days of mainstream, multi-million dollar titles, developers seem to favor release dates over thorough quality assurance. With the advent of integrated network play, developers also seem to favor releasing patch after patch (if they even bother) and treat their paying customers as unpaid testers.

The flaw with this approach is that it alienates a sizable chunk of gamers (in this case, gamers who live in a house without a high-speed internet connection). The growing prevalence of (especially in the context of facilitating emergent gameplay) can often cause essential game entities to be launched or pushed into places outside the player's reach or destroyed through unexpected methods. The sheer number of possible outcomes makes this type of game breaking impossible to fully prevent and even the few games lauded for their stability have an occasional hiccup for which the developers can only suggest reloading a saved game. Note that the presence of one of these doesn't necessarily make the game itself bad; many programs have been quite entertaining despite horrible bugs.

One should also probably keep in mind that a lot of bugs only occur in certain builds of the game. In today's market, where even console games can be patched, it's incredibly rare to have a game-killing glitch maintain itself for very long. The very worst of these can cause a game to be no matter what the player does (except, possibly through a counteracting Good Bad Bug). Bugs that always happen at the same point of an are known as. Not necessarily the same as a that results from a programming bug; those are typically Good Bad Bugs, which are harmless, but examples of ones that use Game-Breaking Bugs exist; read on. When something simple in a story causes the end of everything, it's a.

• for the original Xbox would sometimes BSOD the console right before a boss (in the mansion), and sometimes you could reset the game, even from playing again from start, and still get that BSOD every single time. Also, the game would sometimes freeze after the helicopter scene, triggered by an unknown glitch earlier in the game that would affect all subsequent saves. • Series • was if the player saved and quit at the wrong time after crossing a bridge. A required character would also turn invisible if the player saved and quit in the wrong area. He could still be utilized, so the game was not unbeatable, but this was still a frustrating bug. • In the original copies of the Wii version of the game, the aforementioned required character was outside the room behind a sealed door, in which case it actually was unwinnable.

• By simply returning to the title screen and playing a different save file, you can trigger a number of glitches due to a variable that tracks overall game progress not being reset. Most of the time you end up harmlessly skipping a cutscene, but in one instance it's possible to make the monkeys in the forest temple disappear completely, making progress impossible.

• Drinking a potion while carrying a small item will cause the item to automatically drop so Link can handle the potion but not register it as being out of Link's hands. Throwing the item after this will instantly crash the game. • In, it is possible to destroy a palace without completing it by using a glitch caused by activating the fairy spell while off-screen, meaning you won't be able to place all six crystals in the palaces. Of course, this would require.

• In, you can buy a shovel, then trade it for a boomerang. However, at that point, you can buy a second shovel, leaving you with both. Since the game's inventory is limited to exactly how many items you're actually supposed to pick up, carrying both shovel and 'rang leaves you unable to pick up the last item in the game, which of course is required to win. So you try to solve the problem by wasting all of your Magic Powder to free up that one extra space in your inventory. Now you can grab that final item! In turn, however, this does render the Final Nightmare's first form literally impossible to beat.

The games, which play very similarly to Link's Awakening, including having an item system that works about the same way, avert this by seemingly having been made with the staff aware of this bug; this pair of games actually has enough spaces that several will never be filled, even when no items are equipped and everything is filling a slot. • In the Eagle's Tower, if you must save and quit before smashing the four pillars, then for Nayru's sake throw the orb used to smash the pillars down a pit. If you don't, it will be erased and the dungeon won't be winnable. • features the famous 'bottle trick,' which lets you turn any item in your inventory into a bottle. This one treads the line between game-breaking and the.

If used on a useless item, such as the Goron Check Claim after you've claimed the Biggoron Sword or the Magic Beans after you've planted them all, you get an extra bottle you can use to store useful items. But it's possible to turn any item into a bottle — and if you do this to a game-crucial item? You can also do the same in, if you press Start at the exact right time when selling a bottled item to the curiosity shop, then change which item is in the C button slot. You can replace anything with an empty bottle that way. • Also in Ocarina, you can freeze the game in the Gerudo's Fortress if you push the Ocarina button right when they spot you.

• Majora's Mask has a few other examples as well: • There's a glitch where you can equip the Fierce Deity mask outside boss battles. If you try to talk to anyone, or do certain other things, it crashes the game.

• You can also dive to the underwater chest in Termina Field in normal form, and the 'Open' icon will appear. If you push the button, though, the game freezes. • In the game of hide and seek, it's possible for one of the children to run into a dead end that a guard won't allow you to enter. This can sometimes be fixed by leaving and re-entering the area which often resets the children, but not always. • features a game breaker of its own—after completing the Thunder Dragon's portion of the song during the Song of the Hero quest, if you go and talk to Golo the Goron and have not started the other two quests yet, the event triggers will not happen and the game originally could not be completed until in early 2012 when Nintendo released a patching program on the Wii that downloads the patch and fixes save files.

• The same game removed the fall damage, so that you would be teleported to the last normal solid ground you were standing on completely unharmed. The catch is that because of rushed collision detection in some areas, you can glitch through the scenery and fall through to a bottomless pit. You respawn on the 'bottom' of the bottomless pit, which is mistaken by the game to be solid ground, triggering an infinite loop of falling, respawning, falling. Reset Button!

• Among notable spots where this glitch is bound to happen, there is a certain bridge in the Sky Keep. You wouldn't want also to swim too near next to that tree roots in the Ancient Cistern, or clipping through walls whith the clawshots in the wrong place. • In, if you jump slash on top of the chest in one of the ghost ships, the game freezes. • for the had to be recalled and replaced because the boss didn't appear on level 30, meaning it was impossible to reach levels 31-100.

• As did 15th Anniversary — the game stopped saving after auto-saves. This got fixed in a re-release of the game, however. •: There is a rare glitch where your Cobweb Duster will disappear from your inventory. Normally an optional device for just collecting mental cobwebs, the route into the final level happens to have three cobwebs impeding your progress, and requires the Duster to take them out. If your Duster disappears, then you could just go back to the shop, collect ludicrous amounts of money, and buy a new one.if you weren't at the Point of No Return (as the game literally calls it) and incapable of returning to camp in order to do so. Albert Carr Is Business Bluffing Ethical Pdf Viewer here.

At least the game autosaves just before you hit the. Of course, you still have to fight against the same boss again.

• During the last level, you need to climb on flaming grates and jump between them. Occasionally, your disables itself, causing you to fall into the water. Although this is commonly thought to be a bug unique to this area, it's just a bit of somewhat sloppy programming; when jumping across from a grate, your double jump works, but when dropping down from one (such as if you want to reach the platform below), it is disabled because there's a special animation for that. The game sometimes has trouble telling which is which, but it's only life-threatening here. • During the second Mummy level of, there is a cutscene of the and talking to each other before leaving the room, then you cross said room and find a save point in front of an open door. If you save here and then die or reload the save, the door will be closed with no way for you to open it. • • If you skip the cutscene after the first fight with Death in, a glitch triggers where the fight never officially ends.

As a result, once you leave the clock room, the door never opens again. If you head to the right to save, the door won't open again as stated above and thus the game is. Head left and you can keep going.but thanks to a flag not tripping, Vincent won't sell the Rampage subweapon, and becomes impossible. Nero 10 Download Gratis Italiano Windows 8. Thankfully the bug's been fixed in the PAL version of the game. • In, when executing a special attack with some shortswords and knives, Soma briefly disappears and reappears behind an enemy.

Or even a locked door, as long as there is some space behind it. And since most of such doors have the pressure switch to open them right behind them, this can be used for major. But go somewhere you're not supposed to go yet (i.e. Down a slope you're supposed to double-jump when you haven't acquired it yet) and save just before you realize it. • has relatively few glitches, but one of them is severe: when you're finally able to fight the SA-X, its second form (which is ) will become invincible if you shoot it with a fully-charged beam while it's transforming. Since the first form is, this is a really unfair glitch. • It's also possible at one point to get yourself stuck.

• In, you can render the game by triggering the floaty-jump glitch during the fight with Chykka, then using your glitched super-jump to leave the room. When you return,, and he's taken the Dark Visor with him. • Similarly, the first North American version of got careless with one of its Chozo Artifacts: you get the Artifact of Warrior by beating the Phazon Elite, but the door doesn't lock to make sure you do so.

If you leave, save, and come back, the Elite and Artifact are gone for good, and you need all twelve Artifacts to win. • Metroid Prime also had a rather nasty bug unless you frequently saved your game. Sometimes when approaching a door, the game would just simply freeze and forced you to reset. If you hadn't saved a long time, sucks to be you. Luckily, the freezing bug was quite rare to the point where it wouldn't happen twice in the same play through. • There is a bug in as stated, where a door becomes locked and unopenable after you get the ice beam. Nintendo is accepting mail-ins for save files.

• had one of these in the England stage of the game. Activating the levers in the boss room of the stage, whilst passing through earlier on, will render the later boss fight. The only choice at this point is to either hope you have a secondary save (unlikely), use a save game pack if playing the PC version, or start the game from scratch. This last choice is particularly annoying, since England is one of the last stages in the game. • Many players have encountered game-breaking bugs in at various points that prevent players from finishing the game, although a patch or two has cleaned them up a bit.Except for PS3 players, who don't get one.

• has a potentially fatal bug in Lud's Gate; if you save too soon after throwing a switch in the water area with, a door may be blocked by an, making the level or preventing you from obtaining the last secret. • The final level of (set in Von Croy Industries) is already challenging, but is made even more so due to being buggy regarding game saves. There are several instances where saving or loading the game in a particular area has the potential to render it due to one or other scripted sequence then failing to work correctly.

Thankfully, there is a which details all these peccadilloes. • 2 has a glitch in the Sarafan Stronghold, after Moebius closes the gates to the tomb of William the Just. If you walk too close at one point in the gate, you pass through. You cannot leave, except by resetting. • The developers of had of someone and trying to complete the game without ever visiting there.

Their response was to until you visited the starbase, which allows certain key variables to be set. Over 10 years after the game was released, someone almost managed to do such a run. Because another event (visiting Earth's starbase) didn't happen. It's fixed in the source port, fortunately.

• The retail version of had a bug in the brewery area where, if you exited the area by any means (including save & quit) before repairing and using a wheel that activates the elevator to the lower floor, the parts needed to repair it would disappear and the game would become. It was later fixed in a patch that fortunately also made the parts reappear in already ruined saves. • There was also a nasty oversight in the first print run that made the uninstaller wipe out parts of the directory it wasn't supposed to. The patch to fix this is prominently included in later editions. • In when one of the bosses died, the staff they're supposed to drop could get stuck in a wall. As this staff is needed to complete the game the game becomes. The only way to resolve this is load and earlier save and ensure the boss wasn't near a wall when they died.

• The N64 version of had several, documented (starting around 1/3 down the page). Bugs include random freezing possibly associated with a music loading error, getting stuck inside of objects and walls, getting stuck between objects, objects not functioning as they should due to unintentional, and a glitch that caused the player to enter the same room over and over again until they killed themselves to fix it. • The PC version of: Years 1-4 • There is one glitch where you can get the Lord Voldemort character token before getting all 200 Gold Bricks, but made it impossible to return to Hogwarts.

• A particular example of a bug which renders the game impossible to win if you make the mistake of saving at the wrong time — Beneath one of the classrooms is a section you need to visit to collect unlockables. At the end of the section, a LEGO dragon will grab you and toss you back up into the classroom to exit — normally he will, anyway. Sometimes, he misses. At this point, he will not toss you again and you are permanently stuck. If you reset the game, you'll lose everything since your last save; if however you save and reset after this occurs, you might think the dragon will reset and toss you again, but no. At this point your save file is garbage and you will have to delete and start the entire game over if you want to continue. • An extremely nasty issue is present in the Wii version of: Years 5-7 in the Year 6 level 'A Not So Merry Christmas' where the game can crash unexpectedly, especially during the second area outside.

Some players haven't suffered from this issue at all, but it has been suggested to those that do to lower their video and audio settings in order to help avoid it. •: follows in this trend. If you hold Triangle on the extras menu while selecting it, the game crashes. But the real kicker is that when you restart, the sound effects volume cranks up to 204 out of 10!

And it stays like this every time you start the affected file. • is an incredibly buggy game. Falling through the scenery is very possible and the only way out is to restart the game. • On release, the game had bug with the tunnels.

Ezio would be stuck in an endless loop when going through the tunnels. There was nothing that could be done save for starting the game from the beginning. Made even worse by the fact that you must use a tunnel in the game once. Players had to hope the bug didn't occur at that point. This bug however, was patched. • The multiplayer has become almost unplayable due to the recent flood of bugs. Players turning invisible or even invincible, Wanted gamemode not choosing a target and Manhunt rounds getting screwed up in one way or another.

The servers are also exceptionally laggy, causing a lot of other game breaking problems. • Saving and exiting while playing as Desmond outside the Animus would result in being unable to reenter the Animus. Fortunately, this was also patched. • had a bug that randomly corrupts your savegame. The worst part is that it can be triggered by completing the story mode on 100%. Hundreds of puzzles, lost. • The version of has a bug, too.

On the second playthrough of Harley Quinn's Revenge, the autosave function will stop working and instead return the player to the menu screen, preventing them from getting past the first room. •, meanwhile, has an issue with the Fast Travel feature in which Batman's ultra-high-tech plane can take a trillion years to get from one part of Gotham to the other, due to a couple of variables in the code being in the wrong place (one 'True' should be entered as 'False', and vice versa). In addition, certain areas (such as the My Alibi nightclub) can cause the map-loading to fail and eventually drop you into an infinite black void, which of course is treated as the basis for the next autosave, forcing you to start a new game because the Arkham series does not back up its saves.

2 for PC at one point has you progress by entering a cave, but your entry is blocked by interconnecting stalactites and stalagmites. Fortunately, there is a pile of unstable meteorites right in front of it, so you can lay down a thermal detonator and wait a few seconds for it to explode, clearing the way for you to proceed.

Unfortunately, this pile of unstable meteorites will sometimes be located near the ceiling of this cave mouth, and not the floor. Thermal detonators can only be placed on the floor, and other explosive weapons like the rocket launcher have no effect on these meteorites. The only way to proceed is to either start a new save file and hope that the meteorites spawn on the floor this time around, or to use the cheat codes conveniently included in the game's readme file for just such an occasion - simply turn off clipping, fly through the barrier, and turn clipping back on again. • has a number of ponds littered about the game world for atmospheric purposes. However, if you climb up a structure near one and dive into one from sufficient height (not too difficult to do), the game simply freezes.

Doing this on certain emulators—which are apparently more stable than the PS2 itself—causes you to be teleported into the middle of the sky. Suffice to say, once you finally make it to the ground, your death will be swift. • has a tendency to unexpectedly crash during the first battle with Dogu enemies after you reach the Moon Cave 100 years in the past. • has a nasty bug that apparently makes two lines of code continuously conflict in the background while both attempt to resolve. Long story short, never use the Dynamo weapon in the Battleplex Arena fights, especially the ones that have re-spawning ammo crates.

It can lead to crashing your PS3's operating system and causing a player to have to factory reset. • Also, unfortunately, some copies of the game crash during loading screens. The most common place for the game to constantly crash is during the loading screen right after the '.Dr. Cutscene with Clank.

• In the PS3 HD Remaster of there's a glitch where entering first person mode in the casino film set can cause the screen to become covered in a peach tone, which can follow you around the level after and is easily dealt with by not pressing the first person button throughout the level. But occasionally the game may cause the glitch and extend it after Ratchet exits first person making the game unplayable unless the game is reset. • has a rather unfortunate bug during the boss fight against Jellyboy. Shooting at the small floor-sliding globs he summons will cause the game to freeze.

Hope you've slept in the Cave's bed beforehand! • The remake is notorious among for randomly crashing on the last stage of the. • has a nasty glitch with the final portrait ghost, Van Gore. If you beat him, open the chest, and leave the room without picking up the key from the chest (to capture a Boo, for instance), the key will vanish and you're unable to reach the.

However, this is only game-breaking if you don't know how to resolve it: the key can be respawned by waiting in the hallway outside of the room. • The 3DS e-shop version of the first has a nasty bug where touching a Warp Squid would occasionally make the game crash and delete the player's save files. The good news is that it happens so rarely that most people won't encounter it. The bad news is that.

• An entire page could be spent listing the various game-breaking bugs in; fortunately, this got better with patches and an eventual free re-release. • Characters in vehicles often grew to twice their normal sizes, causing half their bodies to stick through the roofs. One mission featured a vehicle that had to be driven.

It might be larger than the hole that this vehicle must pass through, forcing the player to cheat past the level. • If you ran out of ammunition, you fell through the ground. • The freeware version/latest patch introduces a new bug; some maps on Hard difficulty allow each enemy to empty every bullet in their magazine in one frame. The result is instant destruction of the boat containing your whole team. Affected missions are still winnable if you can kill all the enemies before they can attack. • The version of was plagued with bugs.

Most of them were merely agonizing, but there was one place where, in order to progress, you need to save the game during the between scenes. If you time it wrong, you lose the save file. • II: Too many items in your Hero Stash and it'll freeze upon taking out any. Keep it below 20. • sometimes had a glitch on the final stage where the cutscene would fail to activate, resulting in Max firing a couple shots at Nicole and the game freezing.

• Alternatively, Nicole could snag the wall next to the gate leading to the helicopter and stop. Max would then catch up and unload hundreds of bullets into the back of her head until you reloaded. • Final Zone II, at least on some copies, had a problem where a would sometimes start after the intro cutscene and continue throughout the game. This may have been due to a defect in the CD. • The Cursed Crusade, at least on the Xbox 360, will corrupt your save if it crashes during a chapter load, preventing it from loading anything beyond the crash point. • In, there is a sequence where you must drive a car from a building near Central Park all the way through some of the nearby streets in order to escape a gigantic fissure wreaking havoc on the city. However, during the very last part of the ride, a very nasty bug will sometimes prevent the map from correctly loading during the last jump, making you fall to your death and forcing you to repeat the whole driving sequence.

•: It is possible for dogs to somehow walk through a wall and get stuck in the void outside the level. There's no way to kill them when they're trapped like this, so if the stuck dog is the last enemy alive, you cannot clear the level and there's no way to get killed (which is necessary to restart a level) either. You have to begin the entire chapter anew. • In on the King's Quest Collection XP version 1.40, there is a game breaking glitch that can occur in chapter 3 if you have Valanice examine the cheese in the fountain in the town of Falderal. What will happen is, the wooden nickel that's supposed to highlight at the Mockturtle store owner won't highlight and you're forced to start chapter 3 over. This can also happen with Rosella in Malicia's house; if you take too long and try to go out the back way, you're stuck with Malicia zapping you every time, and you're forced to start chapter 4 over.

• In 2: Dagger of Amon Ra, there is an 'error 5 glitch' that can crash your game if you open the transom over the door and go into the mummy room in Act 5 while Mr. X is chasing you. Luckily, you can bypass the error by just clicking on the transom window once. But remember to have an extra backup save, or else your current save will keep crashing you out of the game. • In, the rewards for beating dungeons are items which can be used to clear certain blockades or obstacles in certain screens. However, these items disappear after being used, and if you leave the screen from the left side (probably to refill on health since the level layouts often sport monsters camping near ladders, from where you can't attack) the blockade will reappear, but the items won't respawn anymore even after beating the dungeons again, making the game unwinnable. • 2: The Beast Within features a crippling bug at the end of Chapter 4 that prevents the player from progressing to the next chapter.

• The original: Shadows of Darkness was originally rushed out, bugs and all. Most of them were fixed in one way or another, but by the time the dust had settled, a few remained: • The most infamous is the bane of gamers everywhere, Error 52. Midway through the game, thanks to issues in dealing with faster computers, one crucial area in the swamp becomes impossible to leave without crashing the game. QFG message boards then-and-forever had a new favorite topic. • This is also one of the few Sierra games that has a bug that occurs at the end of the game. When fighting Ad Avis, the hero has a staff that turns into a spear; this spear sometimes turns into the now dead Ad Avis about halfway back to the player character, who then kills our hero with a spell shot from a different area of the screen.

This bug appears to occur randomly. • A variation of this glitch also occurs due to a bug in the game's timing.

For some computers, the timer in the scene that determines how much time left the player has before Ad Avis will kill them will continue to keep running even if the player is speaking to Ad Avis or checking their inventory otherwise (which normally should paused the game until either the dialogue box is closed or the inventory is closed otherwise). Depending on what the player is specifically doing at the time, either it will cause Ad Avis to quickly kill the player instantly, even if it interrupts a current action the player is doing at the time (such as while turning Erana's Staff into a spear) or, if killed, instantly revive himself just to kill the player, causing the game to assume as if the player was killed by Ad Avis in the first place.

The glitch (both variants) can be seen in its entirety. • Yet another QFG IV bug is the disappearance of the Domovoi after Day 5. • While the CD version fixes most of the bugs, it also introduces one particularly glaring one: as a wizard, after the final battle (won by using a certain spell on Ad Avis), using the Summon Staff spell to complete the game will actually render it unwinnable, as the game won't allow you to use the staff properly, and then time will run out, the Dark One will be summoned, and it's game over. The only way to get past this bug (which happens every time) is to cast the certain spell again, then summon the staff.

But what most walkthroughs don't tell you is that if you cast the spell at certain specific places, the game will consider those casts as 'misses' in the final battle, resummon Ad Avis, and have him kill you instantly. And those specific places cover more than half the screen.

• doesn't have quite as many, but a few irritants still show up. • The most memorable: As a Wizard, using your last Dispel Potion in the Lost City freezes the game. The only way to bypass that point is to fight the monster that the Dispel Potion is meant to take care of for you, which for a Wizard is often lethal (it's a tough fight even for a Fighter.) And not being able to use the potion screws you out of points, which makes 100% completion impossible. • In the same line as Error 52, there's Error 4 that crashes your game during the Simbani initiation. • has a bug that only shows up on slower computers, thanks to the odd way in which the game calculates time for various characters. Rosella and all the other characters move slowly because the computer isn't fast enough to draw everything at full speed. The game is still playable, just slow.

The one exception is the ogre, which uses a more real-time timing method — he travels across the screen in a certain number of seconds no matter how slow the computer is. In one plot point, Rosella is in the ogre's house and must reach the door before he catches her, only possible on PCs which run the game at the intended speed. The only way around this is to take the saved game file to a faster computer and play that scene there. • Playing 2 on a computer that is too fast results in an '888.pal not found' error at a certain point in the game. This can be fixed by using a slowdown utility. • A devious glitch with the in 2: Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places) snuck into the game just the night before the game shipped: Near the end of the game, the player is expected to combine an airsick bag with a bottle (to make a Molotov cocktail, the bag serving as its wick).

The only acceptable input is some variation of 'put airsick bag in bottle', because a) the parser is (badly) written specifically to understand fully formed English phrases instead of 'adventure game shorthand', b) a completely unrelated bug had just been fixed by another coder by turning the word 'bag' into a verb and c) no one cared to fix it in time, because Sierra's testing policy at the time was to use the longest possible phrase in a situation and see if it worked. Contrary to popular belief, the input does not require the word 'the' several times; the point is that 'airsick bag' works, whereas the common shorthand 'bag' doesn't (since it's a verb). • 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals is notorious for its speed bug. The faster the CPU cycle, the longer you have to endure some sequences. • Exercising on the machines. Originally, you only need to do 20 of each. With the speed bug, you'll be doing this forever with no resolve.

• Waiting for the damn elevator to get to the penthouse. It will never come. • Graphic adventure 2 has a strange bug where a certain character and the object you need to give them are on the same screen, and you can sccessfully use the SCUMM-style interface to 'Give to ' despite not being in your inventory. This skips a large chunk of game and messes up many dependencies.

• In, one of the tasks on Blood Island requires you to pull some loose hair off a dog with your hand so it will bite you. If you try to cut it off with the scissors you get the Blue Screen Of Death. • In copies of the game that don't have this bug, Guybrush just mistakes your intention and chastises you for suggesting he harm an innocent dog.

• has a nasty bug in the PC version of the game. At one point you're in a sushi restaurant, and you have to stick a fork in a track on a table to stop a sushi boat moving. This is intended to cause the chef to come out of the kitchen and if you are quick, you are able to grab something from the kitchen. In the PS2 version, this is fine.

In the PC version, however, you can hear the chef say his dialogue before you've actually done this task, and far worse, when you've done it there is nowhere near enough time to go into the kitchen and get what you need before you get thrown out. The game was originally designed for Windows 98/2000/ME with certain graphics cards, anything more powerful will run the game but likely cause issues. • Talking to Otis on Jambalaya Island has no negative effects the first time you do it, but talking to him again at any other point in the level will crash the game. • The PS2 version has a nasty (and seemly random glitch) that causes Guybrush to be permanently rooted to the spot and nothing seems to get him moving again. • The original 8-bit text adventure of is terminally bugged in early releases - among many weird glitches, Gollum will ask you riddles, but pay no attention to the answers, making it impossible to get the ring. • has an elevator which the player needs to stop at a certain point. However, if you had az computer with a fast CPU, the elevator would move too fast to be stopped, and the player won't even realize stopping it is possible.

This was luckily fixed with a patch. • In Saves the Zoo, there is one point where you have to ride a log raft to the other side of the river. The 1999 version introduced a bug where, when you make it to the other side, if you simply click on the space where PuttPutt gets off instead of going somewhere else, he starts talking. Skip it, and the raft disappears and never comes back. You don't have anywhere to go either, so your only choice is to reset the game. • The original got ported to many, many systems.

Somewhere along the way, one version picked up a couple of bugs, and then the bugged version got ported further by people who didn't check that the version they were copying could be completed. Several of them are potential game-breakers, but the simplest example is one of the many treasures you need to collect and store in order to unlock the endgame. The treasure is just lying in a remote chamber, and all you have to do is pick it up. In the bugged versions, typing 'get spices' gives the response 'You can't be serious!' No spices means no endgame.

• The adventure game Valhalla on the Spectrum, which has you as a minor Norse god trying to get into the titular Norse heaven by earning the favour of the other gods (specifically, by going on six quests to gain various items), has a limit on how many items can be in a location at once, which is enforced by a simple mechanism — if one item too many is dropped in a location, a NPC with the decidedly non-Nordic name of Klepto (Greek for 'thief') will appear from nowhere, steal the item just dropped, and vanish, permanently removing the item from that game. Woe betide you if the item is a quest item which you need to fulfill a later quest. • Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender has a well known bug: depending on difficulty level, the game will discourage or prohibit the player from flooding the city unless all necessary items have been collected from the city.

The problem: it's possible to collect a repair item and use it for its intended purpose, whereupon it vanishes. The player then can't proceed because they don't have the item, even though it's no longer needed. • Remember that part about physics engines messing you up by sending important things flying where they're not supposed to go? () has possibly the ultimate version of this: It's possible to accidentally launch yourself high in the air and land outside the field of play. Jim Sterling in the first mission area and wound up on the street between the park and the sidewalk, unable to get back to either because of the fences. • Earlier editions of have a glitch where the basilisk will appear peeking around the edge of the screen but won't cross the water so you can snap a picture of him. • Another bug comes up if the medicine man gives you loo-to-me instead of ipecacuanha or chondrodendron.

You don't need to use any of them until much later in the game, when you're 'trading' with Lope de Aguirre. These three medicines are dangerous if you overdose, and giving them to Lope incapacitates him so you can get away. The glitch traps you in the scene if he takes the loo-to-me.

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