Campbell Hausfeld Hs7810 Manual
Have seen the 'Husky' name on a few compressors at the local home center. Microsoft Official Academic Course Books Pdf. They look like every other inexpensive compressor out there. As for th 6.5 HP, dont believe it. Compare the CFM at 90 psi with industrial units.
You will probably find it is around a 2 HP unit. All the 'Home Duty' compressors are labled this way, so don't sweat it.
Air Compressors 101. This article offers detailed information about air compressors, instructions for compressor care and maintenance, and advice for purchasing air compressors. Discussion for the Campbell Hausfeld HS7810 (2000) Stationary Air Compressor. Post a Comment. Login or signup to comment. Owners manual and parts breakdown for Husky Air Compressors.

As for quality, it seems that none of these are labled with the mane of the actual manufacturer, just the assembler. My guess is till you get to the real brand names, Ingersoll etc, they are all about the same. They can't be too bad, because I have been looking for a new tank, and can't find anyone with a dead compressor to sell cheap.:) Hop to.
• 55 Answers SOURCE: For what it's worth Compressors are intended to be turned on and forgot (except for the noise). Just for grins lets assume you have the stapler and air hose.
You need to hook up the air hose to the compressor there usually is one or to either couplers or npt fittings (threaded). Attach the hose to the compressor and using a quick coupler (prefered because it allows the gun to swivel) connect the gun to the hose.
Turn on the compressor and wait for it to build up pressure and *******. At this point you will need to locate the regulator on the compressor. It will be a knob next to one or two dial gages. Crank the regulator a quarter turn either direction while watching the gages.
It (one of them) moved either up or down. Now you know how the regulator works and your almost a contractor. On to the stapler, load it and find a bit of scrap (what your working on would be best.) now shoot a staple into something and see if it goes in far enough or to far. Adjust the regulator to compensate. Do this until one of three things happens A you find the right staple depth B the compressor kicks on again, wait for it to turn off C you run out of nails, beer or intrest in the project. Once you have found the correct pressure for your needs. You may fire at will you don't need to wait for the compressor to cycle while running the stapler just during set up.
Now your a contractor go have a beer. Just a last tip if you find you don't have the correct couplers home depot, harbor freight or amazon (online) are great sources for parts. Good luck and mind your fingers Rob Posted on Dec 10, 2008. • 82 Answers SOURCE: Depends on what plan it was made in.
If you have the glass type sight. Only to the max you can see (top of site), then run it for a few mins, let it sit for a few more mins then add more if the level is near the bottom of the sight glass. If it's the dipstick model that pushed in, there will be an upper and a lower level mark (holes, or checkered section) Keep it between the top and bottom marks.
Finally if it's the older screw-in type, remove the dipstick and wipe it. Set it back in BUT don't screw it in. Keep within the range on the dipstick from that position.
Then of course screw it back in/ Good luck Posted on May 08, 2009.
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