Sysprep Computer Name Serial Number

Posted in: admin30/01/18Coments are closed

Free Download Angst Is Not A Weltanschauung Rar Programs there. Text [cmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$ComputerName, [string]$tag, [string]$prefix = 'abc' ) $NewName = '$($prefix)-$($tag)' Rename-Computer -ComputerName $ComputerName -NewName $NewName -DomainCredential Domain01 Admin01 -Force -Restart -whatif Save as Rename-MyComputer.ps1 Change the 'abc' to 'desired prefix' Execute as. Rename-MyComputer.ps1 -ComputerName 'oldcomputername' -tag 'serviceTag' delete -whatif to make the command actually work. Delete the -restart if you don't want it to firce a restart. But you might need to to get things to work properly. Disclaimer: I have not tested this in any way.

Jan 27, 2014. New to 7.5 and I need to be able to configure the computer name in the sysprep file. We have a large number of new computers earch year that aren't in the deployment database. I've read some stuff online but haven't found an exact solution to this. The MDT has many methods for setting the host name and adding the serial number. It is NOT done by SYSPREP.

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