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Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 0• Description Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. Ananthanarayan Panicker Microbiology. The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently. Each pattern describes the circumstances in which it is applicable, when it can be applied in view of other design constraints, and the consequences and trade-offs of using the pattern within a larger design. All patterns are compiled from real systems and are based on real-world examples.
Each pattern also includes code that demonstrates how it may be implemented in object-oriented programming languages like C++ or Smalltalk. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 0• Description The book is packed with screen shots, constructive tips and contains workshops with solutions at the end of each chapter for the reader to practice the skills taught. It has been written so it may be used with either the Professional Project Management Client version or the Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Optional Client.Primavera Systems Inc. Originally asked the author to write this book and this publication is ideal for people who would like to gain an understanding of how the software operates up to an intermediate level. It covers only Primavera Versions 8, 15 and 16 Professional Client and Optional Client.
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It explains some of the differences from SureTrak, P3, Microsoft Project and Asta Powerproject to assist people converting form other products.The book is designed to teach planners and schedulers in any industry how to setup and use the software in a project environment. It explains in plain English and in a logical sequence, the steps required to create and maintain an unresourced and resourced schedule. It tackles some of the more complex aspects of the software that the user manual does not address. It highlights the sources of information and the methods that should be employed to produce a realistic and useful project schedule.
The book provides advice on how on how the many software options may be applied to projects environments and it aims to teach readers how to plan and control projects created within the software package and stays focused on explaining how to use Primavera to schedule projects by: 1.Concentrating on the core functions required to set up an enterprise environment and how to plan and control projects.2.Providing command lists at the start of each chapter as a quick reference. 3.Providing a comprehensive table of contents and index of all topics. The book is intended to be used:1.As a self teach book, or2.A user guide, or 3.A training manual for a three-day training course.This book is written by an experienced scheduler, who has used the software at the sharp end of projects and is not a techo. It draws on the author's practical experience in using the software in a wide variety of industries. It presents workable solutions to real day to day planning and scheduling problems and contains practical advice on how to set up the software and import data.Paul Harris holds an Honours Degree in Civil Engineering obtained in the UK and is a Certified Cost Engineer through AACEI International, a PRINCE2 Registered Practitioner and a “Managing Successful Programmes” Registered Practitioner. He has worked in the project controls industry for a number of years and has assisted many companies in a range of industries to set up and run project controls systems. His Melbourne, Australia based company, Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, offers project controls consulting and training services world wide with a strong focus on Microsoft Project and Primavera software.As a project controls consultant I have used a number of planning and scheduling software packages for the management of a range of project types and sizes.
The first books I published were user guides/training manuals for Primavera SureTrak®, P3 and Microsoft Project users. These were well received by professional project managers and schedulers, so I decided to turn my attention to developing books that demonstra • Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques >>. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 0• Description Software product line engineering has proven to be the methodology for developing a diversity of software products and software intensive systems at lower costs, in shorter time, and with higher quality.
In this book, Pohl and his co-authors present a framework for software product line engineering which they have developed based on their academic as well as industrial experience gained in projects over the last eight years. They do not only detail the technical aspect of the development, but also an integrated view of the business, organisation and process aspects are given. In addition, they explicitly point out the key differences of software product line engineering compared to traditional single software system development, as the need for two distinct development processes for domain and application engineering respectively, or the need to define and manage variability. • Digi-Pas DWL5500XY PRO SW Professional Software >>>>Model: DWL5500XY PRO SW. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 0• Description Be a Better Developer and Deliver Better Code Despite advanced tools and methodologies, software projects continue to fail.

Too many organizations still view software development as just another production line. Too many developers feel that way, too—and they behave accordingly. In The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride, Sandro Mancuso offers a better and more fulfilling path. If you want to develop software with pride and professionalism; love what you do and do it with excellence; and build a career with autonomy, mastery, and purpose, it starts with the recognition that you are a craftsman. Once you embrace this powerful mindset, you can achieve unprecedented levels of technical excellence and customer satisfaction.
Mancuso helped found the world’s largest organization of software craftsmen; now, he shares what he’s learned through inspiring examples and pragmatic advice you can use in your company, your projects, and your career. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 55.49 55.49 1• 55.49 Refurbished Prices • Description Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty and nonstop pressure share a common attribute: They care deeply about the practice of creating software.
They treat it as a craft. They are professionals. In The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers, legendary software expert Robert C. Martin introduces the disciplines, techniques, tools, and practices of true software craftsmanship. This book is packed with practical advicea??about everything from estimating and coding to refactoring and testing. It covers much more than technique: It is about attitude. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 108.54 108.54 1• 108.54 Refurbished Prices • Description Developing a large-scale software system in C++ requires more than just a sound understanding of the logical design issues covered in most books on C++ programming.
To be successful, you will also need a grasp of physical design concepts that, while closely tied to the technical aspects of development, include a dimension with which even expert software developers may have little or no experience. This is the definitive book for all C++ software professionals involved in large development efforts such as databases, operating systems, compilers, and frameworks. It is the first C++ book that actually demonstrates how to design large systems, and one of the few books on object-oriented design specifically geared to practical aspects of the C++ programming language. In this book, Lakos explains the process of decomposing large systems into physical (not inheritance) hierarchies of smaller, more manageable components. Such systems with their acyclic physical dependencies are fundamentally easier and more economical to maintain, test, and reuse than tightly interdependent systems.In addition to explaining the motivation for following good physical as well as logical design practices, Lakos provides you with a catalog of specific techniques designed to eliminate cyclic, compile-time, and link-time (physical) dependencies.He then extends these concepts from large to very large systems. The book concludes with a comprehensive top-down approach to the logical design of individual components.
Appendices include a valuable design pattern 'Protocol Hierarchy' designed to avoid fat interfaces while minimizing physical dependencies; the details of implementing an ANSI C compatible C++ procedural interface; and a complete specification for a suite of UNIX-like tools to extract and analyze physical dependencies. Practical design rules, guidelines, and principles are also collected in an appendix and indexed for quick reference.
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Covers node and asynchronous programming main concepts Addresses the basics: modules, buffers, events, and timers Explores streams, file systems, networking, and automated unit testing Goes beyond the basics, and shares techniques and tools for debugging, unit testing, and flow control If you already know JavaScript and are curious about the power of Node.js, then this is the ideal book for you. Share • • • • • • Amazon Prices 29.99 29.99 1• 29.99 Refurbished Prices • Description Easy-to-Use- Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple wizard to update to the latest version of PCmover and then start transferring everything you select to your new Windows 10 PC - all versions of PCmover 10 fully support Microsoft Windows 10.,Complete Selectivity - Automatically moves all selected applications, files, folders, settings, and user profiles to your new PC. Applications are transferred ready to use,Faster Transfer Speeds - PCmover's enhanced performance in the newest version transfers everything to your new PC faster than ever,PCmover 'Undo' Feature - Quickly reverse changes made to your new PC with PCmover's easy undo feature,Optimized for Windows 10 - The newest version of PCmover makes moving into a new Windows 10 PC fast, easy, and hassle-free PCmover Ultimate 10 is the easiest way to move into a new PC.
It includes Laplink PCmover Professional, Laplink SafeErase, and a Laplink High-Speed Ethernet Transfer Cable. PCmover Professional 10 is the ONLY software product that automatically transfers all selected files, folders, setting, user profiles and applications from an old PC to a new one (or from an old operating system to a new one). Because most applications transferred are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find the old CD’ for previously downloaded programs, serial numbers, or licensing codes.PCmover Ultimate 10 is the easiest way to restore or move to a new PC without leaving anything behind, even when the old and new PCs have different versions of Windows. Nothing is erased on the old PC and nothing is overwritten, the new PC.To use PCmover, simply install it on both your old and new Windows computers, and follow the easy-to-use wizard.
The high speed transfer cable (included in the box – free) can be used to directly connect your PCs for the fastest possible. When the transfer is complete, your new PC will have the personality and functionality of your old one, without any overwriting or corruption on your new PC. Laplink SafeErase, which can be used to permanently delete everything on your old PC to prepare it for recycling or reselling.
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