Marilyn Manson Lest We Forget Rapidshare Downloads

Posted in: admin17/12/17Coments are closed

A not very amused Reine Margot. Just kidding. I do think Maleficarum has proven a Significant Event in the world of GIMP in general and the forum in particular. It has spawned discussions, poll questions, debates and complaints.

It has kept things lively.(.) There might actually even be someone who has not heard of Maleficarum before this, and has yet to make up his (or her) mind about it. The forum has a moderately dynamic readership.

That said, I do think we all pretty much know what the regular forum posters each think about Maleficarum. From our end, it appears that a lot of people just made up their minds, or were waiting for the right moment, or just found out about Maleficarum.

As a matter of fact we're seeing a lot of newbies buying Maleficarum, and what's very interesting is that after they do that, they start buying other titles. Some get enthusiastic enough that within a week or two buy everything we have. Sinking up to 1000 dollars in a month. Those are the exception to the rule, of course, if we saw one of those every month, it would be kind of crazy in a good way. We don't see a slowdown on sales of Maleficarum yet. That's not normal for us.

When we release a new title, it's hot for a couple of weeks to a month, then it slows down but it never stops. Maleficarum did not slowdown yet. And it's been three months! JJ predicted that it would slow down after we reached certain high point. We passed that high point a while ago and it's still going strong.

Results 1 - 31. Lady gaga feat marilyn manson love game cdm 2009 (47.49M) download lest we forget the. Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) January 2012 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video.

What that tells us is that not all who wanted to buy it bought it. They are buying as I type this and hopefully they will continue to do so for the months to come.

I'm always surprised when someone new comes across Red Feline on the Cross and writes to us saying Oh, I just discover your site and got RFOC. It's awesome!

Red Feline on the Cross has been out there for 14 years! So, we hope that people will come across Maleficarum for the next 50 years. Maybe our grand children will re-release Maleficarum in the high end super high 3D format of the future.

I love the Significant Event in the world in general and the forum in particular comment. For us the release of Maleficarum has become a truly significant event and we're very, very happy for that.

Renzo Novatore ' there is no sleazy, and it's not a fetish bondage film; but a drama of two women who are willing to die for each other.' That's disappointing news! Do not be confused. Maleficarum is not exactly a fetish bondage film, but it has a lot of bondage, torture and all that which is considered fetish. But it's within a plot.

Marilyn Manson Lest We Forget Rapidshare Downloads

No reason to be disappointed. What's a fetish bondage film anyway? Any film with bondage in it?

A film with ONLY bondage? When does a film become a fetish bondage film? And it's NOT CONSENSUAL. It's not like the Inquisitor came to Mariana and Francisca and said. 'Hi girls, I'd love to torture you' and they said 'Oh, yummy, go ahead big boy' YikYakker Maleficarum is a movie that - as a conservative guess - is about 80% pure GIMPage. Maleficarum, as you all know by now, unless you went hiding under a rock to wait for the end of the world, is a full GIMP movie. A Canadian: I do think it's pretty cool to have a mainstream producer responding on the forum (I mean a 'real' mainstream producer, not Bill Zebub).

A real mainstream producer? What is a real mainstream producer? How many credits does a 'real' mainstream producer has to have under his belt or in IMDB, to name one place, to be considered a 'real' mainstream producer? Is that an off hand comment to belittle some producers I know? Like Amy Hesketh, who produced Maleficarum and has three mainstream films produced?

Or Jac Avila who has been producing since the 80's for large film and television companies such as National Geographic, the National Film Board of Canada and Channel Four in England? Jac was featured in magazines dedicated to mainstream cinema such as Cahiers Du Cinema, Variety and many others. He also participated of mainstream film festivals all over the world, both as guest with his movies and even as part of juries.

And to top it, at least one of his films is in the permanent exhibit collection of some European museums, such as the Warsaw Modern Art museum. So, I ask, again. What's a 'real' mainstream producer? Or is a mainstream producer one that works in L.A./Hollywood only?

Just letting off some steam on the first days of the year because we're beginning the crazy time of producing another REAL mainstream movie. Maybe not 80% Gimp, but a lot, a whole lot of Gimp. Renzo Novatore Maleficarum looks pretty good, but it's way too expensive currently for my tastes. I mean, I could technically afford it, but I generally don't spend that much on entertainment. Again the issue of the cost of our work. What should we charge? In a free market economy, a producer of goods, entertainment or otherwise, sets the prices based on the cost of making the goods and what could be a nice profit, right?

I see in places like J&R in New York that a lot of Hollywood movies go from as little as 9.99 to 25 dollars. Now, those movies cost a pretty penny to make, with stars that charge as much as 20,000,000 dollars to look pretty in those movies. But they have a world wide market of millions and millions of people.

Recently, a comedian we like a lot,, released a one hour program of his live show at the Beacon in NY for 5 dollars. It's in mp4 form, no hassle.

In two weeks he made 2 million dollars. So, millions of people like his show and rushed to buy it. For us it's a different story.

We have a following, but not of millions of people. If that were the case we would be so rich right now that probably we would hire people to appear in forums. We have to price our movies according to what we believe we can charge to recover costs and make some little money in the process. And that is pretty much what happens. We're getting ambitious in the way we produce now. We want to be Truly Independent Filmmakers. We don't want to go knocking on doors for funds, to cut down and censor our scripts to please potential funders and then to hear from people that 'That movie is too fucked up to see the light of day'.

JJ had some really good scripts that fell through the cracks because he wouldn't compromise what he wanted to do. Actually, it was after one such experience that he said Fuck'em. I remember that day. It was September 15th of 1997, he called me and Beto (the inquisitor) to a meeting and he said: 'I'm going back to NY and build something different, something that won't need any ass to tell me what to do'. And off he went, taking Camille and me with him to create Red Feline Pictures. We had to work a few years for this to happen.

But we did it. And a few years later we are all together again producing. It was at that point that JJ decided to build his own audience, one person at a time, to make the movies he wanted to make. Now we're free to make the movies we want to make, the way we want to make them and we're not afraid of critics, or off hand comments, or to become infamous for our work. And we want an audience that want to see what we have to offer. We're not interested in people who do not want to see our films. No one is obligated to see anything, or spend a penny on anything at all.

We know that there are people out there who want to see our work. We see our small market growing, particularly since Maleficarum. That was the best move we made. Hopefully that outreach will grow and eventually, we will reach millions of people with a taste for what we do and who actually want to pay to see our work. Then we'll price our movies accordingly. In the meantime we're extremely grateful that we found enough people who value our work and are willing to pay what we set as the price, so we can continue producing.

And we're even more impressed that some individuals came to us, in two occasions and said. Here, I'll give you some cash to help you make that movie. You know who you are, wink, wink.

You all know who one of them is. We're encouraged by the support of people, individuals, who say. Yes, I'm buying this movie because I love it. People who appreciate what we do and then take the trouble to let us know how they feel about it. It's just wonderful and truly satisfying. As far as rentals.

They cost money. We do it and we're happy for the little that we make with each rental. We have seen very, very few people that rent and then buy. Renters are renters, buyers are buyers. But we're seeing some renters buying Maleficarum, they don't want to wait. It's a good thing that there are a lot more buyers. That brings the bread to the table of all those people that work with us.

We also consider our people. They share in the income, on top of their salaries. The more a film makes, the better life they have.

They have families and obligations like everyone and this is what they do for a living. They are full time people who put their all in this. And some of them, like Amy, Mila, Vero, Camille, put their image, their bodies, everything in this, so they deserve the best of the best. That's what we believe. It's the principle that makes this work. I hope I don't sound like I'm whining, but sometimes I need to react and say what I think. That's not an issue, right?

There's a whole new world of filmmaking now. One that doesn't need third parties who control everything to reach the public. That was the discovery we made, along with a lot of people, when the Internet exploded into the world. This kind of exchange between us, the independent, truly independent, real producers and you, our real audience. This was not easy, or even possible before, but now it's the way to go. We are our producers, we are our distributors, we do it all and we reach our audience by our means, one on one, which makes perfect sense. It's a brave and exciting new world for filmmakers, I hope it lasts.

Margot Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 - 06:36:41 PM Name: A Canadian Homepage URL: Travis Lee wrote: The BEST aoh whipping scene belongs to. I may have to check that one out. The Ralphus Awards did raise an interesting point. When it comes to Japanese porn producers, I'm not sure we pay as much attention to CineMagic as perhaps we should. MeetThePryz is more of an Attackers guy, I'm all over the map (but favor Attackers), and others like Elkcreek and Dr. Yuya are into Giga and similar companies.

But you don't hear much about the CineMagic films. One of the challenges with that company's films is it is difficult to tell from the DVD covers if the movies are nonconsensual ( And I consider movies where a woman is fantasizing about rape and torture to be consensual. It's her dream, dammit.). Still, the company does produce some stuff that is clearly intended to look nonconsensual. It would be interesting to know if others have any CineMagic recommendations.

By the way, Travis, it's good to hear from you. I hope you noticed Ralphus has added some video caps to the reviews of some of your most important movies, such as. ----- Reine Margot wrote: Is that an off hand comment to belittle some producers I know? I'm not the subtle type. If I want to take a shot at someone, I do it directly. The only belittling in my original post was aimed at one person:. Although maybe I need to reconsider, as it appears Jesus Christ: The Total Douchebag won unanimous approval at its advance screening.

Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 - 07:13:35 PM Name: John Galt Reine Margot: I personally think it is great news that Maleficarum has had such a tremendously positive impact on Red Feline. I hope it really puts you on the map, so to speak.

I absolutely love your long and information-filled updates on the forum, as well as your boundless enthusiasm and passion. It is also nice the way you reply to specific people and comments. It makes the forum more like a spirited dialog than a series of one-off comments. It makes it more of a community.

A community of engaged and involved individuals with vastly differing opinions and tastes who compare and contrast the various aspects of GIMPness on a continuing basis. A community of loosely like-minded enthusiasts just like everyone else. Only, you know, slightly different and in most cases carefully sub-rosa.

When I read A Canadian's 'mainstream producer' line I thought of producers who stick to what is safe and vanilla for the most part. I pictured producers who take few chances that would alienate a mainstream audience, or more importantly mainstream moneylenders. I don't know that that is what he meant, but that was my interpretation.

Michael Goi works on 'tween TV series and seemed to me to protest too much that he was making a 'message movie' and even said, to my way of thinking, that he had no intention of making a movie that appealed to GIMPers even though he appreciated the attention. It was a skillful phrase that managed to carefully avoid damning us with faint praise. I don't expect any more daring GIMPish movies from him because he is definitely 'mainstream' by my definition. I don't see 'mainstream' as having higher production values, or more professional casts and crew, or really anything that sets it apart as superior. It is just a safer production, designed to make as few waves as possible while making as much money as possible.

That's why I only went to see two movies in all of 2011. Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 - 08:53:12 PM Name: A Canadian Homepage URL: John Galt wrote: I don't know that that is what he meant, but that was my interpretation. If it helps, I'll explain what my comment about the 'mainstream producer' meant. If you go through the list of to the forum, you will see that almost every person on the list is either a producer or star of adult films, or a graphic artist who creates erotic material. Even Jane von Detlefson is listed as a bondage actress/producer ( and that description was written by Ralphus, not me). The only exception on the list is, um, Bill Zebub.

To the best of my knowledge at the time ( and I didn't make any effort to check), Michael Goi is known for mainstream works, not porn or adult fare. That makes him somewhat unique as a notable guest to this forum, and that was all I was getting. At the risk of sounding shallow, there was no deeper context to my Dec. And you won't get a message from Satan if you read my words backwards. Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 - 10:06:54 PM Name: A Canadian Oh. Maybe the people who made and starred in 'Cut' were supposed to be mainstream filmmakers.

I'm not sure. Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 - 10:17:02 PM Name: Reine Margot Homepage URL. A relatively short post by Reine Margot. For the definition of relative you may refer to Einstein. I read A Canadian post backwards and I didn't find any hidden message from Satan. That much is true.

And I didn't take offence at the mainstream producers comment. I just needed to make a bit of clarification to make me feel a bit better in these so tense days before the start of a huge production. Once upon a time I was at a film festival that was making a difference between Celluloid cinema (35mm) and Digital Cinema.

Of course I had to raise a stink. What kind of segregation of a movie was that? Even having separate screening locations, like Digital Cinema was sent to a movie ghetto or something. I made the point then that an artist wasn't a better or lesser artist if she or he used oil or water color or acrylic or cow feces to make a painting. Or if she, or he used a stone, a wall, a tree, a woman's naked body as a canvas. Art is art, cinema is cinema. But I like John Galt's definition: producers who stick to what is safe and vanilla for the most part.

I pictured producers who take few chances that would alienate a mainstream audience, or more importantly mainstream moneylenders. Another definition could be that a mainstream producer is that shy guy that sweats when checking a script and fears the consequences if he produces such piece.

Even if it's totally awesome. Another definition could be that a mainstream producer is the one that makes millions of dollars from millions of people who go to see his movies because he spent millions in advertising. That would eliminate Bill Zebub. But Adult movies. Can they be 'mainstream'? The question of the ages. To me, movies are movies, plain and simple.

If we start counting the times we see genitals to define them as porn, or adult, or dirty. Then we're limiting ourselves. I've seen some work that is considered 'adult' and porn which actually is a work of art. Pichard comes to mind. And I've seen a lot of Hollywood rubbish.

Ah, and I was changing channels here down under and I came across a show that was being advertised. 'Princesitas' a sort of tiny misses contest with 5 year old beauties. If that's not kiddie porn. There are plenty of movies that I particularly find totally gross and even offensive. But that's me. Some news reports from Fox News, for instance, gross and offensive fiction.

But that's me.;) So. Is Maleficarum porn? So far we passed the test of the not-porn regulations of many self appointed 'legitimate' places. Is it fetish? So far most fans of Red Feline love it to death.

So we passed the test as well. Night Changes Download. In my soul of souls I say yes, it is. It's a work of art and very beautiful too. I don't need anyone to tell me it is or it is not a work of art. Are we mainstream? I don't really care, mainstream is a copout definition that is less clear as time goes. We live a time of atomization where people are no longer being led as one mass to one movie theatre to see one film or where there are only 3 TV networks to choose from.

Now we have hundreds of channels to surf, most of them a pile of crap, but at least there's a choice of crap now, and millions of sites in the Internet with the highest variety of work ever in the human race and at all costs and even free. We're bombarded daily with spam that carry the words women, hot, sassy, etc and etc. The Internet as a whole is one work of fantastic performance art, chaotic, beautiful. And in total freedom. Oooops, my short post has just gone over to medium length. Jac was invited by a professor of film and literature at a university in Connecticut to show Martyr.

He's the one person that appreciate the movie at its fullest. He's an scholar that knew about St Eulalia a whole lot and could see how the representation of Camille doing Eulalia was well researched and grounded even how she interpreted St Eulalia as she's described in old manuscripts.

Well spoken, beautiful and awfully independent. All the students that watched the movie were in his class, but the professor warned JJ that they were not like the NYU film students. They actually didn't know much about films. The students were a mixed bag, men, women, young, not so young, even older than that. Jac asked the students, after the screening, to write their comments on the movie and pass them to the professor.

The professor sent him an email with all the comments. Of the 30+ students 20 wrote back.

19 thought it was porn, one wrote an actual intelligent critique praising the movie. One illuminated person in the entire class. We're no longer sensitive to definitions. People can justifiably say that we do porn, even with Maleficarum. People will be totally right if they say that we do art. I could say that we do artistic porn or pornographic art. I can soften that by saying that we do erotic art, which is an elegant way of saying we do dirty pictures.

The truth is that we do all of the above and in the same movie. One thing we're sure off. We do what we love for people that love what we do. Margot Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 12:10:24 AM Name: Scribbler Homepage URL: Above are some definitions to mull over. I don't think anyone in the notable guests page are mainstream producers. They're all low budget to no budget, independent filmmakers. And there's nothing wrong with that!

Jason Whitman (aka John Blakemore) being one of my personal favorites. Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 12:39:30 AM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: A Canadian wrote: There may very well be a few stragglers who haven't checked into the forum in months and are only now learning about Maleficarum. But we have no idea who those people are (if they exist) and I don't know why we would care about them. That's not my view at all. Remember you were new to this forum at one time. John Galt and YikYakker have only been here 3 years. Fritz only a couple of years.

I'm just naming the ones who are fairly visible. We do get new people here all the time. 5 years ago we averaged around 600 hits a day. By last year we had doubled that to 1249. In the first 3 days of this year, we're averaging well over 1500 hits. This site is more popular every year and unless it's the same old people stopping by multiple times, those new people do exist and I do care about them.

Most we'll never hear from but you never know which of those newbies might turn out to a regular contributor. At the very least, I hope they have a good time when they stop by and enjoy what we can offer. If they find out about good movies based on this site, I'll have accomplished my goal. That's why we have the archives and the reviews saved because stuff scrolls off every day. I always get a kick out someone saying they are new here and they've been reading the archives and discovered this or that. You also wrote: I'm not the subtle type.

If I want to take a shot at someone, I do it directly. The only belittling in my original post was aimed at one person: (Bill Zebub). Although maybe I need to reconsider, as it appears Jesus Christ: The Total Douchebag won unanimous approval at its advance screening.

Jesus Christ: The Total Douchebag? That's typical of Zebub, a guy who goes out of his way to give his stuff outrageous titles designed to create controversy, but who possesses only a thimbleful of talent and doesn't really 'get' his audience or even make an attempt to. When he was a regular here he liked to portray himself as a visionary artist but everybody saw right through him, and his films have been consistently awful. The past few years, I've given him a derisive tribute by naming the worst film of the year after him. When a movie gets the Bill Zebub Award, that's the sign that it's a real stinker. Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 01:03:08 AM Name: A Canadian Scribbler wrote: I don't think anyone in the notable guests page are mainstream producers. I stand corrected.

I was using 'mainstream' to refer to people who aren't making 'adult' content but it clearly has a more specific meaning. Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 01:10:38 AM Name: Greg E-mail address: Reine Margot said 'People can justifiably say that we do porn, even with Maleficarum. People will be totally right if they say that we do art. I could say that we do artistic porn or pornographic art.'

This is always a very difficult one to define because in truth it is totally subjective and to a most extraordinary and extreme extent too. To me, most straight thinking people would find pictures of people having been truly murdered, hanged or beheaded disturbing.

I have encountered such sights surfing dubious areas of the net and they have left me feeling not sick, not even disturbed exactly, but certainly disquieted. I mean an extraordinarily vile picture of two heads, both with penises in their mouths. Now it may have been a fake, but it was intended to be taken as real.

Why would somebody want to see such a vile sight? I stand in support of no censorship, I feel I am big enough and ugly enough to say for myself whether I want to see something or not and that includes the above. The thing that puzzles me is that there may be people that DO want to see such horrors. Now surely by any definition, that's horror and that's pornographic voyeurism of the most base kind. However, if it floats anybodies boat.then that's their problem.

But beyond that, the definition of what is porn and not will be very subtle. There are those that would have it that the Story of 'O' was porn. In fact I would set it as more of an art film. Yes it had a great deal of gimp interest, but it was shot in an extraordinarily evocative and beautiful way.

Even the soundtrack was superb when viewing the onscreen events. From beginning to end an art me! Texas Chainsaw Massacre was to me porn. It dealt with the ugly side of plainly wanting to maim and kill purely for the sake of it. No raison d'etre, no point in the story beyond 'they're going to die' to my mind garbage. Yet there were many that applauded the film.

It left me cold, bored and just a little sick. So is a film that depicts graphic torture porn?

Like for instance 'The Passion of the Christ'. I found the torture scene in that really pretty appalling. The only caveat I could put on that is disturbingly, I don't think I would have had it been a women being scourged. So like beauty, porn and art are in the eye of the beholder. They are always changing and often very subtly.

Even a single individual can be puzzled by what they consider art on the one hand and porn on the other without a readily identifiable distinction between the two. It may be no more than this I like it so it's art, maybe even porn art, but has merit despite or because of that. This I don't like so it's pure porn and turns me off. From what I have seen and indeed have read about Maleficarum, it goes way beyond the mere torture of two women.

Of course it has graphic depictions of those events and glory be for that, but it also deals with the love of the two victims for each other and to some extent I imagine, the socio-political inertia that would let two innocents suffer as they did. So now we are back to the passion of the Christ again.

As I said, it's very subjective and nothing more. Nobody can be fully right or wrong on such a point. Greg Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 03:49:59 AM Name: Renzo Novatore 'Again the issue of the cost of our work. What should we charge? In a free market economy, a producer of goods, entertainment or otherwise, sets the prices based on the cost of making the goods and what could be a nice profit, right?' Hey you guys can charge whatever you want, I don't pretend to know what your operating costs are. All I'm saying is that it's a little on the expensive side for my tastes.

Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 09:35:26 AM Name: A Canadian Ralphus wrote: Wow. That's not my view at all.

Remember you were new to this forum at one time. Perhaps my point wasn't clear. I'm not saying the site shouldn't be welcoming to newcomers. My point was I don't think it makes sense to drag out a discussion that we feel has run its course because we think some lurkers are only just discovering the topic (remember, my comments were in response to John Galt's point about discussions being rehashed over and over). The problem is we don't know what the lurkers are interested in.

Maybe it's Maleficarum. Maybe the new lurkers have just discovered ZFX and Lisa Kinkaid. Maybe they're interested in learning more about Yuma Asami.

Or they want to read MeetThePryz's updates on Attackers movies. I do think people have had plenty of time to learn about Maleficarum.

If we want the site to be welcoming to newcomers, my recommendation would be to keep the discussions lively. And that's something that's determined by the people who post comments, not the lurkers.

Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 09:36:26 AM Name: Renzo Novatore 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre was to me porn. It dealt with the ugly side of plainly wanting to maim and kill purely for the sake of it. No raison d'etre, no point in the story beyond 'they're going to die' to my mind garbage. Yet there were many that applauded the film. It left me cold, bored and just a little sick.' What Texas Chainsaw Massacre did you see, because The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) has little on-screen violence, and what is shown is not meant to 'titillate' the viewer.

Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 09:38:20 AM Name: John Galt Following up on Greg's and Reine Margot's comments--and I might have said this before--but 'pornography' and 'porn' are pejorative terms for erotica. The term was invented in Victorian England. Erotica has generally been viewed as art, although certainly there have been philistines who denigrated erotica as well. In fact, we have extended the pejorative meaning of the word 'porn' by now referring to 'torture porn,' meaning torture that is beyond the pale, in the opinion of the speaker. I wholeheartedly concur that the despicable Passion of the Christ was a film only crazy-ass religious freaks could possibly enjoy, or GIMPers who frequent the pages. (There's an entire theme exploring the mental health and psychological balance of 'religious' people who faithfully and enthusiastically worship an icon depicting the brutal agony of a man crucified on a cross day in and day out, but I won't go there. I like GIMP because it turns me on.

I shudder to think what pleasure crucifix worshippers derive from the image.) Using the word 'porn' is a de facto admission of. Complicity, for lack of a better word. Porn is erotica (or violence, or torture) that someone, somewhere doesn't like.

I am a big fan of GIMP erotica. Like Greg, I would also have been less put off by a scene identical to the scourging in Passion of the Christ instead featuring a hot naked female. I'm not sure I would have been completely enamored with the scene, since I am not that into torture, but it would have been more palatable. I would have derived some perverse GIMPish pleasure in seeing it.

What did the moviegoers who watched Passion of the Christ derive from that scene? That might come closer to my definition of 'pornography.' * * * * * Renzo Novatore: Wow.

It has been a while since I saw the original 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I have vivid memories of a girl being thrust onto a meathook hanging from the ceiling, and the disembowling of a guy in a wheelchair with a chainsaw, just to name two scenes of on-screen violence. It was a masterpiece of horror film making, and I agree with you that it was not titillating, although I could argue that there was some phallic imagery in the meathook-impaling scene. But that might just be me. * * * * * A Canadian: Boy, you just refuse to stop talking about Maleficarum, don't you? I think we should just move on to other topics, you know, to keep the discussions lively. I think rehashing the rehashing of Maleficarum has gone on too long. That's all I hear.

AAAAaaaahhhhhh!;-) * * * * * The second series of the BBC's aired earlier this week and introduced Irene Adler (played by the beguiling Lara Pulver). As a professional dominatrix. Irene Adler was an actress in the original Arthur Conan Doyle short story, 'A Scandal in Bohemia,' which I suppose at that time was just as scandalous. Sadly, we just get to see her briefly wielding a whip as she walks into a room where she has a female member of the Royal Family tied spreadeagled to a bed, and then fully nude for her initial meeting with Sherlock Holmes.

Not much on the GIMP scale, but then you shouldn't expect much for a show airing in a non post-watershed time slot. I understand the nude scenes have already resulted in angry calls to the BBC. Come on, people. She was discretely covered up. You Brits are staring to sound like. Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 11:11:04 AM Name: Greg E-mail address: Renzo Novatore wrote 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) has little on-screen violence.' After seeing the guy hanging on a meat hook and struggling to extricate himself from his dlilemma.

I lost interest. If there was little on-screen violence in the film. I must have seen it all or certainly enough for me!! Greg Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 01:07:03 PM Name: A Canadian Homepage URL: John Galt wrote: Boy, you just refuse to stop talking about Maleficarum, don't you?

I think we should just move on to other topics, you know, to keep the discussions lively. I think rehashing the rehashing of Maleficarum has gone on too long. That's all I hear. Yeah, I just can't seem to shut up about it. ----- The 'mainstream' thing: In the section, CUT is listed as a 'mainstream' movie. Assuming the film wasn't put out by a major studio, it looks like Ralphus may need to join me in Scribbler's remedial English class.

Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 03:55:45 PM Name: Bill K. Question for Jane and or Margot is there a Film festival in the USA like Telluride or Sundance Film Festival, which are held yearly, that adult type Maleficarum and other Red Feline films can be profile (shown) and if there is do you guys have any plans to go show Maleficarum and other Red Feline movies at any these film festivals? Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 06:40:31 PM Name: Sung Homepage URL: Sung's Chair-Tied Movie! Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 09:53:16 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Sloth: It kinda got lost in a flood of posts, but I enjoyed the waterboarding clip. My sediments echo the top rated comment on the video: 'Did you have to use such a hot girl for this? She looks so good bound, I'm now all for waterboarding.'

---------------- A Canadian wrote: The 'mainstream' thing: In the Movie Reviews section, CUT is listed as a 'mainstream' movie. Assuming the film wasn't put out by a major studio, it looks like Ralphus may need to join me in Scribbler's remedial English class.

You're absolutely right; according to Scribbler's definition page it's more like an Independent film, or in this case, a 'No budget film'. I wrote in my review that it's clearly a student film.

Unfortunately, there's really no classification for independent films so I felt it worked best under Mainstream. BTW, as the years go by, this film keeps getting better and better in comparison to almost everything else I see. It's this hidden little gem that practically no one has seen, but it has a sense of meanness that you just don't find in movies anymore. ---------------- Sung's Chair-Tied Movie: There you go! She mmmppphhs!

Good to finally see video; she's a very sexy captive. But 30 seconds? You're still teasing us. You need to make it longer next time.

More struggling, more fun. The longer, the better. ---------------- Totally off-topic, but my computer monitor just went bad and I had to replace it with a widescreen one. It's just so darn large (20 inches) it's like going to a theatre and sitting in the front row, since I'm just a foot or two away from it. The text is stretched out so it looks unnatural. Pictures look weird, e-mail looks weird, the site looks weird. I think I made a big mistake buying this.

Anybody else prefer the old-fashioned 4:3 aspect ratio of the standard monitors? Everything is all widescreen in the stores. I don't think widescreen is necessary for the Internet unless you're watching movies or gaming, of which I do almost none. I mainly read. Am I alone here in my disdain for this widescreen gimmick? Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 10:15:14 PM Name: johnsmart Homepage URL: Sloth, I just want to thank you for the link you posted and which I have reshared.

Not only does it feature an attractive damsel acting like she's being waterboarded, the video echoes a sentiment which I agree with. So, thank you again. Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 10:57:41 PM Name: MrAnthony E-mail address: Ralphus, if you replaced your 4:3 monitor with a 16:9 monitor, you also need to adjust your screen resolution as well, or you will experience the screen weirdness you describe.

With a Windows-based computer, just right-click on the desktop and adjust your display or if it's installed, use the video card driver software. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 12:05:54 AM Name: Fritz Poll: Oh lord. Just what I need at the beginning of the year - a reminder of all the money I've blown and continue to blow on this, um. Honestly, if you add it up over the past four decades, I'm sure it's enough to buy a house in Belgium. But despite some boner purchases and being downright ripped off on a few occasions, I can't say I regret it.

Some people collect stamps; I collect GIMP merchandise. But unlike that of the stamp collectors, my investment does more than satisfy my acquisitive nature, if you get my meaning. I have to chuckle a bit when I read how some folks consider a $40 or $50 DVD too expensive for this sort of thing. Am I the only one who was around in the mid 1980's buying VHS tapes for $70 to $100? Yes, that is twice the price of today's premium DVDs, adding in 25 years of inflation, for a far less specialized product of much lower quality.

I remember spending over $400 in some long-gone sleaze box on 42 nd Street for five Gold Star videos (anyone else remember those? - I still have mine). I rarely got to Manhattan back then, and you'd never find this stuff in Canada in those days, so after nervously smuggling my treasure through customs, I thought I made out like a bandit. Nowadays, $100 barely covers a dinner for two and I earn seven times what I did in 1985, so dropping four sawbucks on a solid GIMP video seems like a steal. Still, I try to be selective, not because I'm counting pennies, but because I hate to be disappointed, no matter how much I spend. I do take risks though, and in a way that's half the fun.

Stumbling across an unexpected gem makes up for a dozen turkeys. So how much do I spend now? I don't really keep track, but between site memberships, PPV downloads and DVD purchases, I probably shell out $150 a week. However, that does not include purchasing custom videos and artwork commissions.

That comes to another $3000 to $4000 per year. So I guess the grand total is around $10K annually. In the words of the great Charlie Sheen: Wow, that much?

I guess it really adds up! * * * * * Semantics: I can't imagine anyone coming up with a definitive definition (is that redundant?) of 'mainstream'. I suppose it all depends on what stream you're in. If you're trickling down the gutter of a back alley, I guess Cripple Creek may seem mainstream. But the Hudson River is an also-ran when compared to the Mississippi. In other words, any film not produced primarily for a GIMP audience, whether independent, foreign or no-budget, will seem mainstream to the GIMP community when compared to output from ZFX, Powershotz and PKF.

On the other hand, these films are considered to be niche features when compared to anything starring Tom Cruise. Porn or adult offerings are a bit easier to classify, I believe.

If the main objective of the film is to sexually arouse the viewer, I think it's safe to say it fits the bill. * * * * * Pic(s) of the Day: Some time ago, Scribbler wrote about a picture I posted: There's one image I could've gone my whole life without seeing. At last, I can share the sentiment. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 01:37:49 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Homepage URL: John Galt: Porn is erotica (or violence, or torture) that someone, somewhere doesn't like.

I'm not sure I agree. I see erotica as being more deliberately artistic (use of shadows or colors in painting; use of filters or other effects in film) than porn. Chester 5000 (see URL), robot fucking a woman in a Vivid film is porn. We might argue about the edges of erotica and porn, but I don't think it's safe to say that 'porn is erotica I don't like'.

(And no matter what the subject is, you can ALWAYS find someone, somewhere who doesn't like it.) Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 03:05:10 AM Name: Sloth johnsmart and Ralphus - glad you guys enjoyed that little clip - happens to be a message I also agree with for what that's worth. Ralphus - as you know I'm also a big fan of 'Cut' - still make it a once a month view and yes, it holds up very well.

Fritz - no, you are not the only one who used to shell out that kind of money on 70's and 80's VHS - I must have hundreds of them in storage and no clue what to do with them - will probably have to donate them to the All Things Gimp Museum. John Galt - 'Porn is erotica..' - score 3 pointer for the H.L. Mencken reference - what was it 'A puritan has a haunting fear that somewhere, someone might be happy' or something along those lines. Stay well all Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 09:47:07 AM Name: John Galt jhlipton: You might be right. Language is a living, evolving thing, and words used to describe concepts are difficult to pin down.

Take 'mainstream,' for example. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's famous definition of pornography, 'I know it when I see it,' is probably the most honest definition to date. That is to say, it is a largely subjective concept, depending on the observer and not some objective standard. There is a that dates from the Second Century, BCE, that is quite a nicely done piece of art.

There are any number of bestiality themed illustrations from history, an unsurprising example being the Japanese. It is possible that sex with animals was the historical equivalent of fucking robots. Who knows if the artists set out to make something deliberately artistic?

I think yes, but I have no way of knowing. I also know that there is good art and there is bad art, and the cheesier examples of pornography might just as easily be called bad art.

Bad literature. Art is intended to make you feel something, though, and it is almost condescending to say that the only feelings worthwhile are non-prurient feelings. If it makes you think of yourself as a small, lost soul tossed on the tempests of time and circumstance, but valiantly striving for meaning in an impermanent and uncaring world, then it is art? If it excites you and gives you are hard-on, it is porn? Personally, I am dissatisfied, if not annoyed, with the word pornography. It is a subjective pejorative term used to bludgeon people with different sexual appetites or sensibilities.

It is wielded with careless abandon by prudes, hypocrites and publicity seekers (which is not to say the three are mutually exclusive). In fact, I may need to stop jokingly using the words 'porn' and 'pornography,' as well as 'pervert' in my own posts, just to put my money where my mouth is.

I use them in jest, or as a general catch-all term. In fact, they are loaded terms that have deeply serious sociological meanings to politicians, religionists, feminists, and self-appointed moral crusaders.

To such people, pornography equals depravity, while to me, pornography equals entertainment. If 'pornography' were legally defined as depraved ( wicked, or morally corrupt), would you be comfortable admitting to enjoying pornography so defined? Do you feel that you are wicked and morally corrupt? I hope no one reading this feels the depth of self-loathing it would take to say yes to that. Fortunately, 'pornography' is not yet defined in that manner.

But you know, language is a living, evolving thing, and words used to describe concepts have a way of changing. * * * * * Sloth: Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. I had completely forgotten about that, but no doubt it was percolating in my thoughts when I wrote my line.

Thanks for the social validation. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 10:44:43 AM Name: A Canadian Fritz wrote: So I guess the grand total is around $10K annually.

No wonder you have no sympathy for the renter class. I don't spend as much as I once did, as much of the Japanese stuff that I like can be found for free online ( and as I said the other day, all of my sources for Japanese films -- bought or free -- are pirated. So my conscience is clean). But even in the days when I purchased more stuff, including some mainstream films I discovered on this site, my spending was nowhere near your annual budget. I would guess the most I probably spent in one year was about $600 to $700. In 2011, I probably spent about $300 for the year. And much of that was because I found some used copies of ZFX films selling for $20 each, so I added to my ZFX collection.

Not to worry -- the ZFX films I bought were legit. Although they were sold as 'used,' I actually think they were overflow copies from somewhere, as they were all in pristine condition.

Anyway, the ZFX library is more or less complete, and I expect to spend less money this year. I wouldn't be surprised if I spend less than $100 in 2012.

Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 11:35:51 AM Name: Nana A truly great warrior should always know where his enemy is, for 'his' enemy will always know where he is. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 04:02:22 PM Name: Hiccup Homepage URL: Hey gang Hiccup here to report on an interesting little gem I found. It's called They All Must Die. Despite being made in 1998 the resolution isn't that great. If I didn't know better I woulda said it was made in the mid-80's. I can't really review the whole thing because I only viewed an hour and 14 minutes of it but I'm pretty sure that's the only part worth watching.

The movie starts off showing this young, liberal-minded white woman named Wendy who is an accomplished author moving into a really bad black neighborhood. She moves there to do research on oppressed black people for her next book. It shows the local hoodrats hanging around commenting on what the fuck a white chick is doing living alone in their neighborhood. The first 30 minutes shows Wendy going about her business-jogging, interviewing black guys, writing. It also shows the black guys hanging around doing nothing and playing into the stereotype of black guys and commenting over and over again on what the fuck a white bitch is doing in their neighborhood. There's the obligatory scene where one of them asks her out and she politely turns him down.

This of course makes her less popular in the neighborhood. The action starts when three of them get her to open the door and three of them force their way in. Bad lighting and bad cinematography show themselves as the director films them carrying her up the stairs (but it was probably a hard scene to shoot with not much room). After getting her up to her room they throw her on the bed and there's a long drawn out scene as one of the guys removes her clothes and terrorizes Wendy. Wendy of course is freaking out crying and begging them to stop. Its a surprisingly good scene and shows a lot of tits and some bush.

Then of course they rape her but the sex is strictly softcore R rated but a hard R rating. Still quite good though. Afterwards she gets up naked off the bed and staggers out of the room to the bathroom and bumps into the wall. One of the black guys tells her 'Hey bitch, don't get the wall dirty.' She climbs into the bathtub for the obligatory post-rape scene where she curls up into a fetal position, wraps her arms around herself and rocks back and forth while crying. Then the black guys take all the food out of the refrigerator and pour in on her while she's in the tub freaking out.

They also pour a box of cereal or bread crumbs of some kind of shit on her. Then they leave.

The rest of the movie shows Wendy taking her revenge on her attackers one after the other and that part I pretty much fast-forwarded and skimmed. If anyone has an interest in that part of the movie let them go watch it themselves. In summary I'm amazed this movie actually got made when it did. Its definitely the most politically incorrect movie made in the last 20 years which is why there was very little distribution of it. The forced stripping scene and rape were spot on with excellent acting, humiliation and nudity. One thing I didn't like is the director tried to make Wendy appear as a real rape victim with blood, bruises, matted hair and whatnot which made her less attractive to look. This is probably a subjective thing but I prefer rape scenes in mainstream movies than porn movies because the women are better actresses and the nonconsensual aspect is more real.

That's definitely the case with this one. I downloaded this from a rapidshare type of service which on this board cannot be named but if you're interested in getting it just search for it and you'll find it. Hiccup gives this on an A+ Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 04:32:31 PM Name: A Canadian Hiccup: Welcome back, and thanks for the great review. I never would have imagined a film with such atrocious cover art could get that kind of grade. I'll have to look around for that film. The film's social commentary is interesting. Kind of reminds me of the scene where the junkie visits the smack dealer in Ginger.

It's probably just me, but I'm also reminded of the filmmakers' commentary on the DVD for Kentucky Fried Movie during the scene called. In the commentary, the filmmakers said the part that was just wrong was the moment when the guys respond with, 'Say what?'

You have to hear the commentary. ----- Nana wrote: A truly great warrior should always know where his enemy is, for 'his' enemy will always know where he is. These digs at the people involved in mainstream movies are just too subtle for me.

Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 06:00:48 PM Name: Brutus Homepage URL: Hiccup: Thanks for the review. That formula may be repeated, but it will likely never go away: Woman angers scummy locals; woman gets brutally raped and humiliated; woman seeks revenge; GIMPers hit fast-forward button. For anyone wanting to buy this DVD (and to give Ralphus something to add to the bottom of the review), it's available at Asian Cult Cinema at the above URL. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 07:40:35 PM Name: The Ancient One E-mail address: Years ago I saw a rack scene in a movie where a girl was strapped to a modern hydraulic device that would stretch her. The bad guy lifted a sheet off another such device to which her girlfriend was also secured. Anybody have any idea what movie or show that was? Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 07:56:02 PM Name: A Canadian Brutus wrote: For anyone wanting to buy this DVD (and to give Ralphus something to add to the bottom of the review), it's available at Asian Cult Cinema at the above URL.

It's also available at amazon. Amazon Canada is alerting me that people who bought the film also bought Antfarm Dickhole. Well, you just know who made that one. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 07:57:51 PM Name: Renzo Novatore 'Antfarm Dickhole'.is that by the brilliant cinematic auteur known as Bill Zebub, by chance? You ever seen that movie 'S&Man' ('Sandman')? It's a kind of documentary about underground horror and weirdo fetish films, and our boy Zebub is interviewed quite a bit in it (along with Fred Vogel of 'August Underground' fame). It seemed to me like he just made films with whatever spare change he had leftover from buying beer, lol Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 08:49:44 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Fritz wrote: Nowadays, $100 barely covers a dinner for two.

My goodness, that would be $50 for a meal for one person. That's probably what I spend in a week for all my meals. So how much do I spend now? I don't really keep track, but between site memberships, PPV downloads and DVD purchases, I probably shell out $150 a week. There are some weeks I don't even make $150 a week at my job. When you work in sales and they aren't buying, some weeks you make nothing.

However, that does not include purchasing custom videos and artwork commissions. That comes to another $3000 to $4000 per year. So I guess the grand total is around $10K annually. 10 grand a year on bondage videos!

I'd love to do that. Dude, you must be one of the 1%. -------------------------- The definitions of pornography: Great posts, guys. The name 'pornography' has a stigma to it. It seems like the only time someone describes a work as 'pornography' is when they're trying to denigrate it.

It's a buzzword. It's like how Republicans and other haters are the only ones that use the word 'Obamacare'; while everyone else uses the term 'health care reform'. Likewise, the book burners will call a movie 'pornography' while the rest of us use the term 'adult film'. It's all just a matter of whether you want to give it a negative connotation in the words you use.

Pornography is an ugly word. -------------------------- Nana wrote: A truly great warrior should always know where his enemy is, for 'his' enemy will always know where he is.

Did I miss something? Stop it, you're making my brain hurt!

-------------------------- Hiccup: Dude! That was an EXCELLENT review!

I'd never heard of that movie but you really sold it to me. That's exactly the kind of information I like to read. It sounds like a throwback to the way movies USED to be made, before political-correctness took over. Indeed, according to, the film couldn't even find a distributor for 13 years until it got picked up late last year. In the plot they note that 'from this opening scene to the last she is either being harassed, tortured, or gang-raped'. Yeah, I'm there.

Horrible box cover artwork, though. Neither of the 2 video stores in my area carry it, and of course, Censoring Bastards Netflix doesn't either. I'll hunt it down. The direct URL for your review is in my Homepage URL above. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 09:12:53 PM Name: John Galt Ran across a clip at from a movie called Doramu rimitto (AKA Drum Limit) featuring an actress named Saya Tachibana. The clip is almost 10 minutes long and features her nude and imprisoned in a barrel talking on a cell phone and making videos of her nipples for some guy calling her, most likely her captor. Then the clip jumps to a scene where she is bound wrists and ankles to a narrow bed as a sleazy guy leers at her, pleasures himself, makes her drink something that knocks her out, then starts to have his way with her as the scene ends.

I did not find this in IMDB, so I have no idea what is going on, aside from the obvious. The clip is not bad. Check out the post. Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 09:23:48 PM Name: Heroone E-mail address: Hello my Fellow GIMPers, Gerry aka Heroone is gonna do what most smart girls have known since puberty; that boys and later men like to do only one thing other than offer sex to women, they like to talk, talk, and talk about themselves. Blame them uniformed Catholic school girls I saw walking home that I saw while picking up my 89 year old Mother from her hair dresser this afternoon. They cause flashbacks and me to reflex on my past deeds.

And Ralphus, the cork is still in that bottle of Remy since 2100 hrs PST Wednesday. Gerry is an ole dude, a retiree, born in 1946, baptized Roman Catholic, went to parochial schools for ten years including high school, taught by the nuns and Christian brothers FSC. I remember in grammar school, after a Friday afternoon mass, a presiding bishop asked us all, both boys and girls to sign a piece of paper pledging to stay pure, obey the Ten Commandments, and not to drink alcohol until we turn 21 or were married. I remember the nuns were angry when I refused to sign.

I was not going to hell because I made a pledge I had no intentions of swearing an oath to, let alone keep. For years before I and other classmates had been using the Legion of Decency list given to us by the nuns as a movie list of had to see films. If it was condemned, it must be good.

We saw all these movies with a dime and our traffic-boy movie passes. That's why this ole Catholic boy (I don't practice now) knew about the old GIMPy and WSIM classics like The Mongols 1961, Emmanuelle 1974, Emmanuelle II 1975, Story of O 1975, etc. All this talk leads Gerry to the current discussion about them buzz words: Porn, Mainstream, Blue Films, etc. That my fellow GIMPer have been hashing over to last few days. Ralphus is right, the very word Porn or Pornography has very negative stigma to it. Greg - you quoted: Reine Margot said 'People can justifiably say that we do porn, even with Maleficarum.

People will be totally right if they say that we do art. I could say that we do artistic porn or pornographic art.' Gerry believes that it not porn but good art and good art moves people and generates emotions, both good and bad. I might have said this before--but 'pornography' and 'porn' are pejorative terms for erotica. The term was invented in Victorian England. Erotica has generally been viewed as art, although certainly there have been philistines who denigrated erotica as well. In fact, we have extended the pejorative meaning of the word 'porn' by now referring to 'torture porn,' meaning torture that is beyond the pale, in the opinion of the speaker.

I wholeheartedly concur that the despicable Passion of the Christ was a film only crazy-ass religious freaks could possibly enjoy, or GIMPers. In summation, Gerry apologizes to all his fellow GIMPers for overusing that term 'Mainstream', Fetish Bondage, etc. Its all Art, it's what you the viewer has been raised to determine on your own and as my dad said never apologize for how your parents raised you. Here are some YouTube clips: Andre de Toth 1961 I Mongoli, The Mongols, starring Anthoney Jack Palance as Ogatai, Anita Ekberg as Hulina and Antonella Lualdi as Amina who is whipped. The Mongols: and Just Jaeckin Histoire d'O The Story of O 1975 based Dominique Aury's novel, starring Corinne Clery as O who is taken by her Boyfriend, Rene. To Roissy, a bizarre manor house like retreat and is trained in bondage and sexual perversion and submission: The Histoire d'O 1975 (a Musical Tribute): All of these movies I consider to be ground breaking WSIM films. You be the judge as to how you would classified them as Art or other.

Thanks Ralphus for allowing me post on your forum. Bye for now, best to all, Heroone Thursday, January 5th 2012 - 11:15:30 PM Name: Fritz A Canadian wrote: Yikes!!

No wonder you have no sympathy for the renter class. When did I say that?

I was renting until I was 50, becoming a land-owner only four years ago. I'm definitely not a materialistic sort, but I do hoard my GIMP stuff.

Otherwise, except for an expensive sports car, I'd bet your life and mine are not all that different (unless you're begging for loonies at Dundas and Yonge). * * * * * Pics of the Day: Ralphus, dude. Where do you find this shit? Next thing I know you'll have Snoopy buggering Lucy while she's strapped down on his doghouse. This is just so wrong. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 01:42:37 AM Name: Heroone E-mail address: My fellow GIMPers, FYI about The Mongols 1961, in that part of my confession of a miss-spent youth about when I first cut a freshman high school class to see this movie with high school classmates because it was on the condemned list of the Catholic legion of decency. There were many details of why this movie so impressed me that I omitted.

That whip torture scene of Amina played by Antonella Lualdi, that I saw at the old The Royal theatre on Polk street in San Francisco was a lot longer, very explicit, and showed a lot more of Amina's right breast as she dance to the whip blows. That YouTube clip in Spanish is of the best copy I have seen since being presented a copy in VHS (it came from Sinister Cinema in Medford Oregon and was dubbed in English) by Charlie Brent, the floor manager at the Mitchell Brothers theatre in 1983. Chuck knew of my discussions with his boss concerning that Jack Palance movie and that my then drinking partner Artie Mitchell at the then Kirk and Johnson owned Edinburgh Castle. Artie had been able to find a faded 16mm color print of that movie, showing Amina saying 'Oh God, and after a few more whip blows with camera view of her sweaty face cried 'Stop', then moved to Ekberg's being handed the whip. I remember that scene being twenty or more seconds longer. Artie and I later inspected that film and found that it had been spliced at that point. Also, that VHS copy played in very slow motion show the beads of sweat flying off Amina's face and hair with each whip blow.

I few years later saw whole scene including the missing scenes of my memories in a so-so Black and White local KTVU Channel-Two TV broadcast on a after midnight horror show. Therefore, I know that a copy of the whole whip torture scene is in someone's collection. To me it is a ground breaking movie of its time, especially for its violence and that WSIM scene alone.

Friday, January 6th 2012 - 05:45:09 AM Name: A Canadian Fritz wrote: What? When did I say that? I was renting until I was 50, becoming a land-owner only four years ago. I was kidding.

I meant the people who want to rent movies, rather than buy them. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 08:18:56 AM Name: Sloth Nana - first we get an H.L. Mencken reference from John Galt and now you score a 3-pointer for a Sun Tsu 'Art of War' reference - this place is becoming far too sophisticated for me. Hiccup - quite a review and an A+ to boot - that's unheard of with this bunch of perverts - that was another one I saw at Asian Cult and just could not bring myself to do it - thanks for the heads up. The Ancient One - I do recall the scene you describe but I'll be damned if I can come up with a title - seem to think it was in a made-for-tv movie - yeah, I know that's a big help. Renzo Novatore - I saw Zebub in that effort - seemed like perhaps all of them used beer change money so that's one I won't come down on him for.

Yesterday I'm having morning coffee at a little diner and this guy I know comes in and joins me - says over the weekend he saw 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - says there is, in his words, 'a particularly brutal and realistic rape scene' - I don't know how to gauge that as I don't really know his Gimp factor - what he may see as brutal and realistic may be run of the mill and tame for a hard core Gimper - if anyone has seen that flick a comment would be welcome. Stay well all Friday, January 6th 2012 - 09:20:19 AM Name: Greg E-mail address: Heroone said 'All of these movies I consider to be ground breaking WSIM films. You be the judge as to how you would classified them as Art or other.' Damn it, reviewed this Histoire de 'O' will in time be considered an epic. I forgot just how good it was. The version shown were either a lot of outtakes and scene cuts from the old VHS version I saw or my memory is worse than I thought. I don't remember the old car scene in the one version of the beginning and don't remember a speedboat in the second.

The music in the car was true to the film I saw, but not the rest of the soundtrack. This must have just been an overdub for hashing the scenes together, but it would have been nice to find some other score from the movie. I don't remember the modern house scene or Corinne Clery the fashion photographer either. As I say, I may have had a cruelly edited version, but I'm pretty sure all the delicious whipping scene were like the virgin, intact. That vision of Corinne Clery wet with sweat, naked and whip weary will live with me until I die.

Thanks for reminding us of what we had. I don't expect to see its like again. Had to smile to myself. I was reading 'The Mongols'. And thinking I don't remember seeing a salacious whipping scene in that one.

I just remember John Wayne stumbling through an equally atrocious script!!! Greg Friday, January 6th 2012 - 09:57:56 AM Name: A Canadian Sloth wrote: Yesterday I'm having morning coffee at a little diner and this guy I know comes in and joins me - says over the weekend he saw 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - says there is, in his words, 'a particularly brutal and realistic rape scene' - I don't know how to gauge that as I don't really know his Gimp factor - what he may see as brutal and realistic may be run of the mill and tame for a hard core Gimper - if anyone has seen that flick a comment would be welcome. I haven't seen it, but other reports and reviews suggest your friend is probably right about the scene's intensity. The challenge for me is I don't know that I find the lead actress in the movie all that appealing. I'm not questioning the casting. She may very well look and act like the character.

But I'm not sure the violation is going to work for me as a GIMP scene. However, I'm just guessing.

I would also be interested in hearing from anyone who has seen it. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 10:18:12 AM Name: YikYakker Wow, I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. Hard to catch up, so I'll just give a big SHOUT OUT to my fellow GIMPers for all the terrific posts. ---------- Heroone: Legion of Decency?

Hoo boy, I remember that one from my own Catholic upbringing. Before I was allowed to go see a movie, I had to march up to the church and check out the ratings tacked to the bulletin board in the lobby. If you were pre-teen or younger, you could only view films in one of the five classifications. The worst rating was 'C' for Condemned which also forbid adults from seeing it.

Like if you saw a 'C' movie, walked out of the theater and got hit by a car, you would go straight to hell without a rest stop. Such was the rating given to The Carpetbaggers. I always thought it earned that rating because George Peppard ripped at (but not off) Carroll Baker's dress.but it was actually because it was determined that nothing and nobody in the film had any redeeming moral values. But 'decency' is another one of those concepts that are ill-defined. And while were on the subject: I don't understand German, but it's pretty obvious that clip concerns an egregious attempt to censor Jessica Alba's butt with some CGI. Seriously, like no one has viewed this scene from Into the Blue in its uncensored form a million times? Uh.maybe I'm giving away too much information here.

But the Jessica Alba thing reminds me of the pre-code Tarzan and His Mate, in which cute Maureen O'Sullivan wore a very skimpy jungle rag, except for when she went skinny-dipping with Tarzan. Nothing that 'indecent' ever appeared in a Tarzan movie again. And how about 'community standards'? ---------- Not saying that the respondents to an online are representative of all women, but it is interesting how many said they would be up for some 'light bondage' (68%) and how many have actually tried it (57%). ---------- There's gotta be a movie somewhere in. ---------- Selected scenes from.

Does not include the part I like most - the one where a brunette hooker gets. ---------- Being curious about all things Franco, I had to look up this movie called Cecilia aka Diary of a Desperate Housewife posted by Gerry aka Heroone. Here's what IMDb says about it: Cecilia is raped. She goes home and has sex with her husband. She confesses to him that she had enjoyed the rape and it had aroused her to have sex with him after a long period of marital detachment.

Hence, she embarks on different sexual encounters. Methinks they might be leaving out some details. ---------- Margot wrote: What was interesting is that all that hatred spewn [Amy's] way made her movie truly popular with the masses, it run for 5 months and became one of the three highest grossing films in the city that year, beating Shreck, that came fourth. Hey, if it beat out Shreck, I gotta see it.;) ---------- Hmmm.what do we have?

Friday, January 6th 2012 - 07:55:01 PM Name: The Ancient One E-mail address: I just downloaded the Cinemagic 082 video with the fabulous electro torture scene - any other suggestions that have scenes like this? I would also love to see a really good Chinese water torture scene with a pretty girl too. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 07:59:23 PM Name: Bill K. Here is a sex rape in movie site I just found that GIMPers rape fans may find interesting: I'm not a rape fan guy but this site may perhaps have some rape scene/action movies you may not have read about or seen before. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 08:37:11 PM Name: Heroone E-mail address: YikYakker - thank you for remember your Catholic teen years.

Every Thursday afternoon, a nun would post that list on the cork board and it showed all the movies at the local theatres in San Francisco, for Friday and Saturday viewing. My fellow traffic boys and I had to look at that list before being given our theatre passes after the Friday school day dismissal time. I always picked the movies on the Condemned list, I knew they must be good if the church did not want you to see them.

I never feared going straight to Hell since I knew that I would not be alone. I had my friends in the school traffic boy corp. I guess we now call them enablers. I only felt guilty if seen by another church goer from our parish. And speaking of the devil, about that movie with Carroll Baby Doll Baker and George Peppard: The Carpetbaggers.

That brings back old memories and very bad memories, especially when you are leaving the scene of the crime, where as you happen upon the parish priest in front of the theatre; and my only quick response was 'Hi ya Father, I guess I'll be seeing you Saturday for confession'. Thank you for checking out Cecilia on IMDb, and giving a quick review, so I did not have to say anything. I was too embarrassed to post anything after viewing the DVD I found. This movie was Jess Franco's stab at doing an Emmanuelle type story that would attract a wider audience. The only GIMPy scenes are at the beginning and the end with implied abduction and forced sex multiple partners, which melted into a consensual sex act. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 09:32:35 PM Name: A Canadian Heroone wrote.that my then drinking partner Artie Mitchell at the then Kirk and Johnson owned Edinburgh Castle. You were drinking buddies with Artie Mitchell?

I'm impressed. Friday, January 6th 2012 - 10:13:20 PM Name: Heroone E-mail address: a Canadian - The answer is YES. I think I brag way too much. Send me an email and I'll bend your ear.

What I have to say I don't really want to post here. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 03:30:33 AM Name: petelobo AncientOne I downloaded Cinemagic 082 (best whipping and best electro--what's not to like). It came in 4 files ending with extensions.avi.001, etc.

I put them in the same folder and tried HJSplit to re-unite them, but I just keep getting (I think) 001. It plays, then when it gets to the end, it updates and appears to be processing the first 20%, but it never gets past that point. The joined video shows 302 Meg, but it won't run in AVS Video or Media Player Classic.

Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 04:38:43 AM Name: JD A Canadian - Thanks, I completely missed the archive link at the top of the page. I'm so used to sites having a 'more' or 'previous' link at the bottom of the page that I forget to look anywhere else. --------- Amy - Thanks for the link, I will definitely be contacting the company! If it's not too late, I'd like to clarify my original question about how 'real' each of the tortures in Maleficarum was and how uncomfortable or even painful they were to film. Since posting that question, I've watched the eight interview videos, where you talked about the various scenes and mentioned things like being bruised and sore from bouncing around on the spit. Besides incidental discomfort like that, I was curious to know how much, if at all, the tortures themselves caused you any discomfort. For example, did the whipping hurt?

Did your arms get sore from being suspended? How uncomfortable was sitting on the horse and how much worse did the weights make it? How tightly were you actually stretched on the rack and where, if any, was the discomfort (joints, wrists/ankles)? Did the heat from the coals become uncomfortable during the spit roasting, or did the spit itself ever start to get hot?

How much did standing on the spikes hurt? I know that seems like a lot of specific questions, but I'm not asking for an essay on each scene, just a few words on whatever discomfort you might have felt during each one. I hope I don't seem out of line for asking this. I've previous stated that I prefer 'real' action in fetish films to scenes that are just acting, so I'm curious to know how 'real' the Maleficarum scenes were to you. --------- Ralphus - You're not the only one who isn't a fan of widescreen. It's not so much the shape that bothers me, but the fact that so much stuff is designed for a 4:3 screen.

When viewed on a widescreen display, your only choices are to have it pillar-boxed (with black bars on the sides), or stretch it to fill the screen, which distorts the aspect ratio. You wouldn't believe how many people prefer the latter option. Every time I see a widescreen TV displaying something that was filmed in 4:3, they have it set to stretch the image to fill the screen. The second I look at it, I can see that it doesn't look right. Actually, I'm not really a fan of LCD screens in general.

Sure, the size and power requirements are nice, but I don't like that they have a fixed resolution, which virtually never matches the image resolution. So every image gets scaled (up or down) to fit the screen, resulting in scaling artifacts.

Go up to any LCD TV and look at the ever-present channel logo in the corner and you'll notice a sort of gray fuzz around it. You can also see the same thing on LCD monitors depending on the desktop resolution. This is because there's no way to take a 1280x720 image and make it fill a screen with a resolution of 1920x768 without introducing scaling errors. I'm always amazed when I hear people talk about how sharp and clear an LCD display it. This despite the fact that the image is full of scaling artifacts and has usually been stretched to odd proportions. My 19' CRT monitor may weight a ton and make my electric meter spin, but when I set my desktop to 1600x1200, that's exactly what I get. Not some approximation of it.

--------- YikYakker - That clip of Diora Baird is from a 2008 movie called South of Heaven. I haven't seen the film, I just checked a couple sites to see what films she's listed as having had nude scenes in. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 06:43:56 AM Name: John Galt Bill K: Hey, thanks for the link to the Sex in Cinema website! For the longest time back in the 70s, Playboy ran a Sex in Cinema illustrated article (every November, I think) that I really looked forward to. Now I think they just do a sex in movies year-end review (for what it's worth these days). But I enjoyed reading the captions and perusing the pictures (and sometimes the article) to see what I had missed back in the day.

The website is quite the Blast from the Past. * * * * * JD: Ah-hah, so THAT'S why the latest LCD monitors come with messages to use a specific resolution setting. They are trying to avoid those artifacts. I personally like LCD monitors although I agree that it is annoying to see huge HD LCD TVs on the setting that stretches the picture out of proportion. That drives me crazy. Why have an expensive HD LCD TV if your picture is distorted? Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 10:21:11 AM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Looks like we have a flamer who's decided to spoof names of regular posters and attack the site.

Ho hum, some losers have nothing better to do. He likes to go by names like Marley, Marcus Aurelius, Jeremiah Johnson, NUNU, Nana as well as spoofing the names of the regulars on this site. If you see odd postings attributed to anyone that sound out of character, just ignore them and don't respond. Never feed the trolls. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 10:27:53 AM Name: YikYakker Petelobo: You might try editing the filenames to remove the.avi portion. I use the same joining software and I recall having a similar problem to the one you described.

I think the suggestion made above was a solution to the problem. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 12:36:14 PM Name: A Canadian YikYakker wrote: You might try editing the filenames to remove the.avi portion. I use the same joining software and I recall having a similar problem to the one you described. I think the suggestion made above was a solution to the problem. You guys are more technically savvy than me. I only download avi files where the full movie is in one file, not pieces.

I don't think I could figure out how to piece separate files together. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 12:40:06 PM Name: YikYakker JD: Thanks for the quick detective work.

South of Heaven, eh? Wonder if anyone out there has seen it. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 12:40:12 PM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: re 'erotic' vs 'pornographic': I think that something can be pornographic (or 'obscene', a word with even more freight) without being erotic. What word would you use to describe a clinical vaginal exam?

And certainly something can be erotic without being pornographic -- a screen-shot from Exquisite Agony, for example. But I'm a big fan of Humpty-Dumpty and I make my words work hard for their wages. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 05:15:20 PM Name: A Canadian Erotic vs. Pornographic: I prefer the term 'smut.' But I don't claim to be particularly chic. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 06:17:15 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: YikYakker: That clip from South of Heaven looks very enticing.

Yep, Diora gets Bared, all right. Never heard of her, but she's hot, I thought that was Amber Heard at first. That movie doesn't look like it's going to be readily available from a lot of rental places, but you can buy it. Brian's Page says Diora Baird has 3 bondage scenes in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

Netflix at least carries that one. -------------- Heroone: I'm a little late, but I really enjoyed reading about your true-life memories regarding discovering movies like this when you were growing up. I think we all have similar stories we could relate. Also liked seeing the Story of O link. I think they used about the only 15 minutes that Corinne Clery is NOT naked to make that video. BTW, how hot was Corinne Clery in that film? In my mind, she was the most beautiful woman in the history of movies.

They don't come any better. On a scale of 1 to 10, she was a 15. -------------- Bill K: Speaking of history of the movies, fantastic find with the Sex in Cinema site. That site is incredibly comprehensive, goes all the way from the silent era right up to 2011. I just wish the pictures were bigger.

I'd like to make the various databases on this site like that. Lots of great information there, even if it's not exclusively about rape scenes. -------------- JD wrote: You're not the only one who isn't a fan of widescreen. It's not so much the shape that bothers me, but the fact that so much stuff is designed for a 4:3 screen. When viewed on a widescreen display, your only choices are to have it pillar-boxed (with black bars on the sides), or stretch it to fill the screen, which distorts the aspect ratio. You wouldn't believe how many people prefer the latter option. Every time I see a widescreen TV displaying something that was filmed in 4:3, they have it set to stretch the image to fill the screen.

The second I look at it, I can see that it doesn't look right. Exactly right. Much of the Internet isn't real widescreen, it's designed to be read up and down, and these monitors stretch it out abnormally so that text is elongated and pictures are wider than the way they were originally composed. And you know what? After reading what you wrote, I went onto Craig's List and found an old-time 4:3 monitor for 10 bucks, plugged it in and got my $89.99 back from Best Buy. And I'm a lot happier now. I love my new widescreen television, but widescreen computer monitors?

They're a gimmick. In this case, I'm strictly Old School and proud of it. And I don't own a cell phone, either.

Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 06:59:07 PM Name: YikYakker petelobo: Just wanted to follow up on the advice I gave you earlier today. I ran into that exact same situation this afternoon, and followed my own advice.

I forgot to mention that you need to put the.avi back on the joined file when you are done. Even so, the file would not play with Windows Media Player or Divx Player. However, it did play with VLC, a player that has yet to fail me. ---------- Ralphus wrote: BTW, how hot was Corinne Clery in that film? In my mind, she was the most beautiful woman in the history of movies.

Honestly, when I look at that picture of her (or any picture of her for that matter), no other woman comes to mind. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 07:22:33 PM Name: John Galt Well, I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and as a movie, it did not disappoint. Although the anal rape scene is short, I thought it was not too short, extremely brutal, and surprisingly well-lit. I think you also saw more of Rooney Mara than you did Noomi Rapace in the original.

The American version also had the same amount of incidental nudity and was much better lighted as well. I freely admit that this remake is easily as good as, if not slightly better than, the Swedish original.

David Fincher, you surprised me, but it was a pleasant surprise. Rooney Mara's character, Lisbeth Salander, is definitely punk goth pierced and tattooed, so expect that. She cleans up well at the end, though, so you can see what she would be like if she adopted a more traditional look. If you're looking for a GIMP flick, this is not it. It has that one outstanding scene, but over the course of a two and a half hour running time, that would not be enough to satisfy a GIMP aficionado. If you liked the original, however, you will like this one as well. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 09:05:53 PM Name: Heroone E-mail address: Sorry 'A Canadian' for breaking my word, Gerry aka Heroone just now read the Ralphus GIMP postings for tonight and he got to post something; anywho, Heroone is such a liar when it comes to drinking and making comments on this lovely website provided to us by Ralphus.

Sorry Ralphus about the drinking and posting. Ralphus, thank you for posting that beautiful photo of O in the stairwell of the Enclosure at Roissy; its a memory appreciated by Heroone for them memories from his youth. And thanks YikYakker for your response on O. I see The Story of O as groundbreaking film and a classic. John Galt wrote: I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and as a movie, it did not disappoint. - Heroone got to see this movie. I have seen a lot of posting in our San Francisco theatre reviews saying this is going to be an Oscar worthy film.

Thank you all and Good Night from San Francisco. Saturday, January 7th 2012 - 10:43:43 PM Name: The Ancient One E-mail address: That Cinemagic 082 reminds me of another Japanese clip that I can't find anywhere in which a girl is brought into a prison room, punched out cold, then stripped and placed onto a table where she gets electro tortured, much like the girl in this movie. I very much like to see a girl brought in, stripped and prepared before the actual event starts. Any ideas where I could download that one again? Also, any others with the preparation you could suggest will be so appreciated. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 12:04:34 AM Name: A Canadian Regarding.

It's time to start a petition to bring back Peter Griffin. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 12:06:45 AM Name: Bill K.

Ralphus and John Galt you're welcome but also thank the Google Random Gods for 'Sex in Cinema' site too, because wasn't looking (google-ing) for kind of site but Google took me there anyway. Two words I type in was 'sex' and 'pictures' in google search engine showed it first site on first page. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 12:12:23 AM Name: MrAnthony E-mail address: @Petelobo: 'I downloaded Cinemagic 082 (best whipping and best electro--what's not to like). It came in 4 files ending with extensions.avi.001, etc. I put them in the same folder and tried HJSplit to re-unite them, but I just keep getting (I think) 001.

It plays, then when it gets to the end, it updates and appears to be processing the first 20%, but it never gets past that point. The joined video shows 302 Meg, but it won't run in AVS Video or Media Player Classic. Yes, look for and download a program called HJSplit.

It will join the 001, 002, etc files together to complete the movie. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 01:08:24 AM Name: John Galt The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: Judge for yourself. All the nude bits, including most of the rape scene, have found their way to.

The quality is not very good, since it is a surreptitious handheld cam video, but you can get an idea what is involved. Check it out Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 02:44:11 AM Name: Greg Ralphus said: BTW, how hot was Corinne Clery in that film? In my mind, she was the most beautiful woman in the history of movies. They don't come any better. On a scale of 1 to 10, she was a 15. True enough it has to be said Corinne Clery would have to rate up there with the best of them, but you know, very often it's film genre that can cast the light.

I'm a sucker for babes in harem outfits. I mean any type of harem outfit. So as soon as that Eastern music starts to drift out of the TV and you see sylph like beauties flapping about, I get all interested. That in mind, I adore in Land of the Pharaohs and, joy of joys, she is actually whipped, albeit it woefully briefly, but it is always a bonus in these type of films, and always a possibility, perhaps one of the reasons I watch them. Lest we forget of course, there is the stunning. Now there's a babe who could fill a pair of harem pants as deliciously as the rest of them and since she was almost invariably a slave girl in these movies.well that's just a bonus isn't it. BTW one little gimper that seems to fly under the radar, but is well worth a watch is an odd little thing call.

Here the heroine gets strung up by the arms not once but twice and there's a great sight of her pants flapping in the breeze. Sorry about the production still including the eponymous hero, but the ones I had with the babe alone were such poor res I didn't think it worth including them. In addition to this a slave girl gets her feet whipped, plus there are numerous references to slave girls and slave auctions plus there is a threat of torture to one of them. OK, it doesn't come off, but hey, this is Sunday afternoon fare. Not a bad little diversion for a bit. Greg Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 11:32:32 AM Name: A Canadian John Galt: Thanks for the information on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I'll probably wait until it is available on Blu-Ray. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 11:51:26 AM Name: MrAnthony E-mail address: More for Petelobo: If you cannot join the files, the it's because one of the follow on files is corrupted. You'll need to re-download the corrupted file. If 001 is correct, but 002 isn't, it won't matter if 003 and 004 etc are good. At the end of it all, you should have a final file output, without the 00# ending, plus the original 00# files, usually in the same directory. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 01:48:28 PM Name: MrAnthony Homepage URL: @Greg, re Hajji Baba: You might like the link above then, which is to an original publicity print from Hajji Baba. And there's a link to a higher res version of that print too.

Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 02:04:21 PM Name: D. Santorum Did someone mention Corinne Clery??? Maybe a year or two after I read the Story of O book (many, many years ago), I learned there was a movie. Not only that, it was going to be shown at the local arthouse cinema in my backwards, conservative town in Florida. I went twice, even though I was disappointed at it not living up to my expectations. Still, I have yet to fully recover from this single image in the film.

Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 02:44:25 PM Name: YikYakker Homepage URL: D. Santorum: Great pic of Corinne Clery. That scene alone gave me enough incentive to go see the movie 4 times in the course of one month. ---------- Greg Mmmm.Caroline Munro (drool). Love that pic. Some other famous harem-outfit-wearing GIMPs: Haji, in Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks Kelly Hu, The Scorpion King Kelly Hu again, variation on harem pants Jane Seymour, Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger ---------- A Canadian: I'm with you on today's pic.

Looks like Fear Factor. ---------- Homepage URL: A site about all things harem. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 03:56:44 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Aw, you guys don't like the bug pictures?

Man, I was thinking of starting a 5-week series of tied-up women being attacked by spiders, ants, earthworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers, bees, centipedes and scorpions (and don't think I don't have hundreds of these pics on my hard drive because I do). So now what I gonna do??? Oh well, how about instead we continue this series from Kristi and the Time Machine, a film I haven't seen but it looks pretty wild, judging from the stills given to me from Fritz. It's made by Teraz Films, the people behind the Fantom Kiler and Mark of the Whip movies, so that's a very good sign. Tomorrow Fritz is supposed to have one of his encyclopedia-length reviews of the movie, so we'll see what he has to say. Meanwhile, I promise no more bugs tomorrow, but I can't say the same thing about naked women bound and gagged and having bizarre things done to them.

We'll have lots of those coming up. Yee-haw, I'll bet you can't wait. -------------- Greg: I really like that publicity still from The Adventures of Hajii Baba. I've never seen it before. We have more caps (in color) from that movie as well as 2 video clips of her suspension scenes in the Torture Rack Scenes in Movies Database. Also added today is a brand new entry, Bloody Mallory, a 2002 French film starring Olivia Bonamy.

They force her wear manacles with internal spikes on her wrists, then hang her up by her wrists to try to make her bleed to death. Description, caps and a video clip await all those who click on the Torture Rack Scenes Database. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 05:44:15 PM Name: DHT Homepage URL: Lotta harem talk around here. You guys should get on Caroline Branson's case to release the 'Sold into Slavery 2' video that was my first custom from her. It is a dynamite video, I don't know why she's never released it. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 07:13:48 PM Name: DHT Greg: I've had Goldie Blair, Natasha Flade, Tomiko, Rachel Steele, Emily Camille, Caroline Branson, Caroline Pierce, Christina Carter, Caroline Pierce, and Jewell Marceau make me videos that combine dancing, bondage, and harem outfits.

You should ask them about them, you might really like them. I think that only Tomiko, Goldie, Emily, and Christina have made them available to the public on their clips4sale sites. Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 07:18:54 PM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Homepage URL: Canadian: I prefer the term 'smut.' (I love it) Ah, the adventures of a slut. Oh, I'm a market they can't glut, I don't know what Compares with smut. ========================================= Yik Yakker: Kelly Hu again, variation on harem pants It doesn't take much imagination to see the panties as a trimmed bush, does it? At least that's how I see it!

Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 09:15:12 PM Name: DHT Fun little youtube: Sunday, January 8th 2012 - 09:22:42 PM Name: Insomniac Homepage URL: I thought I'd let you guys know about a new movie with an amazing GIMP scene called Outtake Reel. The basic plot is a horror director and cast are struggling to shoot a movie on a micro budget. Things are further compromised by the bitchy attitude of the lead actress (Ava Santana).

She has a grudge against the director for firing one of her co-stars and starts fighting him over everything, including an implied nude scene he wants to shoot. It would only show her back, but she refuses much to his frustration. This sets things up nicely for the torture scene because you can't wait to see this diva get put in her place. She eventually gets kidnapped by the guy who has been carrying around a handheld and shooting behind the scenes footage the entire time. He ties her up and invites the director over, pitching him this twisted plan to torture her on camera, get genuine reactions from her, and use it in the film.

The director is eventually forced to go along with it at gunpoint. She's tied down to a table and has black tape covering her mouth and her eyes, with earmuffs to block her hearing. The guy pokes at her in a taunting way, cuts off her shirt exposing her breasts, sticks her with a cattle prod, and even starts cutting off toes (not too graphically shown).

It's basically a 10 minute scene. (In the DVD extras there's an extended version of the scene where he puts his hand up her skirt and then wipes the hand on his shirt implying penetration). SPOILER ALERT: You later find out that she was in on it, so the fact that it was technically consensual in the grand scheme of the movie might slightly ruin it for some. The scene taken by itself is still awesome though. Monday, January 9th 2012 - 07:26:49 AM Name: A Canadian Insomniac: Thanks for the information about Outtake Reel and the stills from the GIMP scene.

Unfortunately, what's revealed at the end would ruin it for me. Monday, January 9th 2012 - 06:25:55 PM Name: Sung Homepage URL: Sung in a Pinch Monday, January 9th 2012 - 07:01:23 PM Name: John Galt I seem to recall that sometime during the past three years, someone posted a quick and dirty Japanese vocabulary primer of the most common words the victims used in JAV features.

The only one I could find using the archive search was that yamete means 'stop,' or 'stop it.' Could someone in the know please post (or re-post) a handful of the most common words used by the women?

Like 'no,' maybe and anything else? Surely they don't just say 'no' and 'stop it?' Monday, January 9th 2012 - 07:48:45 PM Name: A Canadian John Galt wrote: Could someone in the know please post (or re-post) a handful of the most common words used by the women? The of the Slave Island series that was written by MeetThePryz included a listing of words commonly found in those movies. As well, Brutus posted some translations of often-used Japanese words back on.

Hope this helps. Monday, January 9th 2012 - 08:15:52 PM Name: John Galt A Canadian: Excellent.

The Brutus post was the one I was looking for. I searched on 'Japanese' and 'vocabulary,' which wasn't effective. Monday, January 9th 2012 - 08:29:07 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: A Canadian wrote: Thanks for the information about Outtake Reel and the stills from the GIMP scene. Unfortunately, what's revealed at the end would ruin it for me.

So if you saw a great GIMP scene simply by itself and nothing before or after it, you would think it was a great scene, right? So why would a plot twist that happens 20 minutes or a half hour later ruin what you would have seen previously? In my mind, a great scene is a great scene, period. It's like when I reviewed Pain Gate and you mentioned that the opening segment where the girl came to the master first which made the whole thing consensual, which therefore tainted the entire film? I don't agree, which is why I picked it as the best bondage film of the year. No one is a bigger critic of consensual scenes than me.

But what bugs me is when a consensual scene has consensual elements, like when the villain asks the girl how she's liking it and if she's ready to cum. And as far as finding out that the victim was acting afterward, it shouldn't have an effect if there's no hint of it during the actual segment. Because when you get down to it, they're ALL acting and EVERY scene we see is consensual. ------------------ Insomniac: Thanks very much for the information. If you give me a letter grade, I can put that in the Reviews section.

It wasn't a review of the whole movie, but it's a review of the most important parts and that's why we have the reviews section to begin with. Monday, January 9th 2012 - 09:26:26 PM Name: carnyx E-mail address: hi ralphus- could you tell me how to get in touch with teraz films? Robert Monday, January 9th 2012 - 10:38:01 PM Name: A Canadian Ralphus wrote: So why would a plot twist that happens 20 minutes or a half hour later ruin what you would have seen previously?

Maybe I'm just not able to compartmentalize elements of movies like that, but the context matters to me. If it's established somewhere along the way -- before or after -- that what I saw was consensual, it ruins it for me. Saying it may have looked great when I didn't know it was actually consensual doesn't help me in the end. I don't know that I have ever analyzed why it matters to me. But I find the illusion ( since, yes, they are actors) of nonconsensual activity has to be maintained.

Monday, January 9th 2012 - 10:56:25 PM Name: Insomniac Ralphus wrote: Insomniac: Thanks very much for the information. If you give me a letter grade, I can put that in the Reviews section. It wasn't a review of the whole movie, but it's a review of the most important parts and that's why we have the reviews section to begin with. I was originally reluctant to grade it since our tastes are all different. But in my opinion I'd say a solid B+. It's about as good as you are going to see in a modern mainstream film. The acting during the scene was great and the context was good (minus the plot development I pointed out).

It would have been perfect had they taken her skirt off too. Why wouldn't you? Tuesday, January 10th 2012 - 12:44:54 AM Name: Fritz As this is my one-hundred th post here, and since I have not written a review in over a year, I figured this was the time to do just that. If you are one of the three masochists who read my previous critiques, you'll know what to expect. The rest of you may want to scroll down a bit to know what you're in for. By the way, any semblance between what follows and recent pics of the day is purely coincidental. Meanwhile, back at the lab, Rohr-Sauger and Korsakov make half-hearted attempts to locate their guinea pig, using samples of her 'vagina juice DNA' as some kind of tracking substance.

Whatever works, I suppose. They get only a few glimpses of Kristi (covered in bugs) on the miracle monitors before losing the signal as the machine expectedly malfunctions. Back in the jungle, we finally get into serious GIMP territory as Kristi is discovered by a pair of Latin-American soldiers. Apparently, she has been teleported to some third-world country (Cuba?), though neither place nor time are identified. Observing that she is nude, in high heels and speaking with a Czech accent, the two men naturally conclude that she is an American CIA agent who must be brought in for questioning.

They poke her with their assault rifles, tie her hands (in front -- sigh), then push her through the jungle to their secret lair. Here, Kristi is interrogated, which of course is a third-world euphemism for torture - especially if it involves nubile females. She is groped and anally penetrated with a pistol before having her wrists duct-taped to her ankles in a reverse hog-tie and plopped face up on the kitchen table. The tension builds as the soldiers push the and threaten to pull the trigger: unos, dos, tres, quatro. Just kidding. Failing to scare the gormless gal into confessing, they proceed to burn her nipples and clit with a cigar. Further abuse includes ass whuppin' and, featuring those Teraz staples, a rug beater and a bottle of J&B scotch.

Overall, Kristi's interrogation is a first-rate GIMP scene: three different bondage positions, a half dozen tortures, a naked, sweaty victim, and it goes on for almost fifteen minutes. Back at the lab, Rohr-Sauger has called in an engineer to fix the time machine. We know this new guy is an engineer because he wears a hard-hat, but you have to wonder why the genius who invented the device can't fix the damn thing himself. No matter -- these cut-aways to the bickering, inept scientists make Kristi's doom seem all the more certain, especially when they abandon the imperiled blonde in favor of a tea break to celebrate getting the machine fixed. Eventually, the soldiers give up on poor Kristi and decide to finish her off. With her hands tied behind her back, she's bent forward over the table. One guerilla stands in front of her and pushes the muzzle of his assault rifle into her mouth.

The other stands behind her and inserts his weapon up her ass. Once again, it's uno, dos, tres.

But just as it looks like, she's teleported away, leaving her tormentors shooting into each other instead of their captive. Kristi lives on to suffer some more. The next segment is the weakest of the various KTM set-pieces. The aforementioned granny character, probably a relative of the Fantom Whipper's mother (see ), is her adult son, a porcine-faced monstrosity who, to Mom's frustration, can't seem to find a girlfriend.

Mom strokes his mammoth cock enthusiastically until a gallon of semen erupts all over the living room furniture. Unless you're into incest, male bodily fluids, or deformed people, this scene will make you lose your lunch. Once again, the location and time of these dire proceedings is unclear, but it appears to be contemporary England. After Pig-man leaves for work, Kristi, still tied and nude, materializes on the coffee table, answering Mom's prayers for a girl to mate with her grotesque offspring. Kristi barely has a chance to get her bearings before Mom knocks her out.

When Sonny returns, his mother proudly has a gagged and bound time traveler contorted ass-up with a lit candle inserted in her pussy: a. Pig-man removes the candle, makes a wish, and re-inserts it lit-end first! You might fault Kristi Lust for her diction, but you can't say she's a GIMP wimp. Things get ugly when Mom encourages her boy to 'cut the cake'. As Pig-man prepares to impale his treat with a fearsome Bowie knife, Kristi kicks him away - Mom should have restrained those legs - causing him to fall back and spear his noggin on a coat hook. As her son dies squealing, Mom ropes Kristi's neck and strangles the no-longer-welcome gift from God.

If you are into asphyx, Kristi's struggling as the old lady chokes the life out of her is easily the best part of this scene. It lasts almost two minutes, and Kristi puts on quite a show. But the film isn't even half over yet, so to no one's surprise except maybe Pig-man's mom, our heroine is transported away just before she expires. Her next stop is once again somewhat ambiguous, though it's likely a US city in recent times. A balaclava-wearing mobster cornered by the police is about to hold his final stand-off when Kristi right next to him. As the cops do a double take, the mobster wastes no time using the bound and gagged time traveler as a convenient human shield. Kristi squirms enticingly in the gangster's grasp as he opens fire with a machine gun.

The coppers are hamstrung, no doubt worrying about the bad press they'd get if they mow down a nude woman with her hands tied behind her. Safe behind his sexy barricade, the mobster gets giddy and positions his gun barrel lengthwise along Kristi's labia, effectively using her vagina to steady his weapon. As the, our horny heroine reacts as expected when the hot, vibrating metal begins rocking her world. I'm not one who likes to see a GIMPette enjoy her punishment, and it's arguable whether Kristi is enjoying anything here, but the sight of her climaxing over and over as bursts of machine gun fire erupt from between her legs is more than a little arousing. This segment is not without its flaws, but Kristi's reaction to her ordeal saves the day. Unfortunately for our Cagney wannabe, the time machine giveth, and the time machine taketh away. As he looks on in disbelief, Kristi vanishes into thin air, teleporting onward to new adventures.

With his pretty protector gone, the scene ends, as you might expect, rather badly for the bad guy. Kristi's next destination - the fourth if you've lost track - features the aforementioned guest appearance of the Fantom Kiler, hero of his own line of Teraz videos. We thus can assume this segment is set in present day Poland, where FK haunts the countryside slicing up bare and busty beauties. Arriving in a storage shed, Kristi is alone long enough to finally free her arms and remove her gag.

Fortunately for us, there is not a scrap of clothing in sight, so she hides behind an oil drum when she hears someone enter. That someone of course is the Fantom Kiler, towing his latest victim behind him by a T shaped pussy hook imbedded where pussy hooks are meant to be imbedded. FK's unfortunate captive is the fetching judge who sentenced him to life in jail for 'the murder and mutilation of over 1000 virgins' (Don't believe it? Try finding one now).

The judge is played by Maria Vaslova, star of Nina's Nightmares and owner of the world's most durable breast implants. They are on fine display here, as is the rest of her, squirming naked on the end of the hook, gagged and with hands bound behind her. As Fantom Kiler is considerably less lenient than the judge, he sentences her to a 'humiliating and agonizing execution'. But first he carries out the punishment the judge imposed on him. With Maria awkwardly bent backward, arms tied overhead, FK whacks her repeatedly with a cane before using it, against her will, as a masturbation aid. Eventually tiring of the cane, FK moves on to flog the poor woman with a cat-o'-nine tails. Judging from her previous Teraz appearances, Vaslova certainly can take a lot of pain, and she does not disappoint here.

Her torture is suitably believable and although the blood effects are a bit weak, the repeated blows across her breasts and midsection are real. As a result, this is one of the best scenes in the film, and will be a favorite for anyone who enjoyed Maria's performance in. Centrifugal Fan Selection Software. Peeking out from behind the oil drum, Kristi looks on in horror as the judge endures her thrashing. At last, she decides to intervene, sneaking up behind the distracted Kiler, intending to bash his head in with a wrench. Sadly for the judge, it is just as Kristi is about to save the day that Rohr-Sauger (remember him?) locks onto her vagina juice DNA and out of the scene.

This leaves Maria alone with FK, who fires up a chain saw and closes in on her gaping sex. It would have been fun to hang out in that storage shed for another few minutes, but instead we leave the judge to her tragic fate and watch Kristi materialize in a jail cell under the coliseum in Ancient Rome - 300 BCE to be exact. Sharing the dank cage is another naked blonde - you can never have too many I guess - a gladiatrix (played by Ms. Lust in a wig) who is furiously masturbating in hopes of reaching one last orgasm before being forced to fight. Oblivious to Kristi's arrival, she barely has a chance to climax before Rohr-Sauger mistakenly beams her into the present day., the gladiatrix is understandably confused and apparently a little annoyed at having her two-finger tango interrupted.

Just as Rohr-Sauger decides that this unexpected visitor could make a passable substitute for Kristi - and giving up on the original to prove the machine works - the blonde wrecks her shot at fame by dissing the touchy scientist. Strangely unfazed by the girl's ability to swear in English, he instead is offended by his foul-mouthed guest and rashly beams her into oblivion. This seeming tangent of a scene is actually very necessary to the plot. Now alone in the coliseum cell, Kristi is mistaken for the gladiatrix and soon finds herself outfitted with a sword, shield and to face off against a slab of beefcake three times her size. Curiously, she has also been garbed in a tiny leather bra and matching loincloth, her first nod to modesty since stripping off her lab coat in scene one. No worries though: two minutes into the fight, her opponent's sword has slashed away her brief attire, leaving Kristi wearing nothing but her helmet and a glistening sheen of sweat.

The gladiator fight is easily the most ambitious scene in the film, and not surprisingly, the one which most highlights its production limitations. The supposed throngs of spectators are represented by a half dozen, shown against a dark, smoky background. The ring looks to be the size of walk-in closet, and the props, including some rather grody severed heads, are as convincing as a ten buck Rolex.

Still, the swordplay is remarkably energetic, and Kristi acquits herself well against the mighty 'Dracon'. This scene is not meant to be realistic but entertaining, and at that level it succeeds admirably.

Besides, how many other films feature a nude heroine crossing swords with a hulking Neanderthal? Unfortunately, the GIMPery is derailed when Dracon notices that his opponent is actually, and begins to lust after Dr. Lust right in the middle of the fight. Ignoring the jeers of the 'crowd', he stands transfixed by the woman's beauty and, ummm.

Rises to the occasion. With Dracon's member at full attention, Kristi takes advantage of her adversary's distracted state and with a well-aimed stroke snatches victory from the loss of da meat. But the games ain't over until the fat lady sings, or at least until the slim one dies. With the spectators screaming for her blood, Kristi faces a second challenger, this one more skilled and presumably gay. Unlike his predecessor, 'Magog' fails to fall for his opponent's considerable charms and soon divests her of her shield, sword and (thankfully) that helmet. With his prey cornered and the business end of a scythe (!) pressed against her womanhood, he swings the blade upward just as - you guessed it - Rohr-Sauger locks onto his guinea pig and transports her to. .a seedy Manhattan alley in 1973.

You'd think that at some point the good professor would just let his hapless assistant suffer her impending doom and put her out of her misery, but I suppose the concept of never-ending perils is the whole idea here. As if showing up in the US during Watergate were not punishment enough, Kristi is mistaken by the for a wayward ho trespassing on his turf. After all, she's in a back alley, she's in heels, and she's naked. If you were a pimp, wouldn't you reach the same conclusion? After checking Kristi's orifices for money (so that's where naked hookers stash their cash), the pimp assumes she is giving out freebies and generously treats the neighborhood to complimentary samples. Kristi is beaten, tied to a garbage can and fitted with a speculum to keep her mouth accessible. 'Fuck me for free' is scrawled on her midsection just in case anyone still misses the point.

Surprisingly, several people turn their noses up at the delectable offer before one eager beaver whips out his mortadella sized cock and pushes it down Kristi's throat. He cums quickly, the poor girl with what looks more like a quart of milk than what it's supposed to be.

Kristi takes the violation rather well, considering her hands are clearly untied (a major fail in this scene) but remain obediently behind her back throughout the assault. Maybe she's just become so used to having her wrists cuffed together that she doesn't think to defend herself. Even when she is approached by the resident psycho killer - there seems to be one at every stop - Kristi arches back helplessly and prepares to be stabbed by the guy's knife (which looks remarkably similar to the ornate blade used by Pig-man at her second destination). Of course, just as the knife comes down, guess what happens?

If you said she's finally killed, you haven't been paying attention. Actually, this time Kristi makes it back to the lab. For all of the five seconds it takes Rohr-Sauger to change his mind about retrieving her without the media around to witness his genius. With the machine now working as designed (hard to believe), there's one more stop for our intrepid time traveler while the professor and Korsakov arrange a big party to publicize her return. Now magically bound as she was supposed to be in the previous scene (but missing the inspiring words on her belly), and with the speculum still in her mouth (ever wonder why anything time travelers are touching travels with them?), in the litter-strewn dwelling of. Yes, another psycho killer.

Aside from butchering naked women, which is a pretty common hobby in the world of Teraz, this character has a somewhat peculiar fetish. Rather than reveal it, I'll end the plot synopsis here and leave you to be as stunned by the conclusion of KTM as I was. Suffice it to say, things did not wind up as I expected - and I thought I was ready for anything. A word of warning though: make sure you've fully digested your dinner before watching the final scene. Although the climax was not one I would have chosen, it is in keeping with the overall tone of the film, which is dark and surreal while remaining oddly humorous throughout. Kristi is like the speechless Barbie doll every teenage GIMPer practiced on after lights-out, so you can't really feel sorry for her.

Rohr-Sauger is a pompous lecher who clearly enjoys seeing his assistant tortured and humiliated. In fact, he'd be happy to leave her stranded or dead in the past if it weren't for the fact he needs her to prove his invention works.

Clearly, KTM is meant to be an absurdist fantasy, made all the more apparent by having Kristi march through her adventures in stilettos but otherwise nude while encountering only masked maniacs out to mistreat her. As mentioned, the plot is a direct steal from The Time Tunnel, but the film is really a sexed up version of The Perils of Pauline. Accepting it for what it is, I enjoyed KTM a great deal. Like all Teraz output, it has atmosphere to burn, and unlike most fetish productions, care is taken with the details in every scene. Kristi Lust is quite a find, and sizzles in every shot she's in. Thanks to some creative photography, we get to see her from virtually all angles, and trust me, there's no way to make this woman look bad (see pic at left - dressed in her favorite outfit). She does have a scorpion tattoo on one shoulder, but it's not overly distracting.

Her acting, on the other hand, is. Kristi's native tongue clearly is not English, as is the case with almost all the Teraz girls, and she appears to speak her lines phonetically. Fortunately, she has little to say, and is virtually mute throughout most of the film (a somewhat brutal but unused scene shown in the DVD extras might account for this).

KTM is not for everybody. For one thing, the campy yet misogynistic tone will make some folks uncomfortable, especially those who don't get the offbeat style favored by Teraz. The perils depicted will be too harsh for some, and not harsh enough for others. There's little blood, some unfulfilled teasing ('I'll have her breasts as trophies!'

) and some scenes could use an extra forty watt bulb or two. Perhaps the most obvious criticism is that the film's reach sometimes exceeds its grasp. Yet rather than hide the budget challenges, the director revels in them, taking things to jaw-dropping extremes in hopes of distracting viewers from the more obvious warts. Who cares if the giant centipede is fake when it's burrowing into a naked babe's privates as she lies writhing in the jungle? In the same way, the entire plot exists solely to put the heroine into improbably bizarre and intense perils.

There are a few cut-away scenes to the lab as the professor struggles to keep the machine working, but 95% of the film is Kristi being defiled and debased by one evil bastard after another. She descends from that rarefied line of professional victims, and like South Park's Kenny or Mr. Bill on SNL, Kristi exists for the single purpose of being abused. Sure, she travels through time, but she never gets to enjoy the scenery. Hell, she doesn't even get a chance to get dressed.

No one is nice to her, and everyone (including the audience) wants to see her suffer. And since KTM delivers Kristi's suffering in spades, I can let the occasional rubber spider pass. An A+ for effort and originality, but given the film's limitations, Kristi still rates a solid A.

Tuesday, January 10th 2012 - 01:43:47 AM Name: Fritz Ralphus wrote: So if you saw a great GIMP scene simply by itself and nothing before or after it, you would think it was a great scene, right? So why would a plot twist that happens 20 minutes or a half hour later ruin what you would have seen previously? Sorry dude, but I'm with my fellow A Canadian on this one. I so much wanted Maleficarum to end with the burning scene, but that tacked on ending forever changed my appreciation of the film. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the individual GIMP scenes for what they are, but knowing 'how things really turned out' does affect my reaction to the overall picture. If by the time we reach the last frame of a supposedly downbeat finale, there is any whiff of consensual participation, redemption, happy outcomes, etc., I can't help but be disappointed. In fact, just knowing that there exists an alternate ending in which the heroine is rescued, was in on the game, wakes up from a dream (or *cough* survives), makes me feel cheated.

If the film is upfront about its motives, I can't fault it for concluding on a positive note. But if it implies a dire outcome, then suddenly pulls a twist ending to declare otherwise, I'm not pleased.

And no, just stopping the film before the final reveal does not help me forget what actually occurs. However, I am curious how others feel about this. Do I smell a poll brewing?

The film that Jac was taking to festivals was KK, picture above. A docu drama with some intense GIMP in it. It's a surreal journey into the nightmare of Haiti. Part of that movie was shot and edited in Cuba. It was during his stay in the Caribbean Island that JJ started writing a script set in Colonial Times, in Trinidad, Cuba. A beautiful story. On my next installment I will discuss more of the history of Red Feline, beginning with the discovery and The Training of Camille and what it meant to us.

I will borrow some quotes from the Diary of Camille to make my point. Jac has a very interesting comment in his about what it was like to direct Amy on the Spanish Horse and other tortures in. That comment carries Amy's interview as well and some pictures. In about a week we'll start production of the new film.

Dead But Dreaming. Amy and her crew, because now she has a crew, the Heskinator is no longer alone in this, are busy with the props, costumes, make up FX, etc. JJ is busy with the casting, the script, the script, and the casting. I'm busy with the production board, which I have to make based on the pages that JJ sends my way. I have a little time on my hands, that's why I can actually post now. But soon we'll all be so busy that we'll disappear for a long time.

If I can, during the production, I'll post some comments with pictures. We'll have pictures. So, enjoy my posts for the time being.

* * * * * A Canadian wrote: In one of the early episodes, Lee Meriwether explained that the time travellers were trying to locate the 'little people' on the Land of the Giants, to rescue them from the giant hand with the fingers that never moved. Nice try, buddy, but Land of the Giants came out the year after Time Tunnel was cancelled. How could the scientists know anything about those lost little people?

Oh, right, they're time travelers so they'd be able to. Nope, too mind-warping for me. But it's always nice to see Lee Merriwether mentioned.

Did anyone else think she was hot in this show? And looking back, do you now wonder why? I mean she looked like a, always dressed in that shapeless, all-concealing lab coat, and rarely facing any peril beyond the sparks which flew from her instrument panel when it invariably went on the fritz.

She was the complete opposite of her persona. * * * * * YikYakker wrote: Just wanted to mention that the third source for Teraz films mentioned previously by Fritz carries a VOD version. Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, the does not have the subtitles which make the scenes with Spanish and Latin dialogue understandable. The subtitles also help with some of the heavily accented English. You won't get lost without them, but you'll miss a few chuckles and nuances.

Also, the download version does not provide the DVD extras. On the other hand, it sells for $19, which is quite reasonable for a 107 minute GIMP video. * * * * * Ralphus wrote: BTW, your 100th post? I guess you're up to 101 now. But seriously, who counts their posts? The only reason I know how many posts I've made is because I number the files when I save them to disk.

And yes, I know 100, or 101, or I guess now, 102, is actually embarrassingly low when it seems some folks around here have been posting daily for ten years. What is that.

And regarding the claim that everything I put up here is a MHP. I beg to differ. Some posts (like this one) are not all that long.

It's the reviews and stories that tend to get out of hand. But thanks anyway. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 12:19:17 PM Name: carnyx E-mail address: thank you for the information on teraz ralphus. Robert Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 12:31:31 PM Name: John Galt Fritz said: The only reason I know how many posts I've made is because I number the files when I save them to disk. Only a masochist would actually try to write posts using the post page.

And it's pretty apparent that, between the two, most of the active posters to this forum clearly fall more into the sadist category. But really, doesn't everyone compose their posts in a text editor first, and then just copy and paste it into the upload box? This will be file #533 for me, but since I have occasionally posted from another computer, and my reviews are not numbered but saved by title, I know I have contributed more than 533 posts to the forum. * * * * * Reine Margot: Thanks for another enlightening and entertaining filmic and historical disquisition on the world of Red Feline, Pachamama and associated endeavors. Best of luck in the upcoming festival appearances. * * * * * Renzo Novatore: Regarding sloppy bondage techniques, you are defintely preaching to the choir. It may be that bondage neophytes (like filmmakers) truly have no idea what they are doing, and are too lazy to conduct the requisite research.

Or maybe they think since they know how to tie a knot, then they are experts. Or perhaps they feel there is no art or science to it. I've seen a few productions where it is fairly apparent that the producers or directors don't think there is any art or science to movie making either. In any event, you would think that plain, old-fashioned common sense would make some things obvious--for example, if you tie the hands in front and gag the victim, it is easy for her to reach up and remove the gag.

Or untie her own bonds. *sigh* Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 05:23:45 PM Name: A Canadian John Galt wrote: Only a masochist would actually try to write posts using the post page.

I guess that makes me a masochist. Usually, I use the post page. The only exception is for my reviews, which are written and saved on a different site. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 06:20:19 PM Name: Subhunt E-mail address: Homepage URL: Thank you for the John Blakemore HOM interview! For those of us who grew up in America in the 1970s, HOM mags were very rare but very highly prized! I bought my first copy of HOM Country Bound in 1975!

I was hooked by their style! I lucked up on a collection of HOM images several years ago, and I'm thankful. I'm thankful that John Blakemore came out of retirement, to take an encore bow!

As long as I am alive, I'll be posting those priceless HOM images. First, I posted them at They are the Subhunt photo albums.

Second, I posted several at Crux Forums. Lately, I added several at Dark Spot. The applause that went to me was loud and long! The applause was world wide! I always thanked the member who loved the images and I tell them about John Blakemore. Please send him my fondest regards!

As long as I am alive, I'll keep those images on my favorite websites. Take care, best wishes. Send my very best wishes to Mr. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 07:02:54 PM Name: John Galt A Canadian: You are very likely a better typist than I. Or more careful. Or something.

I have to view my posts in a browser (or the HTML Practice Site) to make sure I have all my tags properly opened and closed, and also to check that I remembered to divide my paragraphs with the paragraph tag. I get it all typed out, then go back and clean it up. My first draft is usually pretty abysmal with at least one missed keystroke or missing bracket. Plus, I kind of like to see how it will look.

Typing directly into the post box and then clicking the SIGN THE BOOK button without seeing what it would look like first would drive me crazy. It would be a masochistic thing for me. Different strokes, I guess. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 07:45:14 PM Name: A Canadian John Galt wrote: I have to view my posts in a browser (or the HTML Practice Site) to make sure I have all my tags properly opened and closed, and also to check that I remembered to divide my paragraphs with the paragraph tag. Sometimes, I copy my text from the 'post' page and check it in an HTML test site first -- particularly if it includes links. Of course, I post my fair share of HTML-code (and other) mistakes.

I count on our quick-thinking moderator to correct them. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 07:54:15 PM Name: DHT Homepage URL: THIS would have been cool. Rather see it from Amanda Connor or the Dodsons (or Saudelli), but I wouldn't turn it down from Miller and Sinkiewicz.

Porn is all Miller is capable of at this point anyway, might as well put him to use. Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 10:25:30 PM Name: DHT Wednesday, January 11th 2012 - 10:39:33 PM Name: Bill K. Thank you Reine Margot for answering my Telluride film festival question. I was sure that there was world wide adult film festival but was not sure about here in USA if there was. I sorry about calling Maleficarum a Red Feline production when I should know by now it's a Pachamama production. I keep forgetting they're not the same company.

Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 12:40:22 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Homepage URL: John Galt: But really, doesn't everyone compose their posts in a text editor first, and then just copy and paste it into the upload box? Unless I have a long or complicated post, I use the box.

Anything else is too complicated. ======================================== DHT: THIS would have been cool. Rather see it from Amanda Connor or the Dodsons (or Saudelli), but I wouldn't turn it down from Miller and Sinkiewicz.

Porn is all Miller is capable of at this point anyway, might as well put him to use. As long as Sinkiewicz wasn't doing the art 'Stray Toaasters style (see URL) -- LOL.

That was NICE art though. ======================================== **Posted from The Box!*** Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 04:04:10 AM Name: DHT @JHLipton.

LOVE Stray Toasters:) I love Sinkiewicz, he's just not my pick for sexy art. I mean, if I could pick an artist for a Wonder Woman bondage extravaganza it would be Saudelli or Frank Cho or Amanda Connor, Adam Hughes, The Dodsons, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez. But actually none of them if I could get Gilbert Hernandez! Check this out, it's the first in a series of 8 Youtubes (Including a behind the scenes vid).

As far as I can tell, part 3 is missing. The bondage starts in part 2. Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 07:42:17 AM Name: Falstaff I have been away from home for the past 3 months and so unable to download Maleficarum, I did so after I returned and it exceeded all my expectations - If this is an indication of what to expect in the future from Margot, Amy, JJ, et al, I look forward to all their productions. One question for Margot or Amy, despite all the new productions, when will Seven Days Episode 5 ever be released? I realize with all the new things going on this probably takes a back seat, but I have chapters 3 and 4 and would like to add the finale when it becomes available. Also, Margot, I really appreciate all the history behind Red Feline that you have shared and the way you all got together - it appears some things are just meant to happen.

I wish you all continued success. Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 10:33:56 AM Name: TGG Here's a tip for some of this community's less HTML knowledgable posters. You don't always have to use paragraph start and paragraph end tags create seperate paragraphs. You can also create seperate paragraphs with only one pair of paragraph tags if you place the break tag between the text of different paragraphs, just put the letters BR in open/close tags between groups of text. That how I split paragraphs.

Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 05:55:36 PM Name: BigD Okay, so I read on another forum that the Watermen was special theatres only which is why I couldn't find anything out on the movie. It makes since it was released to select theaters about a year ago. Anyway, no DVD to look forward to.Damn and it looked so promising. Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 06:29:04 PM Name: The Mangler E-mail address: I enjoyed the 'Kristi and the Time Machine' (KTM) review - looking forward to more of this type.

Helps in my decision making. BTW are ZFX still in business - I can't seem to find their site? Maybe its just me? Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 06:31:44 PM Name: Roman Nowicki Homepage URL: Just checking the buzz on our new Teraz Films release Kristi and the Time Machine starring the luscious Kristy Lust. This is my first visit to GIMP, any questions, I'll be happy to answer, if not, then its been nice talking to myself.

BTW: If you do fancy seeing whats in offer at the brand new Teraz Films site ( GIMPers can get 10% off by typing the word 'GIMP' into the 'redemption code' (do this when checking out) - And a solid purchase also gets FREE membership to the Teraz Films Club, full of untold delights!!! And with that blatant bit of SPAM I'll make a hasty exit, for now. Roman - Teraz Films Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 06:52:58 PM Name: A Canadian Roman Nowicki: I don't have any questions, so I'll just say welcome and thanks for creating the 'GIMP' redemption code. I think I've just taken a step closer to checking out your movies. Thursday, January 12th 2012 - 10:49:47 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Wow, it's Roman Nowicki, the director of one of my all-time favorite GIMP films, Fantom Kiler 2. Guys, I think it's about time for another update to our Notable Guests page.

It's great to have you here. When I first saw Fantom Kiler 2 being advertised online 10 years ago, I didn't know anything about it, or even who or what Teraz Films was. But I took a chance and bought the movie based on 2 tiny stills I saw online of what looked like a woman tied to the hood of a car with jumper cables attached to her nipples.

I've still got them. Here's what I saw: The pics were so small I couldn't even tell for sure, but if it was what I thought it was, I knew I had to see this movie.

And of course, that turned out to the most AMAZING electric shock torture scene I had ever seen. Not only that, the film was loaded with naked women in bondage. Here's an excerpt from my original review, dated May 26, 2001: And the great thing about the movie is that the bondage and nudity are not briefly glimpsed; they play it up from all different angles, and the scenes are all filmed like the director knows that the bondage is the most important part, which of course, it is:) I'll tell you one thing. There is NO WAY a movie like this would EVER get released in the United States. It appears to have been made for bondage fetishists, disguised as a horror film. Roman, if you never made another film, this would be your legacy. But of course, you kept on making them, and I've liked more of your works since then.

I know Mark of the Whip has a lot of fans here. I also liked Fantom Kiler 4 (although not nearly as much as 2). But there's still several I've not ha.

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