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Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016) was an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actor and director.

RA Band Drum Major, 1844 The Royal Horse Artillery Band when mounted now numbered 36 men, with kettle-drums and scarlet bannerols, and was regarded as the equal of the best cavalry bands in the army. As a dismounted band, they often deputized for the. After the, the numbers of troops in the Field Artillery increased substantially, with the result that the two large previously existing bands, the RA Band, and the RA Brass Band, because they were dismounted, found themselves without duty.

The result was that the RHA Band was now required to attend all the parades of the Royal Horse Artillery and the. The financial burden to the RHA officers who supported the band led to deep resentment, and the decision was made, in 1877, by the then to form a new band from the best members of the RHA Band, and the RA Brass Band, with the express instruction that Bombardier Henry Lawson (of the RA Brass Band) be its bandmaster. A letter dated 13 November 1877 from the confirms that a committee be set up to consider a plan put forward by the RHA for the formation of a mounted band for the whole regiment of artillery. On the disbandment of the RHA Band, its bandmaster, James Browne retired.

Following the rider-training of the best members of the RA Brass Band, and together with the best members of the RHA Band, the new Royal Artillery Mounted Band came into being. The Joiner And Cabinet Maker Ebook Reader. The Royal Artillery Mounted Band (1886–1984) [ ] The Royal Artillery Mounted Band was '.the largest mounted band ever seen' The band was originally formed at, on 19 January 1878, under the direction of its bandmaster, James Lawson, who had formerly led the Royal Artillery Bugle Band, and the Royal Artillery Brass Band.

A surplus of horses from the Royal Horse Artillery, and Royal Field Artillery prompted the creation of The Royal Artillery Mounted Band (Woolwich) which comprised 62 musicians, 42 of whom were mounted. Early years [ ] Later in the foundation year of the Mounted Band at Woolwich, news was received that the Duke of Cambridge had made the decision, that because of the large proportion of Horse and Field Artillery equipment, and troops situated in Aldershot, it was only right that the Garrison should have a mounted band permanently stationed there. During the following year, 25 mounted musicians and horses were posted to Aldershot, leaving 35 mounted musicians with the Royal Artillery Band in Woolwich. On 26 August 1887, the Woolwich 'mounted band' was suppressed.

All of its members transferred to the Aldershot band. The remaining 12 musicians were absorbed into the Royal Artillery Band, which was ordered to provide a 'Mounted Portion' of twenty players. Eight musicians were immediately required to undergo rider training in order to prepare for mounted duty. The 'Mounted Portion' comprised: 1 'Serjeant in charge', 2 Bombardiers, and 17 'Bandsmen'.

In 1894, the then Duke of Connaught arranged for a searchlight display to take place in Aldershot, for Queen Victoria. The Royal Artillery Mounted Band, as the main band opened the impressive display, that would become the first of the Aldershot Command searchlight tattoos, held annually to audiences often exceeding 500,000. Among its other prestigious engagements, the Royal Artillery Mounted Band 'the largest mounted band ever seen' [The Times] had the privilege of heading the Lord Mayor of London's processions, and the funeral procession of Queen Victoria in 1901 where it preceded the hearse. Under its famous bandmaster, Mr James Lawson, the band contributed regularly to the Woolwich Town Hall concerts, but purely as a, 'in which sphere [as was widely documented at the time], it eclipsed the Royal Artillery Band.

It ought to be mentioned, that the famous Italian conductor of the Royal Artillery Band, Cavaliere Ladislao Zavertal, deliberately took no notice of Mr Lawson's achievements, preferring to concentrate his efforts into transforming the Royal Artillery Orchestra (Britain's oldest-established permanent orchestra, founded in 1763) into the ensemble that would become renowned throughout Europe. The instrumentation of the Royal Artillery Band in came largely from the Royal Artillery Brass Band (formerly under the charge of Lawson), and consisted of 8 cornets, 3 tenor horns, two baritones, 2 E-Flat, and 1 pair of kettledrums.

To this, 5 woodwinds, including E-Flat 'clarionette' and piccolo were added. All of the musicians were required to become proficient on stringed instruments - a required condition that has remained in all Royal Artillery bands from 1887 to the current day. In 1897 the 'mounted portion' of the Royal Artillery Band was disbanded, leaving the Aldershot band to fulfil all remaining mounted ceremonial duties. During the tour of New Zealand, by the Royal Artillery (Woolwich) Band (May 1913 - March 1914), approximately half of that band remained in London to provide an orchestra. Interestingly, the RA Bands Committee chose to allow Mr Henry Sims and the Royal Artillery Mounted Band to fulfill the London concerts at, although the strings were actually augmented by those string players remaining in Woolwich. Orchestral music in all of the Royal Artillery's bands has always been maintained as an important, and integral feature of the Regiment's music, and the string sections in general, have always comprised mainly those musicians, whose primary instruments were/are stringed instruments.

Likewise, primary brass, woodwind, and percussion players, would specialize in the military band ensembles. On 17 May 1913 The Royal Artillery Mounted Band gave the first performance at the opening of the new bandstand, at the riverside promenade (The Groves) in. War years (1939–1945) [ ] In 1939 on the outbreak of war, the horses were returned to the Remount Depot. Before the end of 1940, the main four artillery bands were allotted their separate War stations. The Royal Artillery (Woolwich) Band was made responsible for tours in the Northern and Scottish Commands, and a single tour of duty in Northern Ireland. The Royal Artillery Mounted Band was renamed 'The Royal Artillery (Aldershot) Band' for the duration of the war, and moved in 1941 to Harrogate in North Yorkshire, to take over the Northern and Scottish Commands (to be stationed at Hildebrand Barracks, Penny Pot Lane, Harrogate), while the Woolwich band returned to London, to serve the South Eastern Command, with a small detachment of the band at Watford for the Eastern Command [the RA (Portsmouth) Band went to Cheshire for the Western Command, while the RA (Salisbury Plain) Band was sent to Bulford Camp for the Southern Command].

The number of days the Aldershot band spent away from headquarters, some of them in battle zones is: 176 (in 1941); 214 (in 1942); 171 (in 1943); 123 (in 1944). Upon the Band's return to Aldershot at the end of the war, at the King's suggestion, it was reinstated with the highly prized title 'Mounted Band' because of its former associations with the Royal Horse Artillery, and on the understanding that the RHA may at any time claim entitlement to the services of the Band above all requests by other regiments. It is also notable, that the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery (who, when their guns are on parade, are at the 'right of the line' of the British Army, and though not Household Cavalry, are nevertheless at the head of the Household Troops, which include the former) have always remembered the RHA connection of the Mounted Band with affection - still regarding them as their own - and the musicians were granted the right to be forever affiliated with this equestrian branch of the Service. The Royal Artillery Mounted Band, renamed 'Royal Artillery (Aldershot) Band' as the band of Northern Command, stationed from 1940-1945 in Hildebrand Barracks, Harrogate, North Yorkshire Post-war history and final years (1945–1984) [ ] On 1 August 1947 the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, and the Portsmouth and Salisbury Plain bands were granted staff band status, along with three other corps bands.

In the case of these Royal Artillery bands, they were to be known as 'minor staff bands' because they were under the administration of the Royal Artillery Band in Woolwich as the 'parent' unit. The then serving bandmaster of the Mounted Band, Mr David McBain, was commissioned as its first director of music.

At that time, the band was stationed at Minden Barracks, Deepcut, Surrey. In 1967 the band moved to Germany where it replaced the Royal Artillery (BAOR) Band at, although the 'BAOR' had, until then, been stationed in Oldenburg. During the band's extensive tour throughout Germany and in other European countries the band fulfilled many important engagements, including the British Week in Vienna ambassadorial event in October 1969. The band returned to the UK in 1972 to be stationed for the first time at Larkhill, on Salisbury Plain, where it replaced the newly styled 'Royal Artillery Alanbrooke Band' (formerly the Royal Artillery (BAOR) Band).

By now, it had been decided that the two bands would alternate locations every five years. The new arrangement continued until the final return of the Mounted Band to Larkhill, where it was disbanded within months of making its last-ever appearance at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in 1984. The Royal Artillery was required in 1976 to provide a band to play for the Mounting of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. So that the Royal Artillery Band was able to still meet its previously agreed commitments for orchestra, the Royal Artillery Mounted Band formed the bulk of the 50-piece palace band, with its remaining men drawn from Woolwich. The Woolwich musicians being in the minority were thereby required to remove their band swords, to satisfy a uniform appearance. All three RA bands were reunited, with support from the various affiliated Territorial Army bands, at the Beating of the Retreat in June, 1980 on Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall Whitehall, in London, in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen, the Captain General of the Royal Regiment.

The Royal Artillery Mounted Band, under the command of its Director of Music, Captain Brian Hicks, R.A. At West Riding Barracks, Dortmund During the 43-strong band´s final five-year tenure in Germany, stationed at Dortmund, its strength rose briefly to 47 musicians (including three flutes, two oboes, thirteen clarinets, two bassoons, three French horns, and two euphoniums). Each of its musicians, in the true tradition of the Royal Artillery bands, played at least two instruments - one military band instrument and one orchestral (one of its musicians was recruited as a bouzouki player / violist, who also learned to play the clarinet!). This would be the high point in the size of the band, before it began to slowly diminish in size, though not in stature. The diversity and number of ensembles contained within the capabilities of the band were widely known and respected, and even included such exotic instruments as the accordion, and aforementioned bouzouki, with the band notably becoming the first to include a synthesizer in its commercial recordings under its then Director of Music, [Captain] Terence (Terry) Kenny. Musicians typically applied from all over the United Kingdom to join the band, responding to advertisements in such publications as 'Melody Maker' and 'Gramophone'.

Kenny was succeeded by [Captain] Brian Hicks as Director of Music in October 1977. Hicks remained with the band until the first year of its return to Salisbury Plain.

Prior to the band's return to the United Kingdom in 1982, it could still muster 38 musicians, however, following voluntary redundancies and postings to other bands, the number of musicians declined to 24 by the time its ultimate album was recorded, towards the end of 1983, at Wembley Studios, under the baton of [Captain] Frank Anthony Renton. Frank Renton did much to maintain the high profile of the Mounted Band, not least to boost the morale of the musicians awaiting their fates under the looming shadow of disbandment, with a choice of being posted to either Woolwich, or Germany to join the Royal Artillery Band and Alanbrooke Band respectively, or redundancy.

Throughout its long history the Royal Artillery Mounted Band maintained a particularly high standard of performance, for which it will always be remembered. This held the band in good stead on the various occasions when, owing to its seniority, it would take precedence at prestigious events, such as during the Festival of Flanders on 6 September 1980, where at the 'Sportpaleis' in Gent, it was seen with the larger, and similarly famous Band of the Grenadier Guards. At the Sportpaleis, and at the Paleis des Beaux Arts (also in Gent), the band excelled both musically, and visually, with that of the Grenadier Guards again also participating.

In spite of its many public appearances as a marching band and concert band, the band retained the kudos it had always received for its orchestra, and as such, by far exceeded the number of engagements it fulfilled as a military band. During its time in Dortmund, the orchestra regularly provided a 20-piece pit orchestra, to accompany the West Rhine Musical Society at the Garrison Theatre, Rheindahlen. The week-long productions included 'Princess Ida', 'Yeoman of the Guard', 'Fiddler on the Roof', 'Carousel', 'Patience', and 'My Fair Lady' among others, with further musicals to accompany at the Garrison Theatre, Dortmund, including 'My Fair Lady'. The Orchestra travelled regularly throughout the area, and frequently across European borders, to perform at military bases, embassies, and also for civilian private hires. The orchestral library was almost as extensive as that of the military band.

Emerson Flute Serial Number List. The Mounted Band was the only band of the British Army of the Rhine, to possess a true capability on stringed instruments, as each of its personnel, in the tradition of all Royal Artillery Band musicians, was expected to also play a stringed instrument in addition to either a wind, or a percussion instrument. The orchestra would typically play for three or four mess functions (i.e.

Banquets) per week, with certain musicians remaining to provide a dance band until the early hours in the morning, with most of the musicians still being required to appear in the military band on various parade grounds throughout Germany, in addition to frequent private (civilian) engagements and concerts. Many of the string players continued their careers in civilian orchestras, and at one time there was a predominance of ex-RA Mounted Band string players in the Royal Opera House Orchestra. Private orchestral engagements were particularly varied, and even included playing for all-Strauss galas and fashion shows, namely at the Hilton Hotel in Vienna, and accompanying artistes such as Harry Secombe, Eve Boswell, Moira Anderson, and others. These assets were suitably accorded the esteem they deserved, when on 25 October 1982, the last of the Band's quinquennial inspections, by the Inspector of Army Bands took place at Larkhill.

The number of band members by that time at fallen to 33. In the traditions set by the band, as has indeed was also the case at the two previous inspections (as they are usually dubbed), the Royal Artillery Mounted Band was awarded the highest possible marks in all areas, involving all ensemble combinations within the band. 1984 - Final year [ ] By the beginning of the year, the Band comprised 24 members, not including its Director of Music. By The last official photographs of the individual members of the Band were taken, and mounted in a large frame, to commemorate a band that had existed for almost a century. This set of photographs (shown above, right) is now in the possession of the Royal Artillery Band at Woolwich, London. The Orchestra and Dance Band were invited to play at the British Dental Association's Gala Dinner, at the, on 16 June 1984, in the presence of the Lord Mayor of London. The Orchestra was conducted on that occasion by its Director of Music, Captain Frank Renton, RA.

On the evening of 11 July the Band was present for a massed bands display, at the, with the Royal Artillery Band, and bands of the 1st Battalion The Gloucester Regiment, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment, and the. The final year of the Band was filled with numerous major engagements, culminating in a resounding triumph in Italy where the Band took part in the International Music Week in and performed at the British Embassy in Rome (in June 1984). The last major engagement at which the Band performed, from mid-July until mid-August, was at the (now 'Royal -'), as the senior band under the command of WO2 (BSM) S.M. The other bands taking part at the time, including the, the Band of the Queen's Own Highlanders, the Band of the, and the Royal Band South, of H.M. The Sultan of Oman. As the Mounted Band was at the time bereft of a director of music, the Tattoo Director of Music that year was Major D. Carson, Scots Guards.

On 20 October 1984, a farewell dinner was held for the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, at the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess. Aside from the current members of the Band, three former band members attended, including Ernie Langhope, who served in the band from 1920 - 1945.

For the occasion the RA (Woolwich) Band provided a six-piece mess orchestra. Days after the farewell dinner, the Band's remaining 24 members were posted to each of the remaining Royal Artillery's bands, with some following those who had already taken voluntary redundancy. Bandmasters and Directors of Music [ ] James Lawson became the first bandmaster of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band in Woolwich, and was succeeded by Henry Sims in Aldershot, who was bandmaster from 1886 - 1918. In 1919 it was decided by the Royal Military School of Music and the War Office, that 'Directors of Music' would head the three bands of the, all bands of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, the Bands of the Royal Engineers, and the regimental bands of the five regiments of footguards of the Brigade of Guards. All other bands retained a 'Bandmaster' as head, and the Royal Artillery Band retained in addition to its director of music, a bandmaster, for the reason of it being the largest of all British military bands, with its own musical training establishment, the Junior Musicians Troop, Royal Artillery.

Successors to Henry Sims were: • Augustus Joseph Dunn (1918–1920) • Thomas James Hillier (1920–1935) • Sam Rhodes (1935–1938) • David McBain (1938–1948) • Basil Hector Brown (1948–1958) • William Williams (1958–1966) • George Edwin Evans (1966–1972) • Terence Alan John Kenny (1972–1977) • Brian Erwin Hicks (1977–1982) • Frank Anthony Renton (1982–1984) In its last few months in existence, the band was conducted and managed by Drum Major Shaun Day. Four directors of Music of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, during the postwar era, succeeded to the highest post in military music, that of Principal Director of Music, of the Royal Military School of Music, at Kneller Hall, Twickenham. The four DoMs were: David McBain, Basil Brown, George Evans and Frank Renton. Locations [ ] • '(i)' 1886 until 1887 at Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich • '(ii)' 1887 until 1940 at Mons Barracks, Aldershot'(iii) 1940 until 1944 at Hildebrand Barracks, Harrogate, North Yorkshire • (iv) 1947 until 1950? At Minden Barracks, Deepcut, Surrey.

• (v) 1950[?] until January 1967 at Mons Barracks, Aldershot. • (vi) January 1967 until January 1972 at West Riding Barracks Dortmund, West Germany. • (vii) January 1972 until January 1977 at the Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill, Wiltshire. • (viii) January 1977 until January 1982 at West Riding Barracks, Dortmund, West Germany.

• (vi) January 1982 until disbandment on 31 March 1985 at RSA, Larkhill, Wiltshire. Ceremonial uniform [ ] 1886–1939 [ ].

Retrieved 14 October 2013. British Army. Retrieved 14 October 2013. Firepower - Royal Artillery Museum. Retrieved 14 October 2013. British Army.

Retrieved 14 October 2013. British Army. Retrieved 14 October 2013.

British Army. Retrieved 14 October 2013. British Army.

Retrieved 14 October 2013. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00.

[ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] •, p. 00. [ ] • The Rotunda Museum, Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, London Bibliography [ ] •.

Memoirs of the Royal Artillery Band., UK: Boosey & Co., 1904. Military Music. Max Parrish & Co Limited., 1950.

Cavaliere Zaverthal and the Royal Artillery Band. Hinrichsen Edition Limited, 1951. ASIN B0007IUBWM. History of the Royal Artillery Band. S.E 18, UK: Royal Artillery Institution, 1954. ASIN:B000J2ZMY8 • (A)Turner, G.

The History of British Military Bands v2. Spellmount Publishers Ltd, 1996.. • (B)Turner, G. The Trumpets Will Sound. Parapress, 1996.. • Cassin-Scott, J, Fabb J.

Military Bands and their Uniforms.,, UK: Blandford Press, 1978.. Instruments of Processional Music., UK: Lutterworth Press, 1967.. • Slonimsky, N. Lectionary of Music. Anchor Books, 1990.. • 'The Grove Dictionary of Music' • 'The New Grove Dictionary of Music' • 'The Oxford Companion to Music', Edited by Percy Scholes • 'The New Oxford Companion to Music', Edited by Denis Arnold • 'The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music', Edited by Stanley Sadie • Gleason, Bruce P. 'A History of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, 1878 -- 1939,' (M.A.

Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1985). • Gleason, Bruce P. 'A History of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, 1878 -- 1939,' Journal of Band Research 27, no.

1 (Fall 1991): 16–29. External links [ ].

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