Fractured Ribs Popping Sound
There's no cracking noise, I don't think; and no signs of trauma on the surface (other than skin cuts and a little bruising). My cracked (not even broken) ribs were painful enough that for the first week it was an effort to get out of bed in the morning (the combination of up and twist was literally breath taking.
Welcome to /R/BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. Is for discussing BJJ training, techniques, news, competition, asking questions and getting advice. Beginners are welcome. Discussion is encouraged. If you come across a post which you believe has incredible content and lively discussion, vote for it to become a 'Featured Post' by writing FeatureMe in a comment.
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• Questions about everything and anything related to BJJ • Posts about accomplishments including stripe promotions, training breakthroughs, etc. Special Threads • Question and Answer sessions from people in and around the BJJ community. • Posts that provide original content with in-depth discussion.

Links • Answers common BJJ questions and links to other BJJ resources. • Information about how to coordinate an AMA with the mods • Chat about what is going on in and BJJ in general • The official podcast of. • Comprehensive Q&A for absolute beginners or experienced veterans. • Announcements about BJJ seminars. • An wiki listing for schools around the world. In class today we were practicing some wrestling moves—namely takedowns and takedown finishes—and during one of the moves I caught my partners shoulder under my left ribs. I felt something that I can describe as a crackle or a popping, and then I couldn't breathe at all.
I thought that I had broken a rib, but I was able to breathe normally fairly soon after that. I sat out the rest of practice, and it only hurts if I breathe really deeply. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experiences while rolling, and how they handled it.
How should I deal with it, and when can I train again? Thanks in advance. If you can poke it and not find a weak point that makes you go FUCK OW WHY ARE YOU POKING ME SELF, but it hurts when you breathe deeply, I would guess intercostal. Last time I did that I was down for ~1 month (from running, etc), and couldn't get out of bed without flopping around for about a week.
It healed on its own with rest, but hurt like a bitch until then. So let me say: Welcome to the wonderful world of intercostal strains!
You'll know how bad it is when you try to sit up out of bed tomorrow:) [edit - I did it snowboarding - it popped when I went down, and then really loudly like I was at a chiropracter when the ski patrol guy was poking around my chest] • • • •. You probably strained the cartilage. If you're really concerned, get into a doc and have check it. I had a similar injury when one of our really big dudes from my old gym (300+ lbs) landed on my ribs during a takedown.
If you do roll, you will be supremely motivated to learn how to frame and not stick in bottom-side -- because that stuff hurts. Rest it as best you can, ice if it's bothering you and hit up ibuprofins. Rib injuries typically just take time to heal -- not much to be done to speed them along. Another vote for intercostal / cartilage injury. Rib injuries suck, and there's not much you can do to help them along. Continue going to class and observe / take notes.
If you feel up to more, make sure you and your training partner are on the same page. I'd plan on sitting out of rolling completely for at least 3 weeks, and easing yourself in following that. I had a really bad one in college from a poorly executed lateral drop on some hard turf (god, don't ask.).
Landed weird on my shoulder / side, lucky I didn't mess up my collarbone. Next day, could hardly breathe without pain. Toughed it out like an idiot, was doing some pushups during a workout and hear a LOUD pop in my robs.
Was sure they'd been fractured and I just made them worse. Computer Brochure Templates. Had some X-rays done, bones completely intact.
Just really awful tissue injury. I think it was a good 4-6 weeks, and probably still took extra care for another 3-4 after that.
Thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate the feedback from everyone. I guess I'm just going to try and rest it, and keep ice on it. It's a huge bummer because this class was wrapping up my first full week of taking bjj, and I was having a blast learning the techniques and live rolling with everyone; even getting submitted a bunch of times has allowed me to learn a lot even in my first week. Anyway, after it heals enough to return, will I be more susceptible to it happening again? And is there really any way to avoid having pressure on my ribs? I feel like with mount, side mount, takedowns, and scrambling for position, there are a lot of opportunities to have pressure on that area.
I rolled with a Judo black belt / BJJ white belt last Wednesday. He mounted me and put a ton of weight on my chest and a heard a light crack. It hurt so I took it easy the next 2 rolls and then class was over. I did no activity and used a heating pad and was about 90% when I went to class yesterday (Monday). We were doing stuff from side control and I was starting to get more and more tender in my rib cage. Then we were doing anaconda and I squeezed my partners elbow into my ribs and heard (and felt) a loud pop. I immediately turtled up and wanted to scream.
I stopped training and went home and could barely move. It was a little better this morning and then while driving to work I sneezed. It felt like I got stabbed in the lung and I just started screaming. That of course made it worse.
Going to the doctor at 4 PM today (first available). UPDATE: So no fractures (that they could see on X-Rays). Oh and Vicodin is awesome.
Hi, I have upper left quadrant pain. To be more specific, I've been having mild pain in one of my lower-most ribs on the left side for over a month now. One rib feels especially sore to touch. Massaging that rib makes the pain go away.
Sometimes the entire region feels sore to the touch. It is slightly painful to lie down on the left side. Immediately below the left ribs, if you press the abdomen, you can feel something popping or crackling, and there is some movement inside (its not so if you press the corresponding right side of the abdomen).
It's not painful if you press this area underneath the ribcage. But the rib itself is sore and slightly painful to press. Sometimes when I bend over I feel some movement in there, like some fiber is moving. I had a doctor palpate my abdomen and she could not find anything. She thought it was a sore muscle or something. But I'm concerned about the movement beneath the left-side ribcage. I was wondering if these are the signs of a hernia just underneath the ribcage, on the left side?
I'm a 17 year old girl that has the same thing. Sometimes when I laugh, it moves over my ribs and makes a popping noise. And when I slouch over in a certain way it moves. It hurts every once in a while but not as bad. My parents won't let me go check it out so I'm gonna have to wait til I'm 18 in about 4 more months. I have had it since I was about 15 years old and when I first notice it, it hurt bad but now I'm use to it it doesn't hurt as much anymore but still have pains here and there. I never had surgery before and thinking about it scares me.
Its below my left rib. Does it move over your ribs and makes the popping noise? It only does it sometimes but its aggravating when it does it.
I'm a 17 year old girl that has the same thing. Sometimes when I laugh, it moves over my ribs and makes a popping noise. And when I slouch over in a certain way it moves. It hurts every once in a while but not as bad. My parents won't let me go check it out so I'm gonna have to wait til I'm 18 in about 4 more months. I have had it since I was about 15 years old and when I first notice it, it hurt bad but now I'm use to it it doesn't hurt as much anymore but still have pains here and there. I never had surgery before and thinking about it scares me.
Its below my left rib. Does it move over your ribs and makes the popping noise? It only does it sometimes but its aggravating when it does Ok, you are the first to say you stuck, I feel that way and it scares me. I was going to the doctor today but it sounds like it will be a waste of time.
I am not over weight and it first startedwhen bending in exercise position. I was stuck & thought Id have to call 911 and then it let go. It feels like something gets locked up inside of something else. If I keep my appt I will post the results.
I have a ctscan (alot of radiation) of my abdomen from a search of kidney issues & it shows nothing related to a hernia. Ok, you are the first to say you stuck, I feel that way and it scares me. I was going to the doctor today but it sounds like it will be a waste of time. I am not over weight and it first startedwhen bending in exercise position. I was stuck & thought Id have to call 911 and then it let go.
It feels like something gets locked up inside of something else. If I keep my appt I will post the results. I have a ctscan (alot of radiation) of my abdomen from a search of kidney issues & it shows nothing related to a As everyone has said, i'm relieved that i'm not going crazy!! I've had this popping sensation for the past couple weeks now. I can push on a certain area right under my ribs on the left side and its almost this popping or clicking feeling.
I rarely have pain and if i do it is mild. Whatever this is, it has been uncomfortable.
I have been feeling very stressed lately and for a while just figured it was from that. I think this is now causing me even more stress and sometimes i think it has gotten me feeling anxious and therefore not hungry. Overall appetite is fine though. I went to a dr today and he felt it.thought it might be a hernia but wasn't sure.
I'm going to another doctor in a couple days but would like more insight. Does anyone know what this is?? As everyone has said, i'm relieved that i'm not going crazy!! I've had this popping sensation for the past couple weeks now.
I can push on a certain area right under my ribs on the left side and its almost this popping or clicking feeling. I rarely have pain and if i do it is mild. Whatever this is, it has been uncomfortable.
I have been feeling very stressed lately and for a while just figured it was from that. I think this is now causing me even more stress and sometimes i think it has gotten me feeling anxious and therefore not hungry. Overall appetite is fine though. I went to a dr today and he felt it.thought it might be a hernia but wasn't sure. I'm going to another doctor in a couple days but would like more insight. Does anyone know what this is??.show. I have been having the same symptoms on my right side except for the popping.
I am in a great deal of discomfort and pain. I went to the doctor and they thought I was having a gall bladder attack, since I had a slight fever at the time the admitted me to the hopital and ran an ultra sound and x-ray, but said my gall bladder looked good. They then ran function test and determined my gall bladder was only working at 20% so they went ahead and removed it. After waiting the 4 weeks to recover I noticed I still had the same pain! I followed up with my surgeon and he thought that I might have broken my 11th rib since the pain seemed to wrap around my right side and stated that even though my gall bladder was bad, which is typical in a 30 year old with kids,the area of pain wasnt near where my gall bladder used to be. Another x-ray determinded that no ribs were broken.
My doctor then scheduled a CT scan since she felt the bulge that was in my right side and thought it could be a fatty tumor. The scan showed no abnormalities.
I am currently waiting for an MRI to be scheduled. I don't know how everyone has gone years with this pain. It is driving me insane. I was hoping more would post their outcomes, but haven't seen any.
I hope someone will update their post soon. I will try to remember to do the same once I have the MRI results. I have been having the same symptoms on my right side except for the popping.
I am in a great deal of discomfort and pain. I went to the doctor and they thought I was having a gall bladder attack, since I had a slight fever at the time the admitted me to the hopital and ran an ultra sound and x-ray, but said my gall bladder looked good. They then ran function test and determined my gall bladder was only working at 20% so they went ahead and removed it. After waiting the 4 weeks to recover I noticed I still had the same pain! I followed up with my surgeon and he thought that I might have broken my 11th rib since the pain seemed to wrap around my right side and stated that even though my gall bladder was bad, which is typical in a 30 year old with kids,the area of pain wasnt near where my gall bladder used to be.
Another x-ray determinded that no ribs were broken. My doctor then scheduled a CT scan since she felt the bulge that was in my right side and thought it could be a fatty tumor. The scan showed no abnormalities. I am currently waiting for an MRI to be scheduled. I don't know how everyone has gone years with this pain. It is driving me insane.
I was hoping more would post their outcomes, but haven't seen any. I hope someone will update their post soon.
I will try to remember to do the same once I have the MRI Add me to the list too. Left side just right under my lower ribs. 45 Years old and this showed up about 3 months ago with off and on tenderness or sometimes a cramping sensation of moderate intensity(definately stopped what I was doing until it relieved in a few minutes). Though I did not go to the doctor and have been blowing this off as maybe muscule cramps, as I used to have very developed mid section and into light body building, but have let myself go for 15 years and just attributted it to my overwieght size and weakened state. But last night I fell and when I went to catch myself some 'pop'(all most like a joint popping) immediately followed by intense burn in that area. I was absolutely positive WHERE if felt the pop.
I was OK with the burn and soreness following but the popping noise scared me a little because I could not associate it with anything in that area(not a doctor but sort of a science/Spock type that has a casual interest in physiology & bio-mechanics). Thought maybe I had burst something. It is now 12 hours later and since I am not showing other signs of problems(other than myside is sore as hell), I know that that is not the case. Thank for all the posts.
I was just abot to go to the doctor and start a bug hunt for something it is apparent they know little about. Add me to the list too. Left side just right under my lower ribs.
45 Years old and this showed up about 3 months ago with off and on tenderness or sometimes a cramping sensation of moderate intensity(definately stopped what I was doing until it relieved in a few minutes). Though I did not go to the doctor and have been blowing this off as maybe muscule cramps, as I used to have very developed mid section and into light body building, but have let myself go for 15 years and just attributted it to my overwieght size and weakened state. But last night I fell and when I went to catch myself some 'pop'(all most like a joint popping) immediately followed by intense burn in that area. I was absolutely positive WHERE if felt the pop. I was OK with the burn and soreness following but the popping noise scared me a little because I could not associate it with anything in that area(not a doctor but sort of a science/Spock type that has a casual interest in physiology & bio-mechanics). Thought maybe I had burst something.
It is now 12 hours later and since I am not showing other signs of problems(other than myside is sore as hell), I know that that is not the case. Thank for all the posts. I was just abot to go to the doctor and start a bug hunt for something it is apparent they know little
To add a little to the info, I see several of these patients each year. The more common name is costochondrial dislocation. This represents an actual dislocation of the joint where a rib meets the cartilage that connects it to the breastbone. Since cartilage has such a poor blood supply these are extremely slow to heal. Generally, it takes several months and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen seem to accelerate the process somewhat. If symptoms are severe and persistent, the tip of the rib and a short piece of the cartilage is excised.
Once this heals the joint is essentially 'fused', stopping the pain and popping. I have seen several especially unfortunate patients that have had multilevel costochondrial dislocations. One was a young mother that was merely reaching for a can on the top shelf when she heard a series of pops and the sudden onset of excruciating pain. The dirrence in her was that it was the other end of the cartilage - the end that joins the sternum.
She had a congenital rotation of the sternum and ended up with four lefels of cartilage dislocating and overriding the sternum. We removed short segments of each piece of cartilage with relief.
The patients that I see with this are universally frustrated as they have typically been through extensive evaluations to rule out various abdominal problems. Unfortunately, the docs ordering all these expensive tests never noticed that all the symptoms could be reproduced with simple pressure at antiny spot corresponding to a costochondrial junction.
The abdomen is actually benign when one is careful not to compress the costochondrial margin during the exam. To add a little to the info, I see several of these patients each year.
The more common name is costochondrial dislocation. This represents an actual dislocation of the joint where a rib meets the cartilage that connects it to the breastbone. Since cartilage has such a poor blood supply these are extremely slow to heal. Generally, it takes several months and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen seem to accelerate the process somewhat. If symptoms are severe and persistent, the tip of the rib and a short piece of the cartilage is excised. Once this heals the joint is essentially 'fused', stopping the pain and popping.
I have seen several especially unfortunate patients that have had multilevel costochondrial dislocations. One was a young mother that was merely reaching for a can on the top shelf when she heard a series of pops and the sudden onset of excruciating pain. The dirrence in her was that it was the other end of the cartilage - the end that joins the sternum. She had a congenital rotation of the sternum and ended up with four lefels of cartilage dislocating and overriding the sternum. We removed short segments of each piece of cartilage with relief. The patients that I see with this are universally frustrated as they have typically been through extensive evaluations to rule out various abdominal problems.
Unfortunately, the docs ordering all these expensive tests never noticed that all the symptoms could be reproduced with simple pressure at antiny spot corresponding to a costochondrial junction. The abdomen is actually benign when one is careful not to compress the costochondrial margin during the I have been having the same problem aswell, hence me being here looking for answers. I too get a popping under my left ribcage near my tummy.
It feels like a water balloon would if it were under your skin and you pressed on it. Only its the size of a grape? It isnt too uncomfortable.but I've found it flairs up when: 1. I work out 2.
After eating 3. When im stressed (for ages ive felt terrible anxiety and it always has me clutching that area, trying to push it with my fingers to release a kind of pressure). Its so hard to figure out. And ive shown numerous doctors and 4 out of the five couldnt feel it and said i was dremaing. Felt it and said it is hyper acidity in my diet and could be a tummy ulcer??
Another doc said it sounds like a Hernia. Im still stumped but like the rest of us here WE KNOW. ITS NOT NORMAL! I take great relief knowing I am not alone and want to thank all you guys for coming forward and tlaking about it. Im 27 years old, male, a bit over weight but generally quite fit.
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and ive lost weight and its STILL there. Sometimes after pressing on it with my fingers it has a littles pain and goes away. I arch my back- backwards and it kinda like resets. U can also feel it clear as day. When u trace your index finger along your bottom rib from the middle going down to the left. Its like a little speed bump that rolls back:).
The best description i can compare it to. Is like when you go for a back massage. And the masseus hits a KNOT. And rubs over it showing you where it is! Does it feel like this for you guys/gals aswell???
Lets get to the bottom of it together!!!!! I'll post up if i find what it is. I pray for all of us that it is normal for select people and we can ALL CHILL! Cheers and Thanks everyone. From Australia!:).
I have been having the same problem aswell, hence me being here looking for answers. I too get a popping under my left ribcage near my tummy. It feels like a water balloon would if it were under your skin and you pressed on it. Only its the size of a grape? It isnt too uncomfortable.but I've found it flairs up when: 1.
I work out 2. After eating 3. When im stressed (for ages ive felt terrible anxiety and it always has me clutching that area, trying to push it with my fingers to release a kind of pressure). Its so hard to figure out. And ive shown numerous doctors and 4 out of the five couldnt feel it and said i was dremaing.
Felt it and said it is hyper acidity in my diet and could be a tummy ulcer?? Another doc said it sounds like a Hernia.
Im still stumped but like the rest of us here WE KNOW. ITS NOT NORMAL! I take great relief knowing I am not alone and want to thank all you guys for coming forward and tlaking about it. Im 27 years old, male, a bit over weight but generally quite fit. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and ive lost weight and its STILL there. Sometimes after pressing on it with my fingers it has a littles pain and goes away. I arch my back- backwards and it kinda like resets.
U can also feel it clear as day. When u trace your index finger along your bottom rib from the middle going down to the left. Its like a little speed bump that rolls back:).
The best description i can compare it to. Is like when you go for a back massage.
And the masseus hits a KNOT. And rubs over it showing you where it is! Does it feel like this for you guys/gals aswell???
Lets get to the bottom of it together!!!!! I'll post up if i find what it is. I pray for all of us that it is normal for select people and we can ALL CHILL! Cheers and Thanks everyone.
From Australia!:).show. I have this going on too, but it feels like my lower left rib is digging into my colon, or else it's digging into some some sinister growth (or a hernia?). I am very short-waisted! Are any of you short-waisted? So the rib is close to the colon, I think. It's been going on for about five years, off and on. I've been to two doctors and they both said there's nothing there, lose weight.
(I am slightly overweight, mostly belly fat.) I also have periodic attacks of colitis or irritable bowel syndrome or whatever, and the discomfort is more noticable for days or weeks after I have one of those. The attacks are very bad, I have to lie down immediately, even if I'm in public, and try to keep my gut from rupturing. Thanks everyone.
I can't believe this discussion has been going on since 2007! I have this going on too, but it feels like my lower left rib is digging into my colon, or else it's digging into some some sinister growth (or a hernia?). I am very short-waisted! Are any of you short-waisted? So the rib is close to the colon, I think. It's been going on for about five years, off and on.
I've been to two doctors and they both said there's nothing there, lose weight. (I am slightly overweight, mostly belly fat.) I also have periodic attacks of colitis or irritable bowel syndrome or whatever, and the discomfort is more noticable for days or weeks after I have one of those. The attacks are very bad, I have to lie down immediately, even if I'm in public, and try to keep my gut from rupturing. Thanks everyone. I can't believe this discussion has been going on since 2007!.show. Watters, I also have the same symtoms as everyone else except my 'popping' is pretty constant!
It pops when I breathe, sit, reach, lay!! Sometimes its very hard pops and painful. By the end of the day my left side is sore to touch and some back pain! I have had a x-ray and a ct-scan and nothing was found!! Not really sure where to go next.Just wondering if you have any advice and could mine possibly be the costochondrial dislocation you talked about? I dont recall doing anything but guess it could have been something simple.thanks.
Watters, I also have the same symtoms as everyone else except my 'popping' is pretty constant! It pops when I breathe, sit, reach, lay!! Sometimes its very hard pops and painful. By the end of the day my left side is sore to touch and some back pain! I have had a x-ray and a ct-scan and nothing was found!! Not really sure where to go next.Just wondering if you have any advice and could mine possibly be the costochondrial dislocation you talked about? I dont recall doing anything but guess it could have been something simple.thanks.
I had the pain in my left side right under my ribs and when i push in on it i feel something move around and the pain comes and goes especially when i am working hard at my job; i cant bear to keep working because of the intense pain but i manage to go on despite this. I started hurting with this pain in 2008 and went to see a gasterologist who removed my gallbladder but the pain didn't go away and not any doctors i have went to could help me. I even after eating take gaviscon to try to get some releif but it doesn't help. I am almost afraid to eat/drink anything because when i do the pain comes back and it is complete torture so i know what everyone is going through and maybe there will be a cure someday. I had the pain in my left side right under my ribs and when i push in on it i feel something move around and the pain comes and goes especially when i am working hard at my job; i cant bear to keep working because of the intense pain but i manage to go on despite this.
I started hurting with this pain in 2008 and went to see a gasterologist who removed my gallbladder but the pain didn't go away and not any doctors i have went to could help me. I even after eating take gaviscon to try to get some releif but it doesn't help. I am almost afraid to eat/drink anything because when i do the pain comes back and it is complete torture so i know what everyone is going through and maybe there will be a cure Peace all, I have the same pain for the last week and now it I am experiencing the Charlie Horse like pain more often. Unlike most of you where it happens while reaching for cans or stretching or relaxing after a meal unexpectedly, it happens to me in the middle of a physical activity. I am a 42 year old male robustly healthy, I am a runner have completed several half marathons, I cycle- have participated in several century rides during the course of the riding season and pretty athletic, play soccer, tennis, volley ball and golf.
During the winter months I do a lot of skiing and snowboarding for my outdoor activities. Up until last year I always ski. Bought a snowboard last year and started snowboarding. This year I snowboard the whole season as a matter of fact I was getting ready to pack away all of our winter gears when last Thursday night we were blessed with another snowstorm. School was closed on Friday, so my daughter and I figured we go for the last outing for the year. Well, my friend on the last run of the day, in fact my daughter did not even want to go up for the another run so I told her to wait for me at the lodge and gave her money to get us beverage.
On the way down, my board got caught in the snow while sliding forward and I went face first and my chest got the worse of it. The pain took my breath away, I had to lay there for nearly a minute to regain myself. By the time I got moving I felt fine, but being an athlete I said to myself it's gonna hurt later.
The drive home was about 45 minutes, by then my body had cooled down and when I enter my garage and opened the car door I fell a pop under my left rib cage and couldn't even talk or close the car door. I managed to get myself in the house and greeted my wife in a high pitched voice like I just got whacked in the 'you know what'.
I was okay for the rest of the evening until about mid day last Saturday. Took my daughter to violin class and as soon as I got back in the garage and opened the car door, it was deja vu the pain was so unbearable decided to seek care.
I was afraid, perhaps my lower rib cage may have some damaged. I went to the an urgent care office, luckily they were opened and had a X-ray machine. So the X-ray came out negative of broken ribs.
Gave me an anti inflammatory prescription for four days. He also gave me Percocet which I did not fill. But lately the pain has become more intense and frequent (pretty much Like JRBarbour described) so I decided to do some checking before making my next appointment with my PCP.
I was glad to have come cross this thread and even happier to see Dr. Walter's comment. But the physician said just because the X-ray is negative does not mean there is no broken bone he said there is a chance later it may be discovered so. On the same note I am worried seeing so many people have been dealing with this for years.
I have put off my exercise routine as the doctor said I should be back to normal in a few weeks- but it doesn't sound it's gonna be so. Walter if you are still monitoring this thread as the last posting was about 3 months now- based on your posting it is definitely 'costochondrial dislocation or sliding ribs' is there anything else to do besides loading up on Ibuprofen. I do not like taking pills unless it is absolutely necessary, but yesterday I went to Costco and pick up the biggest bottle of Ibuprofen 750 big ones @ 200mg, and have already consume 6 of them. I definitely don't want to keep taking them but the pain is so unbearable I can't event laugh. I look forward to your feedback.
Peace all, I have the same pain for the last week and now it I am experiencing the Charlie Horse like pain more often. Unlike most of you where it happens while reaching for cans or stretching or relaxing after a meal unexpectedly, it happens to me in the middle of a physical activity. I am a 42 year old male robustly healthy, I am a runner have completed several half marathons, I cycle- have participated in several century rides during the course of the riding season and pretty athletic, play soccer, tennis, volley ball and golf.
During the winter months I do a lot of skiing and snowboarding for my outdoor activities. Up until last year I always ski. Bought a snowboard last year and started snowboarding. This year I snowboard the whole season as a matter of fact I was getting ready to pack away all of our winter gears when last Thursday night we were blessed with another snowstorm. School was closed on Friday, so my daughter and I figured we go for the last outing for the year. Well, my friend on the last run of the day, in fact my daughter did not even want to go up for the another run so I told her to wait for me at the lodge and gave her money to get us beverage.
On the way down, my board got caught in the snow while sliding forward and I went face first and my chest got the worse of it. The pain took my breath away, I had to lay there for nearly a minute to regain myself.
By the time I got moving I felt fine, but being an athlete I said to myself it's gonna hurt later. The drive home was about 45 minutes, by then my body had cooled down and when I enter my garage and opened the car door I fell a pop under my left rib cage and couldn't even talk or close the car door. I managed to get myself in the house and greeted my wife in a high pitched voice like I just got whacked in the 'you know what'. I was okay for the rest of the evening until about mid day last Saturday. Took my daughter to violin class and as soon as I got back in the garage and opened the car door, it was deja vu the pain was so unbearable decided to seek care. I was afraid, perhaps my lower rib cage may have some damaged.
I went to the an urgent care office, luckily they were opened and had a X-ray machine. So the X-ray came out negative of broken ribs. Gave me an anti inflammatory prescription for four days. He also gave me Percocet which I did not fill.
But lately the pain has become more intense and frequent (pretty much Like JRBarbour described) so I decided to do some checking before making my next appointment with my PCP. I was glad to have come cross this thread and even happier to see Dr. Walter's comment.
But the physician said just because the X-ray is negative does not mean there is no broken bone he said there is a chance later it may be discovered so. On the same note I am worried seeing so many people have been dealing with this for years. I have put off my exercise routine as the doctor said I should be back to normal in a few weeks- but it doesn't sound it's gonna be so. Walter if you are still monitoring this thread as the last posting was about 3 months now- based on your posting it is definitely 'costochondrial dislocation or sliding ribs' is there anything else to do besides loading up on Ibuprofen.
I do not like taking pills unless it is absolutely necessary, but yesterday I went to Costco and pick up the biggest bottle of Ibuprofen 750 big ones @ 200mg, and have already consume 6 of them. I definitely don't want to keep taking them but the pain is so unbearable I can't event laugh. I look forward to your feedback. 276 New Holland Square Baler Manual Download Free Software. show. Peace all, I have the same pain for the last week and now it I am experiencing the Charlie Horse like pain more often. I have put off my exercise routine as the doctor said I should be back to normal in a few weeks- but it doesn't sound it's gonna be so. Walter if you are still monitoring this thread as the last posting was about 3 months now- based on your posting it is definitely 'costochondrial dislocation or sliding ribs' is there anything else to do besides loading up on Ibuprofen. I do not like taking pills unless it is absolutely necessary, but yesterday I went to Costco and pick up the biggest bottle of Ibuprofen 750 big ones @ 200mg, and have already consume 6 of them.
I definitely don't want to keep taking them but the pain is so unbearable I can't event laugh. I look forward to your feedback. Peace all, I have the same pain for the last week and now it I am experiencing the Charlie Horse like pain more often. I have put off my exercise routine as the doctor said I should be back to normal in a few weeks- but it doesn't sound it's gonna be so. Walter if you are still monitoring this thread as the last posting was about 3 months now- based on your posting it is definitely 'costochondrial dislocation or sliding ribs' is there anything else to do besides loading up on Ibuprofen. I do not like taking pills unless it is absolutely necessary, but yesterday I went to Costco and pick up the biggest bottle of Ibuprofen 750 big ones @ 200mg, and have already consume 6 of them.
I definitely don't want to keep taking them but the pain is so unbearable I can't event laugh. I look forward to your
Your entry made me wonder if the pain I have at the upper left part of my stomach just below the ribs is related. I do get like a cramp there.
That cramp is like a charlie horse. I will get them if I sneeze or cough a lot. So I basically hold in that area if I feel a sneeze coming on, because those cramps are very painful. Imagine when you get a charlie horse in your calf, then one in your stomach. And I have asked the doctor about it. I have had every test there is to have and they have found nothing., except to tell me I may have an incisional hernia from the last surgery I had. And unless it hurts and does not subside they will leave it alone.
More surgery will cause mor scar tissue which then increases the possibility of intestinal blockage, which I have had and never want again. Let me know if you find out anything lse that can help all of us with this problem.
Your entry made me wonder if the pain I have at the upper left part of my stomach just below the ribs is related. I do get like a cramp there. That cramp is like a charlie horse.
I will get them if I sneeze or cough a lot. So I basically hold in that area if I feel a sneeze coming on, because those cramps are very painful. Imagine when you get a charlie horse in your calf, then one in your stomach.
And I have asked the doctor about it. I have had every test there is to have and they have found nothing., except to tell me I may have an incisional hernia from the last surgery I had. And unless it hurts and does not subside they will leave it alone. More surgery will cause mor scar tissue which then increases the possibility of intestinal blockage, which I have had and never want again.
Let me know if you find out anything lse that can help all of us with this 2 months ago i was sitting and I accidently jerked my back, followed by immense pain in my lower left rib cage for about 10 excrutiating seconds. After then it went away slowly but if I sit evenly for too long it hurts mildly and rises. Doesnt hurt when I carry things or jog for long but when I eat and I jog for 10 mins I arrive at a sharp shooting pain somehow walking at a slow pace relieves that. But when I sleep on my left side mild pain again so I can only sleep on my right, I also occasionally hear clicks when I sit up right or bend left or when I bend over. I got informed its probably an inflammed spleen. Im almost positive thats what it is, they said when your spleen is inflammed it touchesyour ribs making that clicking sound.
2 months ago i was sitting and I accidently jerked my back, followed by immense pain in my lower left rib cage for about 10 excrutiating seconds. After then it went away slowly but if I sit evenly for too long it hurts mildly and rises. Doesnt hurt when I carry things or jog for long but when I eat and I jog for 10 mins I arrive at a sharp shooting pain somehow walking at a slow pace relieves that. But when I sleep on my left side mild pain again so I can only sleep on my right, I also occasionally hear clicks when I sit up right or bend left or when I bend over. I got informed its probably an inflammed spleen. Im almost positive thats what it is, they said when your spleen is inflammed it touchesyour ribs making that clicking 2 months ago i was sitting and I accidently jerked my back, followed by immense pain in my lower left rib cage for about 10 excrutiating seconds.
After then it went away slowly but if I sit evenly for too long it hurts mildly and rises. Doesnt hurt when I carry things or jog for long but when I eat and I jog for 10 mins I arrive at a sharp shooting pain somehow walking at a slow pace relieves that.
But when I sleep on my left side mild pain again so I can only sleep on my right, I also occasionally hear clicks when I sit up right or bend left or when I bend over. I got informed its probably an inflammed spleen. Im almost positive thats what it is, they said when your spleen is inflammed it touchesyour ribs making that clicking sound. 2 months ago i was sitting and I accidently jerked my back, followed by immense pain in my lower left rib cage for about 10 excrutiating seconds.
After then it went away slowly but if I sit evenly for too long it hurts mildly and rises. Doesnt hurt when I carry things or jog for long but when I eat and I jog for 10 mins I arrive at a sharp shooting pain somehow walking at a slow pace relieves that. But when I sleep on my left side mild pain again so I can only sleep on my right, I also occasionally hear clicks when I sit up right or bend left or when I bend over. I got informed its probably an inflammed spleen.
Im almost positive thats what it is, they said when your spleen is inflammed it touchesyour ribs making that clicking I was just reading through posts regarding the left side pain and came across yours. I, too, am experiencing the same exact thing as so many others have described.
It is mainly when I am sitting down that it hits me. It feels like there is something there under my left rib cage, like a bubble. I have been to the doctor, had an ultrasound, and nothing was found. Doctor things it's related to digestion. However, over a year later, she is now suggesting that I have a CT Scan. I hesitate to get a CT Scan due to not wanting the radiation in my body. I was just wondering if you ever discovered what was causing your pain and discomfort, as it sounds like exactly the same thing that I have.
Thanks so much for your help! I was just reading through posts regarding the left side pain and came across yours.
I, too, am experiencing the same exact thing as so many others have described. It is mainly when I am sitting down that it hits me. It feels like there is something there under my left rib cage, like a bubble. I have been to the doctor, had an ultrasound, and nothing was found. Doctor things it's related to digestion.
However, over a year later, she is now suggesting that I have a CT Scan. I hesitate to get a CT Scan due to not wanting the radiation in my body. I was just wondering if you ever discovered what was causing your pain and discomfort, as it sounds like exactly the same thing that I have. Thanks so much for your help!.show. I am 31 female.pretty fit, and I noticed since I gained a bit of weight(from 124-132lbs) 5ft6. It feels like a ball is sitting on my left side_IT STARTED on the right side for about 1 week only popped when I coughed-- it has been sitting on the left side ever since for 5-7 months now,, I can not work out no more OR MY BODY FEELS BEAT UP- hard to move, I am bruising more as well- and it take about 2 weeks before the bruising goes away.healing slow.
After streatching the next day or even when I give massages I feel Beat up to the point where it is hard to walk because I am cramped up////. I have ALL the symptomes like everyone else.BUT once in a while,(Happened 3 times),,my belly botton(from the inside) ITCHES CRAZY like something is trying to RIPE out from inside me,,I went to the doctors to see if it was worms or something,,,and it is not that,,,eatting while I have that feeling is NOT COMFY so I can not eat.When I cough it pops. When I YELL AND SCREAM it pops,,I get dizzy, my heart starts hurting and tighting and the left side of my body(all under my arms to my upper ribs) gets REALLY tight and shortens my breath due to my cheast feeling heavy. I believe I maybe OVER stressed,,,and THIS is what caused this,,(WHATEVER IT IS!), I do not know how many people get stressed like me,,,and PRETEND nothing is wrong for YEARS,,,But I deal with a lot EVERYDAY having to be the 'rock' of my family which is REALLY draining.I am sitting down now and RIGHT under my last rib cage to the Left.I am poking at the ball that is bouncing back.;/ I yelled and screamed today and NOW it is back,,,(is this a hernia.???) I am also a weed -smoker(360days a year!),,so Iam wondering if smoking is making it worse, tho I feel it helps with my stress???
I am tired of going to the doctors who have graduated and KNOW NOTHING,,,, EVeryone is NOT 'RED HERRING'(Which is a term used by the doctor to call you a faker!lol) on here.WE ALL have the same thing.Laying down to sleep I have to sleep with pillows all around my stomach in order for me NOT to feel like everything is moving! Sleeping on my back or laying on my stomach I do not feel it AS MUCH. NO ONE Has a Valid exact answer to whats going on,,,;/ this is crazy!!!!;(. I am 31 female.pretty fit, and I noticed since I gained a bit of weight(from 124-132lbs) 5ft6. It feels like a ball is sitting on my left side_IT STARTED on the right side for about 1 week only popped when I coughed-- it has been sitting on the left side ever since for 5-7 months now,, I can not work out no more OR MY BODY FEELS BEAT UP- hard to move, I am bruising more as well- and it take about 2 weeks before the bruising goes away.healing slow.
After streatching the next day or even when I give massages I feel Beat up to the point where it is hard to walk because I am cramped up////. I have ALL the symptomes like everyone else.BUT once in a while,(Happened 3 times),,my belly botton(from the inside) ITCHES CRAZY like something is trying to RIPE out from inside me,,I went to the doctors to see if it was worms or something,,,and it is not that,,,eatting while I have that feeling is NOT COMFY so I can not eat.When I cough it pops. When I YELL AND SCREAM it pops,,I get dizzy, my heart starts hurting and tighting and the left side of my body(all under my arms to my upper ribs) gets REALLY tight and shortens my breath due to my cheast feeling heavy. I believe I maybe OVER stressed,,,and THIS is what caused this,,(WHATEVER IT IS!), I do not know how many people get stressed like me,,,and PRETEND nothing is wrong for YEARS,,,But I deal with a lot EVERYDAY having to be the 'rock' of my family which is REALLY draining.I am sitting down now and RIGHT under my last rib cage to the Left.I am poking at the ball that is bouncing back.;/ I yelled and screamed today and NOW it is back,,,(is this a hernia.???) I am also a weed -smoker(360days a year!),,so Iam wondering if smoking is making it worse, tho I feel it helps with my stress??? I am tired of going to the doctors who have graduated and KNOW NOTHING,,,, EVeryone is NOT 'RED HERRING'(Which is a term used by the doctor to call you a faker!lol) on here.WE ALL have the same thing.Laying down to sleep I have to sleep with pillows all around my stomach in order for me NOT to feel like everything is moving!
Sleeping on my back or laying on my stomach I do not feel it AS MUCH. NO ONE Has a Valid exact answer to whats going on,,,;/ this is crazy!!!!;(.show. Hi - new to all this but just thought I'd contribute which might help. Iam a 50+ female having had two large babies 20+ years ago.
Experienced lots of kicking just under ribs during both pregnancies, leaving what felt like internal bruising for years. In last 10 years I get a hernia-like feeling (that something inside has slipped out of place just under the ribs) like a spasm or cramping muscle and I have to put hand pressure on that part (to warm it firmly) before it all goes away again in a matter of about 30 seconds. It is particularly bad when putting socks on or doing sit ups, like others here have commented. I am absolutely convinced it is directly related to a weakening of the wall lining just under the ribs where the babies' feet would have been.
I am a short lady and had 2 large, strong boy babies for my size. It is getting slightly worse as I age, but I just try to avoid any straining positions likely to trigger it. As I have had this for 20+ years I thought it might help other women who also suspect it might be related to baby kicking during pregnancy.
I believe I could strengthen the area by exercising, but it's a bit of a catch 22 when it spasms easily doing exercises in that area! Happy to take care not to strain it and live with it.
Hopes this helps. Hi - new to all this but just thought I'd contribute which might help. Iam a 50+ female having had two large babies 20+ years ago. Experienced lots of kicking just under ribs during both pregnancies, leaving what felt like internal bruising for years. In last 10 years I get a hernia-like feeling (that something inside has slipped out of place just under the ribs) like a spasm or cramping muscle and I have to put hand pressure on that part (to warm it firmly) before it all goes away again in a matter of about 30 seconds. It is particularly bad when putting socks on or doing sit ups, like others here have commented.
I am absolutely convinced it is directly related to a weakening of the wall lining just under the ribs where the babies' feet would have been. I am a short lady and had 2 large, strong boy babies for my size.
It is getting slightly worse as I age, but I just try to avoid any straining positions likely to trigger it. As I have had this for 20+ years I thought it might help other women who also suspect it might be related to baby kicking during pregnancy.
I believe I could strengthen the area by exercising, but it's a bit of a catch 22 when it spasms easily doing exercises in that area! Happy to take care not to strain it and live with it. Hopes this
I have been feeling this up under my left rib and I told my husband it feels like I'm carrying a baby and it has its foot under my rib. I also feel it moving. Not big movements but more like soap bubbles popping in it. It's so bothersome I made a Dr appt to see if I had a hernia. I work as a material handler in a factory. When pulling/pushing my cart or lifting objects I feel it bulge out more sometimes having to stop and put my hand on it till the pain subsides. I also feel it bulging right now sitting on my couch leaning on my left elbow on the armrest.
I have been feeling this up under my left rib and I told my husband it feels like I'm carrying a baby and it has its foot under my rib. I also feel it moving.
Not big movements but more like soap bubbles popping in it. It's so bothersome I made a Dr appt to see if I had a hernia. I work as a material handler in a factory. When pulling/pushing my cart or lifting objects I feel it bulge out more sometimes having to stop and put my hand on it till the pain subsides. I also feel it bulging right now sitting on my couch leaning on my left elbow on the
Same thing here: Started couple months ago following manually chopping wood in the backyard. I had pain along both sides of the lower ribs within minutes of stopping, but I never felt any sudden 'pull' that would indicate that I had done something at a moment that I would have remembered. The pain has now reduced to a focal spot under the left side of the ribs. When it first happened I had a change in my bowels.
I could not eat anything that had fat for about a week and lost about 8 pounds. So initially the doctor thought gall stones, pancreatitis.all negative on abdominal ultrasound.
Had some heartburn and started Prilosec and it seemed to help, but the entire scenario came back when I was pushing kids down a slip n slide (bent forward and straining---just like chopping the wood). Had an endoscopy--normal except some minor stomach inflammation. My thought is that it may be a sliding hiatal hernia. But I was not sure if that could cause so much discomfort close to the surface at the lower rib cage. And just to be clear, I am talking about an area at the bottom of the edge of the rib, on the left, about 5 inches left of the midline. This morning I drank a glass of water on an empty stomach, loosened up my abdominal muscles and jumped off of a stool, landing very flat-footed.
I was attempting to reduce or retract the stomach back under the diaphram. It may have helped a bit, but if it did it was not that impressive. So now I am left wondering if it is a sliding hiatal hernia or a strain of the abdominal wall that has caused a small hernia in the wall. The 'sliding' hernia can make it appear completely normal on endoscope, if it is not symptomatic at the time of the scope---and that was my scenario. It was feeling better for the three or so days prior to the scope.
I am likely going to do the upper GI (x-rays with Barium) and if still not diagnosed, I will likely do an MRI or CT. I had a CT done last year and really don't want that much radiation in one year, but it has become a quality of life issue. By the way, I am not overweight and do not have a large stomach. I look forward to finding out what it is and returning here to report back. Thanks for any input you may have. Same thing here: Started couple months ago following manually chopping wood in the backyard. I had pain along both sides of the lower ribs within minutes of stopping, but I never felt any sudden 'pull' that would indicate that I had done something at a moment that I would have remembered.
The pain has now reduced to a focal spot under the left side of the ribs. When it first happened I had a change in my bowels. I could not eat anything that had fat for about a week and lost about 8 pounds. So initially the doctor thought gall stones, pancreatitis.all negative on abdominal ultrasound. Had some heartburn and started Prilosec and it seemed to help, but the entire scenario came back when I was pushing kids down a slip n slide (bent forward and straining---just like chopping the wood).
Had an endoscopy--normal except some minor stomach inflammation. My thought is that it may be a sliding hiatal hernia. But I was not sure if that could cause so much discomfort close to the surface at the lower rib cage. And just to be clear, I am talking about an area at the bottom of the edge of the rib, on the left, about 5 inches left of the midline. This morning I drank a glass of water on an empty stomach, loosened up my abdominal muscles and jumped off of a stool, landing very flat-footed.
I was attempting to reduce or retract the stomach back under the diaphram. It may have helped a bit, but if it did it was not that impressive. So now I am left wondering if it is a sliding hiatal hernia or a strain of the abdominal wall that has caused a small hernia in the wall. The 'sliding' hernia can make it appear completely normal on endoscope, if it is not symptomatic at the time of the scope---and that was my scenario.
It was feeling better for the three or so days prior to the scope. I am likely going to do the upper GI (x-rays with Barium) and if still not diagnosed, I will likely do an MRI or CT. I had a CT done last year and really don't want that much radiation in one year, but it has become a quality of life issue. By the way, I am not overweight and do not have a large stomach. I look forward to finding out what it is and returning here to report back. Thanks for any input you may
I am 44 have gone through many medical issues such as: 15 blood clot removals, vein stripping, breast reduction, gallbladder removal, cervical spine disectomy and infusion, overactive thyroid, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Hidradinitis Supprativa disease as well. I started having this pain and spasm issues since February of this year.
Not sure what it is either and all I know is the muscle rolls around, i fall in the floor striving in the pain. It takes around 30 mins to release and then when laying down feel rolling and get hard knot in under the ribs. It occurs when on toilet, tying my shoes, reaching for something and on pain scale each time '10' I am used to pain but this is horrible unleashed
I am 44 have gone through many medical issues such as: 15 blood clot removals, vein stripping, breast reduction, gallbladder removal, cervical spine disectomy and infusion, overactive thyroid, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Hidradinitis Supprativa disease as well. I started having this pain and spasm issues since February of this year.
Not sure what it is either and all I know is the muscle rolls around, i fall in the floor striving in the pain. It takes around 30 mins to release and then when laying down feel rolling and get hard knot in under the ribs. It occurs when on toilet, tying my shoes, reaching for something and on pain scale each time '10' I am used to pain but this is horrible unleashed I have been having this too, except the popping. I am 22 years old. I noticed it about three months ago after doing some core exercises.
I recently became overweight over a short period and notice this really uncomfortable feeling under my left rib cage. It feels more like a mass.
When i lean sightly backward i can see a ball like thing protruding. It is most uncomfortable at nights,when i cough or sneeze, after eating and when i feel stressed. I can feel the mass when i palpate the area.i also realized that my bowel movements are not the same and i am constipated most of the time. When i first went to the doctor i was told it is caused by me not eating on time, i was given medicine for the stomach.
I changed my eating habits and made sure i always eat on time, however its three months later and my condition have not changed. I also did an ultrasound but the results came back normal. I am really scared as to what this really is and whether i can get rid of it. I have been having this too, except the popping.
I am 22 years old. I noticed it about three months ago after doing some core exercises. I recently became overweight over a short period and notice this really uncomfortable feeling under my left rib cage. It feels more like a mass. When i lean sightly backward i can see a ball like thing protruding.
It is most uncomfortable at nights,when i cough or sneeze, after eating and when i feel stressed. I can feel the mass when i palpate the area.i also realized that my bowel movements are not the same and i am constipated most of the time. When i first went to the doctor i was told it is caused by me not eating on time, i was given medicine for the stomach. I changed my eating habits and made sure i always eat on time, however its three months later and my condition have not changed. I also did an ultrasound but the results came back normal.
I am really scared as to what this really is and whether i can get rid of it. I have been having this too, except the popping.
I am 22 years old. I noticed it about three months ago after doing some core exercises. I recently became overweight over a short period and notice this really uncomfortable feeling under my left rib cage. It feels more like a mass. When i lean sightly backward i can see a ball like thing protruding. It is most uncomfortable at nights,when i cough or sneeze, after eating and when i feel stressed. I can feel the mass when i palpate the area.i also realized that my bowel movements are not the same and i am constipated most of the time.
When i first went to the doctor i was told it is caused by me not eating on time, i was given medicine for the stomach. I changed my eating habits and made sure i always eat on time, however its three months later and my condition have not changed. I also did an ultrasound but the results came back normal. I am really scared as to what this really is and whether i can get rid of it. I have been having this too, except the popping.
I am 22 years old. I noticed it about three months ago after doing some core exercises. I recently became overweight over a short period and notice this really uncomfortable feeling under my left rib cage. It feels more like a mass. When i lean sightly backward i can see a ball like thing protruding. It is most uncomfortable at nights,when i cough or sneeze, after eating and when i feel stressed.
I can feel the mass when i palpate the area.i also realized that my bowel movements are not the same and i am constipated most of the time. When i first went to the doctor i was told it is caused by me not eating on time, i was given medicine for the stomach. I changed my eating habits and made sure i always eat on time, however its three months later and my condition have not changed. I also did an ultrasound but the results came back normal. I am really scared as to what this really is and whether i can get rid of it.
Well this is all pretty interesting. I have had the same popping, left/mid line just below the ribs like everyone else and its nice to see I am not the only one. I have had it for many years but recently it has become more frequent and causing pain in my mid to upper back which I am going to assume is related. I do a physical job and am often slightly bent over for extended periods of time which increases the discomfort.
I have felt a tearing several times through the years and the long periods of increased discomfort after that was handled with pain killers until it felt better. Everything I have read here, leads me to believe it is slipping-rib-syndrome or costochondrial dislocation, whatever you want to call it. A ligament tear makes perfect sense. That’s what it feels like, I felt the tear, its in the right area and ligaments take along time to heal. It doesn't feel organ deep, is slightly tender when you push on it and eases the pain when your re position or apply pressure. With this most recent incident/ flare up, I started to push a little harder on my back and chest at the gym. The stretching temporarily relieves some pain or at least the workout takes my mind off it.
At first I was thinking it was just muscular, that maybe I just over did it but over the following weeks there was no improvement. So there goes that theory.
I had never even mentioned this to my doctor. I had meds for a lower back problem and they sufficed for this.
I did recently have an endoscope to investigate a stomach lesion that I though might have been the cause of the pain but I think now they were just coincidental. Like many have already mentioned, it is hard to diagnose and most doctors haven't even heard of it. Plus the cure is time and life style change but it is good to have found this forum and know that it's probably nothing serious. I will mention this to my doctor and maybe get a CT just to confirm it is nothing else but I am pretty confident this is what it is. A bit of relieve. When I work, I often use back supports. I have a lower back elastic support and a semi rigid weight lifting brace for heavier lifting.
Recently, I have been using the weight lifting belt around my mid-line which has really helped me get through many days with out meds and now it really does make sense as to why. Its holding everything in place just as if the muscles and ligaments were doing their job properly.
I don't recommend wearing it too much. First, it's a little restrictive and second your body needs time to strengthen and repair those damaged muscles and ligaments on its own. That said, if you are having daily pain, pick one up, for 20 bucks, its worth a try. Well this is all pretty interesting. I have had the same popping, left/mid line just below the ribs like everyone else and its nice to see I am not the only one. I have had it for many years but recently it has become more frequent and causing pain in my mid to upper back which I am going to assume is related. I do a physical job and am often slightly bent over for extended periods of time which increases the discomfort.
I have felt a tearing several times through the years and the long periods of increased discomfort after that was handled with pain killers until it felt better. Everything I have read here, leads me to believe it is slipping-rib-syndrome or costochondrial dislocation, whatever you want to call it. A ligament tear makes perfect sense. That’s what it feels like, I felt the tear, its in the right area and ligaments take along time to heal.
It doesn't feel organ deep, is slightly tender when you push on it and eases the pain when your re position or apply pressure. With this most recent incident/ flare up, I started to push a little harder on my back and chest at the gym. The stretching temporarily relieves some pain or at least the workout takes my mind off it. At first I was thinking it was just muscular, that maybe I just over did it but over the following weeks there was no improvement. So there goes that theory. I had never even mentioned this to my doctor.
I had meds for a lower back problem and they sufficed for this. I did recently have an endoscope to investigate a stomach lesion that I though might have been the cause of the pain but I think now they were just coincidental. Like many have already mentioned, it is hard to diagnose and most doctors haven't even heard of it. Plus the cure is time and life style change but it is good to have found this forum and know that it's probably nothing serious.
I will mention this to my doctor and maybe get a CT just to confirm it is nothing else but I am pretty confident this is what it is. A bit of relieve. When I work, I often use back supports. I have a lower back elastic support and a semi rigid weight lifting brace for heavier lifting. Recently, I have been using the weight lifting belt around my mid-line which has really helped me get through many days with out meds and now it really does make sense as to why. Its holding everything in place just as if the muscles and ligaments were doing their job properly.
I don't recommend wearing it too much. First, it's a little restrictive and second your body needs time to strengthen and repair those damaged muscles and ligaments on its own. That said, if you are having daily pain, pick one up, for 20 bucks, its worth a Had this movable lump (insider) under my left ribcage since 2011.
I am 24 y/o, female. Two months ago, I had cough for 3 weeks and my doctor recommended to have CBC, x-ray and sputum test. Results were all normal. My cough also had gone after taking prescribed medicines. I always have my APE but only this time, they had let me have a copy of the xray result on a CD.
Out of curiosity, I cheched the x-ray which then bothers me. Though the radiologist findings are essentially normal, I found something weird with the image. Under my left diaphragm, there are black shapes. I googled a lot and learned these might be gastric bubbles. I really dont know if these gastric bubbles are related to this movable lump as they were at the same position.
Had this movable lump (insider) under my left ribcage since 2011. I am 24 y/o, female. Two months ago, I had cough for 3 weeks and my doctor recommended to have CBC, x-ray and sputum test. Results were all normal. My cough also had gone after taking prescribed medicines. I always have my APE but only this time, they had let me have a copy of the xray result on a CD. Out of curiosity, I cheched the x-ray which then bothers me.
Though the radiologist findings are essentially normal, I found something weird with the image. Under my left diaphragm, there are black shapes. I googled a lot and learned these might be gastric bubbles. I really dont know if these gastric bubbles are related to this movable lump as they were at the same I have this as well.
The pain seems to be about two inches deep,down in there. When doing physical things and leaning forward, it feels like something is over inflated-causes a great deal of pressure. The pain is under left rib but doesn't originate there, if you could push your finger in about two inches, that is where it is. I worried about pancreas trouble and had yellowish bowel movements. The sad truth we all share is that to go seek treatment is to agree to be bled financially as doctors 'guess' at what it is performing every manor of test that has a huge price tag. This would be equal to taking your car to a mechanic and having the entire engine replaced at five times the cost before they find out, oh it's a spark plug. I seem to be experiencing similar symptoms with growing inability to burp.
I was diagnosed with DIVERTICULITIS a few years back. I always have issues with constipation. In the last year progressively has gotten worse.
Now I can't burp. It feels like something is obstructing my airway causing inability to burp. I eat and I can't digest. Then if I drink fillingbup stomach I get reflux. I've tried every way of manipulating myself hoping to burp but nothing.
I'm making an appointment to see my GI. Honestly I'm scared that I might need surgery.any insight will be much appreciated. I have this as well. The pain seems to be about two inches deep,down in there.
When doing physical things and leaning forward, it feels like something is over inflated-causes a great deal of pressure. The pain is under left rib but doesn't originate there, if you could push your finger in about two inches, that is where it is. I worried about pancreas trouble and had yellowish bowel movements. The sad truth we all share is that to go seek treatment is to agree to be bled financially as doctors 'guess' at what it is performing every manor of test that has a huge price tag.
This would be equal to taking your car to a mechanic and having the entire engine replaced at five times the cost before they find out, oh it's a spark Peace all, I am a 24 year old female in good health and have a recurring side cramp on my left side. My earliest memory was probably when I was about 12 years old.
I never got it checked out because it disappeared for many years, apart from an occasional painless pop sensation when I contract my body i.e. During core exercises. Recently the pain has returned and I immediately recognized it from my childhood: it starts with a sharp tense pain and then spreads downward and dulls, and sometimes disappears completely. The intensity changes if I move suddenly after being still. Now, if I eat a big meal there is a tightness/tension on my whole left abdomen, and I even notice it when I breathe deeply.
I also noticed a lump on the front of my body between the bottom 2 ribs, where the pain seemingly originates. It looks normal except when you compare it to my right side.
The bump is not painful to the touch but definitely tender, as is the whole area. Hoping to heal this with reiki and other methods, but still curious what system it is a part of. I will post back with any results! Peace all, I am a 24 year old female in good health and have a recurring side cramp on my left side. My earliest memory was probably when I was about 12 years old. I never got it checked out because it disappeared for many years, apart from an occasional painless pop sensation when I contract my body i.e.
During core exercises. Recently the pain has returned and I immediately recognized it from my childhood: it starts with a sharp tense pain and then spreads downward and dulls, and sometimes disappears completely. The intensity changes if I move suddenly after being still. Now, if I eat a big meal there is a tightness/tension on my whole left abdomen, and I even notice it when I breathe deeply.
I also noticed a lump on the front of my body between the bottom 2 ribs, where the pain seemingly originates. It looks normal except when you compare it to my right side. The bump is not painful to the touch but definitely tender, as is the whole area. Hoping to heal this with reiki and other methods, but still curious what system it is a part of.
I will post back with any results!.show. Peace all, I am a 24 year old female in good health and have a recurring side cramp on my left side. My earliest memory was probably when I was about 12 years old. I never got it checked out because it disappeared for many years, apart from an occasional painless pop sensation when I contract my body i.e. During core exercises.
Recently the pain has returned and I immediately recognized it from my childhood: it starts with a sharp tense pain and then spreads downward and dulls, and sometimes disappears completely. The intensity changes if I move suddenly after being still. Now, if I eat a big meal there is a tightness/tension on my whole left abdomen, and I even notice it when I breathe deeply.
I also noticed a lump on the front of my body between the bottom 2 ribs, where the pain seemingly originates. It looks normal except when you compare it to my right side. The bump is not painful to the touch but definitely tender, as is the whole area. Hoping to heal this with reiki and other methods, but still curious what system it is a part of. I will post back with any results! Peace all, I am a 24 year old female in good health and have a recurring side cramp on my left side. My earliest memory was probably when I was about 12 years old.
I never got it checked out because it disappeared for many years, apart from an occasional painless pop sensation when I contract my body i.e. During core exercises. Recently the pain has returned and I immediately recognized it from my childhood: it starts with a sharp tense pain and then spreads downward and dulls, and sometimes disappears completely. The intensity changes if I move suddenly after being still. Now, if I eat a big meal there is a tightness/tension on my whole left abdomen, and I even notice it when I breathe deeply.
I also noticed a lump on the front of my body between the bottom 2 ribs, where the pain seemingly originates. It looks normal except when you compare it to my right side. The bump is not painful to the touch but definitely tender, as is the whole area. Hoping to heal this with reiki and other methods, but still curious what system it is a part of. I will post back with any results!.show. Hernia under left ribs?
Hi, I have upper left quadrant pain. To be more specific, I've been having mild pain in one of my lower-most ribs on the left side for over a month now. One rib feels especially sore to touch. Massaging that rib makes the pain go away. Sometimes the entire region feels sore to the touch. It is slightly painful to lie down on the left side. Immediately below the left ribs, if you press the abdomen, you can feel something popping or crackling, and there is some movement inside (its not so if you press the corresponding right side of the abdomen).
It's not painful if you press this area underneath the ribcage. But the rib itself is sore and slightly painful to press. Sometimes when I bend over I feel some movement in there, like some fiber is moving. I had a doctor palpate my abdomen and she could not find anything. She thought it was a sore muscle or something. But I'm concerned about the movement beneath the left-side ribcage.
I was wondering if these are the signs of a hernia just underneath the ribcage, on the left side?.show. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties.
By using this Site you agree to the following. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.