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The BCAA supplement is one of the most popular in the bodybuilding industry, but it’s also one of the most overrated. You know that gallon of pink liquid all the hardcore bodybuilders lug around at the gym? Chances are it’s a cocktail of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and that they’ll swear by its muscle-building powers. If you listen to the hype, the BCAA supplement is as fundamentally useful as and as powerful as in its ability to help you build muscle and strength (or even moreso if you listen to some companies). But,, you’re not being told the whole story. Simply put, while BCAAs do have a valid use (which we’ll talk about), they’re not nearly as effective as they’re sold to be.

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In this article, we’ll break down why. But let’s start at the beginning: what exactly are BCAAs, anyway? What Are BCAAs?

Branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs for short, are a group of three essential amino acids (amino acids that your body must get from your diet): • Leucine • Isoleucine • Valine Leucine is the star of the trio, as it via the activation of an enzyme responsible for cell growth known as the mammalian target of rapamycin, or mTOR. Isoleucine is number two on the list, as it Valine is a distant third as it when compared to leucine and isoleucine. You find high amounts of these amino acids in quality proteins such as meat, eggs and dairy products, with being particularly high.

If that’s the case, then, are there benefits to using BCAA supplements in addition to eating such high-quality proteins? Is it worth the extra expense? The BCAA Supplement’s (Supposed) Benefits If I wanted to sell you a BCAA supplement, it wouldn’t be too hard. I could cite a variety of scientifically validated benefits, such as • • • • • And more Basically, I could just tell the same story that just about every supplement company selling BCAAs tells, and it would be hard to refute at first glance.

But there are two very important points you’re not told about BCAA research: 1. Research commonly cited that demonstrates muscle-related benefits of BCAA supplementation was done with subjects that didn’t eat enough protein. For example, is one of the poster boys for selling BCAAs.

It examined the effects of BCAA supplementation on a group of wrestlers in a calorie deficit. After three weeks, the supplement group, who ingested an additional 52 grams of BCAAs per day preserved more muscle and lost a bit more fat than the control group (who didn’t supplement at all). Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, what you won’t hear is that subjects, whose average weight was about 150 pounds, were eating a paltry ~80 grams of protein per day. If we look at, we learn that they should have been eating double that amount of protein to preserve lean mass.

So all that study really tells us is if we feel like eating half the amount of protein we should be eating, a BCAA supplement can help mitigate the damage. Not too exciting. That demonstrate various muscle-related benefits of BCAA supplementation have promising abstracts, but are almost always hampered by lack of dietary control and/or low protein intake, and in almost all cases, subjects are training fasted, which is a very important point we’ll talk more about in a minute. You can simply get your BCAAs from food instead, and this is cheaper and far more satisfying. Research that demonstrates the before, during, and after exercise is often used to sell the powders. But this misses the forest for the trees.

What such research tells us is that acutely raising BCAA levels (and ) before and after exercise helps us build more muscle. There is no evidence that doing it through the ingestion of a BCAA supplement is more effective than food, however. In fact, there’s: food, and whey protein specifically, may be even more effective than amino acid drinks. This is why I recommend you eat 30 to 40 grams of protein before and after working out, and why I use for these meals. It’s cheaper than BCAA powders, tastes better, and is more effective. So that’s how things currently look when we strip away the hype and marketing angles. But before I move onto one legitimate use for BCAAs, I want to address a question that may have occurred to you: Isn’t there a study that has resistance-trained subjects lift weights and supplement with BCAAs while also on a? I wish, because that would lend great insight into the controversy.

All we currently have is an paid for by Scivation–the creator of the popular Xtend BCAA supplement–and headed up by Jim Stoppani, thatcough.demonstrated?some remarkable results: Daily intra-workout BCAA supplementation was twice as effective as intra-workout whey protein supplementation, and resulted in a whopping 9 lbs of muscle growth and 2% reduction in body fat in just 8 weeksin strength-trained men with at least two years of weightlifting experiencewho were eating 2.2 – 2.4 grams of protein per kg of body weightand were in a calorie surplus according to Waitwhat? If I take BCAAs–no sorry, not just any BCAAs but Xtend–while I work out I can be in a calorie surplus and achieve and get leaner? Wow! Take all my moniez Scivation! Color me skeptical here. To quote Alan Aragon in his: “The skeptic in me is tempted to chalk up some of the results to not just funding source (Scivation), but also the longstanding [my link] between Jim Stoppani and the Scivation staff.

The fact is, there’s no way to quantify the degree of commercial bias inherent in this trial – or any other for that matter.” Okay then, so BCAAs don’t look to be nearly as exciting as the supplement companies say. They do, however, have one scientifically validated, legitimate use.

When You Should Consider Using a BCAA Supplement If you were on the fence about buying a BCAA supplement for general use, you’re probably off it now. It turns out, however, that this supplement does one scientifically supported use, and it relates to fasted training. People usually think “” means “training on an empty stomach,” but it’s a bit different. Fasted training means training in a “fasted state,” and this has to do with insulin levels in your blood. You see, when you eat food, it gets broken down into various molecules that your cells can use, and these molecules are released into your blood. Insulin is released as well, and its job is to shuttle these molecules into cells. Now, depending on how much you eat, your plasma (blood) insulin levels (anywhere from 3 – 6+). Why is this important? Because (the breakdown of fat cells in the body).

When your body is in this “fed” state–when its insulin levels are elevated and its absorbing nutrients you’ve eaten–. Your body enters a “fasted” state when it has finished absorbing all nutrients from the food you’ve eaten and insulin levels return to their normal, low “baseline” levels. When you exercise your body in this state, (and weighlifting in a fasted state ). So, as you can see, just feeling like you have an “empty stomach” doesn’t necessarily mean your insulin levels have returned to baseline. The easiest way to work fasted training into your routine is to work out first thing in the morning, before you eat breakfast. This has an added benefit, as well:. There is a downside to fasted training, however, and this is where we get to BCAAs. When you exercise in a fasted state, and this is bad simply because too much muscle breakdown impairs total muscle growth over time.

You can prevent this with proper supplementation, however. As BCAAs include leucine, and as, a BCAA supplement is useful for preserving muscle while training in a fasted state. And in case you’re wondering why you can’t just use food, remember that food will spike your insulin levels and you will no longer be in a fasted state. BCAAs, on the other hand,, which allows you to remain in a fasted state while you train. This is why many people “in the know” supplement with them before fasted exercise. While BCAAs are good for preserving muscle, they have two significant drawbacks: 1.

You’re paying for three amino acids but leucine is the only one of the trio that effectively suppresses muscle protein breakdown. You could save money and achieve the same results by buying pure leucine instead (but be warned–leucine tastes really, really bad). Most BCAA supplements are comprised of 2 to 3 parts leucine and 1 part isoleucine and valine, which means you need to take quite a bit (about 10 grams) every time You need 3 to 5 grams of leucine to effectively counteract the muscle loss that results from fasted exercise, which means you burn through bottles of BCAAs fairly quickly if you’re training fasted 5 to 7 days per week.

Thus, I’m not particularly excited about using BCAAs for fasted training. You just don’t get much “bang for your buck,” so to speak. Fortunately, there’s a better alternative Why β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) Is Better Than BCAAs.

Β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (also known as HMB) is a substance formed when your body metabolizes the amino acid leucine, which is an amino acid that HMB is often sold as a muscle-building aid but the research purported to demonstrate these benefits is shaky at best, hindered most by design flaws. Thus, I’m not comfortable making any There is one benefit of HMB that’s well established, however: That is, it’s very good at preventing muscle breakdown, which means you will recover faster from your workouts and experience less muscle soreness (and the free acid form shows the most promise in this regard). It also has no effect whatsoever on insulin levels, which means This makes HMB perfect for use with fasted training.

Its powerful anti-catabolic effects and non-existent insulin effects means you reap all the fat loss benefits of training fasted without any of the problems relating to muscle loss or insulin secretion. It’s also worth noting that HMB is superior to leucine in suppressing muscle breakdown because This means it’s also more effective than because for their anti-catabolic effects ( and are very weak in this regard). The Supplement I Use Instead of BCAAs In the spirit of full disclosure, I want you to know that the following supplement that I recommend below isn’t just what I personally use but it’s from my supplement line,.

As you probably know, the supplement industry is notorious for its lies and shenanigans. The truth is the majority of the supplements you see in the magazines and on the shelves aren’t going to help you reach your goals faster. That’s why I decided to create the products I myself have always wanted: science-based formulations, clinically effective dosages of all ingredients, no fillers or unnecessary junk, and natural sweetening and flavoring. And if you like what you see and decide to support my workyou’re awesome. 🙂 It’s because of people like you that I get to spend my time writing articles like this that help others get into the best shape of their lives. Anyway, on to the supplement, which is called FORGE.

FORGE is a fat burner made specifically for use with fasted training and it contains clinically effective dosages of • HMB. As you now know, HMB is very good at preventing muscle breakdown, and this means you will recover faster from your workouts and experience less muscle soreness. Shows that yohimbine enables your body to reduce fat stores faster, and it’s particularly useful as you get leaner and are battling with stubborn fat holdouts.

• Citicoline. CDP-choline (also known as citicoline) is a chemical that occurs naturally in the brain that increases levels of another chemical called phosphatidylcholine, which is vital for brain function. Shows that supplementation with CDP-choline improves attentional focus, and I included this in FORGE because most people find fasted training more mentally draining than fed training and CDP-choline can help counteract this. The bottom line is FORGE helps you lose fat–and “stubborn” fat in particular–faster, preserve muscle, and maintain training intensity and mental sharpness. • • The Bottom Line on BCAAs BCAA supplements are big moneymakers but they just don’t live up to the hype. If you, and if you eat protein before and after you train, you have no reason to add BCAAs to your monthly supplement bill (unless you just like tasty water). If you train fasted, however, BCAAs can help mitigate the increased muscle breakdown rates, but HMB does a better job and is more cost effective. What do you think about BCAAs?

Have anything else to add? Let me know in the comments below! If you want a 'paint-by-numbers,' step-by-step blueprint for building a muscular, lean, strong body.faster than you ever thought possible.then you want to check out my bestselling books. Here's a little sneak peek of what you'll learn inside. • The 7 biggest muscle building myths & mistakes that keep guys small, weak, and frustrated.

(These BS lies are pushed by all the big magazines and even by many trainers.) • How to build meal plans that allow you to build muscle, lose fat, and get healthy with easeeating foods you love (yes, including those deemed “unclean” by certain “gurus”)and never feeling starved, deprived, or like you’re “on a diet.” • The 5 biggest fat loss myths & mistakes that keep women overweight, disappointed, and confused. (These BS lies are pushed by all the big magazines and even by many trainers.) • An all-in-one training system that delivers MAXIMUM results for your effortsspending no more than 3 to 6 hours in the gym every weekdoing workouts that energize you, not wipe you out. • A no-BS guide to supplements that will save you hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars each year that you would’ve wasted on products that are nothing more than bunk science and marketing hype. • And a whole lot more! The bottom line is you CAN achieve that “Hollywood body' without having your life revolve around it. No long hours in the gym, no starving yourself, and no grueling cardio that turns your stomach.

My book will show you how. Get it today and let’s build a body you can be proud of. Another great article! I’m starting my rest week of phase 3 today, half through the year one challenge! I did 20 minutes of HIIT hill sprints this morning. First I took 5g of BCAAs and a scoop of ON Pre ( just using it up so I can by some of your brand). I’m trying to stick to a 16/8 fast as I’m also cutting.

Had 2 cups of coffee with a packet of stevia after running. Unfortunately due to my schedule I can’t hit the gym in a fasted state for weight training. Is having a smaller meal at noon and then lifting at 4 somewhat of an effective routine? I just started up a routine again, with emphasis on fat loss and strength training. BCAAs were suggested to me as an optional supplement. I take them 30 minutes before and right after the workout, and am lifting in a fasted state.

I can’t speak much to fat loss or muscle growth yet (this is only my second week back at it), but I have noticed a HUGE difference in DOMS. Normally when I take up lifting again, I blow through the first workout, and then am sore for a week, and my desire to work out again disappears quickly. But since adding BCAAs to my routine, my soreness is significantly decreased in both duration and amount.

Being only slightly sore the next day versus hardly being able to move without my muscles screaming for several days has really helped. And I’m lifting as much now as I did at the end of my last spurt of lifting a few months ago, I’m not easing back into it. Regardless of any other benefits, I would use it for the reduction in DOMS alone. It’s really helped me stay on track and not dread waking up early to lift again. I recently purchased your Whey+ and Pulse and must tell you that these products are the BEST! I like the Whey+ since it doesn’t contain any junk – I had in the past many other brands with chocolate flavor but none of them are close to whey+. Anyway, today I tried a Pulse for the first time.

My current workouts for the last 2 months are Insanity (HIIT). Last two weeks I do MAX workouts (45-60 minutes). I usually do them the first thing in the morning (at 5AM), which means in your terms as “fasted state” (since my last meal was about 8PM last evening, i.e.

More than 9 hours). Before I purchased a Pulse, I had (a) a cup of black coffee to wake me up and (b) 10g of BCAA (MRM Reload, the one you recommend). Anyway, each time I do the workout I was tired after 15-20 minutes after beginning and usually finish these workouts kind of “sloppy” (frequent breaks, intensity wasn’t enough). But today, boy – I had a blast. Since it was my first time trying Pulse, I had only one scoop as suggested. After few minutes I felt some strange symptoms – I felt kind of dizzy. But in few minutes it was gone.

But, when I started my 60 minutes of HIIT training – I did feel great, I wasn’t tired at all, I was able to jump at full intensity. Only after 45 minutes of workout, my legs were a little bit tired. So, I am very satisfied! I have one question for you. On this MRM BCAA (the one your recommend), the label says this supplement is for post-recovery. Since I don’t have your Recharge (it is out of stock), would it be OK to drink BCAA after workout?

Currently, I drink a protein shake after workout (whey+/mike’s-mix-whey-protein(all natural,unfavored) + banana+strawberries). Also, any plans to release Whey+ with other flavors or even unflavored? I guess, that chocolate flavor doesn’t mix well (in terms of taste) with fruits. Thanks Serge! I really appreciate it!

Great with Pulse! It is REALLY good for endurance exercise, not just weightlifting. Regarding the dizziness, let me know if that continues. There’s nothing in Pulse that should cause that but keep me posted. Also don’t forget to do your leucine or BCAAs with Pulse as you still need to prevent the excessive muscle loss. Yeah they say it’s a post-workout product but it’s really not, haha.

Yes, more flavors to come! Vanilla is next! 🙂 Keep up the good work and keep me posted! Could I ask a small favor? Would you mind writing a short blurb on the Legion products on my website, and copy and pasting those blurbs as Amazon reviews?

It seriously helps with word of mouth, as you can imagine. If you’re cool with that, here are the product pages: WHEY+: PULSE: Again, if you wouldn’t mind taking a few minutes to do that, I’d owe you big time!

Hey Mike, the research you showed for increase muscle breakdown during fasted training () said that there was no affect of the exercise at 60 mins after training but rather at 195mins. So assuming a person consumes his/her shake within the next hour of a training session, would I be right to assume there is no evidence that BCAAs would be of benefit pre/post workout (especially considering some bcaas are in most whey shakes).

Also is there any research of fasted subjects who actually took bcaas? Thanks for always replying Mike. I can’t see any significant difference between the fasted and fed groups in that paper. Admittedly I dont understand the significance of leucine turnover (what is that) and protein breakdown (i assume of muscle because the fasted ones haven’t ingested any) and leucine disposal (what?). The numbers are all similar though. I’ve only done 8 months of Medicine and my biochem isn’t great 😛 Teach me enough so I can understand this article please 🙂 After Training: Leucine turnover (micromol/kg.h – i.e. Very tiny): Fasted – 167->152 (15 difference) Fed – 197->178 (19 difference) Protein breakdown Fasted – 165->144 (21 dif) Fed- 111->93 (18dif) Leucine disposal Fasted -144->126 (18 dif) Fed- 151->133 (18dif) The article also didnt explicitly say that “vs” means levels before training compared to those levels after training, but that’s what I assume it is.

I do two back to back spin classes followed by Pilates and I’ve been killing it by taking 2 scoops pulse plus 10g of ON instantized bcaa powder mixed together 10 minutes before the first class. Should I take 1 scoop of pulse and 5g of bcaa before each individual spin class instead? Would that prolong the fasted state but still give me the energy boost?

I’m finally shedding the baby weight but the tummy stuff is sticking big time. Was hoping the fasted exercise would help with that. And I LOVE pulse. It’s awesome for endurance cardio.

I follow it with recharge and love that too. I’m waiting for the whey+ to be available as I know that will be top notch as well.

On your Legion site you posted under Whey+ about the following study that adding Leucine to a post workout Carb Protein mix would increase protein synthesis further. On Legion it says (8 Grams). My question is, is that 8 grams on top of the leucine already in the Whey serving or is that 8 grams including the Leucine in the Whey. Reason being is because im looking to add Leucine if its a matter of adding 5 grams to my post workout shake but if its 8-10 it would be getting too costly. Thank you again. Hi Mike, I’ve been looking for research on using pure l-leucine while on an alternate day fasting protocol. I know that l-leucine is a good way to prevent breakdown on the cheap for fasted training, but what about those long 36 hour fasts?

I’ve read on forums etc that this ends up depleting the other two BCAAs, affecting glucose resistance, etc. But have been unable to find any research on this specifically. I will be doing this anecdotally since this fits into my budget a lot better than BCAAs, but would like some science facts, if you know of any. Any insight/links would be amazing. Most of the bcaas I have found are from soy because its cheaper i guess. Any way these seem to give me low t.

I looked into it and two studies at the universities of Connecticut and North Carolina concluded that the phytoestrogens in soy protein actually does cause low t and increases cortisol. Not too worried about the cortisol as tylenol seems to take it back down, but don’t want to be poppin it everyday. I have read about others having similar results, though i do not understand why breaking the soy protein down to the level of amino acids wouldn’t denature it. I have read that the phytoestrogens are hard to remove and since most people think they are harmless, might not try very much. Gucci Serial Number Check Sunglasses. Anyway feels like working backwards to me, so until i figure out i’m just sticking to protein, whey in particular. Great article, I have been been doing fasted training ( i do circuit workouts with kettle bells, battle ropes etc), I tried a shake beforehand on a few occasions and found myself nearly vomitting after the work out. I was considering purchasing the BCAA’s you recommend at the bottom of the page but a friend of mine told me to try whey protein isolate as it contains BCAA’s I dont mind taking a supplement that dont taste clever as its the results I am more concerned with but would the Whey Protein Isolate do the trick and help me with fasted training, would this be o.k to consume before and after a workout? Thanks Ams •.

Very interesting article! I have a doubt My goal is to build muscles (I improved since I started training but very slowly) and in the same time to loose abdominal and lumbar fat (abs are hidden). So, it’s better to do: A 10 am Fasted training with 10 gr. Bcaa 12 am Post workout: whey iso protein shake and 10gr more of Bcaa 1 pm Lunch 00 Protein or bcaa before sleeping? Or B 9 am Breakfast (soy milk, biscuits and marmelade, some walnuts, 1 banana) 12.30 am Training with 5 gr.

Bcaa 2 pm Post workout: whey iso protein shake and 5gr of Bcaa 3 pm Lunch 00 Protein or bcaa before sleeping? Or a different strategy? Thanks for your reply and your articles! I got the BCAA and Leccine to help me train in a fasted state.

Lifting Mondays Wednesday and Fridays to get in shape for golf. My body fat percentage is 20% and I’m 160lbs. I dropped 10 pounds in the first 5 weeks of training but haven’t lost any in a month. I’m on a 1800-2000 calorie diet and couldn’t eat anymore food if I wanted. Feel stuffed. Anyways I want to start dripping his stomach fat since it still hanging around.

I usually eat a couple bags of plain whole wheat oatmeal before working out in the morning but think I should stop and just take the bcaa and Leccine only to train in a fasted state. I seen above where you said don’t train in a fasted state if you want to build muscles. So Ivan I not train in a fasted state and get stronger and leaner? Thanks for stopping by and checking out my article! I hope you enjoyed it.

Feel free to comment below if you have any questions. I do my best to check and reply to every comment left on my blog, so don’t be shy! Oh and if you like what I have to say, you should sign up for my free weekly newsletter! You’ll get awesome, science-based health and fitness tips, delicious “guilt-free” recipes, articles to keep you motivated, and much more! You can sign up here: Your information is safe with me too. I don’t share, sell, or rent my lists. Hi Mike, Thanks for the great article.

I am currently trying to bulk so I was wondering if fasted training 3 times a week would help me put on muscle mass mass while maximizing fat loss. I already bought the BCAAS u recommended on the article and they seem great. I’m currently 168 so I’m trynna hit 175. Any suggesting with training in the morning?

Today I’m going to train fasted And I got chest and triceps. I’m gonna take 10 g of BCAAS just like recommended. Do you think fasted training is a good way to bulk up and put on muscle mass? Thanks in advance! 🙂 I’m a personal trainer for 24 hour fitness super sport and I’m excited that I found your blog!

I have never exercised in a fasted state before, but I really wanna give it a try, how long would u recommend a fasted workout an hour or 30 min, and what target heart rate do u think would be ideal for fat burning in a fasted state, low intensity or medium intensity? And you also do cardio and weight training in a fasted state or do you just stick with cardio? How many times a week should I do this? Hi Mike, thanks for the article.

I have a question – since it’s always said that you can’t lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Is using BCAAs and doing fasted training only advisable for someone who’s going for fat loss, rather than muscle gain? I need to bulk up, and I’m just wondering if the benefits of fasted training with BCAA’s would even happen with me if I’m on a calorie surplus. It seems that the ability of fasted training to burn fat would only occur in a deficit, right? Since you can’t lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously? Or could I use this method while bulking and experience benefits (like less fat gain than I’d otherwise get, or even fat loss, while bulking?)?

At the beginning sorry for my english 🙂 I was taking BCAA for a few days and I was feeling really great physically and mentally, my humour and creativity was awesom, but one day after 15 minutes from taking BCAA my stomach was in bad condition. I had a very bad pain. So I tried to take only pure leucine but nothing changed.

My stomach hurts really bad after 15 minutes, every time when I take BCAA or leucine. I tried to mix leucine powder with lemon juice and it was a little bit better – pain wasn’t so bad, but still it was huge discomfort for me. I take small doses, 5 g. And I really want to take it, because my mood is great after that – only stomach is upset Can’t find any advice what could be the cause or what can I do.

Should I drink more lemon juice with leucine or maybe drink or eat something differen with it? I will be very grateful for any advice, Michael. I’m curious as to why you mentioned that fasted training results in an increase in catabolism and that justifies taking BCAA’s preworkout for fasted training. The abstract states there was no noticeable effects until roughly 3 hours into recovery. So as long as one gets nutrients post workout within a reasonable time frame (less than 3 hours after) there is no reason to supplement BCAA’s pre-workout? I’ve been doing fasted lifting for almost two years now and my fat loss and muscle gain, whether I was cutting, reverse dieting or bulking, has been consistent without preworkout BCAA supplementation. (I usually just grab some coffee with a small amount of creamer, ~25 calories, as my preworkout) I get plenty of nutrients post workout usually 30-60 minutes after lifting depending on how long I spend showering, driving home from the gym, running errands post-lift, etc.

Just joined the site after reading this article. It’s very informative. Return To Castle Wolfenstein Download Ita Pc Game on this page. After having a 2year’ish break from training due o injury and work commitments I’m getting back in to it and seeing immediate but slightly slow results. I train first thing in a fasted state and hoped you could comment on my routine which will now be supplemented with HMB. So I’m up at 0615, about 0645 I take water on board flavoured with ‘ZERO’ as I hate plain water, this has electrolytes and magnesium and next to no cals.

At the gym by 0700. I take a fat burning pre workout supplement which has amino’s, caffeine, green tea, alpha lipolic and dandelion root, again no cals. Adding HMB to this as soon as I get my order. Post workout I take protein on board straight after the shower. My goal is to lose fat while retaining/building muscle bu cramming multiple pills down my throat before a workout is off putting to say the least, is there anything you can see of concern or that can be improved? Started supplementing with HMB this morning and I’m starting a new plan. I’m dropping my 2 x 45 minute swims and 3 strength day routine for a new 5 day strength program (heavies all the way) supplemented with 2 x 25-30 minute HIIT sessions.

Still trying to find a HIIT routine that works for me, can’t do impact due to injury to my right foot. I want to get my heart pumping during HIIT without tiring any muscle group too much and impacting strength training. I find that if I do HIIT in the pool then dragging over 215lbs in a sprint then recovering kills my shoulders and arms too much. Think I’ll give HIIT on the crosstrainer and rower a go and see which works best, also tempted to find a HIIT program for the TRX but suspect I may end up in a twisted tied up mess and ending up on youtube in a ‘When BDSM goes wrong’ video! Great articles! I had a specific question: I want to bulk up, i already have a bit of muscle and am maybe 15% body fat.

I was going to bulk up the traditional way, but I read that intermittent fasting can raise your GH and test levels as well as other good stuff. If I go into calorie surplus during my 8 hour feeding window, do you think ill be able to gain mass effectively? I wont training in a fasting state, but rather train right before my last meal, so i can hit the gym, eat my egg or casein protein and go to sleep. What do you think? Also should i sip on BCAAs during my morning fasted state from 7AM till 1PM(aka my first meal)?

I read that leucine gives a response to the brain that its full and negates the hormonal fasting benefits. Good question!

Phoenix is my fat-burner. Phoenix helps you burn fat in three ways. It increases the amount of calories you burn daily by 150-200. It amplifies the power of fat-burning chemicals produced in the body, and it helps you feel more full thanks to the ingredient, 5-HTP.

Forge, on the other hand is my fasted training product. It is only taken before fasted training. Fasted training is a great way to accelerate fat loss. The problem with fasted training is that it also breaks down muscle. That’s where Forge comes in. It prevents muscle breakdown due to fasted training. To add to that, it also accelerates the fat burning that occurs from fasted training.

So, Forge preserves muscle and accelerates fat burning during fasted training while Phoenix is taken with food and helps you burn more calories and fight cravings. @michael_matthews:disqus, I’ve also digged up studies on HMB and Leucine. HMB is better than Leucine for anti-catabolic purposes, although not as good as Leucine for anabolic protein synthesis. If I train fasted in the AM and only have my first meal 6 hours later, I suppose this is a good way to manage the “destruction”?

Pre-Workout: – 2g of HMB + 2g of Leucine 30-40 min before workout – Optional stimulant (I use Source Naturals Chocolift) – Workout (8AM, lasts 1 to 1h30min) Post-workout: – 2g of Leucine 6 hours later: – 1st meal (3PM) Let’s do some math. So 2g + 2g before workout, then 2g after workout.

This is 6g of protein, so 6*4 = 24 calories. I don’t suppose this ‘technically’ breaks the fast?

How about glutamine? Is it worth it to throw in the mix? Mike, in reviewing the PubMed article you linked comparing leucine to HMB it appears that leucine performed better in muscle protein synthesis (MPS) but HMB performed better in preventing muscle protein breakdown (MPB). I have been using leucine with yohimbine in fasted training the past two weeks and just realized that the leucine might stimulate a significant insulin release. Do you know If the insulin release of taking approximately 3g of leucine is enough to counter the effects of 10mg yohimbine HCl?

Is that why HMB is superior in that capacity? I wish I had just been using Forge from the outset but didn’t find it in time. Hi Michael, I’m currently bulking on a schedule of 1 day on, 1 day off, (6ft 2, 176 pounds, 15% body fat roughly) after 6 months out due to various circumstances (will hopefully move to 2 days on, 1 day off, with 30 hours rest between workouts: Am day 1 and Pm day 2 – rest day 3). My daily diet is 1.1g protein per lb, 0.9g fat per lb, and 3.75g carbs per lb, totaling around 3,300 calories for a 21 year old. Should I be doing fasted training to reach my hypertrophy results?

I currently go the gym around 4pm after a sizable chunk of my protein, carbs and calorie intake for the day, and obviously I consume the rest post workout and throughout the rest of the day. I read your article () that is essentially saying one can’t lose weight and build muscle concurrently without a calorie reduction (which my calorie count clearly exceeds). My warm up on the treadmill before lifting is 14.5 km/h for 10 minutes and I want to continue to build up my speed on my treadmill while bulking, hopefully reaching 16.0km/h within the next 7 months. Essentially, will I be able to increase my treadmill speed considering I am bulking? I know that I won’t be able to lose much fat overall as I’m bulking but does that mean I can’t increase my treadmill speed as my bulking will impair my cardio? I shouldn’t be putting on any extra fat from my bulk as I’ve calculated the exact requirements. Thanks very much for your time!

Best, Ryan •. Cool on your workout schedule..9g fat per pound of body weight is a LOT. How much are you gaining a week? Check this out to see what I recommend macro-wise on a bulk: If you’re bulking and you’re focus is building muscle, there’s no reason to train fasted. Stick to your pre-workout nutrition. If you’re new to this style of training, you are able to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, but yeah, it requires a calorie deficit. Check it out: It really isn’t workable to lose fat on a bulk.

Fat loss requires a calorie deficit, and you won’t be in one while bulking Hope this helps! Thanks for getting back to me Mike 🙂 SO MUCH INFORMATION (and I was pretty clued up before!) 1) Sorry, my numbers were mixed up! I’m at 0.55g fat, 1.4g protein, 2.5g carbs (47% carbs, 24% fat and 29% protein from daily calories); 13.8% body fat. I know the protein is a little bit over the 1g per lb you recommend, the fat a little high and the carbs a little under, but is that, with my current body fat% acceptable and will maximise my muscle growth during bulk? () 2) So if I’ve got this right (please correct me if I’m wrong), according to (), only those who haven’t been lifting PROPERLY for say 3+ years can lose fat and build muscle at the same time? And to do so they have to be in a calorie deficit (among other things)?

3) I’ll be showing my ignorance here: what I don’t get, is if I’m in a bulk i.e calorie surplus throughout the week, how can I not burn fat in a fasted state? If I was in a fasted state on a rest day, and took BCAAs or leucine to be more accurate (or even HMB) in the morning to preserve my muscles and not spike my insulin levels, and then went for a 3k run soon after to burn fat, why I am not be able to burn fat and maintain muscle in the fasted state because I have a calorie surplus for the week? 4) I worked out how much muscle I could gain naturally according to the Berkhan formula ()which turns out to be around 187lbs (total muscle mass, 0%BF). I’m currently at 151.7lbs which is a 35.3lb difference. I’m a lot like you were during your first 1.5 years as seen in the article above, and I’ve probably added 10-15lbs of muscle also during that period. Since I haven’t been making as much gains I should have over the past 2 years (and thus I can’t adhere directly to McDonald’s table), would averaging 8lbs a year over the next 3 years be a realistic expectation? 5) Regarding the cardinal rule of 0.5-1lb a week while bulking that’s mentioned in quite a few articles; conservatively speaking an experienced weightlifter gaining 0.5lbs a week – I take it that that is 0.5lbs also has a decent amount of fat and is not all muscle?

Hence the need for cutting eventually after bulking? 6) The article on protein absorption was sick btw ()!! Many thanks!!! I came across this article online () but it talks about digesting the protein in liquid form. Does this affect/have any implications for the conclusions drawn in your article? 7) Is it possible to increase cardiovascular fitness while bulking?

I may be confusing cardio with fat loss but can I realistically be looking to be able to increase my running speed from 14.5-16.0km/h on the treadmill when I’m consistently dding weight each week? Would the adding of the weight hamper any gains I could make in my cardiovascular fitness?

( In kow HIITs is a better way of losing fat, but I’m focused on increasing my running speed) Phew, that’s me covered everything now! Done enough reading over these past 2 days to last me a lifetime! Thanks very much again – keep up the good work and the education, all the best!!! Hi Mike, I’m terribly sorry for the late reply.

Illness, death, family etc. Have all got in the way.

Thanks very much for your detailed reply once again. Just a final few points for clarification that I’d be really appreciative for for your help. [In accordance with the above points] 2).

Is a calorie deficit always necessary to lose weight? Regardless of genetics or/and how long one has been lifting? Or is it possible to be in a calorie surplus and still lose weight due to either a) genetics, or b) how many years one has been lifting?

3) I’m a little confused with the whole energy balance thing. Are you saying that the fat storage obtained throughout the week cannot be compensated by a couple of days of fasted training? If so, would it still not stop me from accumulating as much fat if I didn’t do the fasted training?

I realise that this is not the same as a cut, but I’m just wondering if fasted training in a calorie surplus will at least reduce the amount of fat put on throughout the week. 6) What did you think of the article on liquid protein assumption?

Is that a different bodily mechanism that’s digesting the protein? Or do the same rules apply then for both liquid and solid protein consumption? Not taking more than 50g protein per meal (as you recommended in one of your previous articles although I can’t remember which!) 7) So, just to confirm, it is possible to increase cardiovascular fitness while in a bulk? A calorie surplus won’t completely inhibit an increase in cardiovascular fitness?

(I imagine it wouldn’t be the easiest way to increase cardiovascular fitness – I guess a calorie deficit is needed for the best/easiest way to increase cardiovascular fitness – but I just want to be sure it isn’t close to impossible). Additional: What’s the best way to maintain muscle mass with little food? I know a high protein diet is the best way to go, but what if that’s not possible? For example,sometimes I’m away with work and there’s hardly the time to eat, and sometimes there’s not healthy choices either. Is it possible to maintain muscle mass with minimal calories (say 1000)and just lots and lots and lots and lots of HMB? Many thanks again!!

I hope you don’t take as long replying as I did. Terribly sorry about that again. Keep up the good work!!! Damn I’m sorry to hear that. You will never lose fat in a calorie surplus. Check this out: 3.

See the above article. This will lend insight too: 6. Didn’t have time to dive into it sorry. But I guarantee you it doesn’t matter.

Just hit your daily protein numbers and you’ll be fine. You can eat more than 50 g per meal: 7. Definitely can. Surplus won’t get in the way of that. Just save your calories for later meals when you can eat what you need. Have powder at work. Hope this helps!

Mike, If I was doing my workout fasted in the morning with HMB before and a coffee, does trivia stimulate enough of an insulin response to counteract any fat burning effects? Also, if I was going to have a post workout meal with 50 grams protein (24 whey, 10 egg, 15 in whole grain bread i eat) creatine and 70 grams of carbs would there be any need to take leucine or HMB again post workout if I planned on fasting for 8-12 hours after that until my next meal? If so, which one HMB or leucine?

I know there won’t be any muscle breakdown within the 8-12 hour period but would it help my muscles continue to recover? I’m a 44 year old woman who wants to loose belly fat and gain muscle. I’m 5’2,123 pounds. I’m a vegetarian and my body can’t tolerate any dairy or whey.

I use to work out before but lately ( 2 years ago )I stopped. Last month I started with this routine that I found in a blog ( Monday and Thursday fasted HIT training: sprints for 30 sec and recover walking fast for 1minute:6 times in a row follow it by a 20 minutes Jogg at my 60%. Saturday upper body:5 sets with a weight that allowed me to do 5 reps without reach for failure,perform 4 or 5 different exercises,Wednesday lower body same reps and sets as upper body.

And rest Tuesday,Friday and Saturday. They suggest this amount of calories to reach my goal 1680 46 grams from fat =414 calories 123 grams of protein = 492 calories 193 grams of carbs = 773 calories. I would like to know your opinion about the calories And your advice about the BCCA before my HIT training. Or if you think I just should buy the leucine or the HMB. I don’t know much about supplements and I would like to know if they are good for vegetarians too. Thanks for your help and forgive me for the long question. Right now I am eating about 4000 calories per day and mostly I am able to gain lean muscle with very little fat gain.

I am 5 foot 8 155 pounds. I am working out intensely, with a 5 day split and then 1 day off (maybe about 70 minutes each workout).

My split is 1.chest/triceps 2.back/traps 3.legs 4. Chest/shoulders 5.

Back/biceps 6. It is working very well for me, I am trying to catch up my chest and back to my arms and legs in proportion. I want to continue my splits plus add to that ninja warrior type training, which is a lot of hanging, monkey bar stuff, and pullups. Do you think your bcaa supplement would help me in recovery so that I can do the ninja warrior training more often and overall get quicker results?

I want to train as much as possible. Also, how often do you think I can train normal body weight pullups, and maybe my forearms with hand grippers without over training? I drink 4 protein drinks per day plant fusion because I can’t eat dairy and my recovery works good but I haven’t started the ninja warrior stuff yet. So I work out 3 days/wk for about 30-35 minutes (4 days if scheduling allows) in the morning.

I eat 4 large eggs every morning about an hour before the workout and a 60g whey isolate protein shake after (I add 1/4 avocado, half a banana, 1/4 cup berries, 8oz whole milk and a handful of greens). I generally get around 150-160g protein per day, and I’ve weighed around 140lb at 5’8″ for the last 2.5 years that I’ve been working out. I’ve put on about 1/4″ on my arms over that time.

That seems like nothing, and other gains are similarly small. I haven’t been supplementing, but I add almonds, Greek yogurt, and meat every day. Is there a recommended supplement or tweak here that might help me gain without adding fat? I’ve tried mass gainers (bad, bad, horrible idea), but all they did was add fat around my belly. I’ve been doing all the “right” weightlifting routines (complex, big movements – squats, deadlifts, bench, etc), and I seem to get stronger – until I plateau forever. Is there a supplement that can get me over the hump? Hey, thanks for answering our questions!

Anyways, on to mine. I fast all day (21-22 hours), then workout (resistance/weight training), and eat all of my calories for the day after my workout. Currently, I take 3g calcium HMB powder with matcha green tea pre-workout.

So is taking HMB before fasted weight training still effective for gaining muscle? Or would leucine be better for this purpose? I do get some leucine post-workout via whey protein and meat/eggs. I know it might not be optimal, but I really do not like to eat anything before I workout, and I do feel fine lifting on an empty stomach. One more question.

I occasionally do protein-sparing modified fasts to lose fat quickly, and I still fast all day and weight train during a PSMF. Would it be beneficial to take HMB throughout the day during my fast to prevent muscle breakdown, or should I just stick to taking HMB only as a pre-workout supplement? There is so much conflicting information on the web regarding fasted training and using HMB vs leucine vs BCAAs vs nothing. I’d really appreciate your advice! Hey Mike, I’m an extremely skeptic in terms of supplementing anti-catabolics, you’ve just cleared a lot of misconceptions of what I’ve read in the internet, believe me, you have no idea how much this helped me.

Before I tell you what I’m doing so far, I have no interest in losing weight -in general-, but in burning fat and preserve (and/or gain) muscle-mass. Thank you for this information. I was using BCAAs for some reason I can’t even remember right now. I’m passing this article along to my better half since I had recommended BCAAs and – after your article – need to recant. Also, I am asking your advice: This is going to sound like I’m trolling and I’m not. I’ve seen men get laughed out of forums for it but since I’m female, maybe you’ll appreciate my issue: I am too lean. NOT skinny, but cut.

I’m not muscle like the hottie femmes in ads but just bone and muscle and a little pad on the rear. My back shred is obvious as is my 6 pack I don’t do anything for. I practice and teach yoga regularly. I spin class three or 4 times a week (fasted) and have a soy protein shake afterward (have cut the protein down to 25% of a scoop and have added non fat-free yogurt instead). Also, have recently started running. Before I began spinning (2 yrs ago), I didn’t see veins poking out my arms, in addition to having no rear. Now I have the rear – which I like – and my legs have gained size (not appreciably, but I like them) BUT I have veins.

Veins on my forearms, noticeably. Veins coming down my bicep. Veins coming up from my bikini line, etc, and etc. I don’t like the veins. Do I need more fat? Do I need to murder some muscle. (Which is fine!) Do I need to stop the shakes altogether?

I eat anywhere from 1700 – 1900 calories a day. Do I need to eat more? If so, which macros? Just says ‘eat more’ but I can’t – unless it’s sugary pastries or cookies. I have no desire to eat more real food. It’s difficult enough to eat what I DO eat. I’ve been on this quest for about a year now and haven’t yet found any answer except the one in my mind which says “Go back to eating junk food.

Quit going to spin. Quit running. Quit yoga.” (And I REALLY don’t want to quit yoga!) I’m so lost. Thank you for any direction – in advance. I mean it: ANY direction. Thank you for responding!

That could be the case that cal intake is too low because S.O. Says the same thing.

Oh he’ll be happy you agree with him. 🙂 I don’t know what else I can eat or not eat. I am a mesomorph (ballerina physique) and desire tone, not large muscles, small breasts (yeah, they’re disappearing, too) & veins. Before gymming regularly, I kept a 6-pack and thinnish but cut arms which is why I think I’m a mesomorph. But before the gym I had a softness on me that is gone, I tell you, gone!

(And I’m not a ballerina so I have NO awesome lighting following me around, tutu or pointe shoes to even offer the illusion of softness on me anymore.) Typical macros: week carb fat protein jan23 45% 35% 20% jan16 42% 32% 26% jan09 41% 34% 25% jan02 45% 30% 25% july12 44% 33% 23% july5 42% 27% 31% june28 45% 27% 28% june21 41% 31% 28% Tell me what to eat? Am I still okay drinking the [correction to original post; WHEY protein] shakes (with almond milk + low GL fruits) after fasted spin classes? Could that be contributing to my muscle growth and excessive fat loss? Should I start eating before cardio? I’m scared to eat more calories because I fear I’ll start to bulk. I’m only 5’3″ for the luvva Tell me I’m ridiculous for thinking that?

Great article! And thanks for sharing it with us. I am: – 41 yr old woman – eating a mostly primal/paleo diet with white rice + oats – crossfit 3-4x per week at 9-10am, usually fasted – generally aim for the 16/8 IF protocol, sometimes 14/10, but I will default WHEN if i’m super hungry, my first meal PWO isn’t usually until 11am/noon – already lean, at an ideal weight, happy with my current level of strength and muscle mass.

– i workout to stay healthy, reduce stress, anti ageing, etc. I do not care for competing or gaining muscle anymore. So that being said, is it really necessary for me to introduce HMB/BCAAs pre-workout if i am fasting before and after? Or am i doing actual harm?

Just wondering if most people’s fear of the catabolism that may occur is because they are already doing everything they can to increase muscle? It does seem most of what i have found has been aimed at men who want to bulk up. Struggling to find better info for women, and for those like me who are happy to maintain.

My IF is primarily motivated by feeling better when i do it and for the longer term benefits such as cancer prevention, autophagy, longevity, etc. Hey mike, just wondering im training fasted and taking ON amino energy, but i saw a video saying that bcaas dont mix well and taste bad, if they dont they are just bcaas.

What is your position in this? I trust ON and i like this product because is relatively cheap and it also has caffeine and beta alanine, so it gives me energy. Also hmb is very expensive, i would take your supplements but unfortunately i do not like on United States so shipping and all that sucks, also the guy who was saying bcaas have to taste bad and not mix well was promoting his product, thanks! Mike, thanks for the info! I’m 44yo gal, and I’ve been strength training since mid-January working up from 2 to 5 times per week.

And while I’m gaining muscle, I don’t seem to be losing much, if any, FAT. Admittedly novice to building, fasting, and all these tweaks and tricks, but know the basics of diet/exercise and trying to do as much self learning as can, even bought your book but just through 1st chapter (is available in audio version???). So, I’m stronger each week, and body ‘shape’ is better, but not smaller as in I’m putting on some muscle but no fat lost. Started out at 162lbs and I’ve actually put on, now at 167 🙁 My goal was and is to put on muscle via strength training and lose fat weight.

Ideally in a lean state I’d be 132-135 (I’m 5′ 7″). Sure thought I’d be a lot closer to that after four and a half months. Usually i have a whey protein shake breakfast, mid-morning snack and for lunch (30g protein each, 5g carb, lowfat), then at 5p I take BCAAs with 20gm whey before and after w/o which is 5:30-6:20pm,then a fish/salad style meal around 7:30p. Too much protein? Add in Cardio? I’m not going to give up but this is becoming very disappointing in terms of no results on fat loss after this amount of time! Any feedback you have time for will be appreciated.

Cool you’ve been training for the last few months. Great job on the muscle you’ve gained! If you haven’t lost fat, it’s simply because you’re not in a deficit. Take a look at this: Yep, it is available as an audiobook.

🙂 You can order it here: It sounds like you may be building muscle and losing fat. Check this out: If so, the scale won’t be good for measuring progress. You should track your composition: If you’re not seeing results in composition, check this out: Regarding the protein, to see how much you should be having, check this out: Nah, no need for BCAAs except before fasted training. Hope this all helps! LMK what you think! Hey Mike, I am currently on an IF but I have a dilemma.

I train at 5:30am every morning. I started my IF diet where my eating window would be 6:30am to 2:30pm The issue I am having is when I go out with my wife or my friends I am stuck sipping on soda water, walking with my BCAAs to mix or eating ice. My question to you is.

If I wanted to push my window to later in the day like 1pm or 2pm. How can I do this safely, still train at 5:30 in the morning and maintain muscle mass? Can I just drink BCAA’s after I train until the 1pm window comes around?? Also I am very interested in your FORGE can I use this along with my BCAAs? Also, one of your teammates once told me when i use forge i should try to have my workout in about 45-60 minutes. Sometimes i drag out to 90-120 minutes (fatigued and take longer breaks from being fasted) so they recommend i dose after the initial 60 mins- instead of doubling the dose can i just sip on BCAAS? I find that its more cost efficient for me as i find your products to be on the more expensive side.

But it’s all good, i buy about 70% of your product line:), you and your team are worth it and have helped me achieve 10% bf, now the. Battle to sub 10% begins and i intend to do fasting and fasted training to help me with it •. Hey Mike, I understand your position on this topic and I read the studies and came to the same conclusion as far as effectiveness goes. However: I can get fairly good quality BCAAS (musclepharm 3:1:2) which gives 3g leucine per serving. So I’ve priced it out, and my option for HMB-FA will cost me over $1/serving more to get 3g of HMB-FA. In your opinion is it worth the extra money for HMB? It seems like this article is aimed to help people save money by switching.

But in my case it will cost me more. Thanks, love your content! My schedule just changed and from now on I will have to train fasted, first thing in the morning.

I weight train 5-6x week and do 20 minutes hiit cardio 3 times after my workout. My main goal is to improve body composition, so at the moment I am on a deficit until I get at least to 19% BF. So I would like to start taking some supplement that helps me preserve muscle and avoid muscle breakdown! Unfortunately your supplements are now available in my country and shipping would be unbelievable expensive, so I wanted to ask you what could I take instead. Bcaas would be enough?

Or should I take only pure leucine? I have read that HMB is more effective to avoid muscle breakdown, but it’s SO expensive!!! Mike, thank you for all your very informative posts, and while reading this today, I realized I might not be maximizing my efforts. Does coffee with coconut oil or MCT oil take you out of a fasted state, and can you eat this pre-workout without spiking insulin? I’d like to train fasted with Forge, and I was curious if you knew the effects of caffeine/fat on the metabolism and if this combo pre-workout would counteract the intended effect of burning as much fat as possible? I have been using Forge and Phoenix but had been drinking the coffee/coconut oil combo since I tend to wake up very hungry and I find the combo calms my food cravings.

I really like doing the BCAA’s prior to a fasted training session, thanks for the advice! I know you say 10g’s prior to a workout for a BCAA mix, however, since it’s just the Leucine in a BCAA mix that we want for the anti catabolic effect, how much Leucine should be in the BCAA I take before a fasted workout? The one I used to take (your suggestion) from MRM would have @3500mgs of Leucine and less of the other AA’s, but MRM isn’t available where I live now. What is available is showing servings saying 500-600mg’s of Leucine in their BCAA mix, which seems dramatically lower. Was MRM overdoing it? (also sidenote – UK prices for BCAA’s are terrible!) •.

Hi Mike, I read your book bigger, leaner, stronger and have been following the workout plan (adding a few hypertrophy sets at the end) and have been getting stronger while in a calorie deficit and it’s been great! I’ve also been taking BCAA’s intra-workout which I feel help provide energy throughout the workout. Problem is, I’ve been eating about 1800 calories a day and have only gone from about 194 lbs to 190 lbs in 4 weeks. I do intermittent fasting daily and have whey protein preworkout which starts my eating window. Question: I take shilajit and ashwaghanda first thing in the morning while fasting, what do you think about these supplements?

My two cents and YMMV on BCAAs and HMB: I have used BCAAs consistently for a year or so (pre or post workout, depending on various factors) including a recent push to lose weight and increase cardio endurance over bodybuilding. I made some great progress, dropped 20 lbs, improved my mile time, PRed 5k and 10k times, etc all while strength stayed about the same (some drop on legs, but upper body for the most part stayed the same). I recently decided “maybe these BCAAs are placebos” and cut them out, keeping everything other aspect of my diet, exercise, and lifestyle identical. The result: I regressed in pretty much every athletic endeavor. I am also more fatigued with the same sleep schedule. Having never missed more than a day in 6 months, I found myself taking 2 and even 3 days off in a row to recover. Still anecdotal, so I will possibly get back on the BCAAs and see if things improve again.

Regarding HMB: years ago (jeez maybe 20?) I worked at GNC and bought a few cases of Met-Rx with HMB when they were closing it out. Again with no other change in diet and exercise (previously used 2 packs of Met-Rx a day, so just swapped out for the HMB formula) my strength surged and and I gained a few solid pounds. Also anecdotal, but after being it a rut for a while, that one product sure seemed to make a difference. Oddly I have not used HMB since- maybe I will give it another shot!

Mike, I typically work out “semi-fasted” in the sense I have a small meal (greek yogurt and fruit) a few hours prior. Not so much food I feel full, but enough to not make me hungry and distracted when working out. I tend to do cardio fasted, especially on weekends: sleep in a bit, a few cups of black coffee and then run 6 miles. Overall, I was probably taking in 160-180g/protein a day, mostly chicken breast, but a few shakes (CNP Pro Peptide) to boost at breakfast and post-workout.

I weigh 190, but aim my protein intake based on lean mass and not just by overall body weight. Hello mike, Alright so I am pretty athletic. I am 5″2 weighing 110 and I wanna shed stomachs fat. I have noooo idea about any supplements and I’ve been doing fasted cardio for about 30 mins three times a week and doing abs. I used to train the rest of my body but I’ve been so worried about my stomache it’s all I’ve been focused on. I was hoping you could help me gain some knowledge on what supplements to take, when, and what meals are best at what times?

Also, for a few weeks I took SSN rapid shreds but it messed with my sleep so I stopped. I learned I wasn’t drinking enough water but I felt like that’s all I do all day is suck it down. Anyway you could help? Hey Taylor, Fasted cardio is a great start. I’d definitely recommend training your whole body, though, as you can’t “spot reduce” stomach fat by training just abs. The most important thing is going to be to eat the proper amount of calories.

Meal timing isn’t as important as getting your overall calories and macros right. Check these articles out: If you’re going to continue the fasted training, I’d recommend my pre-workout fat-burner Forge. I also have a general fat-burner called Phoenix. Check this out: I hope this helps! FFS, it’s 2017 and we know more about what distant planets are made of than we do what’s best for the human body. The last article I read was about how HMB was next to useless. Everybody cites studies and a lot of polar opposite positions seem to be well backed up, so who the fuck knows about any of this stuff?

It’s like how some trainers will absolutely insist on one method of training while another, equally qualified one will tell you the ‘only’ way is the exact opposite. I know of two NHL trainers who have competing ‘the only way’ training guidelines. This either means that the science behind all of this is poorly done nonsense, or the human body is very adaptable to whatever we throw at it so long as it’s in the same general direction (clean eating and picking up heavy things vs eating chips on the couch). One really, really annoying thing about most studies are that they are 2-6 week studies, type deal. What about a 6 months? It seems like most studies have one red flag in them, like one of the variables doesn’t really apply to anything real world applicable like they’ll use only guys trying to get mutant big, or only people who’ve never touched a weight before.

Seldom is it just regular Joes who are somewhat athletic, go to the gym on a relatively frequent basis and want to look better naked. You know, the vast fucking majority of men.

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