Commodore 64 Games Download Pc

Posted in: admin04/01/18Coments are closed is proud to announce we have licensed the use of the ColecoVision trademark on the site, and many titles that you can now play in your browser! A small software upgrade was performed, if games are not loading, clear your. Steve was involved in many classic Commodore 64 games such as Alleykat, Bushido, Gribbly's Day Out, Magnetron, Morpheus, Rana Rama, Soldier of Fortune and Uridium. Ben Daglish - 2004-02-06. Ben composed the music for tons of games, and he sure is a legend in the world of C64. The Last Ninja, Jack the Nipper,.

Commodore 64 Manufacturer Commodore Business Machines (CBM) Type Release date August 1982 Introductory price US$595 (equivalent to $1,477 in 2016) Discontinued April 1994; 23 years ago ( 1994-04) Units sold 12.5 – 17 million Commodore / 2.0 (optionally) / @ 1.023 MHz ( version) @ 0.985 MHz ( version) Memory 64 + 20 KB Graphics ( 320 × 200, 16 colors,, ) Sound ( 3×, 4×,,, ) Connectivity 2×,,,,, -,, / Predecessor Successor The Commodore 64, also known as the C64 or the CBM 64, is an introduced in January 1982 by (first shown at the, in Las Vegas, January 7–10. It is listed in the as the highest-selling single computer model of all time, with independent estimates placing the number sold between 10 and 17 million units. Volume production started in early 1982, marketing in August for US$595 (equivalent to $1,477 in 2016). Preceded by the and, the C64 took its name from its 64 (65,536 ) of RAM. It had superior sound and graphical specifications compared to other earlier systems such as the and, with multi-color sprites and a more advanced sound processor. The C64 dominated the low-end computer market for most of the 1980s. For a substantial period (1983–1986), the C64 had between 30% and 40% share of the US market and two million units sold per year, outselling the, computers, and the of computers.

Commodore 64 Games Download Pc

Sam Tramiel, a later Atari president and the son of Commodore's founder, said in a 1989 interview, 'When I was at Commodore we were building 400,000 C64s a month for a couple of years.' In the UK market, the C64 faced competition from the and the, but the C64 was still one of the two most popular computers in the UK. Part of the Commodore 64's success was its sale in regular retail stores instead of only or computer hobbyist specialty stores.

Commodore produced many of its parts, including custom chips from. It has been compared to the automobile for its role in bringing a new technology to middle-class households via creative and affordable mass-production. Approximately 10,000 commercial titles have been made for the Commodore 64 including development tools, office productivity applications, and. Allow anyone with a modern computer, or a compatible, to run these programs today. The C64 is also credited with popularizing the computer and is still used today by some.

In 2011, 17 years after it was taken off the market, research showed that brand recognition for the model was still at 87%. The Commodore 64 startup screen In January 1981,, Inc., Commodore's design subsidiary, initiated a project to design the graphic and audio chips for a next generation. Design work for the chips, named (Video Integrated Circuit for graphics) and (Sound Interface Device for audio), was completed in November 1981. Commodore then began a game console project that would use the new chips—called the Ultimax or the, engineered by Yash Terakura from Commodore Japan.

This project was eventually cancelled after just a few machines were manufactured for the Japanese market. [ ] At the same time, Robert 'Bob' Russell (system programmer and architect on the ) and (engineer of the SID) were critical of the current product line-up at Commodore, which was a continuation of the line aimed at business users. With the support of Al Charpentier (engineer of the VIC-II) and Charles Winterble (manager of MOS Technology), they proposed to Commodore CEO a true low-cost sequel to the VIC-20. Tramiel dictated that the machine should have 64 KB of (RAM). Although 64- (DRAM) chips cost over US$100 (equivalent to $222.68 in 2016) at the time, he knew that DRAM prices were falling, and would drop to an acceptable level before full production was reached. The team was able to quickly design the computer because, unlike most other home-computer companies, Commodore had its own to produce test chips; because the fab was not running at full capacity, development costs were part of existing corporate overhead. The chips were complete by November, by which time Charpentier, Winterble, and Tramiel had decided to proceed with the new computer; the latter set a final deadline for the first weekend of January, to coincide with the 1982 (CES).

The product was the VIC-40 as the successor to the popular. The team that constructed it consisted of Yash Terakura,, Bob Russell, Bob Yannes and David A. The design, prototypes, and some sample software were finished in time for the show, after the team had worked tirelessly over both and weekends. The machine used the same case, same-sized motherboard, and same 2.0 in as the VIC-20.

BASIC also served as the and was available immediately on startup at the READY prompt. When the product was to be presented, the VIC-40 product was renamed C64. The C64 made an impressive debut at the January 1982, as recalled by Production Engineer David A. Ziembicki: 'All we saw at our booth were people with their mouths dropping open, saying, 'How can you do that for $595?'

' The answer was; due to Commodore's ownership of 's facilities, each C64 had an estimated production cost of US$135. Market war [ ] 1982–1983 [ ]. Game cartridges for and Commodore had a reputation for, so sought to quickly ship the C64.

Production began in spring 1982 and volume shipments began in August. The C64 faced a wide range of competing, but with a lower price and more flexible hardware, it quickly outsold many of its competitors. In the United States the greatest competitors were the 400, the Atari 800, and the. The Atari 400 and 800 had been designed to accommodate previously stringent FCC emissions requirements and so were expensive to manufacture. The latest revision in the aging Apple II line, the Apple IIe, had higher-resolution graphics modes than the C64. Though similar in specifications, the two computers represented differing design philosophies; as an system, upgrade capability for the Apple II was granted by internal expansion slots, whereas the C64's comparatively closed architecture had only a single external port for bus expansion.

However, the Apple II used its expansion slots for interfacing to common peripherals like disk drives, printers, and modems; the C64 had a variety of ports integrated into its motherboard which were used for these purposes, usually leaving the cartridge port free. Commodore's was not a completely closed system, however; the company had published detailed specifications for most of their models since the and days, and the C64 was no exception. Initial C64 sales were nonetheless relatively slow due to a lack of software, reliability issues with early production models, and a shortage of 1541 disk drives, which also suffered rather severe reliability issues. During 1983 however, a trickle of software turned into a flood and sales began rapidly climbing, especially with price cuts from $600 to just $300. Commodore sold the C64 not only through its network of authorized dealers, but also through department stores, discount stores, toy stores and college bookstores. The C64 had a built-in and thus could be plugged into any television set. This allowed it (like its predecessor, the VIC-20) to compete directly against video game consoles such as the.

Like the Apple IIe, the C64 can also output a signal (avoiding the RF modulator) that can be plugged into a specialized monitor for a sharper picture. Unlike the IIe, the C64's NTSC output capability also includes separate luminance/chroma signal output equivalent to (and electrically compatible with), for connection to the monitor, providing even better video quality than a composite signal. Aggressive pricing of the C64 is considered to have been a major catalyst in the. In January 1983, Commodore offered a $100 in the United States on the purchase of a C64 to anyone that traded in another video game console or computer. To take advantage of this rebate, some mail-order dealers and retailers offered a for as little as $10 with purchase of a C64, so the consumer could send the TS1000 to Commodore, collect the rebate, and pocket the difference; departed the computer market within a year. Commodore's tactics soon led to a with the major manufacturers.

The success of the VIC-20 and C64 contributed significantly to the exit from the field of and other smaller competitors. The price war with Texas Instruments was seen as a personal battle for Commodore president. Commodore dropped the C64's list price by $200 within two months after its release. In June 1983 the company lowered the price to $300, and some stores sold the computer for $199. At one point, the company was selling as many C64s as all computers sold by the rest of the industry combined, while TI lost money by selling the for $99.

TI's subsequent demise in the home computer industry in October 1983 was seen as revenge for TI's tactics in the market in the mid-1970s, when Commodore was almost bankrupted by TI. All four machines had similar memory configurations which were standard in 1982–83: 48 KB for the Apple II+ (upgraded within months of C64's release to 64 KB with the Apple IIe) and 48 KB for the Atari 800. At upwards of $1,200, the Apple II was about twice as expensive, while the Atari 800 cost $899. One key to the C64's success was Commodore's aggressive marketing tactics, and they were quick to exploit the relative price/performance divisions between its competitors with a series of television commercials after the C64's launch in late 1982. The company also published detailed documentation to help developers, while Atari initially kept technical information secret. The C64 was the only non-discontinued, widely available home computer in late 1983, with more than 500,000 sold during the Christmas season; because of production problems in Atari's supply chain, by the start of 1984 'the Commodore 64 largely has [the low-end] market to itself right now', reported. 1984–1987 [ ] By 1985, games were an estimated 60 to 70% of Commodore 64 software.

At a mid-1984 conference of game developers and experts at,, ('the computer of choice right now'), and a representative of said that they were developing games for the C64 first as the most promising market. Stated in January 1985 that companies such as that survived the video game crash did so because they 'jumped on the Commodore bandwagon early'.

35% of 's 1986 sales were for the C64, ten percentage points higher than for the Apple II; the C64 was even more important for other companies, which often found that more than half the sales for a title ported to six platforms came from the C64 version. That year Computer Gaming World published a survey of ten game publishers which found that they planned to release forty-three Commodore C64 games that year, compared to nineteen for Atari and forty-eight for Apple II, and stated that developed first for the C64 because 'it will sell the most on that system'. In Europe, the primary competitors to the C64 were British-built computers: the, the and the. In the UK, the 48K Spectrum had not only been released a few months ahead of the C64's early 1983 debut, but it was also selling for £175, less than half the C64's £399 price. The Spectrum quickly became the market leader and Commodore had an uphill struggle against it. The C64 did however go on to rival the Spectrum in popularity in the latter half of the 1980s.

Adjusted to the size of population, the popularity of Commodore 64 was the highest in Finland where it was subsequently marketed as 'the computer of the republic'. Although rumors spread in late 1983 that Commodore would discontinue the C64, By early 1985 the C64's price was $149; with an estimated production cost of $35–50, its profitability was still within the industry-standard markup of two to three times.

Commodore sold about one million C64s in 1985 and a total of 3.5 million by mid-1986. Although the company reportedly attempted to discontinue the C64 more than once in favor of more expensive computers such as the Commodore 128, demand remained strong. In 1986, Commodore introduced the 64C, a redesigned 64, which Compute!

Saw as evidence that—contrary to C64 owners' fears that the company would abandon them in favor of the Amiga and 128—'the 64 refuses to die'. Its introduction also meant that Commodore raised the price of the C64 for the first time, which the magazine cited as the end of the home-computer.

Software sales also remained strong;, for example, in 1987 cited the Commodore and IBM PC markets as its top priorities. 1988–1994 [ ] By 1988 were the largest and fastest-growing home and entertainment software markets, displacing former leader Commodore. The company was still selling 1-1.5 million worldwide each year of what that year called 'the of personal computers'. Epyx CEO cautioned, however, that 'there are no new 64 buyers, or very few. It's a consistent group that's not growing it's going to shrink as part of our business'. One computer-gaming executive stated that the 's enormous popularity—seven million sold in 1988, almost as many as the number of C64s sold in its first five years—had stopped the C64's growth, and stated that Nintendo was 'the last hurrah of the 8-bit world'. After 1988 was the last major American publisher of games for the computer; many new games, especially arcade conversions, were simply imports from Europe converted to NTSC., released in 1991, was the last major C64 game release from a North American developer.

In the United States, demand for 8 and 16-bit computers all but ceased as the 1990s began and PC compatibles became completely dominant, but the C64 continued to be popular in the UK and other European countries. It was not lack of demand or the cost of the C64 itself (still profitable at a retail price point between £44 and £50), but the cost of producing the disk drive, that ended the machine's long run. In March 1994, at in,, Commodore announced that the C64 would be finally discontinued in 1995, noting that the cost more than the C64 itself. However, only one month later, in April 1994, the company filed for bankruptcy. It has been widely claimed that between 18 and 22 million C64s were sold worldwide, however company sales records indicate that the total number was about 12.5 million.

While only 360,000 C64s were sold in 1982, about 1.3 million were sold in 1983, followed by a major spike in 1984 when 2.6 million were sold. After that, sales held steady at between 1.3 and 1.6 million a year for the remainder of the decade and then dropped off after 1989. C64 family [ ] Commodore MAX [ ]. In 1982, Commodore released the in.

It was called the Ultimax in the United States, and VC-10 in Germany. The MAX was intended to be a game console with limited computing capability, and was based on a very cut-down version of the hardware family later used in the C64. The MAX was discontinued months after its introduction because of poor sales in Japan. 1983 saw Commodore attempt to compete with the 's hold on the US education market with the, essentially a C64 and 'greenscale' monochrome monitor in a PET case. Schools preferred the all-in-one metal construction of the PET over the standard C64's separate components, which could be easily damaged, vandalized or stolen. Schools did not prefer the Educator 64 to the wide range of software and hardware options the was able to offer, and it was produced in limited quantities.

Also in 1983, Commodore released the, a portable version of the C64. The SX-64 has the distinction of being the first full-color. While earlier computers using this form factor only incorporate monochrome ('green screen') displays, the base SX-64 unit features a 5 in (130 mm) color (CRT) and an integrated floppy disk drive. Unlike most other C64s, the SX-64 does not have a cassette connector. Commodore C128 [ ] Two designers at Commodore, Fred Bowen and, were determined to rectify the problems of the.

They intended that the eventual successors to the C64—the and 128D computers (1985)—were to build upon the C64, avoiding the Plus/4's flaws. The successors had many improvements such as a structured BASIC with graphics and sound commands, 80-column display ability, and full compatibility. The decision to make the with the C64 was made quietly by Bowen and Herd, software and hardware designers respectively, without the knowledge or approval by the management in the post era. The designers were careful not to reveal their decision until the project was too far along to be challenged or changed and still make the impending Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Upon learning that the C128 was designed to be compatible with the C64, Commodore's marketing department independently announced that the C128 would be 100% compatible with the C64, thereby raising the bar for C64 support.

In a case of, the 128 design was altered to include a separate '64 mode' using a complete C64 environment to ensure total compatibility. [ ] Commodore 64C [ ]. Commodore 64C with floppy disk drive and 1084S monitor displaying television-compatible The C64's designers intended the computer to have a new, wedge-shaped case within a year of release, but the change did not occur.

In 1987, Commodore released the 64C computer, which is functionally identical to the original. The exterior design was remodeled in the sleeker style of the. The 64C uses new versions of the, and I/O chips being deployed, with the core voltage reduced from 12V to 9V.

Models with the C64E board had the graphic symbols printed on the top of the keys, instead of the normal location at the side. The sound chip (SID) were changed to use the MOS 8580 chip that uses other filter units, that results in 'samples' almost being inaudible. The 64 KB RAM memory went from eight chips to two chips. And went from two separate chips into one 16 KB ROM chip. The chip and some TTL chips were integrated into a 64-pin chip. The '252535-01' PLA integrated the color RAM as well into the same chip. The smaller physical space made it impossible to put in some internal expansions like a floppy-speeder.

In the United States, the 64C was often bundled with the third-party (GUI) based operating system, as well as the software needed to access. The 1541 drive received a matching face-lift resulting in the 1541C.

Later a smaller, sleeker 1541-II model was introduced along with the 800 KB 3.5-inch. Commodore 64 Games System [ ]. 'C64GS' In 1990, the C64 was repackaged in the form of a game console, called the (C64GS), with most external connectivity removed. A simple modification to the 64C's motherboard was made to allow cartridges to be inserted from above. A modified ROM replaced the BASIC interpreter with a boot screen to inform the user to insert a cartridge. Designed to compete with the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System, it suffered from very low sales compared to its rivals. It was another commercial failure for Commodore, and it was never released outside Europe.

Commodore 65 [ ] In 1990, an advanced successor to the C64, the (also known as the 'C64DX'), was prototyped, but the project was canceled by Commodore's chairman in 1991. The C65's specifications were impressive for an 8-bit computer, bringing specs comparable to the 16-bit. For example, it could display 256 colors on the screen, while based could only display 64 in mode (32 colors and half-bright transformations).

Although no specific reason was given for the C65's cancellation, it would have competed in the marketplace with Commodore's lower end Amigas and the. Clones [ ] Clones are computers that imitate C64 functions. In the middle of 2004, after an absence from the marketplace of more than 10 years, PC manufacturer BV (owners of the Commodore brand since 1997) announced the (C64DTV), a -based based on the C64 with 30 video games built into ROM. Designed by, a self-taught computer designer who had earlier designed the modern C64 implementation, the C64DTV was similar in concept to other mini-consoles based on the and which had gained modest success earlier in the decade.

The product was advertised on in the United States for the 2004 holiday season. By 'hacking' the, it is possible to attach floppy disk drives, hard drives, second joysticks, and -keyboards to these units, which gives the DTV devices nearly all the capabilities of a full Commodore 64. [ ] The DTV hardware is also used in the mini-console Hummer, sold at in mid-2005. In 2015, a Commodore 64 compatible was produced. Dubbed the 'C64 Reloaded', it is a modern redesign of the Commodore 64 motherboard revision 250466 with a few new features.

The motherboard itself is designed to be placed in an empty C64 or C64C case already owned by the user. Produced in limited quantities, models of this Commodore 64 'clone' sports either machined or sockets in which the custom C64 chips would be placed.

The board also contains to accept different revisions of the and chips, as well as the ability to jumper between the analogue video system modes and. The motherboard contains several innovations, including selection via the RESTORE key of multiple and character ROMs, built-in reset toggle on the power switch, and an socket to replace the original. The motherboard is powered by that uses a single power input of 12 V DC from a mains adapter to power the unit rather than the original and failure prone Commodore 64 power supply brick.

Newer compatible hardware [ ] As of 2008, C64 enthusiasts still develop new hardware, including cards, specially adapted and card interfaces (). Brand reuse [ ]. The C64 '' Internet Computer In 1998, the C64 brand was reused for the ' Internet Computer', a low-powered (even for the time), all-in-one PC running. Despite its 'Commodore 64' nameplate, the 'C64' is not directly compatible with the original (except via included ), nor does it share its appearance. PC clones branded as sold by, LLC, a company licensing the Commodore, began shipping in June 2011.

The C64x has a case resembling the original C64 computer, but- as with the ''- it is based on architecture and is not compatible with the Commodore 64 on either hardware or software levels. Virtual Console [ ] Several Commodore 64 games were released on the 's service in Europe and North America only.

The games were unlisted from the service as of August 2013 for unknown reasons. [ ] Software [ ]. Main article: In 1982, the C64's graphics and sound capabilities were rivaled only by the, and appeared exceptional when compared with the widely publicized and.

The C64 is often credited with starting the computer known as the (see ). It is still being actively used in the demoscene, especially for music (its even being used in special sound cards for PCs, and the synthesizer). Even though other computers quickly caught up with it, the C64 remained a strong competitor to the later (NES) and, thanks in part to its by-then established software base, especially outside North America, where it comprehensively outsold the NES. [ ] Because of lower incomes and the domination of the in the UK, almost all British C64 software used cassette tapes. Few cassette C64 programs were released in the US after 1983, and in North America the diskette was the principal method of software distribution.

The cartridge slot on the C64 was also mainly a feature used in the computer's first two years on the market and became rapidly obsolete once the price and reliability of 1541 drives improved. A handful of PAL region games used bank switched cartridges to get around the 16k memory limit. C64 cartridges normally map into $8000 and depending on the ROM size may extend up to $BFFF, in which case they displace the BASIC ROM. A special ID string is checked for on power-up; if found, the kernel will jump to the starting address specified in the ID string.

A few early C64 cartridges released in 1982, used the so-called MAX Mode, a leftover feature of the failed MAX Machine. These cartridges map into $F000 rather than $8000 and displace the kernel ROM.

If MAX Mode is used, the programmer will have to provide his own code for handling system interrupts. Disk and tape software normally load at the start of BASIC memory ($801) and use a small BASIC stub (e.g. 10 SYS(2064)) to jump to the start of the program. Although no Commodore 8-bit machine except the C128 can automatically boot from a floppy disk, some software intentionally overwrites certain BASIC vectors in the process of loading so that execution begins automatically rather than requiring the user to type RUN at the BASIC prompt following loading.

Utility software such as machine language monitors designed to be used from within BASIC loads at $8000 or $C000 and can generally be exited from and control returned to BASIC. Software that loads at $801 monopolizes the entire system and cannot be exited from aside from powering the computer off. Commodore did not include a reset button on any of their computers until the CBM-II line, but there were third-party cartridges with a reset button on them. It is possible to trigger a soft reset by jumping to the CPU reset vector at $FCE2. A few programs use this as an 'exit' feature, although it does not clear memory.

The Simons' BASIC start-up screen. Note the altered background and text colors (vs the ordinary C64 blue tones), and the 8 reduction of available BASIC program memory due to the used by the cartridge. As is common for home computers of the early 1980s, the C64 incorporates a ROM and interpreter. The and I/O operations such as disk drive operations are accessed via BASIC commands. The disk drive has its own, much like the earlier CBM/PET systems and the and. This means that no memory space is dedicated to running a, as was the case with earlier systems such as the and.

Commodore BASIC 2.0 is used instead of the more advanced BASIC 4.0 from the PET series since C64 users were not expected to need the disk-oriented enhancements of BASIC 4.0. The company did not expect many to buy a disk drive, and using BASIC 2.0 simplified VIC-20 owners' transition to the 64. 'The choice of BASIC 2.0 instead of 4.0 was made with some soul-searching, not just at random. The typical user of a C64 is not expected to need the direct disk commands as much as other extensions and the amount of memory to be committed to BASIC were to be limited. We chose to leave expansion space for color and sound extensions instead of the disk features. As a result, you will have to handle the disk in the more cumbersome manner of the 'old days'.'

The version of Microsoft BASIC is not very comprehensive and does not include specific commands for sound or graphics manipulation, instead requiring users to use the ' commands to access the graphics and sound chip registers directly. To provide extended commands, including graphics and sound, Commodore produced two different cartridge-based extension to BASIC 2.0: and. Other languages available for the C64 include,,,, and.

Compilers for BASIC 2.0 such as Petspeed 2 (from Commodore), Blitz (from Jason Ranheim) and Turbo Lightning (from Ocean Software) were produced. Most commercial C64 software was written in assembly language, either cross developed on a larger computer, or directly on the C64 using a machine code monitor or an assembler. This maximized speed and minimized memory use. Some games, particularly adventures, used high level scripting languages. [ ] Alternative operating systems [ ] Many third party operating systems have been developed for the C64.

As well as the original, two third-party GEOS-compatible systems have been written: and GEOS megapatch. Both of these require hardware upgrades to the original C64. Several other operating systems are or have been available, including, the Unix-like, operated from a command-line, and the embedded systems OS, with full GUI. Other less well known OSes include ACE, Asterix, DOS/65 and. A version of was released, but this requires the addition of an external Z80 processor to the expansion bus. Furthermore, the Z80 processor is underclocked to be compatible with the C64's memory bus, so performance is poor compared to other CP/M implementations. C64 CP/M and C128 CP/M both suffer a lack of software; although most commercial CP/M software can run on these systems, software media is incompatible between platforms.

The low usage of CP/M on Commodores means that software houses saw no need to invest in mastering versions for the Commodore disk format. The C64 CP/M cartridge is also not compatible with anything except the early 326298 motherboards. Networking software [ ] During the 1980s, the Commodore 64 was used to run using software packages such as Bizarre 64,, C-Net,, CMBBS, C-Base, DMBBS, Image BBS, EBBS, and The Deadlock Deluxe BBS Construction Kit, often with -made modifications. These boards sometimes were used to distribute. As late as December 2013, there were 25 such Bulletin Board Systems in operation, reachable via the protocol. There were major commercial, such as (UK), (US – later bought by ), (US) and (France) among many others.

These services usually required custom software which was often bundled with a and included free online time as they were billed by the minute. (or Q-Link) was a US and Canadian online service for Commodore 64 and 128 personal computers that operated from November 5, 1985, to November 1, 1994. It was operated by of, Virginia, which in October 1991 changed its name to, and continued to operate its service for the and Apple. Q-Link was a modified version of the system, which (CVC, later renamed Quantum Computer Services) licensed. Online gaming [ ]. Main article: The first graphical character-based interactive environment is.

First released as in 1988, Club Caribe was introduced by for customers on their Commodore 64 computers. Users could interact with one another, chat and exchange items. Although the game's was very basic, its use of online avatars (already well-established off-line by and other games) and the combination of chat and graphics was revolutionary.

Online graphics in the late 1980s were severely restricted by the need to support modem data transfer rates as low as 300. Habitat's graphics were stored locally on floppy disk, eliminating the need for network transfer. Hardware [ ].

Main article: The C64 uses an. This is a close derivative of the with an added 6-bit internal I/O port that in the C64 is used for two purposes: to the machine's (ROM) in and out of the processor's address space, and to operate the tape recorder.

The C64 has 64½ KB of, of which 1024× ½ bytes are color RAM for text mode and 38 KB are available to built-in 2.0 on startup. There is 20 KB of ROM, made up of the BASIC interpreter, the kernel, and the character ROM. As the processor could only address 64 KB at a time, the was mapped into memory and only 38,911 bytes of RAM (plus 4 KB between ROMs) were available at startup. Most ' Commodore 64s used 4164 DRAM, with eight chips to total up 64k of system RAM. Late breadbox models and all C64Cs used 41464 DRAM (64kx4) chips which stored 32 KB per chip, so only two were required. Since 4164 DRAMs are 64kx1, eight chips are needed to make an entire byte and the computer will not function without all of them present.

Thus the first chip contains Bit 0 for the entire memory space, the second chip contains Bit 1, and so forth. This also makes detecting faulty RAM easy as a bad chip will display random characters on the screen and the character displayed can be used to determine the faulty RAM. Microsoft Office 2007 German Language Pack Free Download on this page. The C64 performs a RAM test on power up and if a RAM error is detected, the amount of free BASIC memory will be lower than the normal 38911 figure. If the faulty chip is in lower memory, then an?OUT OF MEMORY IN 0 error is displayed rather than the usual BASIC startup banner. The color RAM at $D800 uses a separate 2114 SRAM chip and is directly gated to the VIC-II. Unlike the rest of system RAM, it cannot be banked out by using the $0/$1 register. If a program does not use the BASIC interpreter, RAM can be read as well as written over that ROM's location.

However, this means the character ROM is not available, and the RAM in its place is instead used for the character glyphs. Normally, this RAM is uninitialized, which then results in nothing but random patterns appearing on the screen. This is solved by copying the character ROM into RAM. Most C64 games are written in this way, using tile maps, which require much processor time and memory.

The same technique was used earlier in the (1979) and arcade hardware such as (1981). The C64 uses a somewhat complicated memory banking scheme; the normal power-on default is to have the BASIC ROM mapped in at $A000 and the screen editor/kernal ROM at $E000. Memory underneath the system ROMs can be written to, but not read back without swapping out the ROMs. $1 contains a register with control bits for enabling/disabling the system ROMS as well as the I/O area at $D000.

Most software swaps out the BASIC ROM, less often the kernal as the user must then provide his own code for I/O and interrupt handling. The $D000 page contains the I/O registers at power on, it can either be swapped with the character ROM (normally invisible to the CPU) or else simply the bare RAM underneath. If the I/O registers are swapped out, it is also necessary to disable interrupts via a SEI instruction. Theoretically, if all ROMs and the I/O area are swapped out, the entire 64k of system RAM is accessible to software aside from $0/$1 and the color RAM at $D800. If the kernel ROM is swapped out, BASIC will be removed with it and it is not possible to have BASIC active without the kernel. The kernal ROM went through three separate revisions, mostly designed to fix bugs.

The initial version is only found on 326298 motherboards, used in the first production models, and cannot detect if an NTSC or PAL VIC-II is present. The second revision is found on all C64s made from late 1982 through 1985. The third and last kernel ROM revision was introduced on the 250466 motherboard (late breadbin models with 41464 RAM) and is found in all C64Cs. The 6510 CPU is clocked at 1.023 MHz (NTSC) and 0.985 MHz (PAL); lower than some competing systems (for example, the Atari 800 is clocked at 1.79 MHz).

A performance boost can be gained by disabling the VIC-II's video output via a register write; this feature is often used by tape and disk fastloaders as well as the kernel cassette routines. Joysticks, mice, and paddles [ ] The C64 retained the from the VIC-20 and added another; any Atari specification game controller can be used on a C64.

The joysticks are read from the registers at $DC00 and $DC01, and most software is designed to use a joystick in port 2 for control rather than port 1, as the upper bits of $DC00 are used by the keyboard and an I/O conflict can result. Although it is possible to use Sega gamepads on a C64, it is not recommended as the slightly different signal generated by them can damage the CIA chip. The Start button on Sega Genesis controllers outputs a −5V signal; and the other buttons also pull the lines on the CIA low, which is different from the behavior of Atari spec controllers. Register $D419 is used to control paddles and is an analog input. Atari paddles are electrically compatible with the C64, but have different resistance values than Commodore's paddles, which means most software will not work properly with them. [ ] However, only a handful of games, mostly ones released early in the computer's life cycle, can use paddles. In 1986, Commodore released two mice for the C64 and C128, the 1350 and.

The 1350 is a digital device, read from the joystick registers (and can be used with any program supporting joystick input); while the 1351 is a true mouse, read with the SID's analog-to-digital converter. Graphics [ ]. Main article: The,, features 16 colors, eight hardware per (enabling up to 112 sprites per PAL screen), capabilities, and two bitmap graphics modes. The standard text mode features 40 columns, like most models; the built in character encoding is not standard but, an extended form of ASCII-1963.

The kernel ROM sets the VIC-II to a dark blue background on power up with a light blue text and border. Unlike the PET and VIC-20, the C64 uses 'fat' double-width text as some early VIC-IIs had poor video quality that resulted in a fuzzy picture. Most screenshots show borders around the screen, which is a feature of the VIC-II chip. By utilizing interrupts to reset various hardware registers on precise timings it was possible to place graphics within the borders and thus use the full screen.

There are two low-resolution and two bitmapped modes. The multicolor bitmapped mode has an addressable screen of 160 × 200 pixels, with a maximum of four colors per 4 × 8 character block.

The high-resolution bitmapped mode has an addressable screen of 320 × 200 pixels, with a maximum of two colors per 8 × 8 character block. Multicolor low-resolution has a screen of 160 × 200 pixels, 40 × 25 addressable with four colors per 8 × 8 character block; high resolution 'low resolution' has a screen of 320 × 200 pixels, 40 × 25 addressable with two colors per 8 × 8 character block. Most C64 video games use multi-colour mode because of the limited colour available in high resolution. A C64C motherboard ('C64E' Rev B PAL 1992).

ICs [ ] The VIC-II was manufactured with 5 NMOS technology and was clocked at either 17.73447 MHz (PAL) or 14.31818 MHz (NTSC). Internally, the clock was divided down to generate the dot clock (about 8 MHz) and the (about 1 MHz; the exact pixel and system clock speeds are slightly different between NTSC and PAL machines). At such high clock rates, the chip generated a lot of heat, forcing MOS Technology to use a ceramic called a 'CERDIP'.

The ceramic package was more expensive, but it dissipated heat more effectively than plastic. After a redesign in 1983, the VIC-II was encased in a plastic dual in-line package, which reduced costs substantially, but it did not totally eliminate the heat problem. Without a ceramic package, the VIC-II required the use of a. To avoid extra cost, the metal doubled as the heat sink for the VIC, although not all units shipped with this type of shielding. Most C64s in shipped with a cardboard, coated with a layer of metal foil. The effectiveness of the cardboard was highly questionable, and worse still it acted as an insulator, blocking airflow which trapped heat generated by the SID, VIC, and PLA chips.

The SID was originally manufactured using NMOS at 7 and in some areas 6 micrometers. The prototype SID and some very early production models featured a ceramic dual in-line package, but unlike the VIC-II, these are extremely rare as the SID was encased in plastic when production started in early 1982. Motherboard [ ] In 1986, Commodore released the last revision to the classic C64.

It was otherwise identical to the 1984 design, except for the two 64 × 4 bit chips that replaced the original eight 64 kilobit × 1 bit ICs. After the release of the Commodore 64C, MOS Technology began to reconfigure the original C64's chipset to use production technology. The main benefit of using HMOS was that it required less voltage to drive the IC, which consequently generates less heat.

This enhanced the overall reliability of the SID and VIC-II. Ethernet Controller Driver Toshiba Satellite C855d Battery. The new chipset was renumbered to 85xx to reflect the change to HMOS.

In 1987, Commodore released a 64C variant with a highly redesigned motherboard commonly known as a 'short board'. The new board used the new HMOS chipset, featuring a new 64-pin PLA chip. The new 'SuperPLA', as it was dubbed, integrated many discrete components and (TTL) chips. In the last revision of the 64C motherboard, the 2114 color RAM was integrated into the SuperPLA.

Power supply [ ]. Joystick ports, power switch, power inlet The C64 used an external, a with multiple tappings (as opposed to, the type now used on PC power supplies), encased in an resin gel which discouraged tampering but tended to increase the heat level during use. The design saved space within the computer's case and allowed international versions to be more easily manufactured. The and disk drives, along with various third-party clones, also come with their own external power supply 'bricks', as did most peripherals leading to a 'spaghetti' of cables and the use of numerous double adapters by users.

Commodore power supplies often; the computer reportedly had a 30% return rate in late 1983, compared to the 5-7% the industry considered acceptable. Reported four working computers out of seven C64s. Malfunctioning power bricks were particularly notorious for damaging the RAM chips as they were made with the CMOS process rather than NMOS like the main ICs in the computer and due to their higher density had less tolerance for an overvoltage condition. The original PSU included on early 1982-83 machines had a 5-pin connector and could accidentally be plugged into the video output. To prevent the user from making this fatal mistake, Commodore changed the plug design on 250407 motherboards to a 3-pin connector. Commodore later changed the design, omitting the gel. The follow-on model, the Commodore 128, used a larger, improved power supply that included a fuse.

The power supply that came with the was similar to that of the Commodore 128's unit, providing an upgrade for customers who purchased that accessory. Commodore 64 ports (from left: Joy1, Joy2, Power,, RF-adj,, A/V,, Tape, User) • I/O ports: • expansion slot (44-pin slot for with 6510 CPU address/data bus lines and control signals, as well as GND and voltage pins; used for program modules and memory expansions, among others) • Integrated antenna output via a. The used channel could be adjusted from number 36 with the potentiometer to the left. • 8-pin containing output, separate outputs and sound input/output. Beware that this is the 262° (horseshoe) version of the plug, not the 270° circular version. Early C64 units (with motherboard Assy 326298) use a 5-pin DIN connector that carries composite video and luminance signals, but lacks a chroma signal. • (proprietary serial version of, 6-pin DIN plug) for CBM printers and disk drives • -type 300 tape interface (edge connector with digital cassette motor/read/write/key-sense signals, Ground and +5V DC lines.

The cassette motor is controlled by a +5V DC signal from the 6502 CPU. The 9V AC input is transformed into unregulated 6.36V DC which is used to actually power the cassette motor. • User port (edge connector with -level signals, for modems and so on.; byte-parallel signals which can be used to drive third-party parallel printers, among other things, 17 logic signals, 7 Ground and voltage pins, including 9V AC) • 2 × screwless ports (), each supporting five digital inputs and two analog inputs. Available peripherals included digital, analog, a, the Commodore, and graphics tablets such as the.

• Power supply: • 5 and 9V from an external 'power brick', attached to a 7-pin female DIN-connector on the computer. The 9 volt AC is used to supply power via a to the sound generator chip, provide 6.8V via a rectifier to the cassette motor, a '0' pulse for every positive half wave to the time-of-day (TOD) input on the CIA chips, and 9 volts AC directly to the user-port.

Thus, as a minimum, a 12 V is required. But a 9 V is preferred. Memory map [ ] Address Size [KB] Description 0x0000 32.0 RAM 0x8000 8.0 RAM 0xA000 8.0 RAM ROM 0xC000 4.0 RAM 0xD000 4.0 RAM 0xE000 8.0 RAM ROM Note that even if I/O chips like only uses 64 positions in the memory address space, it will occupy 1,024 addresses because some address bits are left undecoded. Peripherals [ ]. Commodore 1702 video monitor Manufacturing cost [ ] was the key to keep costs low. At the introduction in 1982, the production cost was US$135 and the retail price US$595.

In 1985, the retail cost went down to US$149 (equivalent to $331.79 in 2016) and the production cost were believed to be somewhere between US$35–50 ( c. US$80–110 today). Commodore would not confirm this cost figure. Dougherty of the estimated the costs of the Commodore 64 parts based on his experience at and. Cost Count Price in 1985 Part 3 1 ROMs 8 1.85 4 SID (sound) chip 4 VIC-II (graphics) chip 3 package 1-2 8-bit microprocessor 5 A handful of, buffers, power regulators and capacitors 10 max Keyboard 1-2 board 1-2 Plastic case 5-10 Power supply and miscellaneous connectors 1-2 Packaging and manual Total: 52.8 – 61.8 To lower costs TTL chips were replaced with less expensive custom chips and ways to increase the on the sound and graphics chips were found. The video chip had the ceramic package replaced with plastic but heat dissipation demanded a redesign of the chip and the development of a plastic package that can dissipate heat as well as ceramic. The computer's designers claimed that 'The freedom that allowed us to do the C-64 project will probably never exist again in that environment'; by spring 1983 most had left to found.

Reception [ ] in July 1983 stated that 'the 64 retails for $595. At that price it promises to be one of the hottest contenders in the under-$1000 personal computer market'. It described SID as 'a true music synthesizer.the quality of the sound has to be heard to be believed', while criticizing the use of Commodore BASIC 2.0, the floppy disk performance which is 'even slower than the drive', and Commodore's quality control.

Emulators [ ] Commodore 64 include the, Hoxs64 and. See also [ ].

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