Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf File

Posted in: admin16/01/18Coments are closed

There was also a TLG produced.pdf of the set, I've heard it's not available for download anymore, [strike] but I am sure it's floating around somewhere. [/strike] EDIT: No, I don't have it and I don't know where to look. Some very diligent pirates tell me they have looked and come up dry. Folks, I've searched/combed/perused/dug/nuked every place online that I can in an attempt to find the missing pdfs of this collection. From torrent to peer-to-peer to rapidshare to 4shared to places you wouldn't even want to see - and have come up bone-dry. Sadly, the items I want fall into the 'created by other freelance writers' outside of TrollLords, but I feel they are worth trying to find to extend what info I have on Yggsburgh proper. In my continuing search for tidbits of info that still exist online for the entire Castle Zagyg line of products, I turned my attention to the four city modules that were released.

8061 CZ10 Free Town of Yggsburgh: Town Halls - by Jeff Talanian (2007) 8062 CZ11 Free Town of Yggsburgh: Moat Gate - by Don Macvittie (2007) 8063 CZ12 Free Town of Yggsburgh: The Store House District - by Jeff Talanian (2008) 8064 CZ13 Free Town of Yggsburgh: The East Corner - by Joe Damiani (2008--PDF only) Each has a very detailed cover of a section of Yggsburgh of which that particular module pertains to and details. With my copy of Yggsburgh hardback - I received a pittance of a map in comparison.: NOTE: On the reverse side of this Yggsburgh city map is the famous Darlene work which was commissioned by Gary to recapture the same feel that Greyhawk had with it's maps in the original Folio. Darlene's work is a cherished part of Yggsburgh for me. ***** In comparison, the map from this image of the Town Hall shows details that truly capture the setting of Yggsburgh (IMHO): The question I posed to myself was - I wonder if such a map was ever released.

Well, it does exist and the original was posted over at Old Maps Expeditions and Explorations Since it looks as if I'll never find an original of this without the numbers, I'll probably go through and edit out the numbers and turn this into a proper city map for the players - while keeping the numbered variety for my own edification (read DM's prerogative). To continue this thread, I wanted to give an ever brief update of the player's progress to the Castle. The players began their adventure in Troyen, at The Bloated Blowfish. The party was made up of 3 monks, 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 1 Fighter, 1 Cleric and 1 Ranger and while there they had an opportunity to look at the Help Wanted board. Our host had some particle board in a corner of the basement, and prior to the adventure starting, I placed multiple help/wanted signs on the board. During the session, the players each took the time to go over and look things over, then each player had a vote to decide on a plan of action.

Dark Chateau. Cover Art by Peter “20 Dollar” Bradley. Edited by Matthew Cutter, Tami Key & Blain Neufield. Cover Design & Layout, Interior Art, Logos and Logo Designs. Peter “20 Dollar” Bradley and Davis Chenault. Production Managed by Team Troll Davis Chenault & Stephen Chenault. These books will be released as pdfs later this summer in batches of four and later developed into full blown print publications. Yggsburgh is background to Castle Zagyg, not the other way around, and our brief as writers was to make the background rich, detailed, complete, and as interesting as possible.

While the band Blind Guardian (5 bards) was playing on stage, one of the elves in the party struck up a conversation with a fellow mage, whom it turned out was looking for work himself. Hence the party had acquired their first NPC associate. They decided to take the job of guarding wagons on their way to Corvis, and then onto Jo'sRun.

Chaos ensued as they reached the hilltop swamp before Corvis, as they were set upon by Swamp Gobbers, kin of goblin, but smart and tactful. The heavy fog made fighting difficult (created by the small bellow driven devices the creatures used to gain surprise), and through the hail of bolts and through some solid rolls the heroes in training won the day. Once arriving in Corvis, the party walked into a mystery, bodies were disappearing and with a large day of celebration only a week away, plans were quickly formulated to investigate. Multiple sites had to be checked/questions asked and answers only led the company deeper into the puzzle. It was a few days later when a respite came in the form of a tournament for the monks in the party.

The next days were spent investigating the last of the leads, and it was decided a trip back into the swamps to a local resting ground. The party made their way without much difficulty to the Tomb, but hilarity ensued when they entered the steep, mud/water slicked main entrance. Players were beset by Swamp Gargun, smaller sized orcs with a mean disposition, and in the melee each player save two slipped and fell. Down the passage creature and player slid, knocking over their comrades as they went. Players were diving on creature and vice-versa, but somehow in the din of battle they emerged, muddied, battered but alive. Later, after making a trip via portal back to Corvis, they returned for what they hoped would be a final time and fortune smiled on them when they discovered the secrets of the Tomb.

Returning with information, they discovered the festival was underway, and masses of undead had encircled the city, preparing for decimation. In the midst, the players faced off against a young lass, and a new player to the intrigue - one whom had escaped their original inquiries. They wound up giving a cherished ancient blade to the lass, while attempting to keep the new arrival from escaping through a portal. The chances they might meet these two at sometime in the future certainly remains a possibility So, they decided at this juncture to ignore going to Jo'sRun, and focus instead on making the journey West through Grand Lynne and Coppice, and then onto Yggsburgh. After a bit of respite in Grand Lynn, the party weaved their way down through Coppice, and down into Garroting Deep.

While camping there the 2nd night, they encountered an old man. Music played as he approached them, powerful and majestic in his coming, and each player fell under the spell of the Forestal. After a brief meeting, which some of the players took as a sign, they hurried out of the Deep and onto their final destination.Yggsburgh. Once they were settled in The Outs Inn, early the next morning they started up the path that would lead them to Castle Zagyg. Only when the players got to the fork in the road did they see what lay ahead.

Jutting above them the Castle loomed in the distance, foreboding and menacing. To their left and down in a valley lay another mystery, The Dark Chateau, rumored to be the original home of the Mad Archmage himself. It was at this point the players threw a wrench in their own desires, wasting a ton of energy to make it to the City of Legends, and planning to explore the Castle fully, they instead decided with a name like 'Dark Chateau', the place had to be explored. They have made into and explored the first floor, and found the basement entrance. From there they discovered an animated Guardian glove, that gave open slaps that paralyzed it's prey. I hadn't fully read up in advance for this encounter and the party was truly strained to the last.

A couple players had single HP remaining after the battle. Thus, this is where our intrepid (foolish) band of players are at this time. 9-18-2011 gaming session: 'Rats!or how one cleric almost roused the worm at worlds end.' The basement of the Dark Chateau held many secrets, some of which our brave party were want to find. The curtain to the NE/NW held a couple clues, but a wondering Hook Horror (which almost slayed one of the Midnight Green clothed monks) started the nights gaming session in style.

Then, one of the clerics in the party decided to examine the golden pentagram to the North, and decided to sprinkle some of the black salt laying on the floor. Instantly, a swarm of ravenous rats popped into being, wisps of black smoke rolling off their boil-covered, larvae encased bodies. The party was quickly covered by the small sharp-toothed vermin, and 5 (five) members of the party were diseased in the ensuing combat. After discovering not 1, but 3 serpent wrapped, silver filigree mirrors hidden in a secret alcove. 1 mirror turned out to be empty, a second contained a goblin, while the third held a elven warrior. 2 of the mirrors faced each other, while the 3rd faced outward - and the party was smart enough to use the decapitated head of the hook horror to see what would happen when its reflection was seen in all 3 mirrors at once. Saxon, a fighter of epic mutton-eating proportion decided to solve the issue by swinging with a downward strike into the mirror holding the elf.

His blade stuck in the mirror for a moment, then a fine hairline crack began to expand outward. In an instant the mirror exploded with hundreds of tiny shards, and the elf - Lorien Otolui lay at the party's feet. When the party looked back up, the mirror was once again intact. The same tactic was used on the goblin-holding mirror, the promise being big treasure for the goblin chief's rescue. The chief kept his promise, tossing a alembic into the air and yelling catch at the same time while running away.

The party has yet to fully investigate the alembic which was caught by the alchemist, Azcalaban. After solving a riddle with the crypts to the NE, each with its own color scheme, and matching votive candles - the party was rewarded with a heart shaped pendant - found in the tomb of one of the ex-owners of the chateau. From there, one not-so-smart elf decided to take off down the southern passageway - only to come face to face with the illusion of a hydra. The 9 heads all spoke at once - warning that only family or one whom has been granted access may pass.

Never has an elf turned and hightailed it back through an archway faster in the annuls of Isolde-Delta history. The chosen one (wearing pendant) was able to search the room that contained 9 alembics in a perfect circle (each with it's own color liquid) that surrounded a wooden inlaid sarcophagus.

A small niche was discovered - opened only when the stone was placed in the recess of the properly-colored alembic. In this case, a ancient magical parchment that needed to be covered with wisps of smoke from the matching color led to deciphering it - and a treasure was discovered, a word of safe passage, written on the parchment also showed in vibrant detail a cave entrance at the Mouths of Madness.

When last our party saw daylight, they had left the Dark Chateau, traveled North-West to the Castle of Zagyg, and found the opening that matched the gnome illusionists memories. The doors swung wide when the command word was spoken, and into the darkness they traversed. More to come as they begin their descent into the Storeroom levels - and deeper (if they are found to be fortunate and lucky) into the Castle of the Mad Archmage's dungeon levels. In the next week or two, the Foaming Flagons shall be continuing their exploration - or rather - BEGIN their exploration of Castle Zagyg's dungeons proper. As a small inclination of things going on around the Yggsburgh-Zagyg region - and to whet the player's whistles, I recently sent out via email: Volume 1 of The Yggsburgh Gazette (News Item 2 is a specific reference to their party): *** Seems some erstwhile reports have been flowing in that somethings afoot up at the Castle of the Mad Arch-Mage.

Unsubstantiated reports in various Inns and Taverns speak of lower levels closed for years, and a few lost to the ravages of time that have been rediscovered. Few surviving party's have made it back, and with little to show for their troubles when they have. Many - as is the case when Zagyg comes into play - have not returned and are feared lost. A roving Bard, one Tovral Achingheart reported seeing a ragtag party near the abandoned Dark Chateau two weeks ago. His opinion of the group made up of monks, druid, obese fighter, and alchemist (to name a few) were as he put it '.they've got no chance. The Outs wager on any of them surviving is 100 to 1, and no ones fool enough to take that bet ' Honorus Talbot's reward for the seven missing cattle has not been claimed.

They disappeared over the last three weeks, with little explanation. Ranger Denarius Nightbird discovered a sink hole in a neighboring field, after finding and tracking sets of ghastly footprints which led from and back into the hole. Volume 1 #2 of The Yggsburgh Gazette was sent out this evening: *** Honorus Talbot's reward for the seven missing cattle has been claimed.

A group of clerics and mages explored the deep hole originally found by Ranger Denarius Nightbird in a neighboring field, and discovered a large collection of Field Gobbers numbering in the hundreds. In related news, Valerius Heartsong reported a rumbling noise near his barn late last night and this morning when he went out to feed his cattle the entire building had disappeared in a massive sinkhole. As he cautiously approached the hole, he could smell meat cooking and the unmistakeable sound of singing. Turns out the dwarven clerics had caught a wild boar that had fallen into the sinkhole and were having a feast, complete with Morningmyst Wine. That is the number of missing or confirmed dead in the last month since the fog has lifted from The Castle Zagyg Precinct. Our various reporters have been scouring through Inns and taverns from Yggsburgh to get accurate information, and we are still waiting on three reports from Blackmoor Inn - North of the Dark Chateau region.

An erstwhile band of scouts have reported a disturbance near Rucker's Farm - known locally for the Sweet Cider it produces. Turns out sixteen of the large trees uprooted themselves during the recent Cider festival and simply walked away. The local Druids Circle is investigating, but as we've come to expect from them, any news will be slow to trickle down to The Yggsburgh Gazette. As an old school guy I would love to get my hands on this stuff. I got Yggsburgh and Dark Chateau but the Castle Zagyg stuff I missed out on. What I would really like even more than owning this stuff is knowing a good DM in my town that owned it so I could experience it as a player. MJW But MJW, you do have this, right here in river city.

Grodog himself is 'in our town', and even better, he's a member of 'our own gaming group'. We just need to convince him to launch a CZ campaign for us! That would be like eleven kinds of cool right there John! The Castle Zagyg stuff is fantastic. Unfortunately it is at least 90% incomplete and requires extensive work to use to full extent.

Yes, I do agree that what we have isn't nearly complete AS IS, but. For those that know about the alternatives - i.e., Castle of the Mad Arch-Mage (which I both mention in my original post and link to), and the amount of mega-dungeons that exist both in published print, free to download varieties, and personal non-shared designs, the DM whom wants to explore Castle Zagyg has multiple options and a ton of resources at this forum, and others all over the 3W. As a bonus, Black Blade Publishing is going to be publishing Joseph Bloch's Castle of the Mad Archmage, of which I'm including a snippet of the news item below: ***** The agreement includes the publication and distribution of all twelve of the Castle of the Mad Archmage dungeon levels included in the previously released pdf of the same title, plus two additional levels that Joseph wrote exclusively for inclusion in the Black Blade Publishing release of the Castle of the Mad Archmage. .when last we left our intrepid band of brave (foolish) adventures, they had just left The Dark Chateau and had just entered one of the Mouths of Madness and climbed up to a pillared region wherein they were confronted with a massive golden runic covered door. ***** After many attempts to open said runic covered door (lockpicking attempts all failed) they decided to search the area and one industrious monk took a nunchaku and began tapping on each pillar in turn. A fortuitous roll uncovered a hollow spot, and shattering of said pillar commenced. Inside were two items; 1) an ancient scroll, and 2) a small golden coin.

The druid it was determined could decipher the language on the coin, so as he began to read the ancient Centaurian, the coin melded to his hand and he was overtaken by a contact poison. Meanwhile, afraid the scroll had the same issues, a silken cord was offered by the elf and the monk looped it around the scroll and pulled it from it's shelf. Asked if he would catch it a hurried 'no!' Ensued and it was determined the ancient scroll shattered as it hit the stone floor.

Meanwhile, the Druid deciphered the text and realized the coin might well open the door. While this was happening, the monk decided he wanted to scale a pillar and used the rope to lumberjack his way up to the domed (arched) ceiling. While there he touched the smooth surface, then heard the unmistakable sound of something fast approaching - as he yelled for help a bony appendage smashed him across the back and he fell unconscious some 30 feet to the stone floor below - taking 17 points of damage in the process. Black webbing anchored a bone spider as it rapidly descended to claim its prize, swaying its bony legs menacingly. It quickly began wrapping up the juicy monk when the party began nailing it with projectiles, maces and spears. A fortuitous turn for the thief, over checking out the door, for he was able to back attack the spider as it began its accent with it's prized dinner. Party 1, Monster 0 Monster: Minor Bone Spider of Set HD 4+1 HP 28 # Attacks: 2 + Special Damage: 1d6+1 X 2, 1d4 (Bite after webbed, Save versus poison -2, fail = paralyzed) Black webbing makes excellent rope once creating spider is destroyed EXP 455 The ruins of the scroll revealed a spell of opening, and thus the party encountered the DM's first tribute to E.

A scroll laying inside a hidden compartment that would, if read, open said compartment. The coin it turned out could be used to open the door, since the outer edge of the coin turned independently from the rest. The thief, having seen similar coins in his journeys in his home city of Haven, quickly opened the massive doors. The passage beyond extended downward to a simple stone door, which didn't open but pivoted on its axis, and thus the party spend some time deciding that the door might well lead to 2 different areas when opened. After deciding, they pushed right and a room beyond appeared - not fully happy with this result they turned the door the other way and suddenly a rumbling was heard from behind. The massive golden doors had closed, trapping them within. The thief quickly surmised 'We can only exit by going forward'.

Four dwarves and six gnomes lived within the massive cathedral like room, and the party quickly was invited to dinner. The elf proffered a single gp into the burning brazier when asked to do so, but the heavy mutton-loving human fighter quickly started a short brawl when he offered only to eat the food for free, or kill them all. A single dwarvish axe descended and the first critical was felt on the human's right arm. His brother, not too bright himself, quickly stuck his spear point into the fire and applied the red-hot tip to his brother's arm, Saxon fainted from the excruciating pain.

Gandallfon, Dwarven God of Gold and Gems, arrived on his great throned seat, glittering armor and crown appearing in place. The Elf, always trying to do the right thing, quickly tossed his magical labradorite gem into the brazier (the DM, it should be noted was shocked that a gem of this magnitude was hurled into the fire). A save versus fire resulted in the worst of possible results, and the Elf, standing three feet from the brazier was hurled some 12 feet distant onto the food-laden table as the gem exploded in a fiery ball.

The dull-witted fighter Angelo, once again thinking quickly - applied butter to the burned Elf - muttering something to the effect of 'Butter helps every burn mm-hmm'. The Elf was treated by the Dwarven Clerics, and once everyone settled down, a doorway heading North became the parties focus. A bard mysteriously appeared to join the party, and thus they sat out to explore the Storeroom level of Castle Zagyg properly. ***** A long winding hallway led them out and around, and down to their first choice - East or continue South. As they were deciding their direction, a spider dropped from the ceiling onto the Druid, biting and paralyzing him in the process. Caught in the middle of the marching order, the fighting brothers decided to do a dash-and-smash shield attack, squishing the spider/druid in between.

An arrow fired from the Elf missed badly and struck one of the druids, but order was quickly returned when the spider took a powerful whack from a shield bash. Party 2, Monster 0 Monster: Medium Spider HD 2 HP 14 # Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6+1 (Save versus poison -2, fail = paralyzed) EXP 80 After the spider was rendered dead, the party continued South, Druid stiff as a plank. When they reached the T intersection and started East, a Gelatinous Cube was discerned heading their way. They retreated back from whence they came and waited to see what the cube would do. When it headed straight past them, oil was quickly gathered and torches proffered, and one meaty cube was quickly reduced to a nasty pile of ooze. Inside the remains was a lovely dagger, and a skull with two platinum teeth.

Party 3, Monster 0 Monster: Gelatinous Cube HD 4 HP 25 # Attacks: 1 Damage: 2-8 (Paralyzation) EXP 615 The thief grabbed the dagger, and the Elf began to extract the teeth when the skull floated to life. Chants of Demi-Lich exploded from the this point, much ado was made of the absolute safest place for a Demi-Lich to live, i.e., inside of a Gelatinous Cube. The thief attempted to strike the skull with the dagger still in his hand and as he did, both he and the skull disappeared in a puff of smoke. Down inside a pit the thief faced off against the floating skull unaware what he was about to face. Meanwhile, a group of bats flitted towards the party from behind and to the East and when bolts/arrows were released, the illusion was both busted and the trap released. The floor gave way, and 5 members fell, including the still-plank stiff Druid. The thief dodged quickly and was able to avoid all but the heaviest fighter.

After destroying the reset plate inside the pit, the party was extracted leaving the skull eerily floating, looking up at the thief with that platinum-toothed grin. A Flagon Card was used to call forth a Deck of Many Things, and a few members of the party drew cards. One of the monks drew first, and instantly his body slacked, soul gone trapped on some other plane. Other cards were drawn, and a few players needed to face the next creature in single combat to gain a level, while one player (an alchemist) had to face a minor death and win - or be destroyed forever.

Party 3, Deck of Many Things 1, Monster 0 A secondary Flagon Card was used by the alchemist Azcalaban, forcing the Elf to face the same sort of combat as retribution for asking for the Deck of Many Things to begin. The Elf didn't survive, but the Alchemist used a alembic that contained a massive fireball to defeat his opponent. Party 3, Deck of Many Things 2, Monster 0 The paralyzed Druid regained himself, and the party headed East, but when they came to a 20 foot hallway heading North, the Druid took off at break neck speed towards a well some 120 feet distant. Other party members pulled back a curtain revealing all sorts of spears blocking the passage - but through them they could make out a couple orcs sitting as guards. They gently closed the curtain and moved Northward. Meanwhile, the Druid proffered a nice treasure when he tossed a gp into the well, but the exuberance was short lived when a massive wolverine came charging Southward intent on claiming the nature lover as his next meal. The brothers set spears in place, and yelled to the Druid to prepare.

A quick spell of animal friendship failed and a Flagon Card (whimsy style card) was used to force a change in the game. The wolverine was tasked to destroy the orcs, but that plan was forgotten when a second card gave a Monk the chance to face the wolverine in single combat - if he won he would gain a level due to drawing a card from the Deck of Many Things. The card altered the game again and the wolverine died quickly. Last rites were given to the massive beast by the bard, whom played an opal crystalline flute. The party went East again, and the Bard stepped into a room that had a partly illusionary floor. He fell some 10 feet into a pit that contained festered, maggot covered rats pouring out of the wall, and while he was rescued fairly quickly - the statement 'knowing when to run is always a wise tactic' was proven to be true. Northward led to a spider infested room/alcove that the players were hesitant to explore, and they finally found some valued treasure when a box was opened to reveal five potions.

(2 healing, 1 longevity, 2 unknown). The party holed up in a room with a single entrance and that's where the session ended. Herein is a map with the path the players took marked in red: NOTES: I had installed Syrinscape on my laptop, and created my own sound and effects folder, which was played throughout the session as background/mood. I had installed both the Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate soundtracks, so I had approximately 100 songs that the program played in a random, non-repeating order. As a bonus, the program allows you to create various effects channels - such as E1, E2, and E3. Plop in sounds, and the program randomly mixes and plays them underneath the E4 music channel. Lastly, the right side of the program interface allows for what it calls 'one off sounds' - here I dropped in rolling stone, sprung traps, and other sounds to use for special circumstances.

Many a player was freaked out by the ambiance, and many times jumped from the sounds. If your interested in the free outstanding program (registration is free and you can then download all of their sound sets like 'Battle, Forest Daytime, Forest Nighttime, Dripping Cavern etc.), please check it out: Included is an image of Syrinscape with a new custom background I created specifically for our gaming group: ***** While I've added in some special encounter types of my own, as well as creating a multitude of player handouts in the form of custom doors to aid with the visual, Castle Zagyg The Storeroom level is proving to be a blast for the players and I. More to come.

This article relies too much on to. Please improve this by adding. (December 2013) () Greyhawk Publisher(s) Publication date 1980 Genre(s) System(s) Greyhawk, also known as the World of Greyhawk, is a fictional world designed as a for the. Although not the first campaign world developed for Dungeons & Dragons—'s campaign predated it by over a year — the world of Greyhawk closely identified with the development of the game from 1972 until 2008.

The world itself started as a simple dungeon under a castle designed by for the amusement of his children and friends, but it rapidly expanded to include not only a complex multi-layered dungeon environment, but also the nearby city of Greyhawk, and eventually an entire world. In addition to the campaign world, which was published in several editions over twenty years, Greyhawk was also used as the setting for many adventures published in support of the game, as well as for 's massively shared campaign from 2000–2008.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Early development [ ] In the late 1960s,, a buff and fan, started to add elements of fantasy into traditional tabletop medieval miniatures at his games club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. He sometimes replaced typical medieval weapons with magical spells, or used dragons and other fantastical monsters in place of soldiers. In 1971, as part of a rule set for tabletop battles called that he was co-writing, he created supplementary rules for magical spells and monsters as well as one-on-one combat.

Around the same time, in Minneapolis–St. Paul, another tabletop wargamer,, was also developing a new type of game. Arneson had been impressed by the Napoleonic tabletop ' campaigns of fellow wargamer that developed elements of what is now called, such as using a neutral referee or judge and having the players take on the roles of imaginary characters to resolve challenges. However, Arneson soon grew tired of the Napoleonic setting, and one night when the gaming group assembled, he presented a plastic model of a castle in place of the usual battlefield, and told the players that instead of controlling regiments that night, they would each take one individual character into the castle of the Barony of Blackmoor to explore its dangerous dungeons.

For combat resolution, he started by using, but quickly moved to a combination of rules that combined Chainmail and a nautical wargame he had co-written with Gary Gygax and Mike Carr called What set Arneson's game apart from Wesely's tabletop wargaming was that the players could keep the same characters from session to session, and that the characters advanced by developing better abilities or powers over time. Arneson's Minneapolis-St. Paul Napoleonic gaming group was in touch with Gygax's Lake Geneva group, and Arneson mentioned the dungeons of his Blackmoor game that the group was playing on alternate weekends. Gygax was interested, so during a visit to Lake Geneva in the autumn of 1972, Arneson ran a session of his Blackmoor dungeons with Gygax as a player. Gygax was immediately intrigued by the concept of individual characters exploring a dungeon setting, and believed that this was a game that could be marketed and sold.

He and Arneson agreed to co-develop a set of rules based on Chainmail. Gygax took two weeks to write up 50 pages of rules as well as designing 'Castle Greyhawk', and preparing the first level of a dungeon that lay beneath it.: 98 Two of his children, Ernie and Elise, were the first players, and during their first session, as and,: 99 they fought and destroyed the first monsters of the Greyhawk dungeon; Gygax recalled them as being either giant centipedes or a nest of scorpions. During the same session, Ernie and Elise also found the first treasure, a chest of 3,000 copper coins which was too heavy to carry, much to the children's chagrin.

After his children had gone to bed, Gygax immediately began working on a second level for the dungeon. At the next play session, Ernie and Elise were joined by Gygax's friends:,, and. About a month after his first session, Gygax created the nearby city of Greyhawk, where the players' characters could sell their treasure and find a place to rest. Home campaign (1972–1979) [ ] As Gygax and Arneson worked to develop and publish the rules for Dungeons & Dragons through, Gygax continued to design and present the dungeons and environs of Castle Greyhawk to his circle of friends and family, using them as for new rules and concepts.

As the players began to explore more of the world outside of the castle and city, Gygax developed other regions and cities for them. With play sessions occurring seven or more times a week, Gygax didn't have the time or inclination to create the map for a whole new world; he simply drew his world over a map of North America, adding new cities and regions as his world slowly grew through ongoing adventures. The city and castle of Greyhawk were placed near the real-world position of Chicago, his birthplace; various other places were clustered around it. For instance, the rival city of he placed in the area of real-world Milwaukee.

Gygax also continued to develop the dungeons underneath the castle. By the time he was finished, the complex labyrinth encompassed thirteen levels filled with devious traps, secret passageways, hungry monsters, and glittering treasure. Although details of these original Greyhawk dungeons have never been published in detail, Gygax gave some glimpses of them in an article he wrote for the European fanzine Europa in 1975: Before the rules for D&D were published, 'Old Greyhawk Castle' was 13 levels deep. The first level was a simple maze of rooms and corridors, for none of the 'participants' had ever played such a game before. The second level had two unusual items, a Nixie pool and a fountain of snakes. The third featured a torture chamber and small cells and prison rooms.

The fourth was a level of crypts and undead. The fifth was centered around a strange font of black fire and gargoyles. The sixth was a repeating maze with dozens of wild hogs. In inconvenient spots, naturally backed up by appropriate numbers of Wereboars. The seventh was centered around a circular labyrinth and a street of masses of ogres.

The eighth through tenth levels were caves and caverns featuring Trolls, giant insects and a transporter nexus with an evil Wizard (with a number of tough associates) guarding it. The eleventh level was the home of the most powerful wizard in the castle: He had Balrogs as servants. The remainder of the level was populated by Martian White Apes, except the sub-passage system underneath the corridors which was full of poisonous critters with no treasure. Level twelve was filled with Dragons. The bottom level, number thirteen, contained an inescapable slide which took the players clear through 'to China', from whence they had to return via 'Outdoor Adventure'. It was quite possible to journey downward by an insidious series of slanting passages which began on the second level, but the likelihood of following such a route unknowingly didn't become too great until the seventh or eighth level.

Side levels included a barracks with Orcs, Hobgoblins, and Gnolls continually warring with each other, a museum, a huge arena, an underground lake, a Giant's home, and a garden of fungi. Anyone who made it to the bottom level alive met Zagyg, the insane architect of the dungeons. ( Zagyg is a reverse of Gygax, and it was Gygax's inside joke that the person who had designed the dungeon—himself—must be insane.) Only three players ever made it to the bottom level and met Zagyg, all of them during solo adventures: (playing ), Gygax's son Ernie (playing ), and Rob's brother (playing Terik). Their reward was to be instantly transported to the far side of the world, where they each faced a long solo trek back to the city of Greyhawk. Terik and Tenser managed to catch up to Robilar along the way, and the three journeyed back to Greyhawk together. By this time, over twenty players crowded Gygax's basement almost every night, and the effort needed to plan their adventures took up much of Gygax's spare time.

He had been very impressed with Rob Kuntz's imaginative play as a player, and appointed Rob to be co- of Greyhawk. This freed up Gygax to work on other projects, and also gave him an opportunity to participate as a player, creating characters like Yrag and. In order to make room for Rob Kuntz's dungeons, Gygax scrapped his bottom level and integrated Rob's work into the Greyhawk dungeons.

Gygax and Kuntz continued to develop new levels for their players, and by the time the Greyhawk home campaign drew to a close in 1985, the castle dungeons encompassed more than fifty levels. Significant player characters of the home campaign [ ] While many players participating in the Gygax and Kuntz home campaign were occasional players, sometimes not even naming their characters, others played far more frequently, and several of their characters became well-known to the general gaming world before publication of the Greyhawk campaign setting. Some of these characters became known when Gygax mentioned them in his various columns, interviews, and publications. In other cases, when Gygax created a new magical spell for the game, he would sometimes use the name of a wizard character from his home campaign to add verisimilitude to the spell name, such as Melf's acid arrow, being a character created by his son Luke.

Some of the characters who became synonymous with Greyhawk at that time included: •: Gary Gygax's friend created Murlynd for the second-ever session of Gygax's Greyhawk campaign in 1972. Gygax later recalled that Murlynd was the first attempt by a player to make a creative name for a character; in the early days, most players—including Gygax himself—simply used their own name as a basis for their character's name, e.g. Gary was Yrag, etc. According to, Murlynd did not get his trademark 'six-shooters' in actual play, but they were given to the character in tribute to Don Kaye's love of the.

Although Gygax did not allow the use of gunpowder in his Greyhawk setting, he made a loophole for Don Kaye by ruling that Murlynd actually carried two magical wands that made loud noises and delivered small but deadly missiles. His name is used for the item, Murlynd's Spoon. •: Robilar was a fighter belonging to Rob Kuntz. Like Murlynd, Robilar was also created for the second-ever session beneath Castle Greyhawk in 1972, rolled up on Gygax's kitchen table. Gygax suggested to Kuntz the name of Robilar, after a minor character in Gygax's novella The Gnome Cache. Because Kuntz was a constant player, Robilar rapidly gained power and possessions. As the city of Greyhawk was developed, he also became the secret owner of the Green Dragon Inn in the city of Greyhawk, where he kept tabs on happenings in the city.

Kuntz quickly grew impatient with play when it involved more than a couple of players, and often played solo adventures one-on-one with Gygax. Robilar was not only the first to reach the 13th and bottom level of Gygax's Greyhawk dungeons, but on the way, he was also responsible for freeing nine demi-gods (whom Gygax revived a decade later as some of the first deities of Greyhawk:,,,,,,,, and ). Robilar was also the first to enter Gygax's, and conquered it completely. Robilar also freed the demoness from her prison at the centre of the Temple. Kuntz later related that Gygax was very dismayed that his masterpiece dungeon had been destroyed by a single adventurer, and as punishment, Gygax had an army pursue Robilar back to his castle, which he had to abandon.

Robilar also lost possession of the Green Dragon Inn. •: Tenser was a wizard played by Gygax's son Ernie. In the earliest days of Greyhawk, Ernie often gamed with Rob Kuntz (Robilar) and Terry Kuntz (Terik).

At one point, using their combined forces of loyal henchmen, the three controlled access to the first level of the Greyhawk dungeons while they ransacked the lower levels. Tenser became the second character to reach the thirteenth (and bottom, at the time) level of the Greyhawk dungeons, when he noticed that Robilar was missing and went in search of him.

Gary Gygax included the name Tenser in the names of two spells, Tenser's floating disc and Tenser's transformation. •: Terik (or Teric) was a character created by Terry Kuntz. Terik often adventured with Tenser and Robilar in the days when the three controlled the first level of the dungeons of Greyhawk.

Terik became the third and last character to reach the bottom level of Gygax's original Greyhawk dungeon when he noticed Robilar and Tenser were missing and went in search of them. •: Gary Gygax's son Ernie originally had a character he called Erac. Later, he created a wizard who, due to a personal issue as part of his, refused to reveal his name, simply referring to himself as Erac's Cousin. Gary Gygax knew that Ernie liked the stories of, and at one point, transported Erac's Cousin to a Barsoom-like Mars, where the inhabitants refused to let the wizard use magic.

Erac's Cousin was forced to become a fighter instead, and learned to fight proficiently with two weapons simultaneously. Eventually he was able to teleport back to Oerth, but when he acquired two blades, Rob Kuntz and Gary Gygax decided he had become too powerful, and lured him into a demon's clutches.

The demon took him to an alternative plane that drained the magic from the vorpal blades, destroying them. •: After Gygax made Kuntz a co-DM, this fighter was Gygax's first character, and Gygax often referred to Yrag's various adventures in columns and interviews. Yrag is simply Gary spelled backwards. •: This was perhaps Gygax's most famous character, and also his favorite. Mordenkainen was created in early 1973, and his name was drawn from Finnish mythology. Due to constant play, often with Rob Kuntz as DM, Gygax advanced Mordenkainen into a powerful character.

Gygax never revealed exactly how powerful Mordenkainen was, simply stating that the wizard had 'twenty-something levels'. Even years after he last played Mordenkainen, he would not disclose any of Mordenkainen's powers or possessions.

Various spells from first edition bear his name, such as Mordenkainen's faithful hound, Mordenkainen's lucubration, and Mordenkainen's sword. •: Bigby started life as an evil low-level wizard non-player character in Rob Kuntz's dungeons of Greyhawk. Gary Gygax, playing Mordenkainen, managed to subdue him, and forced Bigby to become his servant. After a long time and several adventures, Mordenkainen managed to convince Bigby to leave his evil ways behind, and Kuntz ruled that Bigby had changed from an enemy to a loyal henchman, and therefore Gygax could take over Bigby as a player character.

Thereafter, Gygax developed Bigby into a powerful wizard second only to Mordenkainen, and used his name to describe a series of hand spells, e.g. Bigby's crushing hand and Bigby's grasping hand. For a time after this, Rob Kuntz ruled that all the names of Mordenkainen's future henchmen had to rhyme with Bigby. This resulted in Zigby the dwarf; Rigby the cleric; Sigby Griggbyson the fighter; Bigby's apprentice, Nigby; and Digby, Mordenkainen's new apprentice who replaced Bigby. •: Melf was an elven character created by Gary Gygax's son Luke. Gary Gygax borrowed Melf's name for the spell Melf's acid arrow. •: Rary was a wizard created by and played only until he reached the 3rd level, at which point Blume retired him, having reached his objective, which was to be able to call his character 'Medium Rary'.

Gygax borrowed the name for the spells Rary's mnemonic enhancer and Rary's telepathic bond. •: Otto, like Bigby, started life as an evil non-player character wizard in the dungeons of Greyhawk. Tenser and Robilar defeated him in combat, and when given a choice of which master to serve, Otto chose to serve Robilar, thereby becoming a character controlled by Robilar's creator, Rob Kuntz. Thereafter, Otto accompanied Robilar on many adventures, including Robilar's destruction of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Gary Gygax borrowed Otto's name for the spell Otto's irresistible dance.

•: Drawmij was a wizard created by — Drawmij is simply his name spelled backwards. Gygax borrowed Drawmij's name for the magical spell Drawmij's instant summons. •: At the point where Gygax's own characters in the Greyhawk home campaign had collectively accumulated both enough wealth that they couldn't easily spend it, and a standing army that rivalled most nations' forces, he gathered all eight of the characters—Mordenkainen (wizard), Yrag (fighter), Bigby (wizard), Rigby (cleric), Zigby (dwarf), Felnorith (fighter), Vram (elf) & Vin (elf)—together as the Circle of Eight.

Pooling their resources, Gygax had the Eight construct a stronghold in the middle of an evil land so they would not have to travel far to find adventure. After three years of game time, the result was the Obsidian Citadel, an octagonal castle which housed the Circle of Eight and their armies. Greyhawk firsts [ ] The first mention of Oerth [ ] In the first issue of published in June 1976, Gygax prefaced Chapter 1 of his serialized novella The Gnome Cache with a note that the story's setting,, was very similar to Earth in terms of geography. The first deities of Greyhawk [ ] One facet of culture that Gygax did not address during the first few years of his home campaign was organized religion.

Since his campaign was largely built around the needs of lower-level characters, he did not think specific deities were necessary, since direct interaction between a god and a low-level character was very unlikely. Some of his players took matters into their own hands, calling upon Norse or Greek gods such as or, or even in times of dire need. However, some of the players wanted Gygax to create and customize a specific deity so that cleric characters could receive their powers from someone less ambiguous than the gods. Gygax jokingly created two gods: —who brought non-believers around to his point of view with whacks of his cudgel —and, whose fanatical followers refused to believe that any other gods existed. Because both of these deities represented aspects of Good, Gygax eventually created a few evil deities to provide some villainy.

In Chapter 2 of The Gnome Cache, which appeared in the second issue of The Dragon, a shrine to St. Cuthbert (spelled St.

Cuthburt) was mentioned, which was the first published reference to a Greyhawk deity. The first Greyhawk novel [ ] In 1976, Gygax invited the science fiction/fantasy writer to play in his Greyhawk world. Norton subsequently wrote Quag Keep, which involved a group of gamers who travel from the real world to Greyhawk. It was the first novel to be set, at least partially, in the Greyhawk setting, and according to Alternative Worlds, the first to be based on D&D. Quag Keep was excerpted in Issue 12 of The Dragon (February 1978) just prior to the book's release. The first Greyhawk adventures published by TSR [ ] From 1976–1979, Gygax also shared some glimpses of his home campaign with other gamers when he set several TSR Dungeons & Dragons adventures in the world of Greyhawk: • Lost Caverns of Tsojconth (1976), republished in 1982 as • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) • (1978) In addition, set his 1979 TSR adventure in Greyhawk.

The World of Greyhawk folio edition (1980) [ ]. Written by and, was an expansion of the Dungeon & Dragons rules that contained no material about the Greyhawk campaign world other than two brief references.

In 1975, Gygax and Kuntz published a booklet called, an expansion of the rules for Dungeons & Dragons based on their play experiences in the Greyhawk campaign. Although it detailed new spells and character classes that had been developed in the dungeons of Greyhawk, it did not contain any details of their Greyhawk campaign world. The only two references to Greyhawk were an illustration of a large stone head in a dungeon corridor titled The Great Stone Face, Enigma of Greyhawk and mention of a fountain on the second level of the dungeons that continuously issued an endless number of snakes.

The 2004 publication suggested that details of Gygax's Greyhawk campaign were published in this booklet, but Gygax had no plans in 1975 to publish details of the Greyhawk world, since he believed that new players of Dungeons & Dragons would rather create their own worlds than use someone else's. In addition, he didn't want to publish all the material he had created for his players; he thought he would be unlikely to recoup a fair investment for the thousands of hours he had spent on it; and since his secrets would be revealed to his players, he would be forced to recreate a new world for them afterward. With the release of the AD&D Players Handbook in 1978, many players were intrigued by the connection of Greyhawk characters to magical spells such as Tenser's floating disc, Bigby's crushing hand, and Mordenkainen's faithful hound. The AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide, released the following year, also made references to the dungeons of Castle Greyhawk. Players' curiosity was further piqued by the ten Dungeons & Dragons modules set in Greyhawk that were published between 1976–1979. Several of Gygax's regular columns in Dragon magazine also mentioned details of his home campaign and characters that inhabited his world. Gygax was surprised when he found out that players wanted to use Greyhawk as their campaign world.

Development of geography [ ]. See also: In response to this, Gygax changed his mind and decided he would publish his private campaign world, but with some important changes.

Rather than using his own map, which was simply the real-world Earth overwritten with his cities, towns and regions, he decided to create a new world called Oerth. Gygax joked, 'Say it as Oi-th as if you were from Brooklyn, and that's the way I pronounce it. That annoys all who take a fantasy world far too seriously.' Once he had sketched out the entire planet, Gygax decided to concentrate his first efforts on one small corner of the world. One hemisphere of Oerth was dominated by a massive continent called Oerik. Gygax asked TSR's printing house about the maximum size of paper they could handle; the answer was 34' x 22' (86 cm x 56 cm). He found that, using the scale he desired, he could only fit the northeast corner of the continent of Oerik on two of the sheets.

He therefore concentrated on providing details for less than a quarter of the landmass of Oerth, concentrating on the eastern part of the continent of Oerik that would be illustrated by his map. Gygax gave only the most basic descriptions of each state; he expected that DMs would customize the setting in order to make it an integral part of their own individual campaigns. In order to give the campaign setting as much flexibility as possible in terms of geographic settings, his map included arctic wastes, desert, temperate forests, tropical jungles, mountainous cordillera, seas and oceans, rivers, archipelagos and volcanoes.

He placed the city and castle of Greyhawk roughly in the centre of the map, in an area that would have about the same temperate climate as his home in Lake Geneva. For the other regions that had surrounded the city of Greyhawk on his old map, some were left relatively close to the city of Greyhawk; for instance, the rivalry between the cities of Dyvers, Hardby, and Greyhawk was a feature of Gygax's campaign, so the three cities were placed in close proximity to each other. However, most other regions were moved further away, scattered across the new map. Gygax also added many more new regions, countries and cities, bringing the number of political states to sixty.

Needing original names for all of the geographical and political places on his map, Gygax sometimes resorted to wordplay based on the names of friends and acquaintances. For instance, Perrenland was named after, who co-wrote the rules for Chainmail with Gygax; Urnst was a homophone of Ernst (his son Ernie); and Sunndi was a near-homophone of Cindy, another of Gygax's children. From Gygax's prototype map,, a freelance artist in Lake Geneva, developed a full color map on a hex grid.

Gygax was so pleased with the end result that he quickly switched his home Greyhawk campaign over to the new world he had created. Development of history and politics [ ] Gygax set out to create a fractious place where chaos and evil were in the ascendant and courageous champions would be needed. In order to explain how his world had arrived at this state, he wrote an outline of a thousand years of history. As a buff, he was very familiar with the concept of waves of cultural, such the of being invaded by the, who were in turn invaded by the.

In creating a similar pattern of history for his world, Gygax decided that a thousand years before his campaign began, the northeast corner of the continent had been occupied by a peaceful but primitive people called the Flannae, whose name was the root for the name of that part of Oerik, the. At that time, far to the west of the Flanaess, two peoples were at war, the Bakluni and the Suloise. The war reached its climax when both sides used powerful magic to obliterate each other, in an event called the Twin Cataclysms. Refugees of these disasters were forced out of their lands, and the Suloise invaded the Flanaess, forcing the Flannae to flee to the outer edges of the continent. Several centuries later, a new invader appeared, the Oeridians, and they in turn forced the Suloise southward. One tribe of the Oeridians, the Aerdi, began to set up an empire. Several centuries later, the Aerdi's Great Kingdom ruled most of the Flanaess.

The Aerdi overkings marked the beginning of what they believed would be perpetual peace with Year 1 of a new calendar, the. However, several centuries later, the Empire became decadent, with their rulers losing their sanity, turning to evil, and enslaving their people. When the overking Ivid V came to the throne, the oppressed peoples rebelled. It was at this point, in the year 576 CY, that Gygax set the world of Greyhawk. As Gygax wrote in his World of Greyhawk folio, 'The current state of affairs in the Flanaess is confused indeed. Humankind is fragmented into isolationist realms, indifferent nations, evil lands, and states striving for good.'

Gygax did not issue monthly or yearly updates to the state of affairs as presented in the folio since he saw 576CY as a common starting point for every home campaign; because each would be moving forward at its own pace, there would be no practical way to issue updates that would be relevant to every Dungeon Master. Gygax was also aware that different players would be using his world for different reasons. When he was the Dungeon Master of his home campaign, he found that his players were more interested in dungeon-delving than politics; but when he switched roles and became a player, often going one-on-one with Rob Kuntz as Dungeon Master, Gygax immersed his own characters in politics and large-scale battles.

Knowing that there would be some players looking for a town in which to base their campaign, and others interested in politics or warfare, Gygax tried to include as much detail as possible about each region, including a short description of the region and its people, the title of its ruler, the racial makeup of its people, its resources and major cities, and its allies and enemies. For the same reason that he had created a variety of geographical, political and racial settings, he also strove to create a world with some good, some evil, and some undecided areas.

He felt that some players would be happiest playing in a mainly good country and fighting the evil that arose to threaten it; others might want to be a part of an evil country; and still others might take a neutral stance and simply try to collect gold and treasure from both sides. Publication [ ]. See also: TSR originally intended to publish The World of Greyhawk (TSR 9025) early in 1979, but it was not released until August 1980.

The World of Greyhawk consisted of a 32-page folio (the first edition is often called the World of Greyhawk folio to distinguish it from later editions) and a 34' x 44' (86 cm x 112 cm) two-piece color map of the Flanaess. Reviewers were generally impressed, but some remarked on the lack of a pantheon of Greyhawk-specific deities, as well as the lack of any mention of the infamous dungeons of Castle Greyhawk. Game designer found the original set 'disappointing', because 'there is only so much information you can cram into a 32-page booklet, particularly when covering such a large area'. Between editions (1980–1983) [ ] Before the folio edition was released, Gygax planned to publish supplementary information, using his column 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll' that appeared on a semi-regular basis in TSR's. In the May 1980 issue, Gygax gave a quick overview of the development of his new The World of Greyhawk folio.

For players who planned to use large scale army tactics, he gave details of the private armies that were commanded by some prominent Greyhawk characters from his original home game:,,, and. Gygax also mentioned some of the planned Greyhawk publications he was overseeing: a large-scale map of the city of Greyhawk; some adventure modules set in Greyhawk; a supplementary map of lands outside the Flanaess; all fifty levels of Castle Greyhawk's dungeon; and miniatures army combat rules. None of these projects, other than a few of the adventure modules, were published by TSR. Although Gygax originally intended to immediately publish more details of Greyhawk in Dragon on a regular basis, other projects intervened, and it was not until the August 1981 issue of Dragon that, in his column 'Leomund's Tiny Hut', outlined methods for determining a character's place of birth and languages spoken.

Gygax added an addendum concerning the physical appearances of the main Greyhawk races. In the November 1981 issue, Gygax gave further details of racial characteristics and modes of dress. In the December 1982 issue, David Axler contributed a system for determining weather in the world of Greyhawk. Gygax later said he thought a system of fourteen charts for determining the weather was too cumbersome, and he personally didn't use it in his home campaign. More information about every political region [ ] The folio edition had thirty two pages, and information about each region was condensed into a short paragraph or two.

Gygax realized that some players needed more in-depth information about the motivations and aspirations of each region, and the history of interactions with surrounding regions. With this in mind, Gygax decided to publish a much longer description of each region in Dragon. The first two articles, covering seventeen regions, appeared in the December 1981 and January 1982 issues. Due to his involvement in many other TSR projects, Gygax handed responsibility for completion of this project to Rob Kuntz, who covered the remaining forty three regions in the March 1982, July 1982 and September 1982 issues. Deities of Greyhawk [ ]. Main article: In the August 1982 issue of Dragon, Gygax gave advice on how to adapt deities from the previously published for worship by non-human races in the Greyhawk world.

A few months later, he published a five-part series of articles in the November 1982 through March 1983 issues of Dragon that outlined a pantheon of deities custom-made for humans in the world of Greyhawk. In addition to his original Greyhawk deities, St. Cuthbert and Pholtus, Gygax added seventeen more deities. Although later versions of the campaign setting would assign most of these deities to worship by specific races of humans, at this time they were generally worshiped by all humans of the Flanaess.

Shortly after the release of the folio edition, TSR released the adventure module C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, designed to familiarize players with the race of the. Largely based on and cultures, this adventure introduced the first published deities of the Greyhawk campaign:, god of death, darkness, murder and the underworld;, god of sun, moon, night, scheming, betrayals and lightning; and, god of air, birds and snakes. However, this area of the Flanaess was not explored further in any subsequent TSR adventures or source material, and these three gods would remain isolated from the main pantheon for almost twenty years. Non-player characters of Greyhawk [ ] Also included in the March 1983 issue of Dragon was an article detailing four unique Greyhawk characters. The first two quasi-deities— and —had been created by Gygax as (NPCs). The third,, was a character that had been created by Gygax's childhood friend before Kaye's untimely death in 1975. The fourth, a hero-deity named, was developed to illustrate the 'principle of advancement of power'.

TSR Greyhawk adventures published after the folio edition [ ] Of the ten adventures set in Greyhawk published by TSR before the folio edition, all but one had been written by Gygax. However, the new availability of information about Gygax's campaign world and TSR's desire to make it central to encouraged many new writers to set their adventures in Greyhawk. This, combined with the fact that Gygax was increasingly involved in other areas of the company, meant that of the seventeen Greyhawk adventures published in the two years after the folio edition, only four were written or co-written by Gygax: • (Gary Gygax, 1980) • (David Cook, 1980) • ( Harold Johnson & Tom Moldvay, 1981) • (Allen Hammack, 1981 ) • (Lawrence Schick, 1981) • (David C. Sutherland III & Gary Gygax, 1980) • (Harold Johnson & Jeff R.

Leason, 1980) • (Allen Hammack, 1980) • (David Cook, 1981) • (Lenard Lakofka, 1981) • ( &, 1981)] • (Dave Browne & Don Turnbull, 1982) • (Douglas Niles, 1982) • (Gary Gygax, 1982) • (Gary Gygax, 1982) Originally published as Lost Caverns of Tsojconth in 1976 • (Dave Browne & Don Turnbull, 1983) • (Lenard Lakofka, 1983) In 1981, TSR also published the super-modules and, both being compilations of previously published modules from the series and the Giant series respectively. Numerous projects were planned to add more depth and detail to the setting after the publication of the initial folio, but many of these projects never appeared for various reasons. World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) [ ].

The box cover for boxed set (TSR, 1983) In 1983, TSR published an expanded boxed set of the campaign world, World of Greyhawk, which is usually called the Greyhawk boxed set to differentiate it from other editions. According to game designer, 'The second edition was much larger than the first and addressed itself to making the World of Greyhawk setting a more detailed and vibrant place.'

This edition quadrupled the number of pages from the original edition to 128, adding significantly greater detail. One major addition was a pantheon of deities: in addition to the nineteen deities outlined by Gygax in his Dragon article, another thirty-one new deities were added, though only three received full write-ups of their abilities and worshipers. This brought the number of Greyhawk deities to an even fifty. For the next eight years, Greyhawk would be primarily defined by the information in this publication. After publication of the boxed set (1984–1985) [ ] Publication of the World of Greyhawk was the first step in Gygax's vision for Oerth. Over the next few years, he planned to unveil other areas of the continent of Oerik, giving each new area the same in-depth treatment of history, geography, and politics as had been accorded the Flanaess.

Gygax had also mapped out the other hemisphere of Oerth in his personal notes. Part of this would be Gygax's work, but Len Lakofka and had also created material that Gygax wanted to place on Oerth., Creative Consultant at TSR at the time, wrote four tournament adventures taken from his home campaign setting of Aquaria (published by TSR as the first four of the R-series modules: R1, R2, R3, and R4 ).

Mentzer envisioned them as the first part of a new Aqua-Oeridian campaign set somewhere on Oerth outside of the Flanaess. However, by this time, Gygax was in Hollywood on a semi-permanent basis, approving scripts for the Saturday morning cartoon series and trying to land a deal for a D&D movie. Not only was Gygax's own output of Greyhawk-related materials greatly reduced, but the company began to shift its focus and resources away from Greyhawk to a new campaign setting called. Saga of Old City by (TSR, 1985); Cover art. The first Greyhawk Adventures novel, and the first featuring 'Gord the Rogue'. The success of the Dragonlance series of modules and books pushed aside the World of Greyhawk setting, as TSR concentrated on expanding and defining the world of Krynn.

One of the factors that contributed to the success of the Dragonlance setting when it was published in 1984 was a series of concurrent novels by and. Gygax realized that novels set in Greyhawk could have a similar benefit for his campaign world and wrote, the first in a series of novels that would be published under the banner Greyhawk Adventures. The protagonist was, and this first novel told of his rise from the Slum Quarters of the city of Greyhawk to become a world traveler and thief extraordinaire. The novel was designed to promote sales of the boxed set by providing colorful details about the social customs and peoples of various cities and countries around the Flanaess. [ ] Before Saga of Old City was released in November 1985, Gygax wrote a sequel,.

He also wrote a short story, 'At Moonset Blackcat Comes', that appeared in the special 100th issue of Dragon in August 1985. This introduced Gord the Rogue to gamers just before Saga of Old City was scheduled to be released.

Greyhawk modules [ ] In the two years after the Greyhawk boxed set appeared, TSR published eight adventures set in Greyhawk. Five were written or co-written by Gygax, and the other three were from TSR's United Kingdom division: • (Gary Gygax, 1983) • (Gary Gygax, 1983) Both of the EX adventures, although nominally set in Greyhawk, transported characters through a planar gate into an alternate reality.

• (Dave Brown, Tom Kirby &, 1983) • (Graeme Morris, 1983) • (Graeme Morris, 1984) • (Robert Kuntz & Gary Gygax, 1984) • (Gary Gygax, 1985) • (Gary Gygax & Frank Mentzer, 1985) Dragon articles [ ] From 1983–1985, the only notable supplement for the Greyhawk world was a five-part article by Len Lakofka in the June–October and December 1984 issues of Dragon that detailed the Suel gods who had been briefly mentioned in the boxed set. In the December 1984 issue, Gygax mentioned clerics of non-human races and indicated that the twenty four demihuman and humanoid deities that had been published in the February–June 1982 issues of Dragon were now permitted in Greyhawk; this increased the number of Greyhawk deities from fifty to seventy four. Other than those articles, Greyhawk was only mentioned in passing in three other issues until Gygax's 'Gord the Rogue' short story in the August 1985 issue Dragon. Gygax then provided some errata for the boxed set in the September 1985 issue, which was the last mention of the Greyhawk world in Dragon for almost two years. Gygax departs [ ] Shortly after the release of the boxed set, Gygax discovered that while he had been in Hollywood, TSR had run into serious financial difficulties. Returning to Lake Geneva, Gygax managed to get TSR back on firm financial footing. However, different visions of TSR's future caused a power struggle within the company, and Gygax was forced out of TSR on December 31, 1985.

By the terms of his settlement with TSR, Gygax kept the rights to Gord the Rogue as well as all Dungeons & Dragons characters whose names were anagrams or versions of his own name, such as Yrag and Zagyg. However, he lost the rights to all his other work, including the world of Greyhawk and the names of all the other characters he had ever used in TSR material. Greyhawk without Gygax (1986–1987) [ ] After Gygax left TSR, the continued development of Greyhawk became the work of many writers and creative minds. Rather than continuing forward with Gygax's plan for an entire planet, the setting was never expanded beyond the Flanaess, nor would other authors' work be linked to unexplored areas of the continent Oerik. According to Gygax, TSR's stewardship turned Greyhawk into something very different from what he had envisioned. In 1986, in the months following Gygax's ousting, TSR turned away from development of Greyhawk and focused its energies on a new campaign setting called.

In 1986 and 1987, only three Greyhawk modules were released,, and, all being collections of previously published modules rather than new material. Greyhawk novels continue without Gord the Rogue [ ] Gygax's novel Saga of Old City, released in November 1985, and Artifact of Evil, released two months after Gygax's departure from TSR, proved to be popular titles, and in 1987, TSR hired to continue the series, albeit without Gord the Rogue, to whom Gygax had retained all rights. From 1987–1989, Estes produced five more novels under the Greyhawk Adventures banner: Master Wolf, The Price of Power, The Demon Hand, The Name of the Game, and The Eyes Have It. A sixth book, Dragon in Amber, appeared in 1990 book catalogs, but was never written, and the series was discontinued. The dungeons of Greyhawk revealed [ ] In its 1986 Summer Mail Order Hobby Shop catalog, TSR had listed a new Greyhawk adventure called WG7 Shadowlords, a high-level adventure to be written by Gary Gygax and.

However, this adventure was canceled after Gygax left TSR, and the catalog number WG7 was reassigned to a new adventure, Castle Greyhawk, released in 1988. It was the first new Greyhawk adventure in three years, but it had nothing to do with Gygax's original Castle Greyhawk. Instead, it was a compilation of twelve humorous dungeon levels, each one written by a freelance author. The puns and jokes often referenced modern culture—,,, and the crew of —and the module also included an appearance by Gygax's Mordenkainen in a movie studio. Greyhawk revived (1988–1990) [ ] By 1988, with the first series of Dragonlance adventures drawing to a close, and Forgotten Realms doing very well, TSR turned back to Greyhawk. In the January 1988 issue of Dragon, Jim Ward—one of the original players in the dungeons of Greyhawk, creator of the wizard Drawmij, and now working for TSR in the post-Gygax era—requested player input about what should be included in a hardcover source book for Greyhawk. He received over five hundred letters in response.

In the August 1988 issue of Dragon, he outlined the ideas from readers that had been included, and appeared shortly afterward as a response to requests from Greyhawk fans. The book's title was borrowed from Rose Estes' Greyhawk Adventures line of novels and used the same front-cover banner design. It was the thirteenth and final hardcover book published for the 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules. The contents were designed to give ideas and play opportunities unique to the Greyhawk world, including new monsters, magical spells and items, a variety of geographical features, profiles of prominent citizens, and the of deities. In the time since Gygax had left TSR, no original Greyhawk material had been published, and many letter writers had requested ideas for new adventures. Ward responded by including six plot outlines that could be inserted into a Greyhawk campaign.

The City of Greyhawk boxed set [ ]. See also: The publication of Greyhawk Adventures came just as TSR released the. TSR released boxed set in 1989 under the Greyhawk Adventures banner. Written by and Rik Rose, this was not the city created by Gygax and Kuntz, but a new plan built from references made in previously published material.

This release remolded Gary Gygax's old Circle of Eight into a new plot device. Instead of a group of eight companions based in the Obsidian Citadel who left periodically to fight evil, the Circle became eight wizards led by a ninth wizard, Gygax's former character. In addition to Mordenkainen, seven of the wizards were previously existing characters from Gygax's original home game: Bigby, Otiluke, Drawmij, Tenser, Nystul, Otto, and Rary.

The eighth was new: the female wizard. The Circle's mandate was to act as neutral referees between Good and Evil, never letting one side or the other gain the upper hand for long. In addition, Sargent & Rose took Gygax's original Obsidian Citadel, re-purposed it as Mordenkainen's castle, and placed it in an unspecified location in the. The following year, in conjunction with this boxed set, TSR published a trilogy of World of Greyhawk Adventure (WGA) modules by Richard & Anne Brown—WGA1, WGA2 and WGA3 Flames of the Falcon—set in the city and centered on a mysterious villain called The Falcon.

A fourth WGA module, by David Cook, was published the same year, and featured the first appearance by, formerly a mythic in Dungeons & Dragons lore, now promoted to demigod status. Modules released under the Greyhawk Adventures banner [ ] TSR also released five new World of Greyhawk (WG) adventures which used the Greyhawk Adventures banner: • (Various authors, 1989) • (Dave Collins & Skip Williams, 1989) • (Jean Rabe & Skip Williams, 1989) • (Vince Garcia & Bruce Rabe, 1989) • (Jean Rabe, 1989) In 1990, TSR also published, a module and source book about Castle Greyhawk by TSR writers Blake Mobley and. Although this was not the Castle Greyhawk of Gygax and Kuntz, it was the first serious attempt to publish details of the castle. A new vision of the Flanaess (1991–1997) [ ] Game designer noted the apparent lack of a central vision for Greyhawk material, describing the Greyhawk setting up to this point as 'a crazy quilt, where odd-shaped scraps of material are randomly sewn together and everybody hopes for the best. How else to explain a setting that encompasses everything from the somber A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords adventure to the King Kong-inspired WG6 Isle of the Ape to the cornball humor of WG7 Castle Greyhawk?

It makes for an interesting mess, but it's a mess nonetheless. [is] the most credible attempt at smoothing out the rough spots.' In 1990, TSR decided that the decade-old world of Greyhawk needed to be refreshed. Rather than follow through with Gary Gygax's plan to develop new regions beyond the boundaries of the, the decision was made to stay within the Flanaess and reinvigorate it by moving the campaign time line forward a decade, from 576 CY to 586 CY. The main story vehicle would be a war fomented by an evil half-demon named Iuz that involved the entire Flanaess, which would allow TSR to radically alter the pattern of regions, alliances, and rulers from Gygax's original setting. The Greyhawk Wars [ ] In order to move players from Gygax's familiar World of Greyhawk to their new vision, TSR planned a trilogy of modules that would familiarize players with events and conditions leading up to the coming war, and then take them through the war itself.

Once players completed the war via the three modules, a new boxed set would be published to introduce the new storyline and the new Flanaess. Two World of Greyhawk Swords modules, by and by, were released in 1991. These described events leading up to the war.

The third module was reworked into, a strategy that led players through the events, strategies, and alliances of the actual war. A booklet included with the game, Greyhawk Wars Adventurer's Book, described the event of the war. In 582 CY (six years after Gygax's original setting of 576 CY), a regional conflict started by Iuz gradually widened until it was a war that affected almost every nation in the Flanaess. A peace treaty was signed in the city of Greyhawk two years later, which is why the conflict became known as the Greyhawk Wars. On the day of the treaty-signing, Rary—once a minor spellcaster created and then discarded by Brian Blume, but now elevated by TSR to the Circle of Eight—attacked his fellow Circle members, aided and abetted by Robilar. After the attack, Tenser and were dead, while Robilar and Rary fled to the deserts of the. Rob Kuntz, original creator of Robilar, objected to this storyline, since he believed that Robilar would never attack his old adventuring companion Mordenkainen.

Although Kuntz did not own the creative rights to Robilar and no longer worked at TSR, he unofficially suggested an alternate storyline that Robilar had been visiting another plane and in his absence, a clone or evil twin of Robilar was responsible for the attack. From the Ashes [ ] In 1992, after the two World of Greyhawk Swords prequel modules and the Greyhawk Wars game had been on the market for some months, TSR released the new Greyhawk setting,, a boxed set primarily written by that described the in the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars. It contained a large 4-color hex map of the area around the city of Greyhawk, a number of quick adventure cards, and two 96-page books. The first book, Atlas of the Flanaess, was a replacement for Gygax's original World of Greyhawk boxed set, with some changes. Many human gods from previous editions were not included, although one new demigod,, was added. Retail Plus 3 0 Keygen Torrent.

This had the net effect of reducing the total number of human deities from fifty to twenty-eight. Deities of other races were increased from twenty-four to thirty-eight, but unlike the full descriptions that were given to the human gods, these were simply listed by name. Like Gygax's original boxed set, each region was given a two to three hundred word description, although some details included in the older edition, such as trade goods, total population and racial mixes, were not included in this edition.

A number of regions—Ahlissa, Almor, Medegia and South Province—no longer existed after the Wars or had been folded into other regions. One new region—the Olman Islands—was detailed. This had the net effect of reducing the total number of regions from sixty to fifty eight. Darlene Pekul's large 4-color 2-piece fold-out map of the Flanaess included in Gygax's setting was reduced to a small black & white map printed on the inside cover of the Atlas. The second book, the Campaign Book, was designed to supplement, rather than replace, the four-year-old City of Greyhawk boxed set.

It included updates to the city and its environs, and gave details of some new non-player characters and possible adventure hooks. In Gygax's setting, the major conflict had been between the Great Kingdom and the lands that were trying to free themselves from the evil overking. In Sargent's world, the Great Kingdom storyline was largely replaced by the major new conflict between the land of Iuz and the regions that surrounded it. Southern lands outside of Iuz's were threatened by the, while other countries had been invaded by monsters or taken over by agents of evil. Overall, the vision was of a darker world where good folk were being swamped by a tide of evil. Game designer Rick Swan concurred with this multi-step approach, writing that 'took another step in the right direction by shaking things up with a much-needed dose of epic conflict. Veteran designer Carl Sargent has continued the overhaul with the ambitious.

By combining heroic tradition with elements of dark fantasy, he's come up with a Greyhawk campaign that is both familiar and refreshingly unexpected.' Sargent tried to generate interest for this grimmer vision of the Flanaess by following up with an article in Dragon's March 1993 issue, writing, '.the powers of evil have waxed strong. The hand of Iuz, the Old One, extends across the central Flanaess, and the cruel Scarlet Brotherhood extends its power and influence around the southern lands bordering the Azure Sea. The World of Greyhawk setting has become a truly exciting world again.' The boxed set was supported by the publication of two new source books in 1993, also written by Sargent.

Provided information about the good realms of Furyondy, Highfolk, and Nyrond that opposed Iuz, while detailed information about the lands of Iuz, and emphasized the prominent new role that Iuz now played in the world order. In addition, a number of adventures were also published, as much to provide more source material as for adventure: • was the first module published after From the Ashes, and advanced the storyline in, threatened by invasion from Turrosh Mak of the. •, by Jack Barker, Roy Rowe, Louis Prosperi, and Tom Prusa, was a loosely connected series of mini-adventures—for instance, exploring Bigby's home, travelling to the demiplane called The Great Maze of Zagyg, and trading riddles with a. Each mini-adventure focussed on a unique treasure in the Flanaess. • by was both an adventure module and a source book about the, the new home of Rary and Robilar following their murder of Tenser and Otiluke. •, by Carl Sargent, and, by Paul T.

Riegel, were modules highlighting the struggle between and the lands of Iuz. As Gygax had done ten years before, Sargent also used the pages of Dragon to promote his new world. He was working on a new source book,, and excerpted parts of it in the April, June and August 1994 issues. TSR drops Greyhawk [ ] In late 1994, TSR canceled Sargent's new book just as it was being readied for publication, and stopped work on all other Greyhawk projects. Nothing more about Greyhawk was ever published by TSR, with one exception: in May 1995, a Dragon column devoted to industry gossip noted that the manuscript of Ivid the Undying had been released by TSR as a computer text file. Using this file, several people have reconstructed the book as it might have appeared in published form.

By the end of 1996, TSR found itself heavily in debt and unable to pay its printers. Just as bankruptcy in 1997 seemed inevitable, stepped in and, fueled by income from its, bought TSR and all its properties. Wizards of the Coast (1998–2008) [ ] After Wizards of the Coast (WotC) and TSR merged, the determination was made that TSR had created too many settings for the Dungeons & Dragons game, and several of them were eliminated. However, WotC's CEO,, was a fan of both Dungeons & Dragons and Greyhawk, and two major initiatives were created: a revival of Greyhawk, and a new third edition of D&D rules. A team of people was put together to revive the moribund Greyhawk setting by pulling together all the previously published information about it.

Once that was done, the decision was made to update Carl Sargent's storyline, using similar prequel adventures to pave the way for the updated campaign setting. First, created in 1998. In the adventure, set in 586 CY, the same year as the From the Ashes boxed set, the players meet the surviving members of the Circle of Eight, which is called the Circle of Five because it is missing Tenser, Otiluke and Rary. If the players successfully finish the adventure, Tenser is rescued from death, though he refuses to rejoin the Circle, and the Circle is reconstituted as Eight with the addition of three new wizards:, and. Next, the, by Anne Brown, was released. This 64-page booklet moved the storyline ahead six years to 591 CY, and it mostly condensed and reiterated material that had been released in Gygax's and Sargent's boxed sets. New material included important non-player characters, a guide to in the Flanaess, and some new sights.

The list of deities was both shrunk and expanded; the thirty eight non-human deities in the From the Ashes boxed set were eliminated and non-human concerns assigned to a handful of human deities, but the list of human deities was expanded from twenty four to fifty four. With the groundwork for a new storyline prepared, TSR/WotC released the new campaign setting as a 128-page source book,,. Taking its lead from the Greyhawk Player's Guide, the new campaign world was set in 591 CY. Unlike the darker feel of From the Ashes, where the Flanaess was overrun by evil, Moore returned to Gygax's world of adventure.

The Lost Tombs trilogy of modules— and, by, and, by —were the first to be published in the new setting. 25th anniversary of D&D [ ] The year 1999 marked twenty five years since the publication of the original Dungeons & Dragons rules, and WotC sought to lure older gamers back to Greyhawk by producing a series of nostalgia-tinged Return to.

Adventures that evoked the best-known Greyhawk modules from 20 years before, under the banner 25th Anniversary of D&D: •, by, reprinted Gary Gygax's, and added a substantial expansion. •, by, took Gary Gygax's 1979 module, and restocked it with fresh monsters, as if the twenty years that had passed since the original module's publication also equaled twenty years of game time. Although the original had been in a generic setting, the new adventure set the Keep in Greyhawk. •, by, likewise updated Lawrence Schick's twenty-year-old adventure,, by advancing the storyline twenty years. •, by Sean K. Reynolds, included the full text of Gygax's three original 1979 Giant modules and details of eighteen new adventure sites in, linked together as an integrated campaign.

Reynolds and Chris Pramas, was a sequel to the original series, set ten years after the original adventures. •, by Monte Cook, returned the players to Gygax's infamous temple, which Rob Kuntz (as Robilar) had originally looted and wrecked. It was published in 2001, using the 3rd edition rules. In conjunction with the publication of the Return to adventures, WotC also produced a series of companion novels known as the Greyhawk Classics series: Against the Giants, White Plume Mountain, Descent into the Depths of the Earth, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks,, Queen of the Demonweb Pits,, and The Tomb of Horrors. In an attempt to attract players of other D&D settings, WotC released, by Bruce R.

Cordell and Steve Miller, a three-part adventure tying Greyhawk to the and campaign settings. Published in 2000, it was the last adventure to be written for D&D's 2nd edition rules. Third edition [ ] In the editions of published by TSR, the setting of the game had not been specifically defined— were expected to either create a new world, or purchase a commercial campaign setting such as Greyhawk. In 2000, after two years of work and, WotC released the, and defined a default setting for the game for the first time. Under third edition rules, unless a Dungeon Master specifically chose to use a different campaign setting, his or her D&D game would be set in the world of Greyhawk.

Living Greyhawk [ ]. (, 2000), an updated sourcebook for the campaign setting With the release of the 3rd edition of, —the organized play division of WotC—announced a new massively shared,, modeled on a 2nd edition campaign called Living City. Although was relatively successful, RPGA wanted to expand the scope of their new campaign—instead of one city as a setting, the new campaign would involve thirty different regions of Greyhawk, each specifically keyed to a particular country, state, or province of the real world. Each region would produce its own adventures, and in addition to these, RPGA would provide worldwide Core adventures. To provide the level of detail needed for such a venture, WotC published the, the most in-depth examination of the world of Greyhawk ever produced, and the official starting point for not only the campaign, but also for all home campaigns from that point forward. Concurrent with the release of the 3rd edition, Living Greyhawk debuted at 2000 with three Core adventures: COR1-1 Dragon Scales at Morningtide, by; COR1-2 The Reckoning, by Sean Flaherty and John Richardson; and COR1-3 River Of Blood,. WotC also released by Keith Polster (2000), designed as an introductory adventure to the Living Greyhawk campaign world.

Unlike previous campaign settings, in which the calendar was frozen at a point chosen by the author, the Living Greyhawk calendar did advance one year in game time for every calendar year in real time: the campaign started in 591 CY (2001) and ended in 598 CY (2008), at which point over a thousand adventures had been produced for an audience of over ten thousand players. During this time, the campaign administrators incorporated most of WotC's new rules into the Greyhawk world, only excising material they felt would unbalance the campaign. In 2005, the administrators incorporated every deity ever mentioned in official Greyhawk material previous to the D&D 3rd edition, as well as all deities mentioned in the new 3rd edition source books. This tripled the number of deities in the campaign from about seventy to almost two hundred. Despite the massive amount of world and storyline development, none of the Living Greyhawk storylines or changes to the setting were considered official, since the regional adventure modules were produced by volunteers; this material only received a cursory vetting by RPGA campaign administrators, and no review by WotC personnel.

Wizards of the Coast Greyhawk releases [ ] Despite the popularity of the Living Greyhawk campaign, Wizards of the Coast did not produce much material for Greyhawk after the 25th anniversary Return to. Series of adventures and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer: •, written by (2001), had several minor references to the Greyhawk setting. •, written by James Jacob (2006), was not set in a specific campaign world, but did contain instructions for where to set the adventure within Greyhawk,, and. • by Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and Jason Bulmahn (2007), was an update to TSR's 1990 release. Otherwise, Wizards of the Coast left the development of the Greyhawk world to RPGA's Living Greyhawk campaign and concentrated on producing new source books of expansion material for the core rules of D&D. 2008 to present [ ] At 2007, WotC announced that the would be released the following spring, and Greyhawk would no longer be the default campaign setting under the new rules system.

For this reason, Living Greyhawk was not converted to the new rules system; instead, it was brought to a conclusion. In 2009, WotC released The Village of Hommlet, by Andy Collins, which updated Gary Gygax's original 1st edition Village of Hommlet to the 4th edition rules. It was not available for purchase, but was sent as a reward for those who joined the RPGA.

When the for the was released in 2014, several references to the world of Greyhawk appeared throughout the descriptions of various races and classes, and a partial list of Greyhawk deities appeared in the book. Unofficial Greyhawk sources [ ] Although TSR and WotC had each in turn owned the official rights to the World of Greyhawk since the first folio edition was published in 1980, the two people most responsible for its early development, and, still had most of their original notes regarding the fifty levels of dungeons under Castle Greyhawk. Gygax also had his old maps of the city of Greyhawk, and still owned the rights to. After Gygax left TSR in 1985, he continued to write a few more Gord the Rogue novels, which were published by New Infinities Productions: Sea of Death (1987), City of Hawks (1987), and Come Endless Darkness (1988).

However, by this time, Gygax was furious with the new direction in which TSR was taking 'his' world. In a literary declaration that his old world of Oerth was dead, and wanting to make a clean break with all things Greyhawk, Gygax destroyed his version of Oerth in the final Gord the Rogue novel, Dance of Demons. For the next fifteen years, he worked to develop other game systems.

But there was still the matter of the unpublished dungeons under Castle Greyhawk. Although Gygax had given glimpses into the dungeons in his magazine columns and articles, the dungeons themselves had never been released to the public. Likewise, Gygax's version of the city of Greyhawk had never been published, although believed the reason for that was because 'the City of Greyhawk was a later development, originally being but a location (albeit a capital).

As such it was never fleshed out all that thoroughly. Notes on certain locations and notorious personnel, a sketch map of great brevity, and otherwise quite loose. That is doubtless why Gary didn't publish it; it had never been completed.' However, in 2003, Gygax announced that he was working with Rob Kuntz to publish the original castle and city in six volumes, although the project would use the rules for rather than Dungeons & Dragons.

Since WotC still owned the rights to the name Greyhawk, Gygax changed the name of the castle to Castle Zagyg—the reverse homophone of his own name originally ascribed to the mad architect of his original thirteen level dungeon. Gygax also changed the name of the nearby city to 'Yggsburgh', a play on his initials E.G.G. This project proved to be much more work than Gygax and Kuntz had envisioned. By the time Gygax and Kuntz had stopped working on the original home campaign, the castle dungeons had encompassed fifty levels of maze-like passages and thousands of rooms and traps. This, plus plans for the city of Yggsburgh and encounter areas outside the castle and city, were found to be too much to fit into the proposed six volumes.

Gygax decided he would recreate something like his original thirteen level dungeon, amalgamating the best of what could be gleaned from binders and boxes of old notes. However, neither Gygax nor Kuntz had kept careful or comprehensive plans. Because they had often made up details of play sessions as they went, they usually just drew a quick map as they played, with cursory notes about monsters, treasures, and traps.

These sketchy maps contained just enough detail so that the two could combine their independent efforts, after determining the merits of each piece. Recreating the city was also a challenge; although Gygax still had his old maps of the original city, all of his previously published work on the city was owned by WotC, so he would have to create most of the city from scratch while maintaining the look and feel of his original. The slow and laborious process came to a complete halt in April 2004, when Gygax suffered a serious. Although he returned to his keyboard after a seven-month convalescence, his output was reduced from fourteen-hour work days to only one or two hours per day. Kuntz had to withdraw due to other projects, although he continued to work on an adventure module that would be published at the same time as the first book. Under these circumstances, work on the Castle Zagyg project continued even more slowly, although Jeffrey Talanian stepped in to help Gygax. In 2005, published Volume I, Castle Zagyg: Yggsburgh.

This 256-page hardcover book contained details of Gygax's original city, its personalities and politics, as well as over thirty encounters outside the city. The two part fold out map of the area was rendered by Darlene Pekul, the same artist who had produced the original map for the folio edition of World of Greyhawk. Later that year, Troll Lord Games also published Castle Zagyg: Dark Chateau, an adventure module written for the Yggsburgh setting by Rob Kuntz. Book catalogs published in 2005 indicated several more volumes in the series would follow shortly, but it wasn't until 2008 that the second volume, Castle Zagyg: The Upper Works, appeared.

The Upper Works described details of the castle above ground, acting as a teaser for the volumes concerning the actual dungeons that would follow. However, Gygax died in March 2008 before any further books were published. After his death, Gygax Games, under the control of Gary's widow Gail, took over the project, but no more volumes of the Castle Zagyg project have been published. Rob Kuntz also published some of his creative work from the Castle Greyhawk dungeons. In 2008, he released the adventure modules The Living Room, about a whimsical but dangerous room that housed enormous furniture, and Bottle City, about a bottle found on the second level of the dungeon that contained an entire city.

2009 saw Kuntz release Daemonic & Arcane, a collection of Greyhawk and Kalibruhn magic items, and The Stalk, a wilderness adventure. In October 2010, Black Blade Publishing announced that they would be publishing several of Kuntz's original Greyhawk levels, including the Machine Level, the Boreal Level, the Giants' Pool Hall, and the Garden of the Plantmaster. See also [ ] • • References [ ]. The World of Greyhawk... • ^;;; (2000).... • Peterson, Jon (2012). Playing at the World.

San Diego CA: Unreason Press. • Gygax: 'As the members began to get tired of medieval games, and I wasn't, I decided to add fantasy elements to the mix, such as a dragon that had a fire-breath weapon, a 'hero' that was worth four normal warriors, a wizard who could cast fireballs (the range and hit diameter of a large catapult) and lightning bolts (the range and hit area of a cannon), and so forth. I converted a plastic stegosaurus into a pretty fair dragon, as there were no models of them around in those days.'

Retrieved 2009-03-22. • Gygax: 'The reception of fantasy elements in the medieval tabletop wargame was incredibly enthusiastic by about 90% of the old group. Lee Tucker dismissed it, and me. Mike Reese and Jeff Perren were not captivated by giants hurling boulders and dragons breathing fire and lightning bolts, nor did wizards with spells, heroes and superheroes with magic armor and swords prove compelling to them.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I would use my point buys to take a superhero in magic armor, with a magic sword, backed up by a wizard with fireball spells. The superhero would assail the mass of enemy troops, and when they gathered round to attack him the wizard would drop a fireball on the lot.

The superhero was very likely to come out unscathed, much to the fury of my opponents.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I wrote the Chainmail Medieval Military miniatures Rules 'Man-to-Man' and 'Fantasy Supplement' c. 1970, and the booklet was published in 1971.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: a History and Guide to Role-Playing Games.

Prometheus Books. • Arneson: 'See, I had this neat German plastic kit [of a castle]. Oddly enough, even though it was actually a German kit, years later I learned that it was actually a model of a castle in Sicily. But when I started, I was thinking German.' Jones, Jeremy L.C.

(April 2009).. Kobold Quarterly (9). Archived from on 2009-04-13. Retrieved 2009-04-13. • Arneson: '[The concept of a fantasy campaign] just grew and shortly [the plastic castle] was too small for the scale I wanted.

But it was a neat kit and I didn’t want to abandon it, so the only way to go was down [into the dungeons]. All this happened a few weeks before the first adventurers caught sight of it.' Jones, Jeremy L.C.

(April 2009).. Kobold Quarterly (9).

Archived from on 2009-04-13. Retrieved 2009-04-13. • Lafarge, Paul (September 2006).. The Believer. Archived from on 2008-10-04.

Retrieved 2009-03-22. • Gygax: 'Dave Arneson and I met at a here in Lake Geneva around 1968, and with Mike Carr we authored the Don't Give Up the Ship naval miniatures rules for the Great Age of Sail around 1971-2.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Arneson, Dave (June–July 1979).

'My Life and Role-Playing'.. • Arneson: 'We were in correspondence with the group from Lake Geneva through the Napoleonic Campaigns at that time, so we mentioned that we were doing fantasy stuff on alternate weekends and they became very interested in it.' Judges Guild (1).

April–May 1981. Archived from on 2009-03-21.

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Dave was running a man-to-man (1 figure = one person) Chainmail fantasy campaign around then, and he. Came down from the Twin Cities to see us, the gaming group, in Lake Geneva in the late autumn of 1972. Arneson brought some of his campaign material with him.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I was as much taken with the prototype of the D&D game as anyone.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'Credit Dave Arneson and Dave Megary (designer of the Dungeon! Boardgame) with my concentrating on subterranean settings for the D&D game.

The contained adventuring environment was perfect for establishing fixed encounters before a game session, and for developing progressively more hazardous ones as the PCs grew in their capacity to manage them.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • ^ Witwer, Michael (2015). Empire of the Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.. • Gygax: 'It was in the late fall of 1972 when I completed a map of some castle ruins, noted ways down to the dungeon level (singular), and invited my 11-year-old son Ernie and nine-year-old daughter Elise to create characters and adventure.

This they did, and around 9 PM. They had to come back from such imaginary derring-do, put their index card character sheets aside, and get ready for bed. They had had a marvelous time and wanted to keep playing.' Retrieved 2010-03-16. • Q: 'What was the first ever monster killed by a PC in D&D?' Gygax: 'A giant centipede, with the 1st level PCs played by my son Ernie (fighter) and daughter Elise (cleric).' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'The monsters first encountered, by son Ernie's and daughter Elise's characters, were a nest of scorpions in some rubble in the very first room of the dungeon they entered. The glint of coins was mentioned to lure the incautious hand into attack proximity, but Elise's PC used a dagger to poke around, and the scorpions were spotted.

Eventually one managed to sting, but the poison saving throw was made.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'They next encountered and defeated a gang of kobolds with a chest of 3,000 copper pieces. Needless to say, they weren't pleased with the treasure.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Later in the long session of exploration, the two intrepid adventurers came upon the lair of several kobolds, slew two and the rest fled.

They found an iron chest filled with coins.several thousand copper pieces--that was too heavy to move. A big disappointment.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'After they went upstairs I stayed in my study and went to work on a second dungeon level.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'In a couple of days time Don Kaye (Murlynd), Rob (Robilar, Otto) and Terry (Terik) Kuntz joined the gang.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The castle and dungeons came about a month before the first, one-page map of the City of Greyhawk.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'An average of seven gaming sessions a week was typical even when I was busy working. Often I played more than that. Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'When I initiated the Greyhawk campaign, I envisaged a world of parallel earth sort.

Thus the geography then assumed was pretty close to that of earth. Being busy running game sessions, creating dungeon levels, the map of Greyhawk City, writing new material, and also really enjoying 'winging it', I never did a large-scale map for the world.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The planet was much like our earth.

The city of Greyhawk was located on the [Great] lakes in about the position that Chicago is, and Dyvers was north at the Milwaukee location. The general culture was pseudo medieval European.

Some of the kingdoms shown on the WoG map were around the adventure-central area, the City of Greyhawk.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'When I was using the pre-World of Greyhawk map for my world setting, the West Coast of North America was the Pleistocene region inhabited by savage cavemen and their contemporary fauna.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • (April 1975). Basel, Switzerland: Walter Luc Haas.

Retrieved 2010-03-22. • Gygax: 'Zagyg is based on a sort of joke--me as the mad designer of Greyhawk Castle and its dungeons. After all, how else could such a place exist?. Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Rob, playing Robilar solo, delved into the dungeon, made it. Ernie, noting Rob's absence from adventuring with the party, sent Tenser on a solo quest to discover Robilar's whereabouts. He managed to follow a similar path, and made level 13.

Then Terry Kuntz noted both of his usual companions were not available to play, went forth with Terik, and made the lowest level successfully. No other players in the group managed that.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'When a character got down to this level there was no going back. The one managing that was given an appropriate reward then sent on a giant, one-way slide clear through to the other side of the world.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • 'Robilar was one of the first to make it around the Oerth.

By entering the lowest level in Greyhawk Castle, he was propelled by a magical slide to what would be modern day 'China.' Teric and Tenser followed, as they missed his return to the first level of the Castle, which, as a team, this trio held sway over. They caught up with him by scrying and they finished the adventure together.' ; Behringer, Douglas J.. Retrieved 2009-05-15. • Gygax: 'Many of them, the 'regulars' numbering around a dozen, were there seeking daily adventure sessions, while the majority of the others showed up to play on weekends. Sometimes there were over 20 D&D gamers gathered in my basement.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I enlisted Rob as co-DM for my campaign too, as it took two of us to manage the large player groups, and also to run all the game sessions demanded by smaller parties. Often times there were two long sessions a day in 1974 and 1975. I had to write material, so Rob ran many of them.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'There were well over 60 different players that participated in the game sessions that I ran, and that's one of the reasons that I had Rob Kuntz join me as co-DM.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Rob would DM for me one-on-one where I mostly roleplayed.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'When, after a couple of years of time, Rob became my co-DM, there was a massive alteration in the upper works of the castle, a whole, massive new 1st level was created, and then the level plan for the expanded lower levels of the dungeon was created anew, with the original levels of my making incorporated with those of Rob's dungeons, plus a number of new ones we created to fill the whole scheme.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I ceased the campaign in 1985 when I severed all times with TSR. I have used it on occasion since, of course, but not for regular, ongoing play.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The whole of the combined material Rob and I put together would be far too large for publication, 50 levels or so.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Q: 'I'm curious as to, in the early D&D games, how much character and personality did the players put into the PC's?' Gygax: 'The main thrust for most players back then was the action, so a few PCs were unnamed, and we referred to them rather caustically as 'Joe's fighter' or 'Bob's cleric'. The core group, the regulars, were much more concerned with developing their PCs, interacting with each other and some NPCs in character.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Q: 'Did you make up named spells like Melf's acid arrow, Otiluke's resilient sphere and Mordenkainen's disjunction yourself, or did these come from player research?' Gygax: 'All of those spells I made up, usually to honor a PC in my campaign, or for the person who suggested the basis.

Melf [ Melf's acid arrow] was a PC of son Luke.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: The next day they played, and with their PCs were two new ones, that of Rob Kuntz and Don Kaye's Murlynd.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'In general most of the players, myself included when initially adventuring and not DMing, thought little of the PC's name, but more about what thrilling things would transpire. Thus my first character was named Yrag.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Kuntz: 'Don was a great fan of the Western and an avid supporter of the Boot Hill rules.' Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-09-16.

• Gygax: 'The strange wands that Murlynd used made a loud noise and delivered a damaging missile, but neither effect was due to gunpowder. These were very rare magic items devised by Murlynd's arcane understanding of technology and how to make it function magically.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Kuntz: 'Robilar's name is derived from Gary's novel, The Gnome Cache.' Pied Piper Publishing. Archived from on 2009-10-17. Retrieved 2009-10-03.

• ^; Behringer, Douglas J. The Oerth Journal (7): 41–44. • Q:'What was the largest party Robilar ever adventured with (I mean, with other player characters)?' Kuntz: 'Probably 6-7 in the earlier days. That then was too much for my wants, which spurred me to seek solo adventures when possible.' Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-05-16.

• Kuntz: 'Gary was none too happy with Robilar's adventure beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil. Robilar had a great time dismembering creatures, crunching things and watching Gary's look of consternation grow with every toppled column. The final straw was the releasing of Zuggtmoy. The DM's vendetta pursued Robilar all the way back to his castle, which he was forced to abandon.'

Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-05-16. • Kuntz: 'Losing my castle was a major defeat, but I decided to abandon it because [Gygax] was noticeably intent on getting even with me for the Temple of Elemental Evil sacking I’d perpetrated.' Pied Piper Publishing.

Retrieved 2009-05-16. • Kuntz: 'The city, at the instigation of those Good forces, especially Tenser, had [the Green Dragon] confiscated.' Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-05-16. Kof 98 Plus Download there.

• Kuntz: 'Robilar, along with Teric and Tenser, formed a triumvirate and took over the first level of Castle Greyhawk for a while. They barracked their respective forces there and guarded ingress and egress, using the location as a base for further adventures deep within the sprawling castle complex. Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-05-16. • Gygax: 'Ernie, noting Rob's absence from adventuring with the party, sent Tenser on a solo quest to discover Robilar's whereabouts. He managed to follow a similar path, and made level 13.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'My first PC was a fighter named Yrag, back in 1972.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Q: 'Of the characters you have played, which is your favorite?' Gygax: 'I really must admit Mordenkainen is my favorite. I enjoy playing fighters, rangers, thieves, clerics, and multi-classed sorts in OAD&D, but the magic-user is usually most fun for me.' Johnson, Joel (2008-03-04).. Boing Boing Gadgets.

Retrieved 2009-05-14. • Gygax: 'Mordenkainen came into being about the first month of 1973.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The background I created for Mordenkainen was Finnish-like in nature.

I really was captivated with Finnish myth after seeing a B&W movie done by the Russians, I think, about [Vainomoinen], Leminkainen, and Ilmarinen adventuring to Pojola and entering Louhi's fortress, then reading The Green Magician by de Camp and Pratt as well as the Kalevala.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I do believe that Mordenkainen earned his twenty-something levels through cleverness, daring, a bit of luck, and dint of trying.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Q: 'May we see [Mordenkainen's] stats?' Gygax: 'Can you see Mordie's stats? Johnson, Joel (2008-03-04)..

Boing Boing Gadgets. Retrieved 2009-05-14. • Gygax: 'Mordenkainen was adventuring in Rob's dungeon when he surprised a 3rd level magic-user of Evil persuasion. Mordie's charm spell worked on that worthy, whose name turned out to be Bigby.

By dint of fellowship, lecturing, mentoring, and sharing with Bigby, he was not only turned from [Evil] to Neutral, but from there to a leaning towards [Good] as he considered his past actions.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Q: 'I heard a story which made it sound like Bigy was an NPC that you charmed and [who] later became your PC.' Gygax: 'Mordenkainen did indeed manage to get the drop on Bigby, [and] charm him. At the time Bigby was a 3rd-level [Evil] dungeon dweller. By word and deed Mordie brought him around from [Evil] to [Neutral], and thus Bigby became his apprentice. I got to roll the stats for that character after Rob [Kuntz] determined he was a loyal henchman of Mordenkainen.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • 'What's in a Name? Call it Whatever, But it Still Smells Sweet'. Bellevue WA: Paizo (318).

• Whitehead, Adam (2009-10-25).. The Wertzone. Retrieved 2010-04-15. • Gygax: '[Rary] was one that Brian Blume created early in the D&D cycle, a magic-user that Brian wanted to work up to 3rd level so as to introduce him as 'Medium Rary.'

When he gained that level Brian quit playing that PC, and pretty much dropped out of regularly playing D&D in fact.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The original [Circle of Eight] was composed of my PCs--Mordenkainen, Bigby, Yrag, Rigby, Felnorith, Zigby, Vram & Vin.

In the novel version the Circle was expanded to encompass other PCs in my campaign such as Tenser. It came into being because Mordenkainen and Associates had a lot of wealth stored up from successful adventuring, located a place for a stronghold deep in enemy territory to assure plenty of action, and then went to work building the citadel.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax:'As there was a small army of dwarves associated with the larger, mounted field army, the building project went relatively quickly, about three game years to complete.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'The Obsidian Citadel was indeed my personal creation as a player. It was an octagonal castle with eight wall towers and a central keep with much space between the outer wall and the inner works because of the number of troops housed in this fortress.. Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The Obsidian Citadel and its Circle of Eight was original to my own campaign. When Mordenkainen was at a level I considered too high for normal adventuring, I used the money he and his associates had amassed to construct the said fortress.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• (June 1976). 'The Gnome Cache (Part I)'. Lake Geneva WI: (1): 28. • Kuntz: 'Before [Gygax] codified the gods there [were] Norse Gods. Robilar really only mentioned Odin once or twice; Mornard's Gronan as well as Ratners's Ayelerach both swore by Crom.' Pied Piper Publishing.

Retrieved 2009-09-16. • Gygax: 'St. Cuthbert was more of a joke than otherwise. Consider the advocacy of pounding sense into someone's head by dint of blows from a club.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'The development of anything akin to a logical pantheon of deities for the world setting took a considerable period of time to complete because we seldom dealt with such entities in play. Cuthbert and Pholtus were amusing to the players with cleric PCs so I spent time detailing them.

The balance then followed as I brought into play evil deities to serve as villains and to frustrate the aims of the PCs.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • (August 1976). 'The Gnome Cache (Part II)'. Lake Geneva WI: (2): 6. • (February 1978).

'Quag's Keep (excerpts)'. Lake Geneva WI: (12): 22–30. • ^ (March 1989). 'Role-playing Reviews'..: (#143): 71–72.

Dungeons and Dragons Supplement I: Greyhawk. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. • ^ 30 Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast. • Gygax: 'When I initially began creating adventure material I assumed that the GMs utilizing the work would prefer substance without window dressing, the latter being properly the realm of the GM so as to suit the campaign world and player group.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'As I was running a game with a large number of players involved, I really didn't want to supply them with the whole world on a platter.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'When I was asked by TSR to do my World of Greyhawk as a commercial product I was taken aback. I had assumed most DMs would far prefer to use their own world settings.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Q: 'In Dragon 315, Jim Ward talks about the origins of the Greyhawk setting, and is quoted as having said: 'He [Gygax] had the whole world mapped out'. Does this mean you have material about the rest of Oerth hidden in your basement?' Gygax: 'Yes, I had a sketch map of the remainder of the globe.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The exact form of the remainder of the globe was not settled upon. I wanted an Atlantis-like continent, and possibly a Lemurian-type one.

Likely two large continents would have been added. The nearest would house cultures akin to the Indian, Burmese, Indonesian, Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese. Another would likely have been the location of African-type cultures, including the Egyptian. A Lemurian culture would have been based on the Central and South American cultures of the Aztec-Mayay-Inca sort.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'When I was asked to create a campaign setting for TSR to market, I did a new and compact 'world'—that only in part, of course, as that was all I could fit onto the two maps allowed. So that became the World of Greyhawk.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I found out the maximum map size TSR could produce, got the go-ahead for two maps of that size, then sat down for a couple of weeks and hand-drew the whole thing. After the maps were done and the features shown were named, I wrote up brief information of the features and states. Much of the information was drawn from my own personal world, but altered to fit the new one depicted on the maps.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'The World of Greyhawk setting was crafted to allow for individualization by DMs, of course, and so was non-specific and vague in places where the DM was likely to have created his own material.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'When I did the map for the World of Greyhawk product I made up 90% of the material on the spot.and liked it better than what I had been doing so switched my own campaign to the newly created world of Oerth. Only the places surrounding the City of Greyhawk came from my original campaign setting.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. Retrieved 2009-03-29. Retrieved 2009-06-23. • Gygax: 'Of course as my campaign world was active, had many players, I did not wish to detail it [for the general public], so I created Oerth, the continent of Oerik, and all that went with it for general use by other DMs. I found I liked it so well that I switched my group's play to the World of Greyhawk soon after I had finished the maps and manuscript.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'In regards to the timeline for the WoG setting, I had no immediate plan for advancing it as the world was meant to be used by all DMs so desirous, each making it conform to his own campaign needs.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'In general the player groups in my campaign were not much interested in politics and warfare. When I played my PCs, I was always meddling in politics and had a large army, so some warfare was played out with Rob as the DM.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Greyhawk was set up to enable both political play and large-scale warfare.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'The relatively low level of NPCs, and the balance between alignments was done on purpose so as facilitate the use of the world setting by all DMs. With a basically neutral environment, the direction of the individual campaign was squarely in the hands of the DM running it. That was done because to my way of thinking dominance by one alignment group tends to restrict the potential for adventuring.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • ^ 'Often promised, but often delayed, WORLD OF GREYHAWK sometimes appeared destined to never see the light of publication. Soon the summer was fast disappearing, along with most of our expectations, but on a fateful day in early August, the cherished cry was finally raised. THE WORLD OF GREYHAWK had arrived!' Seiken, Jeff (February 1981). 'The Dragon's Augury: The Wait Was Worth It'.

Lake Geneva WI: TSR. V (8): 48–49. • (May 1980). 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll: Greyhawk - The Shape of the World'.

Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 11 (37): 10–11, 30. •; (August 1981). 'Leomund's Tiny Hut: Adding Depth to the Flanaess'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 2 (52): 18–24.

• (November 1981). 'From the Sorcerer'Scroll: More 'Meat' for Greyhawk'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 5 (55): 17–19. • Axler, David (December 1982).

'Weather in the World of Greyhawk: A Climate for realistic AD&D adventuring, adaptable for use in your world'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 7 (68): 42–53. • Gygax: 'I must accept the blame, of course, as I okayed the material. Of course, being a DM who always flew by the seat of his pants, I never used [the tables].

When I was running a game the weather was what I said it was.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • (December 1981). 'From the Sorcerer'Scroll: More 'Meat' for Greyhawk'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 6 (56): 17–19. • (January 1982).

'From the Sorcerer'Scroll: More 'Meat' for Greyhawk'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 7 (57): 13–16. • (July 1982).

'Greyhawk's World - News, Notes and Views of the Greyhawk World: Events of the Eastern and Southern Flanaess'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 1 (63): 14–17. • (September 1982). 'Greyhawk's World - News, Notes and Views of the Greyhawk World: Events of the Eastern and Southern Flanaess'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 4 (65): 11–12.

Deities and Demigods. Lake Geneva WI: TSR.. • (August 1982). 'Greyhawk's World - News, Notes and Views of the Greyhawk World: Events of the Eastern and Southern Flanaess'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. • (March 1983). 'Greyhawk's World: Four Uncharacteristic Characters'.

Lake Geneva WI: TSR. 9 (71): 19–22. World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting. Lake Geneva WI:. • Gygax: 'Had I remained in creative control of the D&D game line at TSR one of the projects I planned was the complete development of the Oerth world setting, and production of source nodules for the various states and outstanding features of the Flanaess—such as the Roft Canyon, the Sea of Dust, etc.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Q: 'What direction would have Greyhawk gone? How different would it be today?' Gygax: 'There would be a complete globe with more continents and states thereon.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: I did intend to expand the WoG setting to cover the complete planet. No real work had been done on this project, though, when I parted from TSR at the end of 1985.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'I had plans to create material detailing the various states and major terrain features of the world setting, as well as completing the world with a second boxed set.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'Francois had a map of a continent and some islands to the east, and they were going to be added. The 'Orient' was actually to be past them, closer to the West Coast of Oerik. Len Lakofka had an eastern continental addition as well as the Lendore Isles, so what I planned to so [ ] was incorporate Francois' and Len's maps with Oerik, complete the lower continent below it, and have a real globe.' Archived from on October 5, 2012. Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• (August 1985). 'At Moonset Blackcat Comes'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR (100): 22. ] • (December 1984). 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll: Clerics live by other rules'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR (92): 22.

] • Heard, Bruce (February 1984). 'Spells between the covers'.

Lake Geneva WI: TSR (82): 55. • (May 1984). 'Special skills, special thrills'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR (85): 12. ] • (January 1985). 'Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd'.

Lake Geneva WI: TSR (93): 24. ] • Gygax: 'I was alerted to a problem: Kevin Blume was shopping TSR on the street in New York City. I flew back from the West Coast, and discovered the corporation was in debt to the bank the tune of circa $1.5 million.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Rausch, Allen (2004-08-16).. Retrieved 2011-01-30.

• Gygax: 'Anagrams of my name are exclusively my property according to my settlement agreement with TSR, so that is how I can use Zagyg, or Zagig, as well as Yrag.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Later TSR and [Wizards of the Coast] approaches to and treatment of the Greyhawk setting was quite contrary to the purpose for which I intended it when it was created.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• (April 1987). Lake Geneva: TSR.. • (August 1987). The Price of Power. Lake Geneva: TSR.. • (March 1988). The Demon Hand.

Lake Geneva: TSR.. • (July 1988). The Name of the Game. Lake Geneva: TSR..

• (September 1989). The Eyes Have It. Lake Geneva: TSR.. Amazon Books.

Retrieved 2009-05-28. Check date values in: date= () •. Retrieved 2009-05-30. • (January 1988).

'The Game Wizards: A volume of Oerthly Delight'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR (129): 57. • ^ (August 1988).

'The Game Wizards: Readers speak out on Greyhawk Adventures'. Lake Geneva WI: TSR (135): 30. •; Rose, Rik (1989).

The City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions. Lake Geneva WI: TSR Inc. • ^ (October 1993). 'Role-playing Reviews'..: (#198): 49–51. Pied Piper Publishing. Retrieved 2009-05-16. • Sargent:'The cult of Mayaheine is one considerably on the increase in beleaguered non-evil Flanaess lands, for Mayaheine is a demipower of protection and survival.'

From the Ashes. Lake Geneva WI: TSR. • (March 1993).

'Campaign Journal: Greyhawk Adventures risen from the ashes'. Dragon (191): 64–68. • (April 1994).

'Campaign Journal: A strange alliance'. Dragon (204): 52–57. • (June 1994). 'Campaign Journal: The Sea Barons'. Dragon (206): 34–41. • (August 1994). 'Campaign Journal: The Adri Forest'.

Dragon (208): 47–58. • Anonymous (May 1995). 'Rumblings: TSR publishes lost Greyhawk manuscript electronically'. Dragon (217): 98. The Acaeum: Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Compendium. Retrieved 2009-06-17.

• Emerson, Ru (July 1999). Against the Giants. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast..

• Kidd, Paul (October 1999). White Plume Mountain. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Kidd, Paul (June 2000). Descent into the Depths of the Earth. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Green, Roland J.

(November 2000). Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Reid, Thomas M (May 2001).. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Kidd, Paul (October 2001).

Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast..

• Emerson, Ru (November 2001).. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Strohm, Keith Francis (February 2002). The Tomb of Horrors. Renton WA: Wizards of the Coast.. • Tulach, Chris (2008-06-20)..

Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved 2009-01-31. • Conforti, Steve (2005-03-02)... • Player's Handbook (2014) • Gygax: 'The original map of Greyhawk city was one sheet of graph paper with colored boxes indicating various places where PC would go--inns & taverns, armorers, money changers & banks, gemners & jewelers, city buildings, guilds, etc. That was expanded to two, then four map sheets, with the thieves' quarter and Rob's Green Dragon Inn shown.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Q: 'After you left TSR, you finished the Gord the Rogue books. At the end of the cycle, Oerth bites the bullet.

Was this your way of saying that Greyhawk is dead and that fans should turn away from TSR's version with disdain?' Gygax: 'More my way of saying that since T$R had killed the setting with trash releases, it was time to wipe out the shame by obliterating the setting.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. Retrieved 2009-09-04. • Gygax: 'I have laid out a new schematic of castle and dungeon levels based on both my original design of 13 levels plus side adjuncts, and the 'New Greyhawk Castle' that resulted when Rob and I combined our efforts and added a lot of new levels too. From that Rob will draft the level plans for the newest version of the work. Meantime, I am collecting all the most salient feature, encounters, tricks, traps, etc.

For inclusion on the various levels. So the end result will be what is essentially the best of our old work in a coherent presentation usable by all DMs, the material having all the known and yet to be discussed features of the original work that are outstanding. Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'The whole of the combined material Rob and I put together would be far too large for publication, 50 levels or so. What I have done is gone back to my original design of more modest scope, because I doubt the work will need to accommodate groups of 20 PCs delving on a daily basis.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: '.the original upper and lower parts of Castle Greyhawk changed many times over the years they were in active use. What we will do is to take the best of the lot and put that into a detailed format usable by anyone.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'I did indeed create details for the PC party on the spot, adding whatever seemed appropriate, and as Rob played and learned from me, he did the same, and when we were actively co-DMing we could often create some really exciting material on the spot, if you will.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'As Rob learned from me, he too DMed by the proverbial seat of the pants method. A single line of notes for an encounter was sufficient for either of us to detail a lengthy description, action, dialog, tricks or traps, and all the rest.'

Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'What our challenge is going to be is to cull the extraneous, take the best, and re-create the details we made up on the spot.

Of course the most famous things will be there, along with most of the best parts that are not well-known through story and word of mouth.' Retrieved 2009-03-15.

• Gygax: 'Yggsburgh was a pain in the rump to write because I wanted to include as much detail as possible for the GM interested in using it as a campaign base. So there are sections on history, costume, monetary system and economy of the area, and complete descriptions of the town, its main locations, and the outstanding geographical areas all with encounters or suggestions for same.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'the problem is that I tire out after about an hour.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. • Gygax: 'Rob has finished his add on module, but i have not been up to doing the work needed to create the upper works of the castle proper, let alone the dungeon levels below them. When my oldest friend died in late November, it was quite a setback for me.

Anyway, I am feeling a good deal better if late, and I will attempt real creative work as soon as I feel up to it--likely March.' Retrieved 2009-03-15. Black Blade Publishing. Retrieved 2010-10-08. Further reading [ ] • and.

• Gygax, Gary. • Gygax, Gary.

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