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TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this effort is to develop and demonstrate a self-healing/self-routing wiring system for Army aviation applications. DESCRIPTION: Aircraft wiring with the ability to autonomously wire repair itself by healing and rerouting itself would increase aircraft safety and significantly save the Army in inspection/repair costs. The goal is to develop an advanced low cost wiring system that can be implemented into legacy and future Army rotorcraft.

The wiring system should seamlessly be incorporated into Army aircraft without requiring any special installation equipment. The wiring system should weigh less or not exceed the current Army wiring systems. The new wiring system is required to meet all current military specifications for application for Army aircraft. As Army aircraft age the internal wiring connecting electronic systems become a significant maintenance concern.

Authentication to Combat Vishing Attacks; SB163-007: Explainable Machine Learning for Resource Allocation; SB163-008: Assessing Deterrence in the Gray Zone; SB163-009: Low Voltage Power Sources for Long-Life Electronics; SB163-010: Compact, Efficient, Fiber-Coupled High Power Laser Diode Pump Module. Ċ, AQUACULTURE LEARNING MODULE.pdf. View Download, 2556k, v. 3, Oct 31, 2012, 7:46 PM, Rex Galos. Ċ, AQUACULTURE TEACHERS GUIDE.pdf. View Download, 581k, v. 3, Oct 31, 2012, 7:46 PM, Rex Galos.

Aging wiring can become brittle causing damaging mechanisms to harm key wiring components and thus the electronic equipment they are connect to in the aircraft. For example, the wiring in aircraft electronic systems can wear causing portions of the protective rubber coating to chafe off exposing the wire’s internal metal material fibers to the aircraft’s internal environmental conditions.

Moisture on exposed wires can induce shorts and open circuits in the aircraft components to which they are connected. As a result, the electronic components can malfunction or, in a worst case scenario, initiate a fire as internal electrical components such as capacitors become overheated. Over time, aging wiring can also fail when the metal material fibers fatigue and break under excessive operational vibration cycles.

Regardless, any wiring system new or old can become compromised due to improper handling by maintenance personnel or enemy fire ballistic damages. To address these inherent wiring maintenance concerns, this topic’s intention is to develop a wiring system that can autonomously detect and alleviate wiring connectivity issues by healing itself or redirecting electrical current through healthy wires. This topic’s goal is to develop and demonstrate a self-interrogation device -healing/self-rerouting wiring system. The wiring system must be able to function/survive in the harsh aircraft internal environments. The wiring system must also survive exposure aircraft chemical spills. The wiring system should be as small and lightweight as possible and have the capability to transverse in small areas. The wiring system should be affordable and be easily manufacturable.

The wiring system will be graded for performance with metrics to include ability to detect when wiring is damaged without false positives, the ability to accurately detect damaged the portion within the minimal distance, wiring systems ability repeatability without fault to reroute current to healthy wiring. PHASE I: Develop and conduct a feasibility demonstration of the advanced wiring system self sustaining maintenance technology components. This may include modeling of the wiring performance, and coupon level experimental testing.

Modeling should include the ability of the wiring system to detect damage and redirect electrical current through healthy wiring. This demonstration shall validate identified critical technical challenges. PHASE II: The contractor shall further develop the self-healing/self rerouting wiring system based on the Phase I effort for implementation on an Army rotorcraft.

The capabilities of the self-healing/self rerouting wiring will be validated by conducting testing using electronic systems representative of aircraft controlling electronics. This testing shall validate the ability of the wiring system at the smallest distances possible. Testing should include seeded faults of the simulated electrical system to demonstrate the wiring system capabilities.

The contractor shall address manufacturing issues of the wiring system, as well as identify Phase III path ahead for military qualification. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This technology could be integrated in a broad range of military/civilian aircraft. The potential exists to integrate and transition this wiring system into existing and future Army aircraft components, such as those for the Apache, Chinook, Black Hawk.

REFERENCES: • MIL-STD-704F, Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics, 25 Oct 2013 • MIL-W-5088L, Military Specification Wiring Aerospace Vehicle, 10 May 1991 • Steven Harrigan, “A Condition-Based Maintenance Solution for Army Helicopters”, The AMMTIAC Quarterly, Volume 4, Number 2(). TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Air Platform OBJECTIVE: Development of a biological, geophysical, and anthropogenic based model to determine background noise level in various environments. DESCRIPTION: DoD, NASA, FAA, and the National Park Service (NPS) have all increasingly become cognizant of the acoustic impacts that air traffic has on the local soundscape. Acoustic mitigation procedures like limiting air tour travel [1] and managing flight trajectories [2] have been proposed and implemented to limit noise impacts on the environment and community. Integral to the determination of specific acoustic signature effects on community noise and the natural soundscape is knowledge of the current background noise levels for that location. This is critical when noticeability of the vehicle is considered to be the noise metric of interest, as would be the case for the NPS, entrusted to maintain the ‘natural quiet’ of their parks [3]. An example of this would be comparing the North edge of the Grand Canyon, where it is very quiet and so hearing a commercial jet at cruise altitude is quite easy, with Niagara Falls, where a low-flying helicopter might go unnoticed.

Past research has identified that background noise levels within the United States can be predicted using geospatial models accounting for biological, geophysical, and anthropogenic factors [4]. Further, it has been shown that citizen acquired data can be used for noise mapping tools [5].

PHASE I: The objective of phase I is to create a proof-of-concept model for determination of acoustic background noise levels across CONUS. Proof-of-concept model must be compared with acoustic data from 3 sites across CONUS that were not used in the generation of the model. Develop strategies to generate predictions and acquire validation data of acoustic background noise that are applicable to OCONUS. Develop technology transition plan and initial business case analysis.

PHASE II: The objective of phase II is to further develop the background acoustic noise model. The acoustics model must be well validated for CONUS locations and should begin to be coupled with a GIS tool, such as Google Earth, for user interrogation. Strategies for generating acoustic background noise predictions for OCONUS locations must begin to be implemented, along with a process for acquiring calibrated acoustics data of OCONUS locations. Refine transition plan and business case analysis. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Further development of the above acoustics background noise prediction tool to become finalized. Final tool must be well validated against acquired and calibrated acoustics data, fully integrated with a GIS tool, and will provide a predictive capability to assess acoustic background noise across the world. The resulting tool is applicable to both military and commercial aircraft and rotorcraft.

Key military applications include predicting vehicle aural detection during flight operations. The associated/validated tool will be useful for accurate mission planning and land use models for both military and civilian community operations. The tool would also be useful in providing realtors and home buyers with information regarding the expected acoustics of their prospective neighborhood. REFERENCES: • Cart, J. “FAA to Limit Air Tours Over Grand Canyon,” Los Angeles Times, 29 March 2000.

• FAA, “Report to Congress: Nonmilitary Helicopter Urban Noise Study”, December 2004. • Lynch, E., Joyce, D., and Fristrup, K., “An assessment of noise audibility and sound levels in U.S. National Parks,” Landscape Ecology, No.

26, 2011, pp. DOI 10.1007/s10980-011-9643-x. • Mennitt, D., Fristrup, K., and Sherrill, K., “A Geospatial Model of Ambient Sound Pressure Levels in the continental United States,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. DOI: 10.1121/1.4755074 • D’Hondt, E., Stevens, M., and Jacobs, A., “Participatory noise mapping works! An evaluation of participatory sensing as an alternative to standard techniques for environmental monitoring,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, October 2013, pp 681-694.

DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2012.09.002. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Weapons OBJECTIVE: Develop technology and methodology to optimize optical imaging quality for stationary and gimbaled, infrared, imaging missile seekers imaging through non-spherical domes. DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Army requires the ability to cost-effectively image through non-spherical, infrared missile domes. The Army seeks novel applications of optical design and digital image processing to acquire this ability. The Army seeks to extend the range of its missiles without significant airframe and motor development.

Non-spherical domes may be employed to reduce aerodynamic drag and efficiently extend the range of the missiles. The technology developed in this effort shall apply to multiple platforms. Therefore, solutions must be adaptable to various low-drag dome shapes. Imaging solutions are the primary focus of this effort. Low-cost dome fabrication research is currently underway through a separate SBIR effort.

Corrector optics solutions have been pursued [1] [2] in many past efforts; but those embodiments have proven to be too costly for expendable platforms like missiles. Advances in optical materials and fabrication techniques [3] [4] and digital image processing [5] [6] show that timing may be right to reinvestigate opportunities to achieve our imaging goals with new technology.

The path to the lowest cost and highest performance may incorporate novel digital image processing in addition to novel optical components. Past efforts in missile technology have used super-resolution techniques [5] and computational imaging [6] to achieve system performance in a very restrictive design environment. The Army would like to determine the applicability of image processing not only to provide the unique imaging capability, but also to potentially achieve the lowest possible seeker subsystem cost. Missile platforms for this effort may employ imaging seekers which operate in the mid-wave-infrared (MWIR) or long-wave-infrared (LWIR). These correspond to wavelengths 3 to 5 microns and 7 to 13 microns respectively. The Army prefers to operate its future missile seekers in multiple modes.

At a minimum, the Army prefers the ability to operate seekers on these missile platforms in a dual-mode configuration with a 1.06 micron laser designator sensor. Additionally, larger diameter missile platforms may also be required to operate while transmitting Ka-band radar through the dome. Therefore, the Army would also prefer dome materials and imaging system components which might allow for such transmission. Platforms of interest to the Army are those with outside missile diameters of 2.75-inches, 5-inches, and 7-inches. The smallest platform of interest is likely to have a stationary, non-gimbaled sensor operating behind the non-spherical dome. The larger platforms (5 and 7 inch diameters) are more likely to be gimbaled and use multiple imaging modes.

These gimbaled sensors will rotate behind the dome as much as 10-degrees in angle from the longitudinal axis of the missile and dome. Typical aerodynamic domes of interest have base diameters slightly smaller than the missile outside diameters. The length to diameter ratios of the aerodynamic domes must be greater than 0.5 (spherical), but will likely be less than 1.5. Profiles may be elliptical, power series, or some other linear functions. Phase I conceptual dome shapes should approximate these specifications simply to show feasibility.

One goal of this effort is to show adaptability of the novel imaging technology to varied dome shapes. Therefore, specific domes of interest may be provided by the Army in later phases of this effort. Phase I proposals will be technically evaluated on the perceived ability of the technology to simultaneously achieve the goals of minimal production cost and high infrared imaging quality. PHASE I: Deliverable Summary. Prior to the conclusion of Phase I, the Army requires: • Detailed descriptions, designs, and representative image processing routines used to develop the novel imaging technology.

• Documentation of findings, proof of feasible fabrication and operation, and potential limitations on dome characteristics and/or applicability of the novel technology. • Brief analysis of component production cost projections for the mature technology. • Demonstration of any key component technology to the imaging solution.

The goal of the Phase I effort is to demonstrate the feasibility of novel optical, optomechanical, and image processing technologies used in an imaging missile seeker exhibiting the desired properties as described in the previously stated description. A Phase I effort shall incrementally develop this technology to image infrared radiation through a notional - but relevant - non-spherical dome with less than a 0.3-milliradian instantaneous field of view system resolution and a system field of regard of at least 20 degrees. System latency should be sub-frame at 30Hz. Phase I will establish a novel optical design, image processing technology, and a defined path to low cost. Fully justified research documentation and designs are required in Phase I to prove feasibility.

Fabrication and demonstration of key innovative component technologies will be considered as advantageous risk reductions in Phase I. Proposed solutions should employ either a cooled MWIR sensor or an uncooled (or cooled) LWIR sensor as the primary imaging sensor. The Army will perceive an advantage to proposals which address both; however, a detailed study in one band still has significant merit. MWIR and LWIR objectives do not have to be met with the same dome material or optical design. Incorporation of a 1.06-micron laser receiver in the optical design will also be considered an advantage. A successful Phase I effort does not need to address all the missile platform diameters of interest. The Phase I proposal shall declare which platform sizes the technology will address.

It will be considered an advantage if the Phase I can show a feasible path to scaling the novel technology to all platform sizes of interest. A successful Phase I will also emphasize cost savings in the future mature technology, and show feasibility of creating a seeker with similar (or less) cost as compared to current gimbaled missile seekers. PHASE II: The Phase II effort shall produce a functioning imaging prototype to prove feasibility and reduce risk of the novel technology developed in Phase I. The Phase II shall incrementally reduce the risk of this technology, and shall refine future production cost projections. It is the Army’s intention to provide one dome prototype for this demonstration; however, the developmental dome and its availability and quality is currently unknown. Phase II plans should recognize this risk and plan accordingly. The Phase II shall demonstrate adaptability of the technology to different dome exterior shapes.

The investigating firm shall deliver at least one fully functioning prototype seeker sensor to the Army in Phase II. The prototype shall be demonstrated and tested, and all test documentation shall be delivered to the Army in Phase II. Detailed design data shall be delivered to the Army in order to prove manufacturing feasibility.

Phase II reporting shall address any manufacturing concerns of the novel optical technology. The Phase II shall detail any capabilities and limitations of the novel optical technology due to environmental effects such as temperature, shock, and vibration.

A Phase II effort should also include marketing of the technology to missile prime contractors, and establishing relationships for potential integration of the technology into real missile platforms. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Simultaneously develop technology for integration into a specific missile platform as well as develop spin-off commercial applications for any materials, fabrication methods and processes, image processing concepts and implementations, or novel design processes which were developed through the SBIR effort. Potential commercial technology areas might be in commercial optics fabrication or software for design, assessment and/or fabrication of similar commercial optical components. REFERENCES: • Trotta, P. A., “Precision Conformal Optics Technology Program,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol.

4375, pp 96-107 (2001) • Zhang, W., Zuo, B., Chen, S., Xiao, H., Fan, Z., “Design of fixed correctors used in conformal optical system based on diffractive optical elements,” Applied Optics Vol. 3, pp461-466 (2013) • Parish, M., Pascucci, M., Corbin, N., Puputti, B., Chery, G., Small, J., “Transparent Ceramics for Demanding Optical Applications,” Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 8016 (2011). • Bambrick, S., Bechtold, M., DeFisher, S., Mohring, D., “Ogive and free-form polishing with UltraForm Finishing,” Proceedings of the SPIE Vol. 8016 (2011) • Young, S. S.,, “Applications of Super-Resolution and Deblurring to Practical Sensors,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6941 (2008) • Harvey, A.,, “Digital image processing as an integral component of optical design,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop fast computational methods for predicting thermal stresses and distortion in complex structures fabricated with metal-powder bed additive processes.

DESCRIPTION: Develop a new computational method to enable the generation of an efficient design tool for optimizing the support structure of additive manufactured (AM) parts to reduce distortion; while minimizing the amount of support material in order to reduce build costs and improve build quality. This tool is targeted for AM market to reduce product development times and costs. Current approaches to the analysis of processing effects on thermal stresses are extremely numerically inefficient requiring excessive computational resources and are impractical for broad application. PHASE I: Develop and demonstrate the computational method and design tool on a complex metal missile structure designed with topology optimization. The structure should be a minimum of 4 inches by 4 inches by 4 inches, non-symmetric and contain ligaments of varying thickness. Demonstrate a process simulation that predicts deflections due to residual stress within 10% and runs in under 5 minutes on a standard workstation for the 4x4x4 structure. Plans should be developed to integrate the tool into existing support-generation software.

PHASE II: Demonstrate the computational method and design tool on a relevant missile component or structure. This demonstration should include component and system level structural analysis, fabrication, and metrology to verify dimensional accuracy. Three different applications are required to demonstrate repeatability of the entire design and fabrication process. Integrate the design tool into commercial support-generation software. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Demonstrate the process on a relevant Army application, and provide complete engineering and test documentation for development of manufacturing prototypes. A relevant application could include weight reduction from missile components or structures in an existing and/or future system application.

REFERENCES: • N. Stucker, 'A new finite element solver using numerical Eigen modes for fast simulation of additive manufacturing processes,' in Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX, Aug, 2013, pp.

Denlinger, J. Irwin, and P. Michaleris, 'Thermomechanical modeling of additive manufacturing large parts,' Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 061007, 2014.

Michaleris, and E. Reutzel, 'Thermo-mechanical model development and validation of directed energy deposition additive manufacturing of Ti–6Al–4V,' Additive Manufacturing, vol. Michaleris, and T. Palmer, 'Modeling forced convection in the thermal simulation of laser cladding processes,' The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 307-320, 2015. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Weapons The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.

Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop an enhanced rendering capability for use in simulation to evaluate PEO MS, PEO Aviation and sensor and weapon system projects and programs. Quantify the relationships between rendered scene fidelity, current rendering hardware, and computational requirements toward solutions that will support both high fidelity quasi-time limited to hard real-time weapon system simulation applications to include hardware-in-the-loop. DESCRIPTION: Rendering and scene generation approaches for simulation applications have relied upon raster-based graphics rendering techniques/applications for the past 20 years or more. These techniques have yielded incremental performance improvements due to considerable expensive hardware specialization, but they often use expedient shortcuts to approximate phenomenology effects. The resulting imagery often does not meet fidelity requirements for use in performance evaluation of increasingly more sophisticated sensors and seekers. Phenomenology modeling and rendering innovation are needed, where raster methods fall short, to provide accurate reflective signatures needed to test sensors and seekers operating at wavelengths less than 3 microns.

This topic focuses on investigation of revolutionary rendering methods as an alternative to the current incremental improvements to raster-based scene generation. Ray tracing-based rendering is considered the purest and closest thing to physics-based rendering. It solves the rendering equation without simplifications (fully physics-based method that best mimics nature), has realistic/proper treatment of natural and manmade global illumination sources, it provides an opportunity to significantly improve spatial and temporal anti-aliasing, it is inherently parallelizable (tailor made for cluster processing platform) and has the ability to explicitly handle complex high polygon count scenes. Ray trace rendering has seen very limited adoption because of the perceived large runtimes and hardware requirements needed to render a high fidelity scene using these methods.

As the ever increasing scene generation fidelity requirements have largely reached the limits of traditional raster-based rendering methods, the need has arisen to perform a thorough investigation and follow-on design for ray trace approach that can be scaled as a rendering solution. This approach should apply several fidelity and computing performance metrics. Also required is a determination of the cross-over point when fidelity and performance requirements will mandate the transition to ray tracing-based rendering. PHASE I: Leverage COTS computational capability and COTS/GOTS software to benchmark rendering fidelity versus compute time. Investigate current and future processor performance capabilities.

Tailor ray tracing algorithms to processor-optimized frameworks to improve performance, and demonstrate the application of ray tracing to a variety of use cases including several spectral bands. Obvious configuration options to be varied include: the number of pixel samples, the number of ray bounces, the number of spectral samples, and the polygonal representation of the rendered geometry. Raster rendering video sequences will also be generated using the existing raster technology and results compared with the ray trace rendering. Scalability of the ray trace rendering methods will be estimated and used to specify hardware requirements to support simulations up to hard real-time HWIL. Phase I will result in a recommended proof-of-concept ray trace rendering system design that includes both software and hardware. PHASE II: The proof-of-concept design completed in Phase I will be developed in detail based on a detailed understanding of the relationship between fidelity and compute time. A proof-of-concept computational platform will be designed and developed for use in testing.

Representative ray tracing use cases will be selected. The focus in Phase II will be to collect data on the performance metrics to investigate how compute time scales with respect to different hardware sizes and architectures. These comparisons will be used to obtain insight on: how selection of rendering hardware system architecture affects performance, how distribution across a compute cluster reduces compute time, how the method of subdividing the task may influence these choices, and finally, how to transform this knowledge into tailoring algorithms for existing and future hardware. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Develop a prototype ray trace rendering system capable of hard real-time simulation and integrate this system into an AMRDEC HWIL laboratory to support testing. The system will also have the potential to address requirements of others in the tri-service community including signature management, intelligence, and C4ISR that cannot be supported with current raster scene generation techniques. REFERENCES: • Walters, C.

P., Hoover, C. W., & Ratches, J.

Performance of an automatic target recognizer algorithm against real and two versions of synthetic imagery. Optical Engineering, 39(8), 2279-2284. • Wald, I., Slusallek, P., & Benthin, C.

Interactive distributed ray tracing of highly complex models (pp. Springer Vienna. • Shirley, P., & Morley, R. Realistic ray tracing. AK Peters, Ltd. W., Gilmore, M. A., Filbee, D.

R., & Stroud, C. (2003, September).

Accurate scene modeling using synthetic imagery. In AeroSense 2003 (pp. International Society for Optics and Photonics. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop efficient algorithms and processes for the physics-based modeling and rapid generation of complex multipath effects within urban environments suitable for implementation within existing scene generation capabilities. DESCRIPTION: The Army has need for the accurate and timely representation of multipath affects within urban environments to support the modeling and simulation (M&S) efforts of missile-borne seeker development, system-level performance evaluations, and mission planning for urban operations (UO).

The primary goal is the development of this capability for radio-frequency (RF) seekers operating in the millimeter-wave (mmW) region but development efforts could include other RF or infrared (IR) bands. In addition, both active (mono-static) and semi-active (bi-static) geometries should be modeled during development.

For Army applications of this topic, the RF source location is typically above the buildings with targets at or near ground-level and only energy propagation external to buildings or other structures need be represented and modeled. The multiple paths of energy propagation present in urban areas often disrupt important features in the range and Doppler signatures of targets used by conventional radar systems to perform target acquisition and tracking.

The range-Doppler smearing and other distortions caused by these multipath contributions to the target’s return will adversely affect the sensor’s ability to perform these critical functions under UO conditions. This SBIR seeks innovative approaches for analytically representing these multipath effects that can be rendered using existing RF scene generation capabilities without incurring unsustainable increases in runtime. Algorithms and processes developed under the program must properly model all of the key physical processes present in UO conditions: wavefront propagation, reflection, diffraction, and geometrical shadowing. Previous experience has shown that full vector-wavefront propagation is required to properly model polarization effects especially for specular and diffuse reflected components.

Current methods for representing multipath rely on straightforward parametric models of the specular and diffuse contributions for a single-bounce from the ground. The goal of this topic is the demonstrated capability to represent these multipath effects in the far more complex urban environment via modeling processes suitable for use in scene generation code and simulations. PHASE I: Demonstrate the feasibility of modeling and representing multipath effects at the physical level within urban environments by identifying and developing innovative algorithms and processes. Identify key metrics for quantifying the quality of the representation and assessing potential runtime impacts before integration into current scene generation products.

Develop and execute a verification plan for algorithms and processes developed during Phase I. Coordinate the collection of data needed to support these Phase I verification activities and for performing validation of the algorithms and processes developed under Phase II of the program. Identify any specific areas limiting throughput or restricting fidelity requiring further development. PHASE II: Design, develop, and demonstrate a full-fidelity capability for representing multipath effects within urban environments. Complete development and/or refinement of any limiting areas identified during Phase I to a sufficient level for meeting program fidelity and runtime requirements.

The developed software architecture and operational requirements will be documented and must be compatible with existing Army simulation and scene generation software and tool suites. To achieve Phase II runtime objectives, algorithm enhancements leveraging the OpenCL language shall be developed to take advantage of GPU and vector processor type CPUs to minimize execution speed while maintaining code portability and functionality. Metrics identified in Phase I will be used to assess speed, accuracy, and fidelity in representing multipath effects in UO conditions. The Phase I verification plan will be extended for the algorithms and processes generated under Phase II of the program and executed as needed.

A validation plan will be developed and executed for the full-fidelity capability prior to the completion of Phase II activities. The required end-state for Phase II program development is documented, verified and validated (V&V) code ready for integration into system-level integrated flight simulations (IFS). Results from the V&V process will be used to support a TRL-6 rating and guide Phase III activities. ITAR control is required and Contract Security Classification Specifications, DD Form 254 will also be required.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Design, develop, and demonstrate a real-time optimized urban multipath representation operating within existing hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) architectures supporting Army systems such as Joint Air to Ground Missile (JAGM) and Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). To achieve Phase III runtime objectives, novel algorithm and hardware enhancements will be required to minimize execution speed while maintaining code portability and functionality. These developmental efforts will then be leveraged to extended multipath capabilities to HWIL applications where reasonable tradeoffs in fidelity are acceptable to achieve required realtime constraints while retaining the core urban multipath modeling capability. The V&V process will be updated, executed, and documented as needed to demonstrate maturity for Army customers needing these capabilities. Additional commercialization opportunities exist both within the DoD and private sector. The modeling capabilities developed under this program have a wide range of applications for radar-centric systems. This includes M&S-based development and performance evaluation of UAS-borne surveillance radars operating in urban terrains, particularly for multiple UASs operating cooperatively to fully monitor activities at the city-wide level.

In addition, the developed capability will facilitate the M&S-enabled development of advanced and novel radar designs, such as multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) aperture systems under consideration for DARPA’s Multipath Exploitation Radar (MER) program. REFERENCES: • MI Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems, New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.

E., Antennas and Radiowave Propagation, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. • N Fourikis, Advanced Array Systems, Applications and RF Technologies, New York: Academic Press, 2000. • Siwiak, K., and L.

Ponce de Leon, “Simulation Model of Urban Polarization Cross Coupling,” Electronic Letters, Vol. 22, October 29, 1998, pp. • Siwiak, K., H. Bertoni, and S. Yano, “Relation between Multipath and Wave Propagation Attenuation,” Electronic Letters, Vol.

1, January 9, 2003, pp. • Krolik J., J Farell, A. Steinhardt, “Exploiting multipath propagation for GMTI in urban environments,” Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference (NY: Verona, April 2006), pp.

• Corre Y., Y. Lostanlen, “Three-Dimensional Urban EM Wave Propagation Model for Radio Network Planning and Optimization Over Large Areas,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.

7, September 2009. • Tobias Rick and Torsten Kuhlen (2010). Accelerating Radio Wave Propagation Algorithms by Implementation on Graphics Hardware, Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications, Andrey Petrin (Ed.), ISBN:978-953-7619-65-7, InTech. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Weapons The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Identify and produce a low-cost material that matches or exceeds the performance of depleted uranium (DU) in kinetic energy (KE) penetrator applications. DESCRIPTION: Beginning in the 1970s, depleted uranium was selected as a replacement for tungsten alloys used in a variety of armor-piercing projectiles.

In addition to enhanced performance, the manufacturability, low material cost, and abundant supply of DU have made it a practical choice for KE penetrators. Limited opposition to the use of DU exists in some circles based on the idea that, as a heavy metal, depleted uranium deposited on the battlefield might represent a serious persistent health or environmental hazard.

Because of this opposition, the Army has been exploring alternative materials for KE penetrator applications. This SBIR topic requests a fully dense KE penetrator material that matches or exceeds the ballistic performance of depleted uranium. The cost of the proposed material should not exceed 200 percent of the cost of military grade tungsten heavy alloy purchased in production quantities. The Army may consider materials and processes that exceed this cost ceiling if they provide exceptional KE penetrator performance or if they offset the material cost through reductions in other life-cycle costs. The material proposed should be less toxic than conventional tungsten nickel cobalt heavy alloys. The offeror should provide a commercialization strategy that details the roles the contractor plans to assume in the supply chain (e.g., licensing, material production, machining, sales of complete projectiles) to incorporate this technology into medium caliber munitions.

The offeror should also identify intended commercialization partners. The proposal should also detail expected investment required to commercialize this technology. PHASE I: The offeror should use a multiscale materials modeling approach, such as Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), to develop material options to replace depleted uranium in the kinetic energy penetrator application. The materials developed shall meet or exceed the terminal ballistic performance of current depleted uranium alloys.

The modeling effort will produce a complete description of the materials, including, but not limited to, composition, crystal structure, phase identification, preferred microstructural features, and expected mechanical and physical properties. Candidate materials shall be submitted for high-strain-rate testing to demonstrate the formation of localized shear bands. The offeror shall demonstrate the successful synthesis and fabrication of the most promising candidate material compositions by delivering 12 identical samples of the fully dense material in kinetic energy penetrator form (5.6 mm diameter and 16.7 mm in length) for testing at the US Army Research Laboratory. Create a scale-up strategy for material production. Perform cost analysis detailing the anticipated cost of full scale production. PHASE II: The offeror shall build on the insight provided by the results of the Phase I ballistic tests by the Army and those of the high strain rate tests to optimize the candidate composition for medium caliber penetrator performance.

Conduct follow-on high-strain rate tests and metallurgical characterizations for the improved material. The offeror shall scale up the synthesis and processing of the down-selected material sufficiently to produce a single batch of material to fabricate 25 identical penetrator rods (65g mass, 20:1 length to diameter ratio, right circular cylinder, dimensional tolerances shall be provided). The offeror shall perform ballistic characterization with these penetrators against standard 3' rolled homogenous armor (RHA) at zero degrees obliquity or similar tests, comparing these results against conventional tungsten penetrators.

The offeror shall also fabricate from a single batch of material an additional 25 identical copies of these penetrators for delivery to the Army for independent characterization. Tests should be structured to enable comparison with equivalent DU test data. Further optimize the composition, processing, and material properties based on Phase II ballistic test results to meet launch survivability and terminal ballistics requirements. Deliver 25 prototypes (half-inch diameter, eight-inch length) to the Army for testing. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Scale up material for tests in 120mm tank rounds. Private sector applications include the use of projectiles to replace high explosive charges for cutting hard surfaces in mining, drilling, excavation, demolitions, and salvage operations.

REFERENCES: • 'Front Matter', Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2008.. (Accessed August 19, 2014). Ott et al., Synthesis of high-strength W-Ta ultrarine-grain composites, J. Res., 23 (2008) 133-139. • Min Ha Lee and Daniel J.

Sordelet, Shear localization of nanoscale W in metallic glass composites, J. Res, 21 (2006), 492-499. • X.F.Xue, et al., Strength-improved Zr-based metallic glass/porous tungsten phase composite by hydrostatic extrusion, Appl.

Let, 90 (2007) • Tapan K. Chatterjee, K T. Ramesh and John B. Posthill, 'Electron Microscopy of Tungsten Heavy Alloys After High Strain Rate Tests' Microscopy Society of America, August 1-5, 1994, New Orleans. • Ames Laboratory, 'Nanostructured Material Offers Environmentally Safe Armor-piercing Capability, May Replace Depleted Uranium.'

(accessed August 19, 2014). 'High Strain Rate Deformation Behaviors of Kinetic Energy Penetrator Materials during Ballistic Impact.' Mechanics of Materials: 147-54. Keele, Edward J. Rapacki Jr., and William J. Bruchey Jr., 'High Velocity Performance of a Uranium Alloy Long Rod Penetrator,' Technical Report BRL-TR-3236, Ballistic Research Laboratory, (Accessed June 17, 2015).'

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Design, develop, and demonstrate a system for detecting and geolocating human targets in a GPS-denied environment based on state-of-the-art sensors, robotic systems, and wireless communication technologies.

DESCRIPTION: Advances in HF/VHF wireless radio communications, in miniaturization of robotic systems, and in remote sensor systems (RSSs) have the potential to provide to commanders on the battlefield an unprecedented capability to identify and geolocate various objects in a GPS-denied area. Currently, geolocation of objects in GPS-denied conditions relies on inertial measurement units (IMUs) that resides on the tracked objects. As a result, the current geolocation technology is focused predominantly on the blue force and not on neutral or hostile targets. Further, IMU-based geolocation of an object suffers from cumulative error that increases with the length and complexity of the path that such an object travels in a GPS-denied environment. Current and evolving technologies should allow smaller and more sophisticated robotic systems to carry and place advanced RSS in the vicinity of a person of interest to relay the location of that person, possibly through mesh networks of other robotic systems, back to the ground station for geolocation. Friendly targets of interest can be aware of detection, but enemies must be oblivious to detection. Under the proposed system, geolocation should be dramatically more precise than information provided by IMUs alone or other presently available technology.

PHASE I: Investigate innovative solutions and methodologies to detect and geolocate human targets in the GPS-denied environment. Demonstrate a proof of principle of the human detection and supporting geolocation technology through modelling and simulation of various scenarios with multiple robotic platforms and either a single human or multiple humans to be detected. Demonstrate through simulation and modeling that detection of human targets can be achieved with a 50 percent success rate for an individual target and with over 60 percent success for multiple human targets.

Demonstrate also that the accuracy of geolocation will be accurate to within 5 meters. PHASE II: Develop and demonstrate a prototype human target detection capability with the desired probability of detection and accuracy that can be inserted into a realistic fires and effects architecture to be supplied by ARDEC.

The technology implementation must be capable of seamless integration and operation within this architecture. Conduct testing to demonstrate feasibility of the human target identification technology and the supporting geolocation and tracking system for operation within a simulation environment operated by ARDEC. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The architecture and software developed under this effort should be scalable to at least tens of robotic platforms and possibly hundreds of them. The software and prototypes developed under this effort will have dual military and civilian search and rescue applications. Military operations could use this capability for enhanced situational awareness while engaging the enemy combatants in subterranean, GPS-denied environments. In particular, this capability will enhance the situational awareness of the soldiers in the urban building-to-building and door-to-door combat missions.

Finally, search and rescue operations could use this capability to find and map people trapped in the rubble after natural disasters. REFERENCES: • US Army, CERDEC, 'Future Force Warrior Navigation Sub-System Performance Evaluation Test Report', August 2008. • US Army, PM SBIR, 'Intelligent Human Motion Detection Sensor', • R.

Mackey, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-66, Military Operations, 'Force Operating Capabilities', 2008. Wagner, 'An Introduction to the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS), Open Skies', 2008, • M. Cummins and P. Newman, 'Highly Scalable Appearance-Only SLAM – FAB-MAP 2.0,' In Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), Seattle, USA, June 2009 • M. Pavlicek and M. Pechoucek, 'Autonomous UAV Surveillance in Complex Urban Environments', IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agents Technologies, pp.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Weapons The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Design, develop, prototype and demonstrate a selection of single element, achromatic, focusing elements, that allow for the reduction of lens elements required to reproduce color-corrected imagery.

Evolve the technology for manufacturability and survivability in a military environment. This technology will benefit Crew Served and Sniper fire control systems by reducing the size and weight of Fire Control devices. DESCRIPTION: The necessity for snipers, soldiers, and crew served weapons operators to rapidly and accurately detect targets on the battlefield is a capability that is of high interest to the department of defense, across all agencies. A single optical component that is able to precisely focus light at different wavelengths will reduce the number of optical components required in a weapon mounted fire control sighting system, greatly reducing the size and weight of the system. The desired wavelength range is 390nm to 700nm (Human Visible Spectrum).

The intent is for the contractor to determine what level of achromaticity is achievable across the spectrum of visible light using this technology. The lens technology developed under this effort will result in cost and weight savings across all branches of the armed forces. The transition of this technology to industry will reduce the size, weight & complexity of optical systems by reducing the number of lenses. PHASE I: Identify materials and methods for producing a SEAL. Optical properties shall be modeled, and performance quantified. Small-scale proof-of-concept samples shall be produced with identified materials and methods. Any software utilized and literature addressed shall be identified by the contractor.

Contractor shall clearly state in the proposal and final report how the phenomenology provides the unique capability for achieving the design goals. PHASE II: Develop prototype SEAL. Prototype shall be F/7 or faster, with a half field of view no less than 5 degrees. Prototype shall be optimized for a minimum of three (3) visible wavelengths (486nm, 587nm, 656nm). Modeling and simulation will be provided quantifying the optical performance of the SEAL (Spot Diagrams [Both Monochromatic & Polychromatic], Ray Fans, MTF (Modulation Transfer Function), Distortion, and Field Curvature). A prototype shall be fabricated and delivered to the Government. Testing shall be conducted on prototype SEAL to verify its actual performance versus modeled expectations.

The Government will keep at least one prototype. Any software utilized and literature addressed shall be identified by the contractor. Contractor shall clearly state in the proposal and final report how the phenomenology provides the unique capability for achieving the design goals. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Optimize the physical properties for military applications. Prototype a rifle mounted fire control sight using this technology that demonstrates the benefits in size and weight over currently fielded systems. Replace conventional optics with the design in a scope that represents the optical performance of a fielded military small arms sighting system.

Test and report the results of the optical metrology/performance and weight savings. Create a partnership with industry to commercialize the technology and improve the manufacturability. The prototype will be TRL 4 at the end of phase III. REFERENCES: • Metasurface. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation.

OBJECTIVE: To design and develop a miniaturized uncooled infrared (IR) imager package prototype suitable for future integration onto nano-unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and soldier-mounted situational awareness sensors. DESCRIPTION: To date, the bulk of government investment in uncooled infrared imaging technology has been dedicated to improving ultimate sensor performance for sensitivity, resolution, and time constant, while moving to larger camera formats. As uncooled sensor performance on these metrics has improved, and as reduced pixel pitches and wafer-level packaging have enabled ever-smaller infrared imaging modules, new applications for micro-infrared (IR) camera packages are now possible. Leveraging industrial and government investment in miniaturized uncooled infrared camera cores, and commercial digital readout circuit and electronics design, there is an opportunity to demonstrate a digital micro-IR camera package with direct application to nano-UAV and other very compact soldier-borne situational-awareness sensor applications. A rugged day/night infrared imaging system, including optics, wafer-packaged camera cores, and compact digital electronics, should be demonstrable by integrating into a single low-cost package for evaluation and testing by Army laboratories. PHASE I: Show proof of concept for a micro-IR camera by developing a complete design for a digital-output uncooled camera package with a camera core weight of. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.

Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Research and develop innovative techniques that utilize the radar’s ability to synthesize and directly emit diverse waveforms such as those that could be used for missions other than radar communications, data link, jamming, etc. DESCRIPTION: Today’s modern radar systems leverage the state-of-the-art in array design, RF electronics, and signal processing.

In this regard, the notion of utilizing the radar’s ability to synthesize and directly emit diverse waveforms such as those that could be used for missions other than radar lends itself to an evolutionary shift in how radar systems could be employed. Furthermore, advanced radar arrays could allocate a portion of the antenna aperture for one mission while another portion could be used for an entirely different mission e.g. Communications, data link, jamming, etc. Conceivably, this could be done at either the RF waveform stages, the beamforming stages, or some combination thereof. PHASE I: Explore concept feasibility to first Identifying hw/sw implications to support proposal, the frequencies/techniques of interest, followed by analysis evaluating candidate arrays at the range performance i.e. Probability of success vs.

Range, and anticipated performance given some general scenarios. In addition to the research productivity, the detailed Phase I study report should also include a block diagram identifying the functional components of what the back-end channelization/processing of diverse modes would look like in a radar architecture to include some estimates on cost-savings/increase, performance, and security implications. (TRL 3) PHASE II: Based on Phase I results, implement a fully functioning prototype solution for radar waveform diversity. Results from Test & Evaluation should demonstrate the value-added for tactical ISR radar systems. Produce a final report for Phase II describing specific concepts. (TRL 4) PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Further develop prototype into a transitional product with necessary documentation and test results for Program of Record supported by PEO IEW&S. In addition, the prototype should be socialized across the DoD for potential leveraging when applicable.

(TRL 5+) REFERENCES: • C. Shariar et al, “Overlapped-MIMO radar waveform design for coexistence with communication system”, 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference • S. Kim et al, “PSUN: An OFDM scheme for coexistence with pulsed radar”, 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems OBJECTIVE: Design and develop an Intelligent Power Distribution Unit (IPDU) capable of managing a diverse set of loads and communicating with users and other microgrid assets. DESCRIPTION: A tactical microgrid must have the ability to quickly accommodate changing power requirements and remain flexible at all times in a variety of tactical scenarios using varying loads and sources.

The variable and unpredictable electrical loads of a tactical microgrid require intelligent management to prevent generator overloading and loss of power to loads. Current research efforts are focused on implementation of generator digital control systems that provide increased capabilities to the family of AMMPS generator sets. Although this will greatly improve the functionality within a tactical microgrid, load management and power distribution remains a critical and underdeveloped aspect to overall mobile power management scheme. While power generation and distribution are closely related, the military requires a solution in which power distribution can operate independently of energy storage and sources. The ideal power management solution must incorporate features that build upon existing standards and fielded equipment (i.e., NATO cables). (Current Power Distribution Illumination System Electrical (PDISE) units do not have the capability to appropriately adapt to changing requirements.) Therefore, the Army seeks an Intelligent Power Distribution Unit (IPDU) that is designed to replace or retrofit current PDISE equipment and seamlessly integrate into a more complex tactical microgrid, which may include renewables, energy storage, and other nonconventional systems. This IPDU must be capable of operating independently of other components in the power grid, be able to independently determine if a situation could cause grid collapse, and take appropriate action, such as prioritized load shedding, to save the grid.

Operational and functional characteristics that are of importance for an IPDU include • Use of an open architecture framework to ensure flexibility to operate all hardware and software with multiple communication protocols, as defined by the Army, for control of the generator units, receipt of load information from the electrical bus, and interoperability between other components. • Compatibility of all hardware and software with DOD or industry communications standards where appropriate standards exist. • Use of a flexible communication system to enable secure communications via Ethernet, wireless or power line carrier. • Ability to automatically determine the electrical hierarchy between assets within the power grid. • Forward compatibility and have the future ability to operate as either the overall control system for the microgrid or simply communicate and execute commands from another control system. • Operational compatibility to meet cybersecurity standards as described in the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy.

PHASE I: Design a proof of concept intelligent power distribution unit capable of connecting a variety of sources and loads into an Intelligent Power Distribution Unit. Examine integration of novel technologies for communications and asset location identification. PHASE II: Develop, demonstrate and validate a prototype IPDU that integrates sophisticated Power management and could have the future capability to communicate with sources, energy storage with user interface. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Implement the IPDU on tactical microgrids and potential commercial applications. REFERENCES: • • •.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to design, develop, and fabricate a software/firmware based all Digital-IF (Intermediate Frequency) wireless communications modem, which can be hosted on a Commercial- Off- The- Shelf (COTS) computing platform or commercially supported hardware platform. DESCRIPTION: Historically wireless modems have been designed onto a fixed hardware platform, where the platform’s RF circuitry and computational logic is designed to support the specific modem functionality at the time of inception. At the time of inception, the hardware capability may be considered cutting edge, however by the time the development cycle is completed and the technology is fielded, that hardware platform is already a few generations behind. This is a circumstance which makes it difficult to quickly migrate to newer technology that may become available, without yielding some form of return on the prior investment. The current landscape of wireless communications is changing, although the underlying principles of communications remain the same, network architecture and waveform augmentations are enabling efficient and robust system implementations for enhanced communications. For example, the Army has studied methodologies for implementing bandwidth efficient modem technologies that provide some level of resiliency against unintentional/intentional inference. In order to take immediate advantage of this newer technology requires either some form of research and development investment to barely upgrade existing technology or purchasing newer modem technology, while maintaining and sustaining the older modem technology.

The Army has developed and demonstrated All Digital-IF terminal technologies, which has enabled the design of a newer breed of wireless modems. These All Digital-IF modems, no longer require any RF circuitry in the modem function, reducing the hardware platform to strictly performing computational logic functions and signal processing. This enables modem technology to be hosted as either firmware or software. Whereas a software port can be issued on a licensing basis, and the hardware platform can be bought as a COTS PC platform or commercially supported hardware platform, at a relatively inexpensive price.

The Army is seeking an innovative software/firmware based wireless modem solution that leverages standards based Digital IF, and enables migration to newer wireless modem technology rapidly, in a cost effective manner, such that the return on investment is quickly realized. The solution shall be portable across a family of COTS PC platform or commercially supported hardware platform, utilizing the available board resources provided by the platform, i.e no special or custom boards. The ONLY exception, is the addition of COTS based peripherals for 1/10 GbE, and PCI-e or mezzanine card like standard expansion module for transec module. The other objective is to determine the feasibility of the hosting approach, COTS PC platform or commercially supported hardware platform. Where a trade would be conducted to determine which is the best approach for hosting waveforms, and the associated nuisances with either hosting approach.

It is envisioned that if a hardware platform were to be the targeted host, that some level of standardization would need to be defined to support portability objective. The notional software/firmware modem shall support all waveform functionality associated with transmission and receive chain [user data, bit/symbol mapping, scramblers, FEC and Differential encoder/decoders, carrier recovery, symbol timing recovery, transec etc.]. Notional modem shall support monitoring and reporting capability for link metrics such as but not limited to; signal strength, Eb/No, BER, carrier lock.

Notional software/firmware modem shall support symbol rates up to 60 Msps. Notional modem shall respectively support ANSI and IEEE standards for Digital IF and packet transport. For demonstration purposes, the communications waveforms shall be at least compatible with PSK type waveforms listed in MIL-STD 165, at a minimum. PHASE I: Design notional concept(s) for software/firmware architecture that would support all essential and critical waveform functionality associated with but not limited to; communications (modulation/demodulation), transec, module configuration, hardware platform device configurations, control & status, “discovery” methodologies for error trapping/handling, built in test.

Perform an analysis to determine the computational resources required to implement the notional modem. Perform trade-offs on supportable data rates, and simultaneous supported channels at those particular rates. Identify a number of candidate COTS PC platforms or commercially supported hardware platforms, from which will support the notional software/firmware architecture and the resulting analysis of required computation resources.

Define notional standardization required of platform resources to support software/firmware portability. Effort shall result in a preliminary design of the notional software architecture, and simulation to verify and validate preliminary design.

Simulation shall be a preliminary functional model of the modem system architecture, where the model can evolve as notional capabilities are added. The model must account for the wired user data input interface (i.e model networking stack or access system driver to emulate) and wireless transport mechanism, (i.e. Must model media access controller and physical layer function), when transport is wireless.

Model must be modular and support the generation of test vectors for each adjacent module. Model must also support the ingestion of test vectors. Model must ultimately be used to validate and verify functionality, and in the realization of the hardware solution. PHASE II: Design, prototype, test, and demonstrate the Software/Firmware Based All Digital-IF wireless modem on a COTS PC Platform or commercially supported hardware platform.

The resulting Software/Firmware Based All Digital-IF Modem shall be ported across at least three distinct COTS PC Platforms, if the outcome of Phase I determines this type of platform as the best choice. If the outcome of the Phase I determines that the commercially supported hardware platform is best choice, then the offeror shall port at least two distinct waveform types (not concurrently) onto the chosen hardware platform, and have the waveform interoperate with another identical hardware platform running the same instance of the waveform type. One notional demonstration can be a Hub instance to a remote instance and M-PSK to M-PSK instance, or “specialty” waveform instance to “specialty” waveform instance. Where each platform shall be tested and demonstrated at three system modes (low data rate, medium data rate, heavy data rate), where all functional features (i.e. FEC, Differential Coding, Scrambling, Monitoring) will be operative. These systems shall be tested communicating, from one system to another, and verify and validate all bits are received within a given error tolerance that is commensurate with “synthesized” noise.

Modem shall support symbol rates up to 60 Msps, and be compatible with PSK class of waveforms in MIL-STD 165. For a Hub to remote demo, or “specialty” waveform, systems must interoperate amongst themselves for demonstration purposes. It is understood the actual symbol rates that can be achieved, will be subject to results of Phase I findings. The resulting Phase II deliverables shall be the software/firmware ports, and three COTS PC platforms or a two commercially supported hardware platforms. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: With the proliferation of all Digital-IF based wireless communications, the envisioned end state is to extend Software/Firmware Based All Digital-IF Modem to current and future waveforms that are envisioned to be used by the DoD.

The technology developed is directly applicable to supporting the near term initiatives for The Air Force Wideband Enterprise Terminal (AFWET) program and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), to rapidly upgrade their current wireless modem technology seamlessly and in a cost effective manner. Software Based All Digital-IF Modem will enable AFWET and SPAWAR to rapidly field newer waveform technology to combat against contested communications, and continually improve their communications capability as the threat signatures evolve. Additionally, this capability will reduce the life cycle and sustainment cost associated with the tradition acquisition cycle.

Commercialization of Software Based All Digital-IF Modem will significantly reduce recurring development cost associated with developing a waveform, enable rapid productization, enable cost effective technology refresh, all of which is a tremendous benefit for the military and commercial sector. This technology can be directly extended to the commercial sector use space; in fixed/mobile broadband service applications, ad-hoc wireless networking waveform development and porting. REFERENCES: • 1.

FAST Digital IF Architecture and Open Standard Digital IF Interfaces, Beljour, H.; Lescrinier, S.; Palmer, O.; Michaels, A.J.; Mathes, R.; Beeler, M., Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2014 IEEE Year: 2014, Pages: 1344 – 1350, DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.2014.223 • 2. Proof of concept effort for demonstrating an all-digital satellite communications earth terminal, Beljour, H.; Hoffmann, R.; Michael, G.; Schoonveld, W.; Shields, J.; Sumit, I.; Swenson, C.; Willson, A.; Curtis, T.; Weerackody, V., MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, 2010 – MILCOM 2010, Pages: 1547 – 1551, DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.20 • 3. Concept for an all-digital satellite communications earth terminal, Beljour, H.; Hoffmann, R.; Michael, G.; Shields, J.; Sumit, I.; Swenson, C.; Willson, A., Military Communications Conference, 2009. IEEE Year: 2009, Pages: 1 – 5, DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.20 KEYWORDS: Software Defined Modem, All Digital OSDI Modem, Software Based Digital Modem, Digital-IF, Digital-IF Modem. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Air Platform OBJECTIVE: Develop and apply innovative materials, films, coatings and technologies or manufacturing techniques which allow current Army airdrop related hardware and equipment to survive fresh and salt water operations without damage nor significant maintenance impact with increased reliability.

No additional equipment will be required by the user; the objective is to upgrade current equipment designs rather than provide additional equipment with additional associated training, maintenance and disposal costs. DESCRIPTION: Current Army cargo airdrop operations are mainly conducted on solid ground drop zone (DZs), however there are times when water operations require the use of airdropping cargo into bodies of water. These can be fresh or salt water. In both training and actual operations, it is imperative to provide the user reliable equipment with minimal maintenance requirements during recovery and turnaround for the next mission.

Current procedures often require equipment to be broken down, mechanically cleaned, rinsed and air dried after water drops. Some equipment requires rebuild by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), or even disposal after a mission. It is the objective of this SBIR topic to modify the design of current legacy equipment to accomplish this goal, using the latest material science and manufacturing techniques without requiring the use of additional equipment and supplies. The focus this topic should be on non-textile components.

Success will be measured in reduction of maintenance time between drops and elimination (or reduction at a minimum) of corrosion present on the equipment after a water airdrop, all at current or higher reliability. Cost new waterproof hardware should be no more than 40% greater than hardware costs. PHASE I: Identify potential technologies for improvements in waterproofing airdrop hardware, using current state of the art materials and techniques. Equipment drawings will be updated to show design enhancements. The goal of the Phase I is to demonstrate the feasibility of waterproofing legacy hardware at the manufacturing level with minimal impact to user. Cost trade-off studies will be provided to demonstrate the cost impact of applying such technology to airdrop hardware.

Efforts could encompass more than fundamental changes to the hardware design(s) by providing the user hardware which surpasses current Army maintenance models. The deliverable of this phase will include drawings, prototypes (if fabricated), calculations and commercial sources for all new materials proposed for use. Hardware to be considered in this effort are the Effective Force Transfer Coupling (EFTC), the parachute release (M-1, M-2 and ACPRS), and Type V platform (see references). PHASE II: Modify existing equipment designs to include waterproofing measures, while maintaining existing rigging and operational procedures for cargo airdrop equipment. Fabricate improved hardware and delivery to test site within seven months of Phase II award.

Demonstrate updated hardware with waterproofing measures in place to validate form, fit and function are unchanged during intended use. Initial testing of updated hardware will occur at Yuma Proving Ground using qualified military or Government provided contractor rigging personnel. This initial testing will verify the waterproofed systems still function as intended in a standard airdrop on dry land. Testing will then move to water airdrops using the new waterproof hardware to validate the waterproofing designs.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Hardware protected from water encroachment has potential in the consumer and military electronics, as well as other areas where the risk of water damage is present. Advances in waterproofing and manufacturing in general could provide benefits far beyond military operations REFERENCES: • Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Airdrop Platforms; Airdrop Derigging and Recovery Procedures; Reference Data for Airdrop Platforms, TM 4-48.02 • Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Typical Supply Loads. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes OBJECTIVE: The objective of this effort is to develop an improved general purpose (GP) tent fabric in support of the Army Standard Family of Soft Wall Shelters (ASF-SWS) draft Capability Development Document (CDD). This fabric will enhance the survivability of tensioned or non-tensioned tents, and should exhibit a high level of flexural durability under multi-dimensional stressing in extreme temperatures. The fabric shall also be flame resistant, opaque for the purpose of providing blackout, and compatible with current and future manufacturing technologies. The proposed solution may be coated, laminated, electro-spun or produced by any other method as determined by the proposing entity. DESCRIPTION: The Army seeks an advanced technical material capable of meeting the planned requirements set forth within the ASF-SWS draft CDD.

The fabric shall be flame resistant, durable, flexible, lightweight and compatible with existing manufacturing techniques. The production-level fabric shall have a target cost not to exceed $12/sq. To guide the development of the desired fabric, adherence to the following GP tent system characteristics is required: Flammability: All fabric materials used for tent construction shall be lightweight and shall be fire, water and mildew resistant. All parts of the tent system shall be resistant to the deteriorating effects of rot, fungus, mildew or corrosion under both operational and storage conditions, wet or dry. All materials shall allow for tent striking for storage with minimum drying time to preclude mildew. All tent fabric including roof, walls, floor, liner, partitions, plenum, modesty curtain, tie tapes, fly’s, guy lines and ropes shall be flame resistant, self-extinguishing within two seconds when tested IAW ASTM D6413, and shall have no flaming melt drip or molten pieces when exposed to flame or heat. Field Life: The tent shall have a minimum field life of three (3) years.

No part of the tent shall be degraded beyond use by the environmental conditions. The tent shall not suffer any reduction in capability due to the effects of weathering over the three-year field life of the system. The MGPTS is expected to have a typical usage of 28 erect/strike cycles per year during peacetime operations. Temperature: Tent shall be fully operable in ambient temperatures between -60 °F to +120 °F.

There shall not be increased component stiffness in cold temperatures that prevents the setup/strike of the system. There shall not be any weaknesses due to high temperatures that prevent the setup/strike of the system.

There shall not be any deformation, fractures, discoloration or tears of material due to temperature. Shelf Life: The tent shall have a minimum shelf life of 10 years. No part of the tent shall be degraded beyond use by storage while wet or dry.

All parts of the tent system shall be resistant to the deteriorating effects of rot, fungus, mildew or corrosion. The tent components shall not suffer any loss of strength, increased water permeability or light emissivity due to storage and transportation at temperatures as low as -60 °F or as high as 180 °F. The tent shall be able to be setup after storage at these temperatures with no damage or degradation or loss of operational use. This requirement applies to new tents still in their original crates.

Wind Load: The tent and all component parts, when setup per the manufacturer's instructions, shall be capable of withstanding a steady wind of 50 miles per hour for 30 minutes and wind gusts of 65 mph in 10 second durations from any direction, over the end or side surface of the tent perpendicular to the direction of the wind without sustaining damage which prevents the tent from being taken down and setup again. This test applies to conditions where the guy lines (high wind guy lines) are anchored in a way that eliminates the possibility of the guy lines coming loose. Sunlight: The tent shall withstand exposure to direct sunlight for 18 months. Components exposed to direct sunlight or in contact with components exposed to direct sunlight shall tolerate material temperatures up to 160 °F without degradation which affects the ability to setup or strike the tent, reduces the blackout capability of the tent, reduces the ability of the tent to support the required snow load or reduces the ability of the tent to resist rain intrusion. Snow Load: The tent shall support a snow load of 10 pounds per square foot per AR 70-38, on the fly (if applicable) and roof for a maximum period of 12 hours without sustaining damage that prevents the tent from being taken down and setup again. Wind Driven Rain: The tent without liner shall be capable of withstanding a wind-driven rain at 2 inches per hour with wind speeds of 50 miles per hour (MPH) for 30 minutes with three (3) occurrences of five (5) second wind gusts to 65 mph within the same 30-minute period.

The tent shall also withstand 35 mph wind-driven rain at a rate of one (1) inch per hour for three (3) hours without evidence of leakage through the tent fabric, flaps, seams or vents that would result in degradation of safety or loss of mission capability. Humidity: The performance of the tent shall not be adversely affected by ambient humidity between zero and 100% (relative humidity), regardless of ambient temperature.

Blackout: The fully erected tent system in any configuration without liner shall show no evidence of detectable light leakage through the fabric or any openings when viewed with the naked eye at 100 meters or with the aid of night vision goggles at 300 meters. Blackout compliance shall be maintained during personnel entry/exit through the vestibule, and with the tent setup on varying terrain as defined herein.

Condensation: The tent shall minimize condensation on the inside of the tent that may adversely affect personnel or loss of mission capability. Mildew and fungus: The tent shall resist dry rot, fungus and mildew encountered in tropical climates. Environmental Acids: The tent shall resist damage from acids, including acid rain and bird droppings.

Petroleum Products Resistance: All components shall resist damage by petroleum products used by the military such as, but not limited to, diesel and jet fuel. The definition of damage includes visual evidence of permanent discoloration, or material breakdown including pitting, shredding, softening, or weakening of the fabric material.

Color: Exterior color of all fabric components shall be green or tan. Interior facing sides of the liners and or tent fabric shall be a light color, to reflect light. All components shall have a dull finish to reduce reflectance. The specular gloss of the exposed side of the tent shall be less than 2.0 on the face side. All screening in the tent shall be green for temperate tents or aluminum for desert tan tents. PHASE I: The awardee shall propose a six (6) month period of performance with a three (3) month option period, to research and develop an improved GP fabric.

This new GP fabric shall support all aforementioned performance characteristics of the end item tent system. The awardee shall also perform market research on all existing fabrics that may support this project. It is desirable for the fabric to be novel, and thereby exhibit improvements upon existing GP fabrics. In addition, in order to fulfill reporting requirements, the awardee shall report monthly on their progress, in the form of a 4-8 page technical report indicating accomplishments, project progress and spending against schedule, tables, graphics, and any other associated test data.

• Six (6) monthly reports, culminating in a 7th “Final” report at the end of the six (6) month base-period. • A separate Market Research report, highlighting existing and future fabric materials and technologies in support of this effort.

• A total of six (6) 12” by 12” square swatch samples of developed fabric, showcasing three (3) different candidate fabric solutions. In other words, each candidate solution is represented by two (2) swatch samples, and three (3) candidate solutions must be delivered. • Limited evidence of candidate fabrics’ or fabric components’ ability to meet GP tent system characteristics. This limited evidence may include fabric testing and/or component material specifications. PHASE II: Phase II is a significant R&D effort resulting in a full-scale, prototype GP tent. Additionally, the GP fabric developed must be producible in 500 yard lengths or more in an automated manner. The Phase II effort will significantly improve upon on the performance and manufacturability of the fabric technology developed under Phase I.

Awardee may choose to work with another vendor to facilitate the patterning and construction of the tent system. This effort will not exceed 2 years or $1M in cost. Required Phase II tasks and deliverables will include: • Evidence of the developed fabric meeting or exceeding 90% of the GP tent system characteristics. This evidence shall be in the form of test reports and other supporting documentation. All testing shall utilize standard test equipment and methodologies whenever possible. Proposing entity may develop their own test methods, but is asked to elaborate on the procedures through reporting.

• Incorporate further improvements to performance and manufacturability of fabric based on discoveries in Phase I. In addition, provide evidence of fabric being capable of seaming, adhesion, heat sealing, and/or radio-frequency (RF) welding. • 500 yards of improved fabric on a roll 60” in width, produced in a manufacturing relevant environment. • A complete tensioned or non-tensioned GP tent system, constructed from the yardage listed above.

It is expected that the tent will require approximately 250 yards of fabric. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The initial use of this technology is for military applications, but we foresee an extension of the technology to other governmental organizations and commercial industry. Products developed under the Phase I and Phase II efforts will also aim to improve comparable commercial products. Items that may incorporate improved fabric technology are as follows: • Tent rental industry • Disaster relief shelters • Recreational tents • Structures that provide habitation for organizations such as the National Science Foundation during ice plug drilling in Greenland/Antarctica • Application to other military cold/hot weather deployed assets consisting of fabric sub-components: such as bags, wraps, storage containers, floor systems, and tonneau covers. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Weapons The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop novel advanced vision based precision guidance & closed-loop control, linked to real time video touch screen control, for gun-launched projectiles.

DESCRIPTION: Current precision munitions use GPS for their primary guidance and navigation system, typically in a 'fire and forget' mode where the target is pre-programmed. The Army is investigating alternatives to GPS, including vision based technologies, to provide precision guidance & closed-loop control, linked into real time video touch screen control, for gun-launched projectiles. This will allow future projectiles to have guidance, navigation and control tied in to real time video control on a user terminal. Development of this system will allow projectiles to change course and attack target(s) that the user either preprograms or directs the projectile to target by touch screen as the projectile flies, maintaining a target track once the user identifies it. This Topic will specifically investigate novel and state-of-the-art video systems that will be embedded into the munition (ranging from 40mm to 155mm), survive gunfire shock (up to 20,000 g's), survive other extreme environments (hot and cold temperature, transportation shock/vibration, etc.

- the final system will be tested against the requirements of MIL-STD-810). The video must provide the required level of fidelity and resolution in real time while the munition is in flight, and must be able to detect targets on the ground in all weather conditions (light, dark, fog, sand, dust, etc.). The Army is not looking for COTS systems to satisfy this need. This Topic is NOT intended to develop the control actuation system, as this is being developed separately. Once awarded a Phase I, the company will be provided interface information that will allow for the vision based guidance and navigation technology to interact with the control actuation system, as well as more specific technical performance requirements.

The target unit cost for this sub-system is less than $100.00 in large volume. PHASE I: Phase I will consist of an engineering study that indicates how the proposed technology will meet requirements with sufficient technical rationale based on analysis, demonstration, testing, and/or models and simulations. Phase I will result in a laboratory prototype and accompanying report that documents Phase I progress and indicates how the technology will be further developed in Phase II.

PHASE II: Phase II objectives are 1) prototype development of a representative munition (inert) with the video guidance and navigation technology integrated, and interfacing with the Control Actuation System 2) Analysis of the prototype in a simulated operational environment fired from a representative weapon and demonstrated at an appropriate facility, and 3) a final report documenting results/success and recommendations for further development. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The Army is currently investigating multiple calibers of guided munitions that this technology could transition to. Commercial applications could include the unmanned aerial system/drone industry and surveillance applications, as well as high speed robotic ground platforms. REFERENCES: • Very Affordable Precision Projectile System and Flight Experiments; Frank Fresconi, Gordon Brown, Ilmars Celmins, James DeSpirito, Mark Ilg, James Maley, Phil Magnotti, Adam Scanlan, Chris Stout, Ernesto Vazquez; • Open source computer-vision based guidance system for UAVs on-board decision making; Choi, Hyunwoong, Geeves, Mitchell, Alsalam, Bilal, & Gonzalez, Luis F. (2016); • Autonomous Control of GPS Denied Guided Airdrop Systems Using Radio Beacon Feedback; Martin R.

Cacan, Georgia Institute of Technology; Edward Scheuermann, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael B. Ward, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mark Costello, Georgia Institute of Technology, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference San Diego, California, USA; • Precision Weapons, Raytheon Company; • What are Precision Guided Munitions?; Megan Mitchell, BAE Systems, Inc. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Air Platform OBJECTIVE: Design and demonstrate rapid and agile approaches to secure modular avionics architectures, incorporating emerging standards-based avionics approaches such as Future Airborne Capabilities Environment (FACE), Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA), Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST), Open Mission Systems (OMS), Joint Common Architecture (JCA), System of Systems Architecture (SOSA), and/or other standards for reusable avionics. DESCRIPTION: Reusable and modular software drive improvements in commercial software development, but in the avionics domain, particularly in defense aviation, rapid and agile software development practices, innovations in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Software Design Patterns, and improvements in software development and testing processes are limited. New research and the emergence of standards create new opportunities to innovate avionics architectures in ways to implement a “highly aligned” (to what?) and “loosely coupled” (in what way?) paradigm to achieve more modular software. Key among these innovations are true hardware portability across hosts to decouple the avionics software and hardware qualification processes and software modularity to allow rapid incorporation / replacement of new or modified capabilities. Aided by new tools, technologies, processes, and standards, small businesses have an opportunity to demonstrate innovative new approaches to developing avionics architectures.

This includes, but is not limited to, approaches for software interfaces, partitioning, incorporation of MBSE practices and Architectural Centric Virtual Integration Processes (ACVIPs), automated software testing, data management, secure processing, encryption, and related technologies to improve the speed, quality, and security of avionics software development. FACE Units of Portability (UoPs) must be incorporated for acceptance; use of other open standards is encouraged. PHASE I: Design and demonstrate innovations for the overall Mission Systems Architecture (MSA) to allow rapid integration of new capabilities through FACE UoPs and similar emerging standards. Capabilities might include sensors, navigation, flight-related algorithms, and communications. Phase I Deliverables will include software design artifacts. PHASE II: Develop a prototype architecture suitable for a proof-of-concept demonstration on avionics hardware. The proof of concept will demonstrate; hardware portability across hosts, software modularity, and system security in a representative avionics architecture supplied by the sponsor.

Phase II Deliverables will include functional software and completed designs. Capture of requirements, design, and verification results will support qualification and certification. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The small business is expected to obtain funding from non-SBIR government and private sector sources to transition the technology into viable commercial products. Rapid and agile software development processes and architectures have broad application in the civil avionics domain, including commercial and private aircraft.

The innovation of technology and processes in support of rapid fielding of avionics and improvements to the security of the aviation architecture will benefit the defense and commercial avionics industrial base, perhaps also crossing into automotive or other embedded software domains. Specific military applications may include FVL Capability Sets 1-5 and/or architecture upgrades to Apache, UAS platforms, UH-60M, CH-47, MH-60/47, Navy's MH-60R/S, Aircraft Survivability Equipment, Degraded Visual Environment, etc. REFERENCES: • FACE Technical Standard, ARINC-653, POSIX, DO-178, DO-326, AR 70-62, MIL-STD-882E, SAE ARP 4754, SAE ARP 4761, Risk Management Framework. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics OBJECTIVE: The objective of this proposal is to define and develop a solution by sensing the spectrum environment and adopting a deep learning artificial intelligence algorithm to switch the modulations schemes and frequencies. This will allow mitigating interference and non-contiguous mini-bands and the proposed solution will address issues related to limitations on bandwidth and spectrum availability.

The source code must be compatible with the SCA (Software Communications Architecture) 2.2.2 or later architecture and research must be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design and a functioning prototype. DESCRIPTION: Military Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) associated with the Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) and the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) are being challenged with the electromagnetic spectrum availability both in the US and the international spectrum AOR (Area of Responsibility). It is generally expressed that spectrum insufficiency in wireless communications is due to the inadequacy of static frequency distribution rather than the intense usage of the spectrum. To overcome this limitation, spectrum sensing is the process of obtaining adequate information regarding the spectrum usage and existence of primary users in a geographical region is essential (Ref. 1) followed by adaptive and intelligent allocation of frequency use.

In recent years, Cognitive Radios (CR) as well as Software Defined Radios (SDR) are considered as potential candidates addressing spectrum efficiencies and allocations. Commercial wireless systems are exploring techniques such as spectrum sensing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to minimize energy consumption and optimize resource allocations (Ref. As an initial step for spectrum flexibility, a static solution without dynamic control would increase the utility of SRW by making it possible to utilize in environment where it otherwise might be prohibited.

It is believed that spectrum sensing using AI will be significant enablers of future military wireless networks as well as for commercial systems. PHASE I: Research feasibility of the concept and end goal. (1) Establish a baseline exploring the idea of extending spectrum sensing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for as Software Defined Radios (SDR) applications at a tactical environment, (2) Develop a methodology and analysis the solution approach addressing bandwidth limitation and spectrum availability compatible with the SCA 2.2.2 or later architecture, and (3) Outline a solution approach to layout foundation for a prototype to be used with the radio system. PHASE II: Develop, demonstrate and validate Phase I selected candidate solution approach that would be a fully functioning, spectrum sensing learning algorithm which works with the current AN/PRC-155 radio system. Update design prototype and algorithm based on testing if necessary at TRL 5.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Project Manager Tactical Radios (PM TR) and PdM-Waveforms under PEO C3T can use this application of the learning algorithm to have a dynamic spectrum allocation capability and interference mitigation capabilities. A commercial application could be: The algorithm and method of solution approach could be used in commercial Wi-Fi and home cord less phone systems. The WiFi network would sense an environment which has above average interference from another Wi-Fi network and would determine the amount of changes required to operate properly. REFERENCES: • B. Senthilkumar and S. Srivatsa, ‘WIDEBAND SPECTRUM SENSING USING ADAPTIVE NEURO FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM IN COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS’ ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 10, No. 4055-4060, May 2015 • S.

Pattanayak, P. Venkateswaran and R.

Nandi, ‘Artificial Intelligence Based Model for Channel Status Prediction: A New Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio’, Int. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2013, 6, 139-148 • N. Nasser and K.

El Ahmad, ‘Recent advances on artificial intelligence and learning techniques in cognitive radio networks’, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:174 • K.Leelarani, D. Kumari, ‘Efficient Spectrum Sensing Pattern Using Intelligent Matrix in Cognitive Radio Network’, Int. Of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014) Vol.

2 Issue Special 1 Jan-March 2014. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics OBJECTIVE: While the loss of GPS would have negative impacts across a broad spectrum of combat functions, this SBIR seeks only to address the basic functions of land navigation. The intent is to develop a solution that will work with the Nett Warrior device in a Common Operating Environment (COE) V3 environment, aid small units in basic land navigation, and alert the user when the GPS signal might have been compromised. Since this solution is intended to support only basic land navigation it does not require the accuracy of real time targeting solutions. DESCRIPTION: The solution will perform: Terrain Triangulation • The phone camera would be used to take a continuous panoramic image of the horizon. The solution will identify multiple significant terrain features and landmarks, compare with a stored database and triangulate the user’s position and triangulate the user’s position. PHASE I: The Phase One deliverable will be a comprehensive white paper: • Trade studies and demonstration for the functions of the system.

• Discussing all non-GPS means of navigation and how that can be applied to the Nett Warrior end user equipment using the Android OS. • Discussing means of determining and displaying GPS integrity within the Android environment. • Identifying the limitations of the approach and make recommendations on an evolutionary development process if necessary. • Defining what data and formulas which must be stored on the device. Defining the processing, power, and storage needs imposed on Nett Warrior for a proposed duty cycle. • Including a notional baseline schedule for development of a prototype.

• Identify Phase II risks and plan for risk mitigation. • A system specification for Phase II.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate a system that purely uses deep learning and inexpensive commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors to incrementally learn and perform robotic following behaviors with large vehicles. DESCRIPTION: Army supply convoys currently face numerous threats, such as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), while completing their missions. The current method to address these threats is to add armor, which increases the weight and reduces the mobility of the vehicle. Another method to address these threats is to use robotics and autonomy to remove Soldiers from the vehicle.

Developing autonomous ground vehicles is a very difficult challenge due to the numerous situations that a vehicle may encounter. To handle these situations using traditional methods, each scenario needs to be accounted for and explicitly programmed into the system. Given the high number of potential scenarios, programming the system to handle them is very time consuming and costly.

The performance of these robotic systems is also limited to scenarios that have been explicitly programmed. A potential way to more rapidly program a system to handle the various scenarios and reduce development costs, is to utilize a lifelong deep learning approach.

Deep learning uses neural networks to allow computers to automatically create models and learn using data from sensors, human interaction, and databases. Deep learning has been shown to be an effective means of performing pattern recognition in other fields and is showing potential to be used for ground vehicle robotics. Recently, a deep learning system was demonstrated that enabled automated highway driving using inexpensive COTS sensors. By collecting human driving data and running it through learning algorithms, the system was able to incrementally achieve large improvements in driving performance in short time frames. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have also been applied as a classifier in determining autonomous vehicle traversability over off-road and on-road terrains.

In addition, a CNN has been trained to map raw pixel data from a single camera directly into steering commands, which allowed a system to learn to steer on both local roads and highways, with and without lane markings, using minimal training data from humans. In order to overcome the challenges with programming robots to handle the countless variables encountered with ground mobility, proposals are sought to develop and demonstrate an inexpensive system that purely uses deep learning and inexpensive COTS sensors, limited to passive cameras and radar, to enable a large vehicle to robotically follow another large vehicle in a convoy. This research is different from in that deep learning will be used to train a vehicle to follow another, rather than drive fully on its own.

The ultimate vision of this project is to take a large vehicle equipped with sensors and equipment, have a driver follow a lead vehicle (that is not equipped with sensors) along arbitrary routes, process the data with learning algorithms, and then have the system perform the steering, throttle, and brake control to follow the lead vehicle on subsequent runs. It is expected that the system may not perform well initially, but it should incrementally improve with each run as it learns from additional data collected.

The system should also be capable of sharing its knowledge with other robotic follower vehicles. The environment for this topic will be limited to daytime operations on improved roads (paved or unpaved) and include typical on-road static and dynamic obstacles such as other vehicles, construction barrels, and pedestrians. The distances for following will range from 10 meters to 150 meters. The scenarios will start simple with speeds below 45 km/h on good roads with gentle curves and static obstacles, and then increase in complexity as the system improves and safety permits. Later scenarios might include lower quality roads, higher speeds (up to 90 km/h), sharper turns, and additional obstacles (both static and dynamic). Costs of the prototype system may be higher, but the cost target for a production system is less than $25k.

Both online and offline learning techniques are acceptable. The testing should show that the system does not overfit to specific training sets and can perform in environments and conditions that are different from the training.

The system should also be capable of operating in GPS-denied and communication-denied environments. PHASE I: Develop a concept design for a system using lifelong deep learning and inexpensive COTS sensors to perform robotic following with large vehicles. The deliverables shall be a concept design report and performance analysis report. The concept design should include a description of the system architecture, algorithms, sensors, and computing requirements. The performance analysis should show the effectiveness of the algorithms in tests conducted in simulation using collected real-world data sets.

PHASE II: Using the Phase I concept design, the contractor shall develop, integrate, and demonstrate a prototype system that can incrementally learn robotic following behaviors on a large vehicle, using deep learning algorithms and inexpensive COTS sensors. The system deliverables shall include: design documentation, interface control documents (ICDs), software, and hardware. The integration and demonstration shall be performed using a large vehicle (provided by the government) that is already equipped with drive-by-wire capability.

The environment and operating conditions for the final demonstration should be on improved roads, during the day, and at speeds ranging from 45 km/h to 90 km/h. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: A potential military application of the deep learning system is to integrate into the Autonomous Ground Resupply (AGR) program, which will then transition into the Leader Follower Program of Record. There is potential additional application for the system to expand into full autonomy and transition into the Autonomous Convoy Operations Program of Record. A potential commercial applications of the system could be to enable platooning within the trucking industry. There are also potential agricultural applications where more than one piece of equipment and operator is required to perform a task.

REFERENCES: • A. Vance, 'The First Person to Hack the iPhone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage,' 16 December 2015. Schmidhuber, 'Multi-column Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification,' IDSIA-04-12, Manno, Switzerland, February 2012.

• '2014 Autonomous Mobility Applique System - Capabilities Advancement Demonstration (AMAS CAD),' RDECOM TARDEC, 2014. Hatfield, 'Army Robotics Modernization,' 25 August 2015. Courville, Y. Bengio and P. Vincent, 'Why Does Unsupervised Pre-Training Help Deep Learning?,' Universite de Montreal, Montreal, 2010.

Kavukcuoglu and U. Muller, 'Learning Long-Range Vision for Autonomous Off-Road Driving,' J.

Field Robotics, no. 120-144, 2009. Yunpeng, 'Convolutional Neural Network Applied to Traversability Analysis of Vehicles,' Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013. Del Testa, D.

Dworakowski, B. Zieba, 'End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars,' NVIDIA Corporation, 2016. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles OBJECTIVE: Develop an actively controlled system to reduce the noise emitted from cooling fan and/or blower noise by no less than 10 dB DESCRIPTION: As the noise generated from the engine and drivetrain of power generation systems gets treated to desired levels, the most significant noise source left to eliminate is the noise generated by air mover for the cooling system. Current state of the art systems have been developed for computer fan noise that imbed magnets in the fan to be used to create the noise canceling sound wave. This solution is not practical for military applications because of the extreme environment that the solution will see in application and the extreme vibration of military applications. The solution desired in this topic shall be innovative in that it could be used over a wide temperature range (-40 F to 145 F) and be applicable to both conventional fan/radiator applications as well as in blowers used to feed air to fuel cell stacks.

PHASE I: Should include a feasibility study to include how the solution would accommodate the temperature ranges and the fan/radiator as well as the blower applications. The control strategy shall be determined and evaluated showing conformance for the fore mentioned variables.

A proof of control concept shall be demonstrated for technical merit. A system durability evaluation shall be included to prove the technical merit of the solution. The commercial merit shall be evaluated with an estimate for final cost PHASE II: The system shall be developed and demonstrated to show the ability to produce the desired results in at the extremes of the temperature range.

The system shall also be demonstrated on the fan/radiator and the blower applications. The durability of the system shall be demonstrated through an accelerated life cycle vibration test for a potential application. The final solution shall be evaluated to determine the commercial viability in phase II also. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Applications for this system shall be for a military Auxiliary Power Units (APU) application that uses a fan/radiator system and for a blower in a fuel cell application. The potential commercial application includes fuel cell vehicles and commercial bus applications where the cooling fan noise is significant for pedestrians. REFERENCES: • • • •. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes OBJECTIVE: Develop processes, characterize material properties and integrate process modeling with structural finite element analysis to accommodate the integration of metallic coated polymers for reduced weight missile structures.

DESCRIPTION: Advances in coating and plating technology allow the application of metallic layers on the exterior of polymer and polymer composite structures. These layers improve the stiffness and strength of structures with minimal added weight.

This technology can provide a new approach to light-weight, wear-resistant, damage tolerant structures, such as brackets and housings that contain built-in fastening points for easy assembly. Metal structures possess high strength/high wear resistance but come with a weight penalty. On the other hand, polymer based parts are lightweight but usually require extensive post machining to create fastening points (e.g. Flanges with insert holes), and/or installation of metallic inserts as a costly secondary setup. An ideal structure would be built near net-shape and meet strength and damage tolerance performance needs, while also containing integrated fastening points for quick assembly and integration into the system. The fastening points need to handle high wear from assembly/re-assembly or from high frictional wear from moving or sliding components that comes in contact with thru holes. Development is needed to advance this technology for missile applications and fill two main technology gaps: • Improve and demonstrate the repeatability of the adhesion and durability of these coatings.

Adhesion and durability repeatability should be demonstrated within +/- 5% based on testing six specimens and three separate batches. • While the stiffness improvements can be predicted reasonably with the rule of mixtures and plating thicknesses can be predicted using process modeling software, development is needed to integrate process modeling software, i.e., plating thickness predictions with finite element analysis and improve the predicted strength throughout the plated component to within +/- 10% of actual realized performance.

Materials and processes must adhere to applicable OSHA and EPA regulations. Avoid the use of hexavalent chromium and cadmium. PHASE I: Demonstrate the coating or plating of polymer and composite structures using a parametric approach to evaluate the polymer, composite and metallic combinations that are feasible with this technology. Down-select to a subset of two material combinations based on expected strength enhancement and characterize the strength and stiffness improvements of a range of plating thicknesses at the coupon level using tensile and flexural testing. Also, at the coupon level, evaluate the adhesion and thermal cycling endurance per ASTM B533, ASTM D4541, and ASEP-TP201 of the down-selected coatings.

Validate the processes on an analog component on the scale of at least a 4 inch cube with multiple recessed areas and 90 degree corners (Army TPOC can provide models of an analog component). Plating process analysis should be performed and integrated into the structural analysis for strength prediction, and validated within 10% of predicted tensile strength performance through fabrication and testing. PHASE II: Demonstrate the new process on a relevant missile component or structure. This demonstration should include component and system level structural analysis, fabrication, non-destructive evaluation, metrology to verify dimensional accuracy, structural, dynamic and environmental testing. Three different applications are required to demonstrate repeatability of the entire design and fabrication process.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Demonstrate the process on a relevant Army application, and provide complete engineering and test documentation for development of manufacturing prototypes. A relevant application could include weight reduction from missile components or structures in an existing and/or future system application. REFERENCES: • An, N., Tandon, G.P., & Pochiraju, K.V.

Thermo-oxidative performance of metal-coated polymers and composites. Surface and Coatings Technology, 232, 166-172.

• Giraud, D., Borit, F., Guipont, V., Jeandin, M., & Malhaire, J.M. Metallization of a polymer using cold spray: Application to aluminum coating of polyamide 66. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 265-270.

& O'Neill, W. Deposition of metallic coatings on polymer surfaces using cold spray.

Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(7), 2167-2173. • Panchuk, D.A., Bazhenov, S.L., Bol'Shakova, A.V., Yarysheva, L.M., Volynskii, A.L., & Bakeev, N.F. (2011) Correlation between structure and stress-strain characteristics of metallic coatings deposited onto a polymer by the method of ionic plasma sputtering. Polymer Science - Series A, 53(3), 211-216. • Panchuk, D.A., Puklina, E.A., Bol'Shakova, A.V., Abramchuk, S.S., Grokhovskaya, T.E., Yablokov, M.Yu., Gil'Man, A.B., Yarysheva, L.M., Volynskii, A.L., & Bakeev, N.F. Structural aspects of the deposition of metal coatings on polymer films. Polymer Science - Series A, 52(8), 801-805.

• Zhou, Z., Li, D., Zeng, J., & Zhang, Z. Rapid fabrication of metal-coated composite stereolithography parts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 221(9), 1431-1440. • Panchuk, D.A., Sadakbaeva, Zh.K., Puklina, E.A., Bol'Shakova, A.V., Abramchuk, S.S., Yarysheva, L.M., Volynskii, A.L., & Bakeev, N.F. The structure of interfacial layer between the metallic coating and the polymer substrate. Nanotechnologies in Russia, 4(5-6), 340-348. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.

Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this effort is to develop compact high power broadband antennas that can withstand the electrical and thermal stresses of high repetition rate signals. DESCRIPTION: The US Army has programs that require very compact electrically small antennas that are capable of handling the electrical and thermal stresses of high repetition rate signals. Electrically small antennas are antennas that radiate signals having wavelengths greater than the dimensions of the antenna. For example, a lambda/10 antenna, where lambda is the wavelength, is one that radiate wavelengths that are 10 times longer than the characteristic dimensions of the antenna. Newer transmitter systems being developed by the Army and Department of Defense (DoD) have mobility and Radio Frequency (RF) characteristics that are hard to match with present RF emitters.

New test RF systems exist which have very high pulse repetition frequencies giving them high peak and average powers at the same time. The cell phone companies have developed electrically small antennas, but they are not efficient and cannot handle high powers. However, it may be possible to leverage some of their developments. The most recent advances in electrically small antennas have been based on the development of new materials and geometric configurations; e.g., fractal structures. The Army is seeking innovative approaches for developing efficient electrically small broadband antennas.

The antennas currently of interest must fit into medium to small geometric spaces with minimized back lobes to minimize the possibility of fratricide. PHASE I: Design an electrically small broadband antennas and perform sufficient proof-of-principle experiments to verify that the designed antennas can efficiently radiate frequencies of interest (20 MHz - 1 GHz), can withstand high peak powers (10 MW), a pulse length of 6 ns, and a pulse repetition frequency of 200 kHz. PHASE II: Based on the results of Phase I, continue to develop efficient electrically small antennas by exploring new materials such as nano-materials and metamaterials and by assessing environmental effects these antennas may be prone to. Work with the systems developers to ensure that the antennas can meet the form factor requirements. Baseline specification for new antennas include: • An antenna radiates efficiently in the frequency band from 20 MHz to 1 GHz when incorporated into RF transmitter systems. • Can withstand high peak powers (10 MW). • A pulse length of 10 ns.

• A pulse repetition frequency of 400 kHz. Transmitter on time.

Ideally the phase II proposer will also extend the work in 1 GHz blocks up to a maximum frequency of 6.0 GHz. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: There are many military and commercial uses for antennas including communications, radars, and various sensors. In particular, the results of this effort will be of interest to cell phone companies, which are continuing to fund the development of electrically small antennas. Likewise, there are many military platforms that require compact broadband antennas including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), missiles, munitions of various types, and satellites.

If successful, the most immediate transition path is the delivery of a new class transmitter to Program Executive Office Missiles and Space (PEO-MS). Baseline specification for a Phase III antennas would include: • A family of antennas that radiate efficiently in the frequency band from 20 MHz to 6 GHz when incorporated into systems • Can withstand high peak powers (10 MW). • A pulse length of 10 ns.

• A pulse repetition frequency of 500 kHz. REFERENCES: • J.D. Kraus, Antennas, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1950). Cairns and A.D.R.

Phelps, Generation and Application of High Power Microwaves, Taylor and Francis (1997). Giri, High-Power Electromagnetic Radiators: Nonlethal Weapons and Other Applications, IEEE Press (2001). Barker and E. Schamiloglu, High-Power Microwave Sources and Technologies, Wiley-IEEE (2001).

Benford, J.A. Swegle, and E. Schamiloglu, High Power Microwaves, 2nd Edition, CRC Press (2007). Ziolkowski, J.

Abdalla, and J. Martin, “An efficient, electrically small, 3d magnetic ez antenna for hpm applications,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 3037 – 3045, 2012. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes OBJECTIVE: To develop new manufacturing methods for Boron Suboxide ceramic powder.

DESCRIPTION: The US Army requires advanced materials and processes for lighter weight and improved ballistic performance of Soldier protective equipment. Ceramic materials including boron carbide (B4C), silicon carbide (SiC), and B4C/SiC hybrids are currently used as strikeface materials in hard armor inserts to defeat armor piercing projectiles. High hardness and high fracture toughness are key material properties required for this application. While current ceramic materials are robust, there is a need for new materials to provide lighter weight armor solutions at same or improved protection levels.

Boron suboxide (B6O) is a promising material for hard armor ballistic applications due to its extremely high hardness. B6O based materials are known as the hardest materials after diamond and cubic boron nitride [1,2]. B6O ceramics have the potential for significant armor performance improvement and weight savings up to 25%.

Current powder synthesis methods are complex, inefficient, demonstrate imperfect stoichiometry, and are only capable of producing very small quantities for academic study and research [3, 4]. Research and development of B6O ceramics is severely limited by availability of B6O powder. A practical, efficient method to produce pure B6O powder is needed. PHASE I: Demonstrate the feasibility of synthesizing B6O powder with the potential for scale up to large quantities. Develop processes and procedures for small scale manufacturing.

Perform powder characterization for composition, phase purity, homogeneity, surface area, and geometrical features of particles and agglomerates e.g. Shape, size, and size distribution. Produce a small quantity (1kg) of B6O powder for delivery to the government. Deliver monthly and final reports documenting all research and development activities including all data collected, progress made toward objective, and recommendations. Successful achievement of program objectives will be considered for Phase II. The expected maturity level at the end of Phase I is TRL 4.

PHASE II: Develop a pilot scale production capability to produce on the order of hundreds of kilograms of boron suboxide powder. Conduct parametric investigations to systematically vary the composition and processing parameters to synthesize B6O with controlled and consistent properties e.g. Chemical composition, stability, size, shape, etc.

Based on these results, demonstrate method to produce B6O powder with consistent properties on the order of hundreds of kilograms. Verify material properties using standard physical and chemical characterization methods. Demonstrate the potential for production scale up of technology to produce quantities on the order of tens of thousands of kgrams of boron suboxide at cost on the order of $100 per pound for 100 lb quantities and $25 per pound in ton quantities. Produce 250 kg of B6O powder using optimal processing parameters derived through parametric studies for delivery to the government. Deliver monthly and final reports documenting all research and development activities including data and analysis, final optimized material properties, and recommendations for production scale up of technology. The expected maturity level at the end of Phase II is TRL 6. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Upon successful completion of the research and development in Phases I and II, scale up technology to full production with capability to produce sufficient quantities to support full scale ceramic tile productions levels at cost comparable to current B4C powder.

Establish quality assurance processes and procedures to ensure consistent raw material properties. This technology has wide application for U.S.

And foreign military, law enforcement, as well as vehicle armor applications. Furthermore, new business opportunities and jobs will be created in development and manufacturing of this material.

The expected maturity level at the completion of Phase III is TRL 7. REFERENCES: • Hubert, H., Gravie, L., Devouard, B., Buseck, P., Petuskey, W., McMillan, P.

High Pressure, High Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Suboxide (B6O) Chemistry of Materials 10 1998: pp. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Provide a definitive, reliable, and repeatable means for a sniper team spotter to visually track and precisely determine the missed-distance offset point of a sniper’s round from the intended target. DESCRIPTION: Currently, a sniper team spotter will visually follow his shooter’s bullet trace to target in order to establish a missed-distance and provide the shooter a corrective X-Y offset (in milliradians) for a follow-on shot. This missed-distance will likely be attributable to unanticipated environmental, weapon and ammunition conditions. Bullet trace is the movement or (vapor) trail of disturbed, compressed air (shock wave) of the bullet as it proceeds in flight.

Visually following trace is an acquired spotter skill which requires a very keen eye, discerning imagery, and is limited by prevailing environmental conditions, ammunition characteristics, and the range of the target. Also knowing EXACTLY when the bullet reaches the perpendicular vertical plane of the target is nearly impossible. The desired capability should leverage available technology to visually track a sniper’s bullet external ballistic trajectory in both day and night conditions and automatically determine the appropriate X-Y offset in milliradians of the projected point of impact (in the perpendicular vertical plane of the target) from the shooter’s intended point of aim. Visual tracking means exploiting any appropriate wavelength available without altering the bullet (i.e. Adding retro-reflectors or relying on one-way-luminescence technology). The virtual splash (strike/impact) point can be projected by calculating and applying the bullet’s time of flight to target from the instant the bullet is fired, which could be signaled by the sound of the bullet firing. A desired feature would allow a near real-time visual (graphical) plot of the bullet’s path and display it in the spotter’s sight picture.

The solution can be an enhancement to the existing M151 Spotting Scope or possibly a next generation spotting scope, to automatically track sniper bullet trace from a shooter’s perspective and determine a corrective missed-distance offset that can be conveyed to and applied by the shooter for a successive follow-on shot in order to hit the target. PHASE I: Research and propose a viable cost-effective technical solution that satisfies the stated objective. The proposed solution should be the result of an engineering tradeoff analysis conducted among several possible courses of action with a focus on SWaP-C (size, weight, power & costs) considerations. The analysis should detail technical advantages/disadvantages, as well as technical/programmatic risks, and provide rough cost estimates for a fieldable technology.

All work performed in Phase I shall be provided in a final report that identifies the best conceptual solution. PHASE II: Design and build a prototype system based on Phase I recommendations that can demonstrate (validate) anticipated performance in meeting the objective. Test the system in a simulated military environment and submit a Phase II report that includes test and demonstration results. Develop a detailed proposal that outlines required efforts to have a TRL-7 system available to be demonstrated in a military environment. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: In conjunction with a military customer, optimize and ruggedize the Phase II prototype system for possible insertion within Army sniper teams. The system has potential commercial applicability as a smart automated targeting and training aid for sportsman shooters which can provide immediate shooter feedback. Some other commercial applications for this technology include incorporation in commercially available rifle scopes.

REFERENCES: • '1000 yard slow motion bullet trace / vapor trail' – YouTube. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Human Systems OBJECTIVE: Develop the ability of Army Aircrews to utilize their flame resistant clothing for transport of power and data without sacrificing launderability or achievements in weight and bulk reduction. DESCRIPTION: Technology is becoming wearable in both the commercial and military world. Smart watches function as heart-rate monitors and calculate the number of steps taken in a day. Aircrews use radios with push-to-talk buttons and wear Communication Enhancement and Protection System (CEPS) to enhance hearing while wearing the aviation helmet. As radios and computers become smaller and use less power, the potential to connect them to body-mounted batteries and data-transport systems becomes more realistic.

Currently, there are ways to transport power through materials: by weaving conductive fibers into a grid structure, through narrow fabrics or by embroidering the fibers into the desired pattern. There is also potential to incorporate a conductive base in a non-woven or knitted fabric.

The bridge between the power/data flow and the terminal device (e.g. The connector) is only dependable if ruggedized to endure the soap, water and agitation required by customary laundering practice. While flexible keyboards, screens, radios and computers are being miniaturized, it is prudent to continue developing the enabling technology of rugged and reliable connectors that can survive laundering as an integrated component of the garment.

The connectors should allow recharging of batteries, transmission of power and data in an Army aircraft environment while meeting the following requirements. PHASE I: This effort shall be used to demonstrate an innovative approach and possible new materials that could be used for lightweight, low bulk, rugged and launderable connectors that have no ill effect on the flame retardant character of the material. The research may also review possible methods of transporting power and data through fabric without impacting the fabric hand and weight. The end product shall be a report of the findings, a prototype demonstrating potential for launderability, and a recommendation for a path forward. In production, the target cost is $5 to $40 per connector to make it feasible to use 6 or 8 connectors on one unit of clothing or protective equipment. PHASE II: This effort shall develop the capability to produce small quantities of the connector that can be attached to an electro-textile system that ports into and provides power and data to a device similar to a smart phone on one end of the network.

The power shall be provided by a detachable battery and the data shall be provided by any type of computer system. Twenty-five fabric/connector systems shall be built and demonstrated. The removable components shall be detached, and the electronic textile with connectors in place shall be laundered five times in a standardized manner. The capability of the network shall be validated in a relevant environment before and after laundering of the systems. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Military personnel will be able to connect mission equipment to Soldier networks that provide information back to headquarters about the Soldier's physiological condition, location and mission progress; real-time information can be sent back to the Soldier concerning ways to avoid danger, and any modifications to the mission that are authorized while underway. The technology will play a part in enabling the tracking of location of elderly, children or handicapped individuals who may need assistance as well as to transmit information about the physiological status of athletes. REFERENCES: • Dion, Genevieve; Smart Garments: Form follows function -The promise of ‘wearable technology;’.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems OBJECTIVE: The Offeror should provide a detailed system and circuit-level design in preparation to implement for prototyping and testing in Phase II. DESCRIPTION: Today’s Soldier employs multiple digital assets on the battlefield for digital communications, such as Voice/C2 (Command and Control) data, usage of aerial and terrestrial assets, and wireless connectivity of devices on the body. These digital assets increase the Soldier’s Lethality and provides Force Protection. However, many of the assets do not support SECRET level classification, which impedes the ability of the Army’s handheld device to properly view, and disperse across the network information and feeds from various UAV S (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Sensors), UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles) and SBS (Soldier Borne Sensors).

The use of a one way or bi-directional cross domain guard that could support small amounts of data as well as full motion video could aid the Soldier in gathering together the data feeds and have a comprehensive situational awareness/understanding. PHASE I: The Offeror shall conduct a feasibility study identifying technologies and a suitable approach to fulfill and address the topic’s technical problem domain space.

PHASE II: The offeror shall fabricate 5 prototypes and demonstrate the Cross Domain Solution in an operational relevant environment, with a limited number of nodes to process full motion video and varied VMF (Variable Message Format) messages across network domains with an acceptable video quality level and message completion rate. In order to demonstrate the Cross Domain Solution, the Government shall provide GFE such as Robotics and UAV assets and End User Devices.

In order to demonstrate cross domain capabilities, the Offeror must integrate COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) software/hardware for verification and validation. The following capabilities shall be demonstrated: • Pass Situational Awareness data to and from the tactical edge • 30-40 Mbps throughput • Low latency • Support multiple messaging formats • Operate in tactical environment; on vehicles or Soldier carried PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Upon successful completion of Phase II, the contractor shall complete any required hardware/software modifications to support a Government Operational Test. Additional hardware may be required. Successful completion will facilitate the transition to the Nett Warrior Program of Record. In terms of commercialization, the technology developed through this SBIR can be readily used in the IoT (Internet of Things) commercial marketspace where user wants to protect movement of sensitive data between different networks. REFERENCES: • DODI: 8540.01.

Cross Domain (CD) Policy. DOD Chief Information Officer. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.

Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Design and Demonstrate a Comprehensive Sky Compass (CSC) which includes a base celestial compass including sun, stars, moon and planet solutions together with an integrated sky polarization compass. DESCRIPTION: This effort is specifically intended to address the need for rapid high accuracy azimuth information in an optimal Size, Weight, Power and Cost (SWAP-C) for integration man-portable Far-Target Location (FTL) systems. The Fires Center of Excellence (FCoE) rates the ability to rapidly and accurately ascertain a targets location with a high enough degree of precision to engage with precision munitions as a critical capability gap. The largest source of Target Location Error (TLE) in the existing FTL systems is in 'azimuth'. Traditionally hand held target location systems have used the Digital Magnetic Compass (DMC), or more recently the base celestial compass.

The former is heavily influenced by magnetic fluctuations and other distortions of the field in the combat environment. The latter provides exceptional results in a rapid fashion, but is severely limited in its operational availability due to limited conditions when the celestial reference bodies are in acceptable viewing positions. The CSC will maintain the precise accuracy obtained with the celestial compass while significantly improving its availability and operational effectiveness. This technology will support such programs as the JETS and LLDR as well as potential future targeting systems for the ARMY, Marines and DOD as a whole. The compass should include the logic to select and output the optimal solution and Figure of Merit (FOM) based on the operational environment and available sensor data. The CSC will produce a sub 2 mil solution within 15 seconds with a 50% probability RMS and an accompanying FOM that bounds the error with a 90% probability RMS.

The Comprehensive Sky Compass will extend the availability of the current celestial compass, which is limited during high sun angles, dusk, and other times when there is not a clear line of sight to a celestial reference object. The integration of the sky polarization compass will allow the CSC to work during overcast and dusk daytime conditions as well as when the sun is not in the direct line of sight since the sky will still be polarized. Inclusion of the moon will allow use in cases where the moon is in the field of view and swamping out the stars. It also appears during dusk and improves performance in these cases. The planets become visible about 20 minutes before the stars during dusk and including them in the solution improves performance during this critical time period. The demonstrated final solution should be in a form fit replacement for the current 2 lens solutions available.

PHASE I: Requirements Analysis & Design Study. Requirements for the objective Comprehensive Sky Compass (CSC) will be analyzed in terms of the forward observer's mission requirements and targeted Programs of Record for which the technology is applicable. Specific performance parameters will be defined for both the celestial and sky polarization sensors. Once the requirements analysis is complete, a notional architecture and performance prediction will be developed.

A design will be established that allows a form fit function replacement of the current two lens celestial compass. PHASE II: Proof of Concept Units: During this phase 4 proof of concept units will be fabricated and demonstrated in both a lab and field environment in the correct configuration for the drop in replacement.

The packaged proof of concept unit will be tested in both a lab and field environment. The module size, weight, power, performance, and cost predictions will be assessed and analyzed to determine viability of entering Phase III. Results of this phase will be used to determine if the module is suitable for insertion into the JETS and LLDR III production. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: During this phase, the detailed design process will commence for the objective CSC. Five modules will be integrated into a JETS or JETS-like host system and five units will be integrated into the LLDR III testbed for demonstration and validation. The units will undergo performance and environmental testing.

Upon successful test and demonstration, the JETS target locator will be type classified and production of the JETS with a CSC will begin. Additionally, the test and evaluation information will be shared with the commercial sector enabling “spin-off” into commercial applications.

REFERENCES: • M. Dacke et al., How dim is dim? Precision of the celestial compass in moonlight and sunlight, Phil. B (2011) 366, pp.

Horvath, Polarization patterns of thick clouds: overcast skies have distribution of the angle of polarization similar to that of clear skies, JOSA A, 24(8) 2347-2356 (2007) • R. Akesson, Polarized light cues underlie compass calibration in migratory songbirds, Science 313, 837-839 (2006) • R. Muller, The significance of direct sunlight and polarized skylight in the ant’s celestial system of navigation, PNAS 103(33), 9 (2006). TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Human Systems OBJECTIVE: Develop a see-through Augmented Reality (AR) protocol and prototype to create realistic simulated human avatar overlays on top of/in lieu of standard silhouette representations and to replicate night/obscurant conditions (opaqueness) during live fire familiarization training. The research would focus on the development of AR technology that supports range scanning with one eye, and weapon sighting with the other. The AR technology would have to operate and support M4 and M16 weapon platforms utilizing various sights (iron, Red Dot, CCO, and ACOG).

DESCRIPTION: An Augmented Reality solution coupled with a Location of Miss or Hit (LOMAH) or Non-Contact Hit Sensor (NCHS) on a live fire range would afford the Army the ability to ensure standard target representations are provided regardless of terrain. This approach would also allow for the scripting/modeling of these target representations to support advanced training. In addition to the dual AR visual representations, appropriate occlusion algorithms for the live fire ranges would be imperative to ensure accurate display and representation of the virtual target systems within the field view of the shooter. PHASE I: Determine the feasibility/approach for the development of an integrated augmented reality technology to meet training requirements in support of US Army Basic Rifleman Marksmanship familiarization and qualification training. Study, research, and conduct initial integration and design concepts of core technology components. Synchronization of work being completed by RDECOM, PEO STRI and academia will be required.

Research dual AR technologies, power management approaches, eye tracking (if required), and ruggedized for open air environments. PHASE II: Refine design and continue technology investigation and integration into a prototype baseline, and implement basic modeling methods, algorithms, and interfaces between the control system and the projections system. Develop a prototype augmented reality training capability that can be utilized within live domain (field) training environments with fiducial markers and for lane and target orientation. Create basic target representation models (standard E/F type silhouettes, human avatars, etc.).

Integrate prototype with existing LOMAH technology. Demonstrations will be at TRL 6. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Finalize design and technology integration into a product baseline. Continue to define/refine target silhouette model development and representations. Potential interface to OneSAF or other virtual solutions (for generation of targets/entities). Military application: Transition technology to the Army Program called Future Army System of Integrated Targets (FASIT).

Technology would be viable for both digital and non-digital ranges, urban operations ranges, and other live fire training ranges where non-contact, point of intersection information can be utilized in engagement scoring at the qualification trainings ranges, battle damage assessments, lethality and engagement scoring at the test and evaluation ranges and cross domain information sharing. Commercial applications include sports applications, gaming applications, and law enforcement applications. REFERENCES: • G. Preda, eds., “Mixed and Augmented Reality Reference Model,” ISO/IEC CD 24-29-1, July 2014.

Kumar et al, “Implementation of an Augmented Reality System for Training Dismounted Warfighters,” paper No. 12149, in Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conf. (I/ITSEC) 2012.

Azuma, “Orientation Tracking for Outdoor Augmented Reality Registration,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, November/December 1999. • A Motion-Stabilized Outdoor Augmented Reality System; Azuma, Ronald; HRL Labs., Malibu, CA, USA; Hoff, B.; Neely, H., III; Sarfaty, R.; Virtual Reality, 1999. IEEE; 13-17 Mar 1999 • Data Distribution for Mobile Augmented Reality in Simulation and Training; Brown, Dennis; Baillot, Yohan; Julier, Simon J.; Armoza, David; Livingston, Mark A.; Rosenblum, Lawrence J; Garrity, Pat; Eliason, Joshua J.; 2003.

() • Training Circular (TC) 25-8, Training Ranges. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: The U.S. Army has a need for advanced tracking capabilities in cluttered environments for high energy laser weapon systems.

Current methodologies used include a passive wide field of view mid-wave infrared sensor. This solicitation is seeking innovative approaches to developing compact, lightweight polarimeters capable of measuring a full stokes vector.

This is often referred to as a 3D polarimeter and includes horizontal and vertical linear polarization, linear polarization at +45 and -45 degrees, and right and left circular polarization. Mid-wave and long-wave infrared passive sensors are of interest. The system must be fast enough to track moving targets and detect a full Stokes vector at rates up to 200 Hz. Expected deliverables from a phase I effort include a design concept for implementing a snap shot polarimeter capable of detecting a full Stokes Vector with micropolarizers manufactured on a focal plane array. Phase II deliverables shall include a hardware prototype. DESCRIPTION: Polarization has been proven to enhance target detection in clutter with polarimeters. Use of the full Stokes vectors in polarimeters allows better identification in adverse weather conditions.

This is difficult to implement because it requires horizontal and vertical linear polarization, linear polarization at +45 and -45 degrees, and right and left circular polarization for the same image. Tracking fast moving targets in tactical scenarios typically requires high frames rates (ex: 1kHz up to 4kHz). Polarimeters typically use single or multiple polarization filters in a rotation stage that collects different states of the same image before the image in the field of view of the sensor changes.

Current rotating polarizers have proven insufficient for tracking fast moving targets in turbulent environments, where the scene is changing faster than the rate of the rotation stage. An alternative to using a rotation stage is to split the image into multiple cameras with a different polarization filters and wave retarders filtering light onto each camera.

This method is costly and adds weight and size to the overall system. Additionally, the use of beam splitters and optical elements adds complexity to a rugged system. Some efforts have been made to implement polarization filters directly on a focal plane array. This approach reduces size, weight, and power required for a typical high speed rotation stage and allow for higher speed detection of all polarization states of a single image. Issues with this implementation include a loss in total image resolution by using multiple pixels to detect different polarization states of the same image location. This technology shows promise, but requires additional robustness and proven capability to push forward to tactical systems. PHASE I: Conduct research, analysis, and studies on the selected polarimeter architecture, develop measures of expected performance, and document results in a final report.

Provide analysis supporting the method of polarimetry implementation and expected hardware performance. The phase I effort should include modeling and simulation results supporting performance claims. A preliminary concept and draft testing methodologies that can be used to demonstrate the polarimeter system proposed during the phase II effort shall also be produced. PHASE II: During Phase II, a passive MWIR or LWIR polarimeter concept design will be completed.

Selected components will be developed and tested to help verify the design concept. A prototype polarimeter is expected to be tested at a minimum level. Parameters to be verified include polarization detection accuracy, overall rate of image collection and Stokes vector measurements. The necessary data processing techniques used for tracking shall be included in the phase II development. Methods to push data processing to desired operational rates shall be addressed, if not met. The extinction ratio, pixel cross talk, and total noise of the sensor shall be addressed. The data, reports, and tested hardware will be delivered to the government upon the completion of the phase II effort.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: There are many potential applications for high speed, lightweight polarimeters. Commercial and Military applications include tracking, remote sensing, weather radar, and astronomy. In phase III, a robust polarimeter capable of operating at high speeds shall be developed and field tested to prove target detection in clutter. Military funding for this phase III effort would be executed by the US Army Space and Missile Defense Technical Center as part of its Directed Energy research. REFERENCES: • Huafeng Lianga, Jianjun Lai, Zhiping Zhoua, Li Lic, “Design and fabricating of visible/infrared dual-band microfilter array”, Proc. 7135, 71350S, 2008 • David L.

Bowers, James K. David Wellems, Steve E. Ortega, Matthew P. Fetrow, John E. Hubbs, Wiley T. Black, Bradley M.

Scott Tyo, “Unpolarized calibration and nonuniformity correction for long-wave infrared microgrid imaging polarimeters”, SPIE conference on Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing VII, April 2006 • J. Scott Tyo, Dennis L. Goldstein, David B. Chenault, and Joseph A. Shaw, “Review of passive imaging polarimetry for remote sensing applications”, 1 August 2006, Vol. 22, APPLIED OPTICS • Viktor Gruev, Rob Perkins and Timothy York, “Integrated High Resolution Division of Focal Plane Image Sensor with Aluminum Nanowire Polarization Filters”, SPIE conference on Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IX, 2010 • Neal J.

Brock, Bradley T. Kimbrough, James E. Millerd, “A pixelated polarizer-based camera for instantaneous interferometric measurements”, SPIE conference on Polarization Science and Remote Sensing V, 2011 • J. Scott Tyo, Charles F. LaCasse, and Bradley M. Ratliff, “Total elimination of sampling errors in polarization imagery obtained with integrated microgrid polarimeters”, OPTICS LETTERS, Vol.

20, October 15, 2009. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles OBJECTIVE: Lithium-ion 6T pack embedded hardware and software solutions that allow for parallel intermixing of Lithium-ion 6T’s with dissimilar chemistries without impacting battery life or safety and while providing improved performance. DESCRIPTION: The military requires batteries to provide energy and power for starting, lighting, & ignition (SLI) and Silent Watch. The demand for battery power and energy, especially for Silent Watch, continues to grow as more sophisticated electronics are developed and added to the military's fleet.

One approach to meet this need is to replace 12-V lead-acid 6TAGM batteries with 24-V Lithium-ion 6T drop-in replacement batteries. However, there are a wide variety of dissimilar Lithium-ion chemistries that could be used in Lithium-ion 6T’s, such as NCA, LFP, LCO, NMC, and LTO. Using Lithium-ion 6T’s with dissimilar chemistries from different vendors in parallel is desired to allow for increased competition, lowered cost, and greater compatibility and availability. However, such parallel intermixing poses challenges given each chemistry’s unique voltage, capacity, and power characteristics. Accordingly, innovative solutions must be developed and demonstrated which will allow for parallel intermixing of Lithium-ion 6T batteries with dissimilar chemistries (such as Li-ion 6T batteries from different vendors) without impacting battery life or safety relative to a baseline homogeneous 6T pack and while providing improved performance of the parallel 6T battery pack as a whole. The technology developed should also improve the performance of homogeneous parallel-connected Li-ion 6T’s. Emphasis will be on solutions and technologies which can be implemented within the interior of a Li-ion 6T battery and within existing Li-ion 6T battery management system topologies, including embedded hardware and software solutions as well as battery-to-battery CAN communication and coordination.

PHASE I: Identify and determine the engineering, technology, and embedded hardware and software needed to develop this concept. Drawings showing realistic designs based on engineering studies are expected deliverables. Additionally, modeling and simulation to show projected performance and cycle life improvements from the technology developed in this phase (>10%) over a homogeneous Li-ion 6T pack (2-pack, 4-pack, and 6-pack) is expected as well as projected improvements to homogeneous Li-ion 6T packs (>5%). This phase also needs to address the challenges identified in the above description.

PHASE II: Develop and integrate prototype embedded hardware and software into Lithium-ion 6T’s from at least two different vendor’s using dissimilar chemistries. Baseline testing should be performed on a two parallel string of Li-ion 6T batteries from each vendor (homogeneous Li-ion 6T packs) and on a two parallel string of Li-ion batteries with one from each vendor (baseline intermixed Li-ion 6T pack). Using Li-ion 6T with the technology developed under this phase, there must be sufficient testing to demonstrate that there is no degradation in the safety of an intermixed pack compared to the homogeneous baselines and that performance (usable capacity) and cycle life is improved by >10% from the intermixed baseline.

Performance and life cycle improvements to a parallel string of homogeneous Li-ion 6T should also be demonstrated at >5%. Deliverables include electrical drawings and technical specifications, software, M&S and test results, and four Li-ion 6T batteries (2 from each vendor) with the integrated embedded hardware and software improvements. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This phase will begin installation of Lithium-ion 6T intermixed packs using the solutions developed in Phase II on a selected vehicle platform (military, commercial EV/HEV, etc.) and will also focus on integration of Phase II embedded hardware and software technologies into the production processes of current Li-ion 6T batteries. REFERENCES: • F. Di Rienzo, N. Papazafiropulos, R.

Roncella, “Investigation of series-parallel connections of multi-module batteries for electrified vehicles,” Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 IEEE International, pages 1 – 7, 17-19 Dec. • MS Wu, CY Lin, YY Wang, CC Wan, CR Yang, “Numerical simulation for the discharge behaviors of batteries in series and/or parallel-connected battery pack,” Electrochimica Acta, Volume 52, Issue 3, 12 November 2006, Pages 1349–1357. Hsieh, “Parallel Operation of Battery Power Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 701 – 707, June 2008.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this proposed project is to develop, demonstrate, build and characterize several different gauge size cables which will be capable of increase current carrying capacity as compared to a standard copper electrical power cable of similar gauge size. If this proposed SBIR is successful, there would be the potential for significant weight and size reductions in power cables across the military, industrial, and commercial markets. DESCRIPTION: With advanced power architecture’s like the NGCVEPA (Next Generation Combat Vehicle Electrical Power Architecture) large amounts of power and as a result current are being generated and distributed throughout a vehicle.

This leads to very large copper power distribution cables being required to facilitate this large current distribution. Significant size and weight can be reduced with advanced materials which have the potential for higher conductivity/lower resistivity cables when compare to a pure copper cable. PHASE I: Develop a proof of concept power cable that can demonstrate the improved electrical characteristics of the advanced material when compared to a copper cable. Develop a preliminary design to meet; a temperature range of -55C to +150C, a minimum voltage rating of 600Vrms, as flexible as a fine stranded copper wire of similar gauge, meet environments described in MIL-STD-810G, and withstand chemicals listed in MIL-STD-202H. Also this preliminary design will take into account how various gauge and length cables can be made. PHASE II: Bring the design forward to completion. Build and deliver; a 20ft cable capable of delivering 23A, a 20ft cable capable of delivering 250A, a 20ft cable capable of delivering 350A.

Also develop a manufacturing plan that will allow for the product to be commercialized. Phase II will reach at least TRL 5 and commercial viability will be quantified.Develop and integrate prototype embedded hardware and software into Lithium-ion 6T’s from at least two different vendor’s using dissimilar chemistries.

Baseline testing should be performed on a two parallel string of Li-ion 6T batteries from each vendor (homogeneous Li-ion 6T packs) and on a two parallel string of Li-ion batteries with one from each vendor (baseline intermixed Li-ion 6T pack). Using Li-ion 6T with the technology developed under this phase, there must be sufficient testing to demonstrate that there is no degradation in the safety of an intermixed pack compared to the homogeneous baselines and that performance (usable capacity) and cycle life is improved by >10% from the intermixed baseline. Performance and life cycle improvements to a parallel string of homogeneous Li-ion 6T should also be demonstrated at >5%. Deliverables include electrical drawings and technical specifications, software, M&S and test results, and four Li-ion 6T batteries (2 from each vendor) with the integrated embedded hardware and software improvements. Bring the design forward to completion. Build and deliver; a 20ft cable capable of delivering 23A, a 20ft cable capable of delivering 250A, a 20ft cable capable of delivering 350A. Also develop a manufacturing plan that will allow for the product to be commercialized.

Phase II will reach at least TRL 5 and commercial viability will be quantified. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Mechanical packaging and integration of the solution into a vehicle with low voltage 28VDC power buss and a high voltage 600VDC power buss will be achieved (TRL6) and a technology transition will occur so the device can be used in military ground vehicle applications. REFERENCES: • MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-202H. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles OBJECTIVE: Develop a Cruise Control Enhancement (CCE) based on terrain data to improve fuel efficiency, applicable to both manually driven and autonomous ground vehicles. DESCRIPTION: According to the American Petroleum Institute, “military fuel consumption makes the Department of Defense (DoD) the single largest consumer of petroleum in the U.S.” [1]. A Defense Science Board report on DoD energy strategy mentions that, just in 2006, the DoD spent over 10 billion USD on fuel for combat and combat related systems [2]. At this volume, aside from volatile fuel prices, one concern is dependency on foreign sources of oil, sometimes hostile to U.S.

Reducing fuel consumption by 3-5% would translate in significant cost savings for the DoD as well as benefits in short and long-term environmental, socio-economic, and energy sustainability aspects. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) funded the Fuel Efficient Ground Vehicle Demonstrator (FED) program in 2009, which looked at various engineering techniques to lower fuel consumption without sacrificing vehicle payload, protection or performance [3]. One area that wasn’t researched is fuel efficiency by enhancing the vehicle’s cruise control mechanism.

Field tests show that drivers’ behavioral modifications can improve fuel efficiency by 1-9% [4] [5]. Similarly, fuel efficiency improvements could be achieved by enhancing the cruise control behavior.

Studies that support this notion focus on Model Predictive Control (MPC), where a vehicle model is used to build a speed profile to maximize efficiency, with a 3.5% estimated improvement when using traffic data [6], and 3.53% when using road slope data [7]. Also, Intelligent Vehicle Power Control (IPC), for in-vehicle optimal control based on road type and traffic prediction, could improve efficiency by 2.68% [8]. Furthermore, using a-priori 3D road geometry was recently considered to support intelligent automotive applications [9]. The intent of this research is to advance the state of the art in vehicle control by combining these or similar methods in order to improve fuel efficiency not only for an individual vehicle, but also for the convoy seen as a whole. PHASE I: Develop a proof-of-concept of the CCE system in a simulation environment, using a-priori terrain data.

The simulation should be done for both an individual vehicle and for a convoy of up to 8 vehicles and for both a pre-set average speed and for an average speed given by a lead vehicle in a convoy. Supposing a cruise control pre-set average speed, the system should be able to use a-priori terrain data to optimize engine, transmission, and brake control of the vehicle for fuel efficiency increase of 3% (Threshold)/ 5% (Objective) when compared to a vehicle driven by an experienced driver at the same average speed. The CCE system should consider possible constraints on the average speed variance, which would depend on the mission.

The enhancement should support military Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (TWV), commercial trucks, and passenger vehicles and be applicable to commercial Cruise Control (CC) and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), as well as autonomous (full robotic) control of the vehicle. For manually driven and autonomous ground vehicles convoys the CCE system should consider vehicle separation constraints given by safety, within a minimum of 5 m, maximum 150 m, and maintaining string stability. The system should be able to set fuel efficiency either for an individual vehicle or for the convoy seen as a whole.

Demonstrate a real-time simulation showing the fuel saving benefits of the CCE system when compared to a simulated operator in the loop testing. The analysis should consider relevant average speeds, speed variances, convoy vehicle separation, and string stability constraints.

The Phase I deliverable shall include a description of the methods used, simulation results demonstrating fuel efficiency improvement, and an analysis of computation requirements for real-time implementation. PHASE II: Using the Phase I design requirements and technical documentation, the contractor should fully develop, fabricate, test, demonstrate and deliver two prototypes of the CCE system.

The embedded hardware should be installed into two vehicles chosen by the contractor, approved by the Government, to be used for test and demonstration in single vehicle operations and leader-follower operations. The Phase II deliverables shall include a technical report, software, source code and documentation. The technical report should contain an analysis of the test data to provide a fuel/cost savings prediction matrix. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Closer to commercialization, the CCE system could be integrated into commercial vehicles, and it should be capable of being applied to various military vehicle types with only minor changes.

It should be offered both as an embedded system and as a software enhancement using existing hardware. This phase should involve integrating the CCE system onto multiple military vehicles that will be used for the Autonomous Ground Resupply (AGR) program, which represents one of TARDEC’s core Capability Demonstrator (CD). For AGR, the system should be able to set fuel efficiency either for an individual vehicle or for a convoy seen as a whole and should leverage existing sensing and control baseline capabilities. REFERENCES: • Presentation by American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Red Cavaney held at the USAF/API Awards Banquet – Arlington, Virginia, July 15, 2004. See also National Defense Magazine article in 2002. • Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on DoD Energy Strategy, February 2008, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Washington, D.C.. • Fuel Efficient ground vehicle Demonstrator (FED) Vision, Presentation by Thomas M.

Mathes, Executive Director, Product Development, Tank Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center, September 30, 2008. • Martin, Boriboonsomsin, Chan, Williams, Shaheen, Barth, “Dynamic Ecodriving in Northern California: A Study of Survey and Vehicle Operations Data from an Ecodriving Feedback Device,” TRB Annual Meeting 2013. Kurani, Tai Stillwater, Matt Jones, Nicolette Caperello, “Ecodrive I-80: A Large Sample Fuel Economy Feedback Field Test Final Report,” ITS-RR-13-15. • Nicholas J. Karl Hedrick, Francesco Borrelli, “Integrating Traffic Data and Model Predictive Control to Improve Fuel Economy,” 2009. • Erik Hellstrom, Maria Ivarsson, Jan Aslund, Lars Nielsen, “Look-Ahead Control for Heavy Trucks To Minimize Trip Time And Fuel Consumption,” IFAC 2007. • Jungme Park, ZhiHang Chen, Ming Kuang, Abul Masrur, Anthony Phillips, Yi L.

Murphey, “Intelligent Vehicle Power Control based on Prediction of Road Type and Traffic Congestions,” Report for US Army TARDEC, IEEE 68th, 2008. • Xiaopeng Li, Rick Eagle, “Three-Dimensional Road Geometry Provides Precise Knowledge of the Road Ahead to Support Intelligent Automotive Applications,” TRB Annual Meeting, 2011.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles OBJECTIVE: A solid-state system for storing hydrogen is desired to fuel hydrogen fuel cells for ground vehicle power. The system should have a storage efficiency no worse than a conventional 10,000 psi tank and operate at moderate temperature and moderate pressures. DESCRIPTION: Hydrogen fuel cells are an ideal power source for military applications. Their near-silent operation coupled with a high power density and unlimited run time (provided fuel is supplied) offer many advantages over small engines and batteries for ground vehicle applications. However, unlike engines and batteries, fuel for hydrogen fuel cells is not readily available in the battlefield. The current industry standard, hydrogen gas compressed to high pressure brings challenges in order to enable Army implementation.

This can be attributed to the complexity of shipping and deploying large tankers and safety concerns regarding the high pressure and extreme flammability range of hydrogen. In order to improve the logistical feasibility of hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen stored in a solid state at moderate pressure and temperature is desired. The material should offer performance equal to or exceeding that of a 10,000 psi (700 bar) compressed hydrogen tank, with a specific focus on improving volumetric capacity. The material should require a small amount of energy in order to release hydrogen and should operate at moderate conditions.

Cryogenic temperatures or a complex cooling system is not acceptable. An ideal material could be refilled with compressed hydrogen supplied by a reformer or larger volume storage medium, however materials that require off-site reprocessing will also be considered as this effort is focused on identifying and progressing the development of the storage material. However, the material is resupplied, it should be transported and handled in methods similar to current logistic fuels and materials. Once developed and proven at a lab scale, the storage system will be integrated into an all-terrain vehicle powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. The system will need to store roughly 1.5 to 2 kilograms of hydrogen in order to allow the vehicle to operate with a range of approximately 150 miles. The system should be capable of providing fuel to any fuel cell integrated onto a ground vehicle for applications such as powering the on-board electronics and allowing the vehicle to remain stationary and observe a location for an extended period of time.

PHASE I: During Phase I, a suitable material should be investigated and selected. A small, bench-scale proof of concept unit should be developed to demonstrate the operation of the material and support system.

The capacity, energy requirements and operating conditions should be studied and documented so that it can be readily compared to compressed hydrogen. A preliminary investigation should be done in order to determine the cost and performance of scaling up the material to a level capable of supplying a fuel cell system. PHASE II: Phase II work will scale up the technology demonstrated during Phase I. The up scaled storage system should be designed to be integrated into an all-terrain vehicle that requires 1.5 to 2 kg of hydrogen in order to supply the onboard fuel cell. The system should be evaluated in order to determine if it is capable of performing as well as compressed hydrogen under provided operating conditions. The ability to couple the system with a JP-8 reformer should also be investigated, if the material is capable of a hydrogen refill at moderate pressures.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The system should be scalable to the hydrogen requirements of various applications, from small APUs to complete ground vehicle power, during Phase III. The system should conform to particular dimensions of a space claim and provide the required amount of hydrogen for each application. Commercial applications include hydrogen storage systems for consumer and commercial fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen transportation as part of a hydrogen infrastructure. The current market leader for this application is the material handling industry. REFERENCES: • Department of Energy Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage Goals. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Battlespace, Information Systems The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120-130, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730-774, which controls dual use items.

Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation and within the AF Component-specific instructions. Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws. Please direct questions to the AF SBIR/STTR Contracting Officer, Ms. Gail Nyikon,. OBJECTIVE: Develop a low earth orbit small satellite system suitable for detecting and locating near-GEO (geo-synchronous orbit) space objects of apparent visible magnitude 16 Mv or brighter. The project shall serve as a pathfinder in assessing the feasibility and affordability of developing a low cost constellation for routine and frequent updates to the GEO catalog. DESCRIPTION: Multiple factors are causing rapid advances in space-related capabilities beyond the traditional domain of governments and commercial geostationary satellites services.

A primary driver of these advancements is that leading innovators, entrepreneurs and technology companies are turning their attention and resources to developing satellite-based services and supporting satellite and launch systems. Commoditization of satellite components and major subsystems, through modularization and standardization, use of commercial/automotive electronics and hardware, rapid manufacturing, 3D printing, automated design tools, and advanced software capabilities are yielding cubesats, smallsats, and microsats that can be built in months and that cost a fraction of that of traditional satellites.

The standardization of cubesats based on 3U, 6U and 12U sizes and associated containerized launch and release systems, and standardization of smallsat sizes and interfaces including ESPA (EELV Secondary Payload Adapter) class, offer more options for low-cost space access through rideshare. Emerging dedicated smallsat launchers are using novel production methods, new rocket technology, reusability, large launch rates, and modern range and operational approaches. Furthermore, the availability of global networks for commercial ground stations and communications services allow for significant reduction in the cost of operations for these systems. It is envisioned that the revolution in business models, data analytics, payloads, satellites, launch and ground systems, sometimes collectively called New Space, can provide benefits to the Air Force in certain mission areas, and in particular for this Phase II topic area, for space surveillance. The current Air Force Space Surveillance Network (SSN) includes a range of ground-based sensors and space-based sensors to maintain a catalog of over 1500 objects in near-GEO, and it is known that there are many smaller objects that are difficult to detect or cannot be tracked with current systems. For the purposes of this solicitation, near-GEO is defined to include orbits having a mean period of approximately 24 hours, or an apogee near 35,768km, and having any values of inclination angle and orbital eccentricity. It is projected that the New Space paradigm can replicate the capabilities of these LEO systems within the scope of this Phase II, i.e., deliver a satellite and/or payload for this mission area within the funding and schedule of the awarded contract(s).

There are several options for award, including a single award for satellite bus and payload, or separate awards to two vendors, one for the bus and one for the payload. In the latter case, vendors will be required to collaborate to define appropriate interfaces between these two system elements. The Air Force may elect to subsequently partner with awardees to support the integration, launch and operations of the delivered systems. PHASE I: Proposal must show • Demonstrated understanding of space surveillance technology and data products used for space catalog maintenance. • Demonstrated capability to produce small satellites and/or optical payloads that have relevance to this space surveillance mission area.

• Demonstrated understanding of opportunities, processes and constraints for ground communications links, satellite operations and low cost launch, primarily through ridesharing. FEASIBILITY DOCUMENTATION: Offerors interested in submitting a Direct to Phase II proposal in response to this topic must provide documentation to substantiate that the scientific and technical merit and feasibility described above has been met and to identify the potential commercial applications. The documentation provided must substantiate that the proposer has developed a preliminary understanding of the technology to be applied in their Phase II proposal to meet the objectives of this topic. Documentation should include all relevant information including, but not limited to: technical reports, test data, prototype designs/models, and performance goals/results.

Read and follow all of the feasibility documentation portions of the Air Force 16.3 Instructions. The Air Force will not evaluate the offeror’s related Direct to Phase II proposal where it determines that the offeror has failed to demonstrate the scientific and technical merit and feasibility of the Phase I project. PHASE II: The contractor shall perform the following tasks: • Develop an overall low-cost LEO-based small satellite mission design concept that provides for detection and location of near-GEO objects, on a prescheduled / routine basis (sweep mode or fence mode), or with options for scheduled tasking. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: The objective of this initiative is to develop innovative and unique technologies that doctors, nurses, medics EMTs and other health care providers can use to keep working with their patients, and still document in the Electronic Health Record in a hands-free manner.

Currently, healthcare providers have to stop what they are doing and type into a keyboard to document patient care. The desired hands-free solution will facilitate clinical providers/first responders’ ability to document on-site patient intake, assessment, point of care treatment and patient data to enable clinical data entry into the patient Electronic Health Record (EHR).

Many busy healthcare providers, EMTs, first responders, and those military medical providers in dispersed military operations may not have the advantage of the organized logistics and casualty care systems and rely on memory until access to data entry is possible. This topic seeks new and innovative alternative data entry approach for Healthcare Providers to enter Electronic Health Record data into a computerized documentation system while keeping their hands completely free to work with patients.

DESCRIPTION: The Department of Defense (DOD) has recognized a critical process deficiency for combat medics to maintain clinical care, workflow and provide needed documentation surrounding response to crisis situations and point of care/point of injury treatment. The same need exists in the civilian sector, where busy doctors, nurses, nursing assistants and other care providers have to stop taking care of their patients, and then turn to the keyboard of their computers to enter information in the electronic health record. “Fat fingering”, i.e. Using a keyboard to type in notes, select from drop down menus, and enter numerical values takes away significant amounts of time from patient care, and absorbs large amounts of clinician productivity that could better be applied elsewhere to actually take care of patients and their families.

While certain providers, such as radiologists, do use natural language processing, this only works with repetitive blocks of information, (i.e. “readings” that use common language repeatedly) and when used in quiet environments, i.e. The radiologists cubicle or office. In a busy hospital emergency room, ward, operating room, or in a military field environment, natural language processing has not been a viable solution heretofore because of ambient noise which impacts accuracy, as well as the need for nurses and doctors to be speaking to their patients and colleagues as they work. The experience of recent military conflicts indicates that medical emergency responders, personnel and combat casualty care physicians, at all levels in the theater, from the far-forward to field hospital to rehabilitation centers, are able to save lives of wounded soldiers at unprecedented rates. However, warfighter and combat medics in specific Areas of Responsibility (AOR) are unable to access tools for documenting needed initial clinical intake information. Clinical data regarding care, treatment and/or investigation of emergencies, incident victims to track and provide crisis and incident statistics, patient health status, physical and mental clinical state and responder point of care treatment.

PHASE I: Design/develop an innovative concept for improved Usability for Human Machine Interface for Clinical Healthcare Providers to enter Data into Electronic Health Records. The initial prototype shall be aimed toward a fixed facility. Anticipated approaches for unanticipated environments include any type of passive non hands used data entry techniques.

The effort should clearly analyze the scientific, technical and commercial merit as well as feasibility of using a hands-free data entry capability for use by civilian and military medical personnel in all echelons of medical care arenas, particularly useful in combat environments. Proposed work should products and/or services for hands-free electronic record data entry for medical / clinical / biological purposes even if the solution is not currently in use with medical systems. The effort should seek innovative and novel ideas to provide a realistic, low cost and high usability solution that is intuitive, and requires minimal to no training for persons to use.

The research will explore solutions that will not degrade workflow, will be operable and reliable in complex, noisy environments, and should demonstrate a high-degree of usability to avoid interference with the flow of hands-on patient care, which can be interrupted with using keyboards or using handheld devices. Especially in military operational environments with high tempo, the ability to enter data/document care in a hands free manner is critical. Keeping providers hands available for caring for casualties, moving patients for evacuation, and administering life-saving/limb saving treatments is imperative. The solution should work in common operating environments with presence of noise, fluids, and with providers using disposable gloves/sterile technique, and in various temperatures (i.e.

In hospitals, a cold operating room and warm burn unit patient room; in first responder situations wind, rain, cold). The proposed solution should adhere to/ use technical standards to insure wide usage/acceptability and interoperability.

The offeror shall identify innovative technologies reviewed and considered, technical risks of the selected approach; costs, benefits and schedule associated with development and demonstration of the prototype. The final report shall include design of the innovative and improve human-machine interface for clinical providers to offer hands-free capability for clinical data entry, including performance goals, associated metrics, and conceptual validation through simulation, testing or other means. Determine future technological barriers with integrating / implementing the improve human-machine interface for clinical providers to enter hands-free data entry into electronic health records in various civilian and military medical environments, and identify probable risk mitigation strategies. PHASE II: Based on the Phase I design and development feasibility report, the performer shall produce a prototype demonstrating potential medical utility in accordance with the success criteria developed in Phase I.

The performer will then develop the prototype for the DOD evaluation. The performer shall deliver a demonstration of the prototype, and prepare a report describing the design and operation of the prototype. The intent of this phase is for the developer to deliver a well-defined prototype (i.e., a technology, product or service) meeting the requirements of the original solicitation topic which can be made commercially viable. The prototype shall effectively provide an improved, high usability, hands-free documentation capability and demonstrate validation of technology that enables data entry/data capture to the electronic patient record at point-of-care while the doctor, nurse or medic keeps working, and without the use of hand-operated keyboards, or hand-operated input devices. Expect to demonstrate prototype in military exercise field environment. The theater/operational medicine capabilities are expected to function in all or some of the environments noted: • low/no communication environment (i.e.

No or low bandwidth environments) • first responder capabilities including immediate lifesaving measures at the point of injury in deployed/operational environments such as EMTs or firefighters on calls or combat medics in the field • common hospital environments such as operating rooms, emergency rooms, wards, where there is noise, presence of fluids, and where providers are using disposable gloves/sterile technique • EnRoute Care - care required to maintain the treatment initiated prior to evacuation and the sustainment of the patient's medical condition during evacuation. Care can range from in-flight skilled nursing care up to invasive Critical Care services from Critical Care Air Transport Teams (CCATT) PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Follow-on activities shall include a demonstration of the application of this system in a civilian healthcare setting or to the Military Health System in deployed and non-deployed environments, civilian hospitals, ambulatory, training programs and/or with other military medical personnel. The performers shall demonstrate effectiveness and generate a profile of the innovative, high usability, hands free data entry solution that will synch, transfer or provide data to the Cerner electronic health record. The study will provide the clinical evidence for un-interrupted clinical workflow when treating patients using the proposed solution. Effectiveness shall be measured in terms accuracy of data entry in common operating environments with presence of noise, fluids, and using disposable gloves/sterile technique, and in various temperatures (i.e. In hospitals, a cold operating room and warm burn unit patient room; in first responder situations wind, rain, cold), and demonstration of usability using commonly accepted functional and technical metrics, and adherence/ use of technical standards to insure wide usage/acceptability. Anticipate working with other Advanced Developers such as MC4.

REFERENCES: • Gabriel Aldaz, Lauren Aquino Shluzas, David Pickham, Ozgur Eris, Joel Sadler, Shantanu Joshi, Larry Leifer, (April 22, 2015), “Hands-Free Image Capture, Data Tagging and Transfer Using Google Glass: A Pilot Study for Improved Wound Care Management” • Jeffrey J. Jacobsen, “Headset Computer With Handsfree Emergency Response” (2014) • Joshua E. Richardson and Joan S. Ash, “Effects of Hands Free Communication Devices on Clinical Communication: Balancing Communication Access Needs with User Control” (2008) • Ed Crow, Janet Jonson “Wireless Handheld Electronic Devices Assisting Emergency Medical Field Personnel” (2000) • AHIMA e-HIM workgroup, Speech Recognition in the Electronic Health Record (AHIMA Practice Brief) (2003). TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: Develop, demonstrate, test, and evaluate a scene registration educational tool that registers/transmits/updates from a simulated patient’s position/orientation using information to correlate accurately with 3-D anatomical dynamic models replicating position/orientation. DESCRIPTION: Standardized patients and medical mannequin simulators are helpful medical educational tools used during training.

To complement the benefits of these simulation tools, the topic calls upon performers to leverage augmented reality (AR) technology for scene registration for use in medical training. The tool should accurately and appropriately link position and orientation of training models using accurate anatomical overlays over a 3D surface to enhance the understanding of the relationship of landmarks with its underlying anatomy. The goal of this topic is to create a system to augment a dynamic 3D scene registration using AR technology in order to produce a tool to that can recognize fiducial markers on a patient simulator or standardized patient. The performer can develop their own system or, if available, use existing or expected to be released technology (i.e. Sensors, fiducial markers) that can be purchased and placed directly on/in a mannequin, attached or applied to a standardized patient or use technology already inserted into part task trainers or full body mannequin simulation systems to create a dynamic 3D scene registration using AR technology.

The scene registration AR software should be easily downloaded and be able to be used on existing mobile devices or anticipated to be released mobile devices. The developed software should accurately and appropriately register the detection technology when the mobile device’s existing camera is aimed at a standardized patient or a medical mannequin. The software should recognize and display the gross characteristics upon detection of the anatomical markers. Accurate and appropriate representation of models representing different layers of the underlying anatomy should be designed and displayed on a mobile device and correlate with the registration data and emphasis should be placed upon dynamic models where fiducial markers change their position and orientation in space. The dynamic models should reflect the orientation and position of the standardized patient or mannequin. The developed software should display models from any anatomical position and orientation (e.g. Anterior, posterior, lateral, and oblique views).

The user should have the ability to lock and rotate models regardless of view. Software development should focus on the development, technical feasibility, and demonstration of a low-cost tool that will complement the instructor’s ability to teach and implement realistic simulation practice procedures enhancing the learning experience at all experience levels. The instructor should have the option to become a master controller and easily share images captured with students on their mobile device. The instructor should have the ability to add/remove static/dynamic model layers. The proposed development effort should: • Accurately and appropriately track and register an array of different anatomical positions and orientations either placed on standardized patients or mannequins, and/or ones that are already embedded in mannequins • Allow for quick capture of the underlying anatomy via mobile device and save as an image on the mobile device • Include static/dynamic models • Display models from any angle of the human anatomy • Display models from any anatomical position and orientation. PHASE I: Phase I will develop a proof of concept scene registration AR education application/tool.

A justification describing the accuracy and sensitivity of the tool(s) used for the scene registration concerning data registration is required. The development will need to prove that registration, tracking, and accuracy of data transmitted and received can reflect different anatomical positions, orientations, and joint movement (i.e. Flexion, extension). The proof of concept will need to demonstrate the animated model’s ability to coordinate anatomical positioning with that of a standardized patient or mannequin.

The performer shall deliver a report describing the software and operation of the initial software package. The requested anatomy for Phase I proof of concept is either the neck (cricothyroidotomy2) or the shoulder (axillary artery and its tributaries). The performer is encouraged to use resources from the Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET1). ASSET can be utilized as an example of where the demonstration of scene registration AR may be useful and is congruent with current military medical training curricula. The intent of this phase is for the performer to produce an initial software, application design, and proof of concept that demonstrates the new innovation of the tool that is being tested and indicate the types of risk anticipated. The performer will submit a final report and provide an initial demonstration (video) describing the stage of the software development and application, along with details of what will be further developed in Phase II.

PHASE II: Building upon the development and lessons learned of Phase I, Phase II will focus on expanding the registration capabilities of the detection tool(s) over broader areas (X, Y, Z plane & respective tissue planes). Phase II will begin incorporating dynamic models of the anatomy to align with the standardized patient or mannequin’s position, orientation, and joint movement. Phase II will show an increase in detail concerning the static and the animated underlying medical anatomical models.

Layer-by-layer addition/removal of anatomy dependent upon its respective position, orientation, and joint movement will need to be incorporated. Sophistication of the software application will continue to be developed to include an instructor blackboard or whiteboard concept in which the instructor can become the Master operator; as a result, models being studied can be focused upon layer-by-layer and can be shared with the students’ individual mobile devices. Phase II should build upon the basic medical images in Phase I and begin incorporating more complex models to include the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Some anatomical variations should be included in the final deliverable. Phase II product will need to demonstrate its usefulness (i.e. Survey) with an appropriate user sample.

The performer will submit a final report that will include the results of the survey of appropriate user sample as well as the current state of the software application. The performer will provide a demonstration of the product along with details of what will be further developed in Phase III. This demonstration most likely will occur in the Maryland, northern Virginia, or Washington, DC area. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Concluding in Phase III the performer will have built a viable, commercially available software product accessible in a downloadable application that can be used in a mobile device. The content should encompass basic models to complex dynamic scenes that can display rotating models and include specialized anatomy such as the head and neck. The ability of the software to easily reveal multilayer or stacking effect of models will be ideal.

Preferably, the capability will be based on state of the art software and hardware principles, use validated data from publicly available sources, reside on DoD IT systems, and provide anatomically correct models that can be used in medical school coursework. The addition of pathologies and trauma models such as burns, blast, penetrating, blunt, and/or crush injuries will need to be incorporated. It is anticipated that commercial markets that could benefit from this novel product can include emergency, technical, nursing, physical therapy and medical schools to include their respective residency or licensed equivalency. If technology of this product is expanded, such commercial markets could also include dental and veterinary training programs. Manufacturers of sports gear and physical therapy clinics who will want a better understanding of the relationship between external anatomical landmarks and underlying anatomy under variable anatomical positions could benefit from such a product resulting in an improvement of commercial preventative injury equipment market (helmets, braces, guards etc.). This demonstration most likely will occur in the Maryland, northern Virginia, or Washington, DC area.

Upon completion, the performer will submit a final report describing the software application and provide a final demonstration of the product. REFERENCES: • Advanced surgical skills for exposure in trauma (ASSET), • Campbell-Wynn, L. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of advanced interactive m&s: a cricothyroidotomy simulation case study, • American thoracic society: patient information series. Chest tube thoracostomy. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: To develop a self-propelled (automated) tick collection device that is capable of operating in diverse habitats under various environmental conditions.

DESCRIPTION: In many parts of the world, tick-borne diseases pose serious health risks to troops, civilian employees, and residents at military installations. To mitigate the threat of tick-borne disease, preventive medicine personnel monitor tick vectors and implement control strategies. Surveillance (monitoring) for changes in the abundance and activity of host-seeking ticks is critical to assess public health risk for tick-borne pathogens like Lyme disease. Tick surveillance should employ efficient collection methods that accurately assess population and species diversity, as well as prevalence and intensity of infection with tick–associated pathogens. Host detection and attachment by ticks is achieved through three main behavioral patterns: questing (stationary ambush), hunting (active movement towards host) and tick-host cohabitation.

Tick collection methods used by Military Preventive Medicine can be divided into three major categories: (1) dragging; (2) trapping using carbon dioxide (CO2); and (3) collecting directly from hosts. Dragging is considered the standard method for collecting questing ticks on vegetation, and approximates human biting risks. Dragging involves moving a piece of flannel or cotton across vegetation behind the collector and allowing ticks to attach to the cloth as it passes. There are several important issues associated with the dragging method: (1) it is labor intensive, which negatively affects the sampling effort (total area/distance covered and duration of the sampling period), (2) it exposes the collector to potentially infected ticks, and (3) it only samples ticks (mainly adults) that quest on the upper layer of vegetation. The CO2 tick sampling method utilizes dry ice (CO2) which serves as bait to attract actively host-seeking ticks of all life stages (larvae, nymphs and adults) to a collection site proximate to the CO2 source.

Because this method is stationary, it is not as restricted by vegetation type and density. Additionally, CO2 reduces the sampling effort, but also has the additional logistical problems of CO2 source acquisition, transport and storage. Furthermore, tick species vary in their responsiveness to CO2 with some species responding strongly (Amblyomma hebraeum ); moderately (Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease vector)); or poorly (Dermacentor variabilis (Rocky mountain spotted fever vector))(Sonenshine, 1993).

Host-based sampling typically involves trapping wild animals or sampling from fresh carcasses. The advantage of this method is that the preferred hosts can be sensitive collectors of ticks at low densities. Disadvantages of this method are that it is labor intensive, requires worker protection measures, difficult to obtain large sample sizes, inconsistency in collection between workers, and requirements for animal handling approval (Cohnstaedt et al. The purpose of this project is to develop a novel tick surveillance device to perform surveillance on medically important tick species such as Dermacentor variabilis (transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever), Ixodes scapularis (transmits Lyme disease) and Dermacentor marginatus (transmits Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever). The ideal product will be well suited for Preventive Medicine deployment packages and more effective than current collection methods. Specific objective for this product are as follows: • Should be able to traverse through diverse tick habitats (shrubs, weeds, short and tall grasses) via remote control or automated programing. • Continuous and point sampling (device programming options) • Continuous mode should have an operation time for at least 45 minutes • Point sampling mode (example: Stationary sampling for 3 hours at one location then move to next sampling point location) should have an operation time for at least 8 hours.

PHASE I: This phase of the SBIR should focus on developing the initial concept and design for the tick surveillance trap. Phase I proposals should demonstrate the likelihood that an effective autonomous tick sampling device can be developed that meets the broad needs discussed in this topic. PHASE II: During the Phase II portion of this SBIR, the awardee should develop the prototype design. Once the initial prototype is developed, it should be tested in both laboratory and field environments for efficacy in collecting medically important ticks as described in the specific project objectives above.

At the conclusion of Phase II, the awardee should have developed a prototype that is able to collect host-seeking and questing ticks from tick infested habitats. Specific expectations for the product are outlined above. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: During this phase the selected contractor will finalize the design of a production model and commercialize the desired device. Military Application: The developed product will be used by Military Preventive Medicine personnel operating in the continental United States and deployed environments around the world. The selected contractor should provide a report that summarizes the performance of the tick collecting device to the Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) and a request for assignment of a National Stock Number (NSN) to this device. Commercial Applications: The proposed SBIR has commercial applications outside of the military.

In order to increase marketability, this device should be modified for indoor use and made capable of collecting bedbugs as well. Bedbug control is very expensive and often requires multiple treatments. These issues and the additional problem of pesticide resistance, makes alternatives such as the proposed trap attractive to the pest management industry. Furthermore, a novel tick collecting device as such as this would be of great value to organizations involved in tick epidemiology and research. Examples are University and Industry Entomologist, Vector Control Districts, Vector Biologist, Vector Ecologist, and Public Health agencies. REFERENCES: • Cohnstaedt, L., Rochon, K., Duehl, A., Anderson, J., Barrera, R., Su, N., Gerry, A., Obenauer, P., Campbell, J., Lysyk, T., and Allan, S.

Arthropod Surveillance Programs: Basic Components, Strategies, and Analysis. 105(2): 135 – 149 • Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) Technical Guide 26.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: Develop and validate antibodies for broad-spectrum detection of Shigella spp. And non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica. The antibody or antibody mixture should be of sufficient sensitivity to bind concentrations of these bacteria that are found in stool samples from diseased patients, be readily incorporated into both ELISA and lateral flow immunoassay platforms, and be compatible with use in an austere environment (resistant to degradation in environmental extremes).

DESCRIPTION: Gastrointestinal illnesses caused by bacterial infection are a frequent cause of loss of duty days and other physiologic sequelae in Service members while deployed. In this population, the causative agents are often enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Campylobacter spp., Shigella spp., and non-typhoidal Salmonella; however, a significant number of cases are undiagnosed (45.6%) [Connor et al., Curr Opin Infect Dis, 2012]. The clinical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. These infections are readily communicable between individuals sharing close quarters such as military camps and bases, daycares, and naval vessels.

Transmission is most frequently through the consumption of contaminated food and person-to-person contact. Due to the operational environment, patients seen at the military equivalent of an outpatient clinic (Role of Care 1) must be quickly treated and returned to duty or evacuated to a medical unit with expanded diagnostic and treatment capabilities (Role of Care 2-4). Therefore, differential diagnosis on the day of symptom onset is essential. In military settings, the point of need is frequently an austere environment without, for example, access to typical laboratory infrastructure, reliable electric power, refrigeration or controlled room-temperature storage, or specially trained laboratory personnel. Contributing to the negative impact on the infected individual and the burden on the unit’s mission is the lack of laboratory diagnostic capability. There are limited FDA-cleared diagnostic devices for bacterial diarrheal pathogens (FDA, particularly for Shigella spp and non-typhoidal Salmonella. While culture or laboratory developed tests using PCR or ELISA can be performed at heavily equipped diagnostic laboratories, these platforms are not compatible with deployment.

The military recently identified lateral flow immunochromatographic tests (ICT) as the platform of choice for rapid infectious disease diagnostics. However, critical reagents for these assays that sufficiently detect the serotypes of these pathogens are challenging to generate and no novel antibodies have been cleared by the FDA for decades.

Moreover, those antibodies that do exist in have a number of deficiencies such as insufficient sensitivity and unwanted serotype-specificity. Thus, the military has a requirement for the development of 'pan-Shigella' and 'pan-Salmonella' antibodies that are used in ICT platforms that are sufficiently sensitive to diagnose patients infected by any serotype or species of Shigella or non-typhoidal Salmonella by rapid and direct analysis of unprocessed stool. The antibodies should be designed to minimize false positive or false negative results. Because there are many different serotypes of Shigella and non-typhoidal Salmonella that are prevalent, the antibodies should not differentiate between serotypes of the given pathogen.

However, the antibodies should be pathogen-specific and be able to differentiate between Shigella and non-typhoidal Salmonella, as well as differentiate either Shigella or Salmonella from other common enteric bacterial pathogens such as Campylobacter and various E. Coli virotypes (i.e. EHEC, EPEC, ETEC, EAEC, not EIEC) The proposed reagents should be developed with the application for incorporation into a diagnostic device that will be cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a diagnostic device. Department of Defense is seeking innovative materiel solutions to provide pan-Shigella and pan-Salmonella reagents that can be used to diagnose gastrointestinal illnesses caused by Shigella and Salmonella spp. Development of an FDA-cleared diagnostic device is not contemplated within the scope of Phases I, II, or III of this effort.

PHASE I: Specific Aim 1: Antibodies raised against Gram-negative enteric pathogens are typically directed to the immunodominant O-antigen, making such antibodies largely serotype-specific. For the purposes of a point-of-care rapid diagnostic device, serotype-specific antibodies impart a degree of specificity that is not only unnecessary for treatment decisions, but also adds excessive complexity and cost to R&D efforts. Consequently, there is a critical need for antibodies that are specific enough to identify clinically-relevant levels of Shigella and non-typhoidal Salmonella in human stool samples, but are not restricted to particular serotypes.

Recombinant antibody technology is non-animal model dependent and generates monoclonal antibodies, but there is a dearth of data and product available for Shigella and Salmonella spp. The process generally consists of (1) generation of an antibody gene library; (2) display of the library on phage coats or cell surfaces (3) isolation of antibodies against an antigen of interest; (4) modification of the isolated antibodies and (5) scaled up production of selected antibodies in a cell culture expression system. This approach has been successful in the generating antibodies that have been FDA-cleared previously, and utilizing this rational engineering approach should overcome the natural immunodominance of the bacterial O-antigens. As part of this topic, the Contractor will demonstrate proof of concept of this technology and generate Shigella and Salmonella spp. Antibodies for broad-spectrum detection against a wide range of clinically relevant samples of multiple species and serotypes using recombinant antibody technology. Deliver a report documenting the measures taken to generate these antibodies and the performance of these antibody reagents.

Comparison to commercially available antibodies should also be performed. Specific Aim 2: In the event that no suitable antibodies are identified in Aim 1, the Contractor will develop and execute alternative approaches for the generation of novel pan-Shigella and pan-Salmonella antibodies or optimization of existing reagents. The Contractor will deliver antibody reagents that are pathogen-specific and serotype-independent and a report documenting their development and initial performance. PHASE II: Specific Aim 3: Based on the work in Phase I, demonstrate the performance of pan-Shigella and pan-Salmonella antibody reagents (generated using recombinant antibody technology or an alternative approach if needed) capable of detecting Shigella and Salmonella at clinically-relevant concentrations directly from a human stool matrix. Sensitivity and specificity testing using spiked stool samples should be performed. Cross reactivity against other non-Shigella and non-Salmonella bacterial species should be performed. The Contractor will deliver a report documenting the data demonstrating performance of the reagents.

The Contractor will also deliver sufficient quantities of reagents to allow the DoD to perform 150 tests during a DoD in-house laboratory evaluation. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: By the end of Phase III, the Contractor will have optimized and validated reagents that may be available for sale and/or licensure or establish a partnership with a diagnostic device company that develops and/or manufactures lateral flow immunoassays for bacterial diarrheal pathogens.

Depending on the quality and nature of the antibodies, it is also possible that these antibodies may be evaluated for use as a therapeutic; however, therapeutic use is not the intended application of this topic. Such a device supports the Military Infectious Disease Research Program (), U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, and the Pharmaceutical Systems Project Management Office, U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA). USAMMDA is the advanced developer of medical materiel for the U.S. Army and manages contracts for product development from after the proof-of-concept phase through initial fielding to operational units.

Further, the device may have commercial market applicability to the health care, cruise ship, and childcare industries and possibly also the airline, hospitality, and food service industries, and non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations (NGOs and IGOs) implementing public health, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief projects in the developing world. REFERENCES: • Connor P., Porter C.K., Swierczewski B., Riddle, M.S. Diarrhoea during military deployment: current concepts and future directions. Current Opinions in Infectious Diseases. 2012 Oct;25(5):546-54.

• Jones TF, Gerner-Smidt P. Nonculture diagnostic tests for enteric diseases. Emerging Infectious Diseases.

2012 Mar;18(3):513-4. • Riddle MS, Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Tribble DR. Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among long-term travelers (US military and similar populations): a systematic review. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2006 May;74(5):891-900. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: Development of a novel device for the stabilization of moderate to severe brain injury at point of injury/point of need that can be used by first responders in the deployed environment (medics and corpsmen). DESCRIPTION: TBI is the signature injury of Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, accounting for approximately 20-25% of the Joint Theater Trauma Registry (JTTR) reviewed combat casualties [1].

Between 2000 and Q3FY15, 37,147 service members sustained a moderate/severe brain injury [2]. Neurological damage from TBI is a consequence of both the moment of impact or injury as well as the secondary injury that evolves over the hours and days post-injury. To maximize outcomes, TBI care should begin as soon as possible after injury and be targeted to prevent or mitigate the secondary, delayed insults [3]. Improved TBI outcomes reflect cumulative care delivered throughout the casualty care continuum including (1) battlefield first responder care, (2) tactical field and tactical evacuation care, and (3) subsequent care across the global military care system. Early resuscitative attempts by the Medics include hemorrhage control, hypertonic saline, prehospital endotracheal intubation, and hyperventilation [4].

The “Golden Hour” is based upon the movement of the injured to a fixed location within 60 minutes. During the OIF/OEF conflicts casualties were moved rapidly and efficiently through echelons of care.

Force 2025 however predicts complex combat scenarios where evacuation time is expected to be significantly longer. This requires bringing the advanced capabilities forward for Prolonged Field Care (PFC) by medics/corpsmen [5].

Military medical research, advanced development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) are part of a vital national security strategy to prepare for future combat scenarios. [6] In this solicitation we are requesting proposals addressing the mitigation/prevention of secondary brain injury from moderate, severe, and penetrating TBI.

Specifically, this solicitation is seeking a device for use during PFC to stabilize casualties who sustain a moderate-severe TBI. The proposal shall address not only preliminary data to support the therapeutic claims, but it should also provide a plan for an effective, logistically supportable deployment during PFC. The outcome for this proposal is the development of a battlefield therapeutic device for moderate-severe TBI.

It is expected that this intervention will enable the Medic/Corpsman to administer interventions earlier, ultimately resulting in improved outcomes. The device will be ruggedized, portable, field deployable and be able to withstand extreme conditions such as cold, heat, and high altitude, and fit into a Medic or Corpsman bag.

If capability requires power it must be battery powered with appropriate battery life. PHASE I: Design/develop an innovative device to prevent or reduce secondary brain injury for use point of injury/Role1. The effort should clearly describe the scientific, technical feasibility, and commercial merit of developing a low-cost medical device to be used by medical providers of all levels in Combat Medical Programs. The submitter shall define the proposed concept(s) and develop key component of milestones; technical risks to the approach; costs, benefits, and schedule associated with the development and demonstration of the prototype. It is expected that the submitter analyze, assess and verify the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed device at the conclusion of phase 1. The offeror may consider initiating discussions with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding requirements and end points necessary to obtain FDA approval.

The final report shall include the design of the device, including performance goals, associated metrics, and conceptual validation through simulation or other means. Example approaches, include, but are not limited to; medical device to allow for surgical interventions in the far forward environment; devices to decrease intracranial pressure; devices to stop intracranial bleeding; solutions to sanitize an open skull injury and prevent infection; interventions that in the past were performed at higher level of care.

The device will be ruggedized, portable, field deployable and be able to withstand extreme conditions such as cold, heat, and high altitude. If capability requires power it must be battery powered with appropriate battery life. PHASE II: Based on the Phase I design and development feasibility report, the offeror shall produce a prototype device demonstrating medical efficacy according to the criteria and milestones developed in Phase I. The offeror will deliver the prototype for DoD evaluation. The offeror shall deliver a report describing the design and standard operation procedures (SOP) of the prototype as well as a comprehensive instruction manual for use. It is expected that the submitter analyze, assess and verify the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed device at the conclusion of Phase II.

Prior to conducting human studies, the offeror, using an appropriate animal model of moderate to severe TBI, must show effective stabilization and/or prevention of secondary injury to the brain. Only after such studies can the project be translated into human studies. Based on the Phase I design and development feasibility report, the performer shall produce a prototype demonstrating potential medical utility in accordance with the success criteria developed in Phase I. The performer will then deliver the prototype for DoD evaluation. The performer shall deliver a report describing the design and operation of the prototype. The intent of this phase is for the developer to deliver a well-defined prototype (i.e., a technology or product) meeting the requirements of the original solicitation topic and which can be made commercially viable.

The prototype should slow or mitigate secondary brain injury. The offeror shall provide a clear plan on how FDA clearance will be obtained. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Follow-on activities shall include a demonstration of the application of this system to the Military Health System in deployed and non-deployed environments, paramedics, civilian air evacuation transport, civilian hospitals, residency training programs, and other military medical personnel. The offeror shall focus on transitioning the device technology from research to operational capability and shall demonstrate that this system could be used in a broad range of military and civilian settings by paramedics, physicians and midlevel providers in austere medical environments. The offeror shall provide a clear plan on how FDA clearance will be obtained. REFERENCES: • Owens, B.D., et al., Combat wounds in operation Iraqi Freedom and operation Enduring Freedom.

J Trauma, 2008. • Armed Forces Health Surveillance, C., Deployment-Related Conditions of Special Surveillance Interest, U.S. Armed Forces, by Month and Service, January 2003-August 2012. • Joint Theatre Trauma System: Management of Patients with Severe Head Trauma Clinical Practice Guideline.

• Fang, R., et al., Early in-theater management of combat-related traumatic brain injury: A prospective, observational study to identify opportunities for performance improvement. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 79(4 Suppl 2): S181-7 • Rasmussen T., et al., In the “Golden Hour”, Army AL&T, January-March 2015, 80-85 • Rasmussen T., et al., Why Military Medical Research?, Military Medicine, 179, 8:1, 2014. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: Development of a novel treatment for the stabilization of moderate to severe brain injury at point of injury/point of need that can be used by first responders in the deployed environment (medics and corpsmen). DESCRIPTION: TBI is the signature injury of Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, accounting for approximately 20-25% of the Joint Theater Trauma Registry (JTTR) reviewed combat casualties [1].

Between 2000 and Q3FY15, 37,147 service members sustained a moderate/severe brain injury [2]. Neurological damage from TBI is a consequence of both the moment of impact or injury as well as the secondary injury that evolves over the hours and days post-injury. To maximize outcomes, TBI care should begin as soon as possible after injury and be targeted to prevent or mitigate the secondary, delayed insults [3].

Improved TBI outcomes reflect cumulative care delivered throughout the casualty care continuum including (1) battlefield first responder care, (2) tactical field and tactical evacuation care, and (3) subsequent care across the global military care system. Early resuscitative attempts by the Medics include hemorrhage control, hypertonic saline, prehospital endotracheal intubation, and hyperventilation [4]. The “Golden Hour” is based upon the movement of the injured to a fixed location within 60 minutes. During the OIF/OEF conflicts casualties were moved rapidly and efficiently through echelons of care. Force 2025 however predicts complex combat scenarios where evacuation time is expected to be significantly longer. This requires bringing the advanced capabilities forward for Prolonged Field Care (PFC) by medics/corpsmen [5]. Military medical research, advanced development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) are part of a vital national security strategy to prepare for future combat scenarios.

[6] In this solicitation we are requesting proposals addressing the mitigation/prevention of secondary brain injury from moderate, severe, and penetrating TBI. Specifically, this solicitation is seeking a drug or therapy for use during PFC to stabilize casualties who sustain a moderate-severe TBI. The proposal shall address not only preliminary data to support the therapeutic claims, but it should also provide a plan for an effective, logistically supportable deployment during PFC. The outcome for this proposal is the development of a battlefield therapeutic treatment for moderate-severe TBI. It is expected that this intervention will enable the Medic/Corpsman to administer interventions earlier, ultimately resulting in improved outcomes. The treatment will be field deployable and be able to withstand extreme conditions such as cold, heat, and high altitude, and fit into a Medic or Corpsman bag.

PHASE I: Test a promising and innovative drug to prevent or reduce secondary brain injury for use point of injury/Role1. To facilitate rapid translation from preclinical study to clinical application in human population, this work will be performed in a large animal (ex. Swine or sheep) or non-human primate preclinical model of moderate-severe TBI. The effort should clearly describe the scientific, technical feasibility, and commercial merit of developing a low-cost drug for use by medical providers of all levels in Combat Medical Programs.

The submitter shall define the proposed concept(s) and develop key component of milestones; technical risks to the approach; costs, benefits, and schedule associated with the development and demonstration of the safety and efficacy of the treatment. It is expected that the submitter analyze, assess and verify the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed treatment at the conclusion of phase 1. The offeror is encouraged to engage in early discussions with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding requirements and end points necessary to obtain FDA approval. The final report shall include the composition of the treatment, including performance goals, associated metrics, and conceptual validation through simulation or other means, and status of FDA communications. Example approaches, include, but are not limited to; pharmaceutical treatment to mitigate the progression of secondary brain injury by targeting the Blood Brain Barrier, Brain Blood Barrier, inflammatory response, or resuscitative adjunct.

The treatment will be field deployable and be able to withstand extreme conditions such as cold, heat, and high altitude PHASE II: Based on the Phase I preclinical evidence of drug efficacy to treat and prevent secondary brain injury following a severe TBI report, the offeror shall provide a treatment protocol to demonstrate drug safety/ dose escalation in a normal patient population according to the criteria and milestones developed in Phase I. The offeror will deliver the treatment to the DoD for evaluation. The offeror shall deliver a report describing the design and standard operation procedures (SOP) of the treatment. It is expected that the submitter analyze, assess and verify the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed therapeutic drug at the conclusion of Phase II. Prior to conducting human studies, the offeror, using an appropriate animal model of moderate to severe TBI, must show effective stabilization and/or prevention of secondary injury to the brain. Only after such studies can the project be translated into human studies. These studies shall be concluded in Phase I of this SBIR.

Based on the Phase I design and drug efficacy report, the performer shall produce a protocol (dosage, route of administration, timing of intervention) demonstrating potential medical utility in accordance with the success criteria developed in Phase I. The performer will then deliver the drug and protocol for DoD evaluation.

The performer shall deliver a protocol describing the therapeutic drug dose escalation and safety testing administration. The intent of this phase is for the developer to deliver a well-described intervention meeting the requirements of the original solicitation topic and which can be made commercially viable. The offeror will provide a clear plan on how FDA clearance will be obtained.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Follow-on activities shall include the necessary studies requested by the FDA to gain clearance of the drug for use in severe TBI population. The offeror shall focus on working towards getting the therapy FDA approved for the indication to treat severe TBI.

The offeror shall provide a clear plan on how FDA clearance will be obtained. REFERENCES: • Owens, B.D., et al., Combat wounds in operation Iraqi Freedom and operation Enduring Freedom. J Trauma, 2008. • Armed Forces Health Surveillance, C., Deployment-Related Conditions of Special Surveillance Interest, U.S. Armed Forces, by Month and Service, January 2003-August 2012.

• Joint Theatre Trauma System: Management of Patients with Severe Head Trauma Clinical Practice Guideline. • Fang, R., et al., Early in-theater management of combat-related traumatic brain injury: A prospective, observational study to identify opportunities for performance improvement.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 79(4 Suppl 2): S181-7 • Rasmussen T., et al., In the “Golden Hour”, Army AL&T, January-March 2015, 80-85 • Rasmussen T., et al., Why Military Medical Research?, Military Medicine, 179, 8:1, 2014.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to research, develop, and demonstrate a ruggedized Ultra-wideband Microphone Toggle (UMT) communications device which will enable Flight Medics or others to direct input from their headset microphone to either the vehicle or aircraft intercom system, or to either of two secure Ultra-Wideband (UWB) applications on a Nett Warrior Smartphone aka End User Device (EUD): 1) an existing UWB Voice-to-Text application or, 2) UWB Push-to-Talk verbal communication with another Medic via their Nett Warrior EUDs. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Biomedical OBJECTIVE: This topic seeks non-conduit solutions to improve functional recovery from peripheral nerve injury by addressing factors distal to the site of a peripheral nerve injury. This topic does not include nerve guide, conduit, or scaffold technology, nor factors, cells, or other adjuvants associated with same. DESCRIPTION: Clinical methods of target maintenance until reinnervation remains an unmet need in nerve repair. • 5-6% of all battlefield injuries involve major injury to a peripheral nerve • Functional recovery after PNI is highly age-dependent, with the decline beginning at, or just after, puberty.

Myriad neural conduits composed of various materials—PLGA, PCLF, cadaveric epineurium, tyrosine polycarbonate, decellularized nerve sheath— either with or without the addition of stem cells, have been posed as solutions to the nerve regeneration problem, but none has proven to deliver superior functional recovery to autograft, which is the current gold standard of treatment. This suggests that bridging the nerve gap is only part of what is required to optimize functional recovery. A few strategies have attempted to address denervated target organ preservation including PEG fusion, distal electrical stimulation, growth factors, stem cell therapy, and immunosuppression with FK5061. However, while some have shown promise, none is in widespread use to date, nor has sufficient clinical data to support adoption. PHASE I: Conceptualize and design an innovative solution for maintaining functional muscle units following peripheral motor nerve injury.

Such solutions may include devices, and/or cellular, tissue or biological components meant to facilitate directional axonal outgrowth and to promote more rapid and effective functional recovery of motor nerve injury. Phase I can support early concept work (i.e., in vitro studies), or efforts necessary to support a regulatory submission, which do not include animal or human studies; such as, but not limited to, stability studies, shipping studies, etc. PHASE II: The researcher shall design, develop, test, finalize and validate the practical implementation of the prototype therapeutic that implements the Phase I methodology to improve functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury over this 2-year, $1.0M (max) effort. Phase II should demonstrate understanding of requirements to successfully enter Phase III, including how Phase II testing and validation will support a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submission, if necessary for the product. Phase II studies may include animal or human studies, portions of effort associated with the same, or work necessary to support a regulatory submission which does not involve animal or human use, to include, but not limited to: manufacturing development, qualification, packaging, stability, or sterility studies, etc. The researcher shall also describe in detail the transition plan for the Phase III effort. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Plans for the commercialization/technology transition and regulatory pathway should be executed here and lead to FDA clearance/approval.

They include: 1) identifying a relevant patient population for clinical testing to evaluate safety and efficacy and 2) GMP manufacturing sufficient materials for evaluation. The small business should also provide a strategy to secure additional funding from non-SBIR government sources and /or the private sector to support these efforts. The technology should be designed and receive approval to allow for procurement by, and use in, military treatment facilities in the United States, as well as in civilian hospitals treating nerve injuries.

REFERENCES: • Grinsell, D, Keating, CW, “Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction after Injury: A Review of. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes OBJECTIVE: Develop and promote manufacturing improvements in the subsistence supply chain.

Leverage the latest technologies, encourage innovation and modernization, and to maximize capability and capacity in subsistence. The research seeks to identify and test of low-risk, high-impact technology, quality and process improvements of the individual and group combat rations, and improvements in subsistence products/equipment. Research projects shall involve current trends related to combat rations, field feeding solutions, food innovations, and nutrition and health.

Candidate technologies should balance commercial considerations and DoD requirements. PHASE I: The research and development goals of Phase I are to identify Subsistence Network related opportunities to improve combat rations/field feeding equipment/food innovations/ nutrition and health in the DLA Subsistence Supply Chain. Develop plan for the innovative approach/improvement to the subsistence-related topics of interest. The research and development goals of Phase I are to identify and validate the feasibility of the technology or innovative process by demonstrating reduced cost, increased efficiencies, improved surge demands, enhanced quality (e.g., improved nutritional value, extending shelf life).

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA Subsistence Network will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical, commercial merit, and feasibility of the proposed solution. The research and development goals of Phase II are to demonstrate how the plan will be successfully executed and result in cost savings, efficiencies, quality improvements, or other performance measures. Further, demonstrate how the plan leverages existing or developing technology in subsistence-related topics that will improve the manufacturing process. Lastly, provide the cost benefit analysis with specific metrics for measuring progress and success. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific SBIR funding is associated with Phase III. The solution and its quantifiable results will be used to build a compelling business case where the agency may choose to pursue a sole source contract utilizing the technology developed through the Phase I and Phase II effort.

REFERENCES: • DoD Manual1338.10, DoD Food Service Manual. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to provide a best practice process and supporting technology requirements that will provide customers who receive material directly from DLA or DLA suppliers a user-friendly process for effective acknowledgement of receipt for these shipments. DESCRIPTION: The process to ensure accurate accountability for materiel shipped directly from DLA or DLA suppliers provides both a process and technological challenge for DLA. The Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA) process is required for the Services to acknowledge the receipt of all DLA Direct and Customer Direct shipments. Missing MRAs is a DoD-wide problem shared by all Services and across all sources of supply. The impact of missing MRAs includes loss of accountability of the materiel, wasted resources to track materiel, supplier payment delays, late payment fees, as well as, auditability and inventory accuracy issues for both the Services and DLA. • Record receipts no later than five (5) business days from date materiel received.

• Make associated assets visible from the point of inspection and acceptance within 24 hours of recording receipts (holidays and weekends excepted). • Notify the local accounting and finance office of the item receipt within 24-hours. • Notify the accountable property officer of recording receipts, when applicable. • Provide MRA for receipt of all shipments of materiel, whether requisitioned (pulled) or pushed to them, from any supply source, e.g., issues from stock; direct or prime vendor deliveries; or issues from DLA Disposition Services according to References (p) and (q).

Inventory title transfer and customer billing is not predicated on processing of the MRA transaction.” DLA seeks to identify industry best practices and associated technologies to improve the performance of the MRA process. The desired solution should emphasize convenience, speed, ease of use, low cost and minimal manual data entry.

PHASE I: The research and development goals of Phase I is to present industry best practices in comparison with DLA’s current state operation. Compare and contrast best practices to DLA’s current state and develop courses of action. Examine the feasibility of implementing various courses of action through analysis or proof of concept. The small business firm shall deliver a report to include a plan that identifies technologies and process improvements to support objective as well as a business case demonstrating the cost-benefit impact of implementation. PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA Logistics Operations will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical, commercial merit, and feasibility of the proposed solution. The research and development goals of Phase II are to conduct a limited demonstration and test of the new technology in one or more of the DLA supply chains, with a specific suppliers or a supply class and quantifiably demonstrate an increase in the MRA participation percentage, a reduction in MRA lead-time, and an improvement in data input accuracy. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III.

The vendor will use its solution and quantifiable results to build a compelling business case where the agency may choose to pursue a sole source contract utilizing the technology developed through the Phase I and Phase II effort. REFERENCES: • DoDM 4140.01-V1, February 10, 2014.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Air Platform, Battlespace, Chemical/Biological Defense, Ground/Sea Vehicles, Human Systems, Materials/Processes, Nuclear Technology, Sensors, Space Platforms, Weapons OBJECTIVE: The Department of Defense (DOD) establishes internal DOD policies for detecting, avoiding, and remediating counterfeit parts in the DOD supply chain, and allocates responsibility among various DOD offices and functions for administering or developing those counterfeit prevention policies. Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 4140.67, titled “DoD Counterfeit Prevention Policy,” was issued on April 26, 2013, and prescribes the federal government’s efforts to deal with the epidemic of counterfeit parts that led to the inclusion of a provision specifically targeted at counterfeit electronic parts in the fiscal year 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) understands the challenges for our Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Distributors that make up our supply base with regard to the development and implementation of technological solutions for counterfeit prevention. In an effort to meet the DODI 4140.67, DLA would like to explore technologies in tamper resistance/anti-counterfeit package labeling technologies. DESCRIPTION: Identify and demonstrate a labelling technology that is applicable across the majority of packaging types for materiel that DLA buys. Demonstrate the technologies capability to detect the application of counterfeit labels or tampered packaging to prevent counterfeit materiel from entering the supply chain without more thorough inspection.

The technology should be affordable and be able to detect tampered or counterfeit package labels at DLA’s supply centers and authorized dealers. Establish methods to identify compromised package labels and assess whether the package label is valid.

At a minimum, the technology must be effective in preventing counterfeits by reliably authenticating items that have no evidence of tampering and have valid labeling. PHASE I: The research and development goals of Phase I is to present a technology preferably used as an industry best practice. Examine the feasibility of implementing the technology for DLA’s supply chain through analysis or proof of concept. Prepare a test plan that demonstrates the technologies tamper and counterfeit detection capabilities. The small business firm shall deliver a report that presents the results of the demonstration, describes how the technology might be implemented at DLA, examines the level of detection and reliability of the technology to support the objective as well as the benefit associated with of implementation. PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA Logistics Operations will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical, commercial merit, and feasibility of the proposed solution. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III.

The vendor will use its solution and quantifiable results to build a compelling business case where the agency may choose to pursue a sole source contract utilizing the technology developed through the Phase I and Phase II effort. The developer will pursue dual commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior Phases. Potential commercial uses in manufacturing mechanical parts or materials, labels, and other items determined to be at high risk for counterfeiting REFERENCES: • DoDI 4140.67, April 26, 2013, DoD Counterfeit Prevention Policy. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation.

OBJECTIVE: Develop, characterize, and manufacture innovative high temperature composites that 1) exploit newly available carbonized fibers and 2) eliminate and/or mitigate the issue associated with availability of carbonized rayon. DESCRIPTION: Rayon-based fibers continue as the industry standard for ablative and non-ablative insulators in applications such as nozzles and reentry vehicles. In recent decades, environmental constraints have limited availability since rayon is no longer domestically produced. Many aerospace programs have stockpiled heritage material or utilize foreign sources. This topic focuses on domestically available replacement materials, such as structural or ablative insulators, with performance properties comparable to or exceeding rayon based high temperature composites. In order to address domestic supply issues, many manufacturers have used Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers as reinforcement for high temperature composites.

However, PAN based fibers do not have the same thermal properties as rayon based fibers, and some PAN based materials have exhibited aging issues. New fibers, such as cellulose based fiber, have demonstrated properties very similar to rayon in the carbonized form.

The thermal conductivity of carbonized rayon fiber is close to 5W/mK and on the order of 1W/mK for some rayon based composites. Other precursor fibers may also provide a viable domestic source for high temperature composites. Utilization of new fiber precursors could significantly decrease thermal conductivity of ablative and/or structural insulators. In addition, new fiber based architectures (braids, weaves, etc.) could improve mechanical and thermal properties. Efforts should demonstrate the feasibility of producing either structural or ablative insulator components (valve components, nozzle components, etc.) with improved thermal properties. Process technologies should be appropriate for modest production volumes, be repeatable, and offer significant potential for enhancing performance properties while improving producibility.

PHASE I: Evaluate the feasibility of either structural insulator or ablative insulator material concept with modeling and/or proof-of-concept material testing. Provide estimated performance and reliability characteristics. A sub-scale material fabrication demonstration and limited evaluation of critical properties is recommended in Phase I, but not required. PHASE II: Continue material and process development through design, analysis, and experimentation. Optimize processing parameters for yield and quality. Coupon-level testing should be conducted to validate material models and generate property databases. Phase II should identify an insertion opportunity and conclude with a mature manufacturing process.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Iteratively design and fabricate prototype components for high-fidelity testing in a relevant high temperature environment for current or future missile defense applications. A successful Phase III would provide the necessary technical data to transition the technology into a missile defense application. The material could also provide benefit throughout the Department of Defense and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. REFERENCES: • U.S. Missile Defense Agency.

March 3, 2016. Ballistic Missile Defense System. Retrieved from.

“Availability of Aerospace Rayon for SRM Nozzle Insulators.” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. • Gisela Goldham.

“TENCEL® Carbon Precursor.” 50th Man-Made Fiber Conference. Dornbirn, Austria. Lenzinger Berichte, 2012. Department of Defense.

Ballistic Missile Defense Review. Retrieved from. 'Rocket Propulsion Elements.' 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes, Sensors, Space Platforms The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Seek innovative technologies that provide complete thermophysical characterization of aerospace vehicle materials during the various stages of partial decomposition associated with rocket boosted ascent and reentry. DESCRIPTION: The government performs thermal analyses on both the ascent and reentry flights for a wide range of booster and target vehicles. Efficient technologies are currently used to thermo-physically characterize the materials in the native state. However, vehicle velocities are normally high enough to create an aerothermal heating environment that leads to some level of material decomposition. The large flight velocity envelope associated with various missile defense vehicles and flight scenarios causes the vehicle material energetics/properties to constantly change.

In addition, flight scenarios that are comprised of both ascent and reentry flight environments mandate that the vehicle materials must be thermally analyzed during multiple heating and cooling cycles. Accurate, time-efficient (from a data collection standpoint) and cost effective technologies are desired that fully thermo-physically characterize aerospace materials over the full range of decomposing states. PHASE I: Develop an accurate, time efficient technology that fully characterizes the thermo-physical degradation. Perform appropriate coupon level testing to provide proof of concept.

Define cost and measurement time estimates and the expected measurement accuracy range. PHASE II: Comparisons should be made between the new thermo-physical characterization and the historic characterization data (wind tunnel and high-enthalpy arc-heated tests) to determine performance gains in thermal response accuracy. The time required to setup and acquire material measurements should be fully defined. Estimate the cost of collecting the measurements. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III will leverage the results of Phase II and compare with data from previous government tests. The data from testing during Phases II and III will be incorporated into the material properties of existing models for use in future missile defense flight tests. REFERENCES: • June 20, 2013.

Material Response Characterization of Low Density Carbon-Phenolic Ablators 10th International Planetary Probe Workshop San Jose, CA. Magin, and A. Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium Research Group Electrochemical and Surface Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Baryshev, Robert A. Erck, Jerry F. Moore, Alexander V. Emil Tripa, and Igor V.

February 27, 2013. Characterization of Surface Modifications by White Light Interferometry: Applications in Ion Sputtering, Laser Ablation, and Tribology Experiments Vis Exp. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Air Platform, Battlespace, Sensors, Space Platforms The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop a technology capable of generating pre-planned scenes in exo- and endo-atmospheric flight test conditions operating over various frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. DESCRIPTION: The government has a requirement to assess the performance during flight test of missile systems capable of engaging threats in highly variable environments. The requested flight hardware scene generator system should have the capability to be tailored to allow testing of the viewing system to incrementally improve system engagements.

The development of the prototype system must also account for deployment methodologies, dispersion rates, and maintain scene characteristics. The deployment methods should ensure multiple scene component characteristics that are capable of meeting various and multiple requirements.

The dispersion rates must be aligned with the specified times of dispersion, locations of the scene components, and specific distances. This is essential for numerous sensor systems and associated technologies, as well as for testing missile capabilities. The artificial scene generator (ASG) is envisioned to be a flexible modular system designed to fit in a predefined volume and interface to the delivery system according to an interface control document. Individual modules of the ASG should be developed to meet specific flight deployment characteristics required for missile test events. This system should have the capability to maintain dynamic control of multiple scene components and associated characteristics. Additionally, the system must meet the government-provided packaging size constraints. Multiple module solutions are expected and encouraged.

Proposed module designs do not have to accommodate all possible functions. However, all modules must be designed to be incorporated into a framework of fixed volume size, communications, electrical power, and interoperability as defined by the interface control document. If possible, approaches to these solutions should be scalable in dimensions to maximal extent, i.e. A solution should be able to be scaled up in size, number, or density as necessary. Leveraging commercial off the shelf technologies is encouraged to keep cost low as long as it does not inadvertently impact performance.

Innovative solutions are sought that can achieve desired performance within the packaging size constraints. PHASE I: Analyze the feasibility of developing modules of different measurement characteristics and develop initial designs. For each module design, the designer should provide a description of the expected measurement performance characteristics and provide both the fabrication and test plans along with a schedule to demonstrate those characteristics. Additionally, the designer should outline a path to miniaturization. PHASE II: Complete the detailed design according to the government provided interface control document and environments for integration in government furnished hardware. Prototype test units should be fabricated and tested to demonstrate capabilities to generate desired scenes.

Additional units should be fabricated for protoflight testing to determine if the modules can survive environments and for fit checks in government furnished hardware. Plans for miniaturization should be developed and any design modifications should be presented. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Fabricate selected module designs and conduct ground testing to demonstrate survivability in flight environments.

Successful units may be incorporated into missile defense targets for flight tests. REFERENCES: • Terma. March 24, 2016. Self-Protection System Solutions for Wide-Body and Special Mission Aircraft. Retrieved from • J.E.

Costanza and R.A. Large aircraft self-defense system installation configuration, US Patent 8,376,277.

Retrieved from. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics, Space Platforms The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. OBJECTIVE: Develop innovative beacon technologies capable of generating custom pre-preprogrammed signals that consume low power, are miniaturized, and are low cost for use in various future missile flight test systems.

DESCRIPTION: The need for smaller and more efficient electronic beacon systems is growing due to smaller platforms that may not have the space or power delivery systems for all electronic items. As testing of the missile defense system involves multiple systems in flight at one time, there is also a need for beacons to operate in specific frequencies with the added flexibility to have each beacon generate a unique signal to allow the range radar resources to more effectively distinguish each beacon. The government is looking for novel approaches that have the capability to interface with various transmitters to meet different mission requirements. The Programmable Signal Generator Module (PSGM) is envisioned to be a plug and play module that interfaces with a telemetry radio.

The PSGM should generate a signal waveform that is defined before flight. The module should be as small as possible and must receive power externally from the transmitter.

The module should be able to be programmed through the transmitter after integration in the vehicle. The commercial off the shelf baseline system should fit within the same size, weight, and power requirements as the current digital signal processing chip (23 x 23 mm, with a max power consumption of 3.3V and a few grams in weight) and should interface with the current telemetry radio. PHASE I: Develop single board design approaches and demonstrate the programmability of the hardware to be able to generate any signal waveform including random signals. Completion of Phase I should result in designs for single small footprint modules to lead into Phase II. PHASE II: Fabricate prototype module(s) and demonstrate hardware functionality.

Conduct testing with a representative telemetry system. Phase II should conclude with a final design of the hardware and software. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Fabricate and ground test flight representative hardware to demonstrate survivability in missile flight environments.

Successful modules may be incorporated into future government targets for flight tests. REFERENCES: • Texas Instruments, TMS320C6424x.

March 23, 2016. Retrieved from.

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes, Sensors ACQUISITION PROGRAM: NAVFAC Secondary Program of Record: Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization, and NAVFAC Criteria, Non-ACAT OBJECTIVE: The objective of this SBIR topic is to develop a portable device or test kit for analyzing the presence of “pyrrhotite” in damaged concrete structures, as well as loose aggregate before it is mixed into fresh concrete. The ultimate goal of this technology is the prevention of costly repairs and replacement of concrete structures still in their early life cycle. DESCRIPTION: The concrete industry is increasingly recognizing the extent of structural damage caused by a deleterious presence of “pyrrhotite” mineral in concrete aggregate. Current diagnostics to detect pyrrhotite require petrographic analysis of samples in a laboratory, a costly and time consuming process. There is a need for development of a novel and portable method for detecting and quantifying the presence of pyrrhotite in aggregate and concrete while in the field.

The Navy is a large consumer of cement and aggregate for its many construction and repair projects of piers, pilings, wharves, runways, and buildings. NAVFAC is responsible for new construction and sustainment of these facilities. This responsibility includes design, construction, maintenance and repair services for all concrete facilities. Additionally, the NAVFAC Criteria Office is responsible for technical adequacy of all Navy shore facilities design, construction and maintenance criteria. Pyrrhotite-related concrete corrosion may be a significant cost factor in Navy facilities sustainment, restoration, and new construction. The Navy has issued numerous reports and guidance on Alkaline Aggregate Reaction, or AAR, and specifically ASR – Alkaline Silica Reaction in concrete, where “reactive” aggregate containing certain forms of silica combines with alkali hydroxide in the hydrated cement to form an expanding gel that breaks the concrete.

NAVFAC’s guidance on pavements and marine concrete also mention the importance of limiting sulfate content in concrete. Although the effects of sulfate attacks in concrete have been appreciated for decades, the connection to pyrite and pyrrhotite minerals has only recently (late 1990s onward) been reported and researched in-depth. This may be due to current concrete technologies greatly advancing over the past decades. Today’s formulations include a number of ingredients (admixtures) to enhance both the fresh and the hardened concrete’s properties. These advanced formulations may contribute to the recent increase in pyrrhotite-related concrete failures.

Pyrrhotite is a naturally occurring iron sulfide mineral in the particular chemical form Fe(1-x)S, where x = 0 to 0.125. If pyrrhotite is present in the concrete, then water and oxygen, already present in the hydrated cement, will foster a chemical reaction that produces expansive by-products. Numerous recent news reports of pyrrhotite-caused structural damage are emerging from the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other locations around the world, indicating the problem may be much more widespread than previously thought by the construction industry. As a timely example, the mineral has been blamed for widespread foundation cracking in thousands of homes in Quebec, Canada. Officials estimate that 4000+ homes are affected. The Prime Minister has indicated the Quebec Province is spending over $30 Million to mitigate the problem, according to the Canadian Press. Various remedial measures for pyrrhotite related concrete corrosion have been proposed, but the long term effectiveness of such in-place remediation has not been established.

For housing foundations, as an example, the only method of remediation which can guarantee a permanent solution is removal of the pyritiferous material. A portable device or test kit would be of great benefit for analyzing the presence of pyrrhotite in existing concrete structures suspected of having pyrrhotite-related damage, as well as in aggregate received at the job-site prior to mixing. If successful, this technology would prevent concrete formulations that are “doomed to failure” from being utilized in the DoD’s, and ultimately commercial, myriad of concrete facilities. GUIDELINES FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY: • Capable of operating in an outdoor field environment. • Capable of holding calibration for 8+ hours of continuous operation.

• Device accuracy should provide at least one order of magnitude linearity, and be within ±5% of known values, in a range of 0.1 to 10% by weight pyrrhotite. • Capable of consistent, repeatable measurement even with concentration variation over the desired range. • Capable of directly reading and/or “swabbing” the aggregate or solid concrete sample. • Capable of operation in an expeditionary environment. Such an environment for the military would include a lack of sheltering infrastructure with limited access to a reliable source of electricity and possible intemperate weather.

Marine waterfront locations would further suffer from the presence of salt spray. Therefore, minimum environmental goals include operability in: • Temperatures of -10 to +35-degree Celsius • Humidity levels of 5 to 95% RH • Water–proof electronics housing.

PHASE I: Determine feasibility for the development of a novel pyrrhotite detection method for efficacy in a laboratory environment, utilizing known standardized levels of the mineral in both loose aggregate and in formed concrete to assess accuracy. Development of the pyrrhotite detection method must show feasibility for eventual portability and field use. PHASE II: Based on the results of Phase I, develop and demonstrate a bread-board pyrrhotite detection device with natural aggregate and concrete samples, and compare to independent laboratory analyses provide by the government. Assemble a full scale demo system to validate operation. Demo will be tested at a Navy facility with suspected pyrrhotite-related concrete degradation in order to prove performance. Phase II Option, if awarded, will be used to advance the design to improve accuracy, reliability, and/or reduced system size. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Based on the results of Phase II, the small business will commercialize the device in combination with Navy-relevant concrete construction and repair projects.

Private Sector Commercial Potential: The device would have wide application across both military and commercial sectors for checking aggregate lots prior to concrete mixing and for on-site failure / forensic analysis during repair projects. REFERENCES: • Hawkins, Brian A., Implications of Pyrite Oxidation for Engineering Works, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014. • “Mineral to Blame in Cracking Foundations”, Durability & Design Magazine, May 11, 2016.

• Tulis, Ralph H., “Cracked Foundations Need Study by a State Task Force October 8, 2015. • “Feds to Spend $30 Million in Quebec on Mineral Problem”, Canadian Press Release, April 2016. • “Pyrite Problem – Exploring the Implications of Sulfur in Geological Materials for Civil Engineering”. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems ACQUISITION PROGRAM: Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) OBJECTIVE: Develop a COTS obsolescence advanced planning and decision analysis tool built on an open source framework to automate business decisions and “what if analysis” for the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) programs end of life (EOL) and end of support (EOS) components to assist in the obsolescence management strategy. DESCRIPTION: CANES is the Navy’s only Program of Record to replace existing afloat networks and provide the necessary infrastructure for applications, systems, and services required for Navy to dominate the Cyber Warfare domain.

The fundamental goal of CANES is to provide Infrastructure and Platform as a Service, within which current and future iterations of Navy Tactical Network computing and storage capabilities will reside. CANES will provide complete infrastructure, inclusive of hardware, software, processing, storage, and end user devices for Unclassified, Coalition, Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) for all basic network services (email, web, chat, collaboration) to a wide variety of Navy surface combatants, submarines, Maritime Operations Centers, and Aircraft. In addition, hosted applications and systems, inclusive of Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Information Operations, Logistics and Business domains, require the CANES infrastructure to operate in the tactical environment.

The CANES network has to manage the complexities in scheduling and executing network installations afloat. The specific factors which create uncertainty and complexity are changing ship availabilities, budget limitations, and COTS End Of Life (EOL) or End Of Support (EOS) dates and when logistics buys can be implemented. The tool should be able to ingest relevant data such as, but not limited to, ships availabilities and product EOL dates, and that would assist in putting the information in context for Navy decision makers. The tool should additionally be able to address compatibility issues with other applications and components, Business Case Analysis trade-offs, and provide a recommended schedule for replacement. The ability to ingest these criteria into a tool and manipulate the data to improve visualization of the data, expected impacts and perform rapid “what if” planning would reduce the tedious effort of trying to map this manually.

There are no known commercial alternatives to a decision tool which can accommodate the myriad requirements around the required business processes, fiscal year funding profiles, changing ship availabilities and the COTS obsolescence plans from industry. The Navy is in a unique position of having limited shipboard installation opportunities which adds significant complexity to the problem set. These complexities include multiple unique configurations per ship platform that each need to be managed and tracked for EOL issues. Additionally, each Navy platform has hundreds of COTS products, each with their own tech refresh cycle and original equipment manufacturer (OEM), resulting in a multi-dimensional problem to manage.

With Cyber Security in mind, the challenge of managing COTS obsolescence is critical due to the threat that unsupported hardware and software poses to Navy networks. As the fielded networks age, the manpower required to track COTS obsolescence is a significant burden on programs. Due to program workloads and prioritization of new capabilities and newer networks, the current difficulties inherent in the manual processes result in not fully considering EOS/EOL when determining the acquisition planning and engineering changes to continue to support and accredit our systems. The product life cycle and well planned windows of engineering design and warfighter deployment are critical elements which dramatically affect the life cycle costs and total ownership cost of the CANES system and other IT systems fielded by the DoD. The current acquisition and sustainment efforts could be greatly improved with an innovative COTS obsolescence management tool that provides decision analysis and trade-offs associated with engineering design and deployment of COTS products. This becomes especially critical when combined with the limited windows of availability for installs due to high tempo operations. A COTS obsolescence decision analysis tool would enable the Navy and DoD to better manage technology refresh cycles and obsolescence in today’s high cyber threat environment.

PHASE I: The small business will define and develop a concept for an open source-based business analysis and decision tool to track COTS obsolescence and ingest externally available data such as ships availability schedules and ship configurations. The concept should include the ability to visualize the data in different human readable forms that enable the acquisition manager to make optimal acquisition and engineering decisions (cost, schedule, and performance).

This capability would initially apply to CANES with the ultimate goal of applying to other DoD Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) programs. CANES may provide a relevant Build of Materials of representative equipment for the Small business to populate and understand the requirement. Small business will not have access to CANES for Phase I. PHASE II: Based on the results of the Phase I effort and the Phase II Statement of Work (SOW), the small business will develop a beta software release and a prototype solution to demonstrate their capabilities. The analysis and decision tool to track COTS obsolescence prototype will be evaluated to determine its capabilities and benefits in meeting the performance goals defined in the Phase II SOW and in assisting the business decision and planning processes which are currently manually implemented. The software will be evaluated with examples of products going EOL/EOS and how that information is visualized within the products. Phase II testing will be representative of components going end of life/end of support and the tools ability to track and visualize this information.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The small business will be expected to support the Navy in transitioning the software product for Navy use on the CANES program as well as update support for the open source frameworks and data sources utilized. The company will finalize the design and deliver the software, according to the Phase III SOW, for evaluation to determine its effectiveness by the CANES Program and the CANES Systems Engineering Team. The company will support the Navy for test and evaluation in accordance with the SBIR Phase II SOW. Following testing and validation, the end design is expected to produce results outperforming the current CANES business processes and ad hoc methods in use today.

Private Sector Commercial Potential: The software system described in this SBIR topic paper could have private sector commercial potential for any IT business which needs to determine optimal upgrade schedules to accommodate the IT obsolescence of their fielded network components. REFERENCES: • describes the obsolescence problem that this SBIR topic paper is focused on resolving. • Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) ACQUISITION GUIDELINES: Implementing Parts Obsolescence Management Contractual Requirements Rev 3.0 (2001). TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Battlespace, Sensors ACQUISITION PROGRAM: PMW 120 Information Operations / Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Programs of Record The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120-130, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730-774, which controls dual use items. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation. Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws.

OBJECTIVE: Develop a compact system capable of identifying non-RF emitting targets at long range in both day/night operations from a ship-based platform. Ranges of interest are >150NM for airborne targets and >25NM for targets operating at or near the ocean surface. Desired target resolution should be approximately 10cm to support target identification. DESCRIPTION: Maritime non-RF emitting targets are notoriously difficult to identify with sufficient resolution to allow for identification, even in clear weather conditions. While many commercial Electro-Optical / Infra-Red (EO/IR) devices are available, none readily address military requirements for ‘positive identification’ of small watercraft, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV), and the proliferating variety of small form factor autonomous systems. Small boats are particularly problematic due to the necessity to differentiate and identify civilian craft (“White Shipping”) from military, state sponsored Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) craft, terrorist, criminal and other waterborne threats and vessels of interest. In addition, gliding missiles that do not emit a thrust signature are of grave concern.

This topic seeks innovative research leading to the development of a ship-based long-range day / night imaging system, able to provide sufficiently high resolution at range to allow for identification of non-RF emitting sea and air borne targets operating in clear weather conditions. The resolutions required for this system may necessitate large apertures to contend with atmospheric effects; e.g. Blurring, warping, scintillation, attenuation and/or multi-path clutter, but any solution offered must be feasible to operate in a typical navy combatant environment; e.g., Littoral Combat Ship, (LCS) Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG), Aircraft Carrier (CVN), etc. Applicable systems may employ any number of technologies; e.g.

Optical, radio-frequency, infra-red, etc., but must address the particular technological risks for the technique selected. Any solution offered must be feasible to operate in a typical shipboard environment. Maximum volume goal for transmit / receive system equipment should be no more than 0.75m cubed, where support electronics may be off boarded.

On board Size Weight and Power (SWaP) constraints must adhere to current power, cooling, installation, etc. Requirements for use aboard navy ships, specifically 3 phase 120 volt, 60 Hz power. Unit offered can also be portable / battery powered. Solutions requiring chill water cooling / higher voltage requirements are discouraged, but will be considered.

Non-RF emitter systems must address the risks with optical, infra-red, millimeter wave power requirements at long range, resolution requirements, and atmospheric blurring, warping, scintillation etc. Proposed systems must fit the SWaP constraints for the total system.’ Work produced in Phase II may become classified. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. Owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Security Service (DSS).

The selected contractor and/or subcontractor must be able to acquire and maintain a secret level facility and Personnel Security Clearances, in order to perform on advanced phases of this project as set forth by DSS and SPAWAR in order to gain access to classified information pertaining to the national defense of the United States and its allies; this will be an inherent requirement. The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract. PHASE I: Perform design analysis to identify non-RF emitting ‘dark targets’ at the resolutions and ranges specified above. The effort will address how the recommended system will mitigate degrading effects inherent to the system chosen.

The Phase I deliverables include a preliminary design recommendation and a final report. PHASE II: Fabricate a demonstration prototype of the Phase I recommended system. The products of Phase II should include the tested prototype hardware system (including the software), where testing will involve the prototype image / identification of both cooperative and non-cooperative targets in a Navy furnished facility using Navy furnished data where required. The selected vendor will also provide a prototype test report and a final report.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Develop a plan to: 1.) fabricate a single technology demonstrator unit, 2.) create a multi-unit (>100) manufacturing process and, 3.) develop a marketing plan for the production ready system. Carry out the necessary engineering, system integration, packaging, and testing to field a robust, reliable system. Assist transition of technology to industry for marketing to defense community. Private Sector Commercial Potential: The private sector potential could be significant and, as was true for Global Positioning System (GPS), difficult to fully bound or quantify. The ability to resolve objects at distance in small form factors has potential applications in multiple domain areas: e.g., law enforcement, environmental / zoological science, entertainment industry, recreation use, etc. REFERENCES: • Bertero, M. Et al, Imaging with LINC-NIRVANA, the Fizeau Interferometer of the Large Binocular Telescope: State of the Art and Open Problems, Inverse Problems, Vol.

Cuellar, James Stapp, and Justin Cooper, 'Laboratory and Field Experimental Demonstration of a Fourier Telescopy Imaging System,' Proc. SPIE 5896, Unconventional Imaging, 58960D, (September 01, 2005).

Calus, and J. Mooney, Image Quality Assessment of Sparse Aperture Designs, Applied Image Pattern Recognition Workshop, Vol. Marron and K. Schroeder, 'Holographic Laser Radar,' Opt.

385-387 (1993). Rabb, Douglas F. Jameson, Jason W. Stafford, and Andrew J. Stokes, Multi-Transmitter Aperture Synthesis, Optics Express Vol. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics ACQUISITION PROGRAM: Strategic Weapons Systems ACAT IC The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120-130, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730-774, which controls dual use items. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the solicitation.

Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws. OBJECTIVE: Development of a GPS antenna design and computing algorithm required to acquire GPS on a reentry body during flight.

DESCRIPTION: Navy reentry flight test bodies have the capability to capture GPS data during flight. Currently a flat plate is used in order to mount the antenna and simplify the design. To be more representative of an actual reentry body, which has a rounded surface, using a rounded cover for a flight test body is desired. This would allow the use of GPS receivers in additional test bodies and could reduce the effort used to recreate a trajectory after flight. Because of the rounded surface, using commercial antennas does not appear to be feasible. Antenna design must accommodate both the L1 and L2 GPS frequencies and must accommodate both the C/A and P(Y) codes (relates to the bandwidth).

PHASE I: Determine and demonstrate feasibility for the development of a GPS antenna distribution that can be used on a rounded convex surface with a stay out zone in the center. Development should include a theoretical analysis/modeling of the antenna phase and gain patterns. Expect that the results from pattern modeling will be compared to measured gain and phase data gather in Phase II. Include any relevant processing (algorithm) software design for the GPS receiver that supports operation with this antenna design. PHASE II: Fabricate and test prototype GPS antenna patterns.

For this effort the design drawings will be coordinated through Navy Strategic Systems Program. During Phase II, it would be advantageous to partner with Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company (Sunnyvale, CA) to fabricate a complete aft closure containing the GPS antennas and for measurement of the resultant aft closure gain and phase pattern. It would also be advantageous to partner with Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Cambridge, MA) for incorporation of antenna phase and gain patterns into Draper’s Hardware in the Loop (HWIL) to simulate reentry flight environments.

Any debugging should be performed by the SBIR contractor. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Assuming successful demonstration in HWIL environments, two flight test units will be fabricated and flown on a flight test body via Extended Navy Test Bed (ENTB). Phase III will require the proofing of the algorithms and will also include the post flight processing of the data. The GPS data will be processed by the SBIR contractor and compared to the Small Reentry Inertial Measurement Unit (SRIMU) data that is generated by the on board IMU and verify that the algorithms provided an accurate position.

The small business will assist the Navy with implementation of the final design GPS antenna onto appropriate flight test bodies. Private Sector Commercial Potential: Depending on the flexibility in the algorithms utilized this could be expanded for use on other convex surfaces, such as helmets, car roofs. REFERENCES: • Balanis, Constantine, 'Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design', 3rd Edition • Regan, Frank, Anandakrishnan, Satya, 'Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry', American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Washington DC, 1993. TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Battlespace, Human Systems ACQUISITION PROGRAM: PdM ICE Hearing Conservation Program Infantry Weapon Systems PPE OBJECTIVE: This SBIR topic seeks to mature the technology for a low cost, passive ear protection device to be worn as an earplug and/or in a headset that will allow the warfighter to maintain situational awareness but filter out harmful noise threats with a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) performance of greater than 30dB for both impulse and continuous noise. DESCRIPTION: Military personnel are frequently exposed to high intensity noise resulting from blast explosions and urban warfare, and during routine military operations such as on ship decks, helicopters and armored vehicle transports.

Noise levels produced by modern aircraft engines exceed 150 dB; UH-60 Blackhawk generates 85 to 120 dB. Impulse pressure from the M16 Rifle ranges between 140-190 dB. Noise level in the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) reaches 110 dB forcing the crew to wear double hearing protection that comprises both plugs inside the ears and coverings over the ears. This high intensity noise exposure can lead to damage or loss in hearing if protective measures are not employed in advance. A recent report estimates that only about 7% of Marines insert earplugs correctly. It is not surprising that Blast and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (B/NIHL) and tinnitus are the top two disability claims for US soldiers and veterans [GAO Report, GAO-11-114].

According to Air Force Staff Sgt. Lee Adams, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) technician at Bagram Air Field, more than 50 percent of the patients seen in the ENT walk-in clinics are there for hearing-related issues [Hood, 2009]. Furthermore, many troops do not use hearing protection while out on missions because they feel that the hearing protection negatively affects their ability to do their job and complete their missions. When service members are exposed to loud noises such as improvised explosive devices (IEDs), they are at risk of conductive hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing protection is just as important to a U.S. Military service member's safety as their body armor and helmet. A soldier who suffers severe hearing loss could find his career ending as quickly as if he had suffered other combat-related injuries [Hood, 2009].

Conventional passive hearing protection technology has evolved and matured for over half a century since it was introduced at the end of World War II. Currently, the most commonly used military passive Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs), the foam ear plugs, are inexpensive and provide good protection against acoustic noise but degrade operational capabilities to the point of danger on the practice range and the battlefield. In many circumstances the foam ear plugs are not worn properly and a dramatic loss of performance is observed with poor insertion of the earplug. Custom molded earplugs, with deep insert provide much better protection only if the plugs are inserted completely (past the second bend of the ear canal). Deep insertion significantly improves attenuation. Active hearing protection, also known as active noise reduction (ANR), has been the subject of much research and many claims.

These devices incorporate noise-canceling circuitry into hearing protectors to sense the sounds that pass through the earmuff, invert them in phase, and rebroadcast them toward the tympanic membrane via an earphone to provide active noise reduction. One of the best ANR devices was developed at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The ANR is not always beneficial if one needs to provide the maximum attenuation possible.

The data [Berger 2002] comparing the attenuation for a well-fitted foam earplug, conventional earmuff, and an ANR earmuff shows that the passive dual protection substantially outperforms the ANR earmuff at nearly all frequencies. However, in situations where active radio communication is required, such as in aviation and certain military environments, ANR does provide valuable performance benefits. But, one must consider that an ANR earmuff generally costs more than $300 per pair, versus about $15 for a conventional earmuff, and a few dollars for a pair of foam ear plugs. ANR also requires regular battery replacement or recharging, which is more susceptible to damage, and will weigh more than a conventional earmuff. This topic seeks to mature the technology for a low cost, passive ear protection device to be worn as an earplug, custom ear mold and/or in a headset that will allow the warfighter to maintain situational awareness but filter out harmful noise threats with NRR performance of greater than 30 dB for both impulse and continuous noise. This topic seeks further development of a passive earplug and custom molded earpiece that protects the hearing of Marines in a variety of loud noise environments, while permitting spoken communications to be heard. Although the underlying technology initially will be deployed in re-useable, “universal fit” ear plugs, subsequent iterations can include placing the technology in custom-molded earplugs (with or without communications capacity) and disposable ear plugs.

The base technology should not contain any moving mechanical parts or electronics eliminating the need for Marines to have access to a power source for hearing protection. Effort is to include appropriate independent lab testing and samples for field user trials.

PHASE I: It is expected that the proposing small business will have completed work leading up to the Phase II effort to demonstrate the achievability of the above attributes to include: • - Determined technical feasibility of the concept to address the requirements listed above in the Description section of having an approach that provided protection for high level continuous and impulse noise while still allowing detection and localization of low level sound)(80 dB and below). • - Defined and developed a concept with appropriate analysis and modeling to demonstrate performance across the audible frequency spectrum and noise levels up to 171 dB (T) 190 dB (O). • - Identified, designed, and constructed a concept model and validated the performance of the concept model ideally through independent testing of attenuation of impulse and continuous sound at amplitude above 90 dB. • - Determined technical feasibility to construct the proposed system and operational performance in the full combat environment (e.g. Temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure as defined in MIL-STD 810). • - Defined and developed a concept through the point of a model or limited prototype.

• - Identified, designed, constructed and tested a concept model. • - Performed a final production cost analysis. FEASIBILITY DOCUMENTATION: Offerors interested in participating in Direct to Phase II must include in their response to this topic Phase I feasibility documentation that substantiates the scientific and technical merit and Phase I feasibility described in Phase I above has been met (i.e. The small business must have performed Phase I-type research and development related to the topic, but from non-SBIR funding sources) and describe the potential commercialization applications.

The documentation provided must validate that the proposer has completed development of.

TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 K to 12 Basic Education Program TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION HOME ECONOMICS Wellness Massage LEARNER‟S MATERIALS GRADE 10 TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 K to 12BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Home Economics – WELLNESS MASSAGE (SPECIALIZATION) GRADE 10 TEACHER’S GUIDE I. INTRODUCTION The course provides varied and relevant activities and opportunities to determine learners‟ understanding of concepts and to demonstrate core competencies as prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation in Wellness Massage.

Thus, it aims to provide quality service to target clients alongside of assessing the learners as to the aspects of business that they may need to strengthen and safeguard before they become part of the health care provider sector. This module is specifically crafted to focus on the different activities that will assess learners‟ level in terms of skills and knowledge to be demonstrated. This learning material will surely make the learners a certified health care provider – well-equipped and knowledge ready. Thus, you need to orient learners on the following:  Entrepreneurship-based Technology and Livelihood Education curriculum  Parts of the module  How to use the module GRADE LEVEL STANDARD This is a TLE Home Economics, WELLNESS MASSAGE, consists of core competencies that a learner must achieve. This course is designed to develop knowledge, skills and attitude to provide health care. The course covers the following as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies 2.

Environment and Market 3. Basic wellness Massage Techniques CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of principles and key concepts in Wellness Massage.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner independently develops the skills in basic massage techniques and demonstrates the core competencies in Wellness Massage as prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 LEARNING COMPETENCIES The competencies expressed as learning outcomes in this teaching guide are the exact competencies that will be used to assess the learners for them to secure a Certificate of Completion (COC) or a National Certificate (NC) in WELLNESS MASSAGE. As facilitator of learning, strategically teach the competencies spread out in the module; be a model or guide in performing the activities; process understanding; and assist in applying what learners have learned to an entirely new context. In utilizing effective teaching methodology and strategies suitable to the learning needs and requirements of the learners, the following are the competencies that should be mastered by learners after finishing this module.  Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)  Business Environment and Business Ideas  Basic wellness Massage Techniques At the end of this module, the students are expected to:  Demonstrate understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competence (PEC‟s) and align them with the competencies of a successful entrepreneur;  Explain key concepts in Wellness Massage;  Discuss the relevance of the course; and,  Explain the opportunities for Wellness Massage as a career.

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Learners are expected to have prior knowledge of Wellness Massage after completing the grades 7/8 and 9 as prerogative stages of the course. On this stage, underscore the on-the-job (OJT) training as ultimate test of skills.

Emphasize that this activity will be the gate way to COC as a requirement to further studies in Wellness Massage in Grade 11 and 12. LEARNING EPISODES The following are short descriptions of each quarter. Quarter I Emphasizes on planning the wellness program of the clients.

The history of massage during the early century is also discussed. This will also help the massage therapist to know what kind of treatment he/she will give to the client. Quarter II Explores two major developments in the therapeutic massage and bodywork.

Provides pre-service to wellness massage. Quarter III / IV Focuses on developing skills of students on the different massage strokes and techniques through different Demonstration and return demonstration.

Before the end of Quarter IV, On-the-Job (OJT) training shall be undertaken as part of the requirements for COC. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 HOW TO USE THE MODULE Present some friendly reminders in using the module. Use this part as a moment of reflection in going onto the different pages. Get the learners be familiar in each episodes. Again, underscore the number 6 reminder - to handle the module with utmost care. DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT A diagnostic test precedes the activities in the module. Prepare materials necessary to accomplish the tests in each learning episode.

Complete the diagnostic test before leading the learners through the activities. The diagnostic test determines how much your learners know about the lessons in the module and identifies the areas learners ought to learn more. Assist to check and to analyze score in relation to learning needs. Assess learners‟ prior knowledge and skills in Wellness Massage using:  Paper and pencil test  Performance test  Other appropriate tools Check their answers using the answer key on this Teachers Guide. Now, ask the learners to answer the Diagnostic test. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Test I. Multiple Choice Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement.

Write the answers on your quiz notebook. Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological insight that can be brought about with massage. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage B. Sports Massage D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction.

Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system developed by a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776–1839). „effleurage‟, B. „petrissage‟, C. „vibration‟, D. „ventilation 3. The part of personal information form which indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client and will influence the type of massage to be given, A.

Past Personal Information B. Past Medical History C.

Present Medical History D. Present Personal Information 4. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons.

Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage B. Sports Massage D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 5. As early as 3000 BC, the _____nationalities practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health? Vietnamese D.

Swedish TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 6. Around 500 BC the Greek physician _____ used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases. Hepartacus D. Eherodicus 7. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation.

Body massage B. Stone massage C. Sports massage D. Pregnancy massage 8. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings, A. Communication Process B. Communication Problem C.

Communication Standards D. Miscommunication 9. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication ___. Requirement 10. It is often said that human communication consist of A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves.

95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words themselves C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words themselves D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words themselves 11. Client consultation is being done by whom? Specialist D.

Therapist TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 12. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits _____. Practically C. Preferably D. Before picking up a phone you should discontinue to ______.

Breathe chewing gum C. Type of massage wherein the hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up and down or from side to side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying tissue. The type of massage strokes in which pressure is applied to the tissues.

Petrissage 16. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues. Effleurage C. Petrissage 17. A manipulation technique that lifts the muscle away from the bone and moves it from side to side in a rocking manner. Effleurage C. Muscle rolling D.

Petrissage 18. Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues. Effleurage C. Tapotement D. Petrissage TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 19. _____ helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

Kind of food that helps the body to concentrate on healing. Light healthy meal B. Heavy healthy meal C. More vegetables D. This should be avoided for about 24 hours before performing aftercare services.

Too much eating D. Drinking plenty of water 22. After treatment you will usually feel A.

The most common body reactions in the aftercare services. Aching/soreness of muscles B. Heightened emotional state D. A word which means anything that can cause harm.

Safest substance found in spa salon A. Disinfectant C. Water TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 26. In the 5‟s methodology Seiketsu is the Japanese term for ________. Standardize B.

Self-discipline C. Seiri - sort D. The translated English word for seiri is ________. Self-discipline D. Systematize 28. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress-reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office setting A.

Chair Massage B. Chiropractic adjunct D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 29.

Different origins of the word massage are the following except one, A. This detail will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.

Personal details B. Doctors record C. Physical records D. School records II.TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if false. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins.

You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & body massage aftercare. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs.

After the service is being advised. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body oils. Eat light, easy to digest meals. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 ________37.

For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload, that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest of the day, if not, for a few hours at least. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients.

Fill in the blanks. Direction: Choose your answer from the box and write it on the space provided. _______ is the chance, great or small that someone will be harmed by the hazard.

_______ is technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while you‟re getting a massage. An ______ is a region of the body in which nerves arteries, or vein lay close to the body‟s surface.

The time to gather and exchange information with the client is called _____. _______refers to standards and conducts of behavior of an individual or professional group. __________refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons.

Massage is thought to increase _____ which is desirable in many conditions. _________ is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words. To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of contact over the phone or in person draping endangerment site blood flow 5’s methodology interpersonal communication risk consultation pampering ethics confidence TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Answer Key: TEST I 1. D Test II 12.

TRUE TEST III 41. Endangerment site 44. Consultation 45. Pampering 47. Confidence 48.5‟s methodology 49. Blood flow 50.

Interpersonal communication Reading Resources and Instructional Activities  Guide learners in answering the guide questions and performing the activities to measure how much they know about the topic.  Let the learners share their experiences to the class.  Process learners‟ responses, let them reflect, revise or rethink their understanding TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) Grade Level Standard: This is a specialization course which leads to Wellness Massage National Certificate Level II (NC II).

It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1) communicate effectively using the English language; and 2) deliver quality customer service. The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following: 1) discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of one‟s Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies in Wellness Massage. Performance Standard The learner independently creates a plan of action that strengthens and or further develops his/her PECs in Wellness Massage. Learning Competencies Develop and strengthen PECs needed in Wellness Massage. Introduction This teacher‟s guide will lead you to effectively and efficiently teach Module 1.

Moreover, this will guide you in determining relevant and appropriate teaching techniques and strategies that will tailor fit to the learning needs and demands of the learners to make them best understand, appreciate and be inspired in realizing the importance of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial competencies related to Wellness Massage. This module will also provide learners an opportunity to know that individuals possess different PECs. These PECs include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, or traits that make a person different from others. Likewise, when one aligns these competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners or entrepreneurs, he or she may become ready to face the experiences of starting a TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 business or being employed.

Moreover, the module is designed to stimulate the learners mind to think about entrepreneurship and its role in the business community and in economic and social development. Objectives With your assistance and the guidance of this module, learners are expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of PECs more particularly in: - identifying areas for improvement, development and growth; - aligning learners‟ PECs according to their business or career choice; and - creating a plan of action that ensures success in their business or career choice. Presentation of Content Introduction  Guide learners in appreciating and understanding PECs in order to be successful in business or in the world of work by sharing / telling them inspiring real-life stories of successful businessman and or well-known workers in the field of Wellness Massage in your province.  Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.  Guide learners in understanding the importance of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Objectives  Guide learners in identifying and comprehending the objectives of Module 1.

Pre-Assessment  Use the sample pre-assessment test available in the learners‟ materials or craft a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess learner‟s prior knowledge and skills in PECs.  Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the learners. Guide Questions  Have learners actively perform Task 2, and let them share their answers and relevant experiences to the class.

 Process learners‟ understanding on the guide questions presented on Task 2. Learning Goals and Target  Help learners in utilizing available technology / resources in planning their own TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 learning goals and targets as reflected on page 4.

Group Activity   Group the learners, then ask them perform task 3. Let them share their thoughts with the class. Process learners‟ understanding and guide them in arriving at a relevant and acceptable generalization. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer  Assist learners in individually accomplishing task 6 (Preparation of a Plan of Action) on page 12.

Let them craft their own plan of action intelligently. Have learners present this in class.  Process their understanding.  Guide learners in answering the essential questions presented in task 7 on page 13.  Have learners share their answers with the class, and then process their understanding.  Provide learners more concrete example and enrichment activities to further deepen their understanding about PECs and its importance in day-to-day living as future entrepreneurs or employees.  Provide learners applicable activities whereby they can transfer to the community what they have learned.

 Let learners use available resources in the community to accomplish the task. Feedback Pre / Post Assessment 1. E K H A J VI. References 6. F TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education 2.

Grade Level Standard This is a specialization course which leads to Contact Center Services National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1) communicate effectively using the English language and 2) deliver quality customer service. The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following: 1) discussion on the relevance of the course, 2) explanation of key concepts relative to the course, and 3) exploration on career opportunities. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in Wellness Massage in one‟s province. Performance Standard The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of potential market in Wellness Massage in a province.

Learning Competencies  Develop a quality and marketable product or service in Wellness Massage  Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set  Develop a brand for the product TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 V. Introduction People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in an area. Needs and wants of the people in a certain area that are not met may be considered as business opportunities.

Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available raw materials, skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always be watchful on the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in the business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a business to expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand, are those factors that limit the business to grow, hence reduce the chance of generating profit. One of the best ways to evaluate the opportunities and constraints is to conduct Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.

Objectives With your assistance and guidance in facilitating this module, learners are expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of environment and market more particularly in: - identifying what is of “value” to the customer, identifying the customer to sell to, explaining what makes a product unique and competitive, applying creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product, and - employing a unique selling proposition (USP) to the product and or service.     Presentation of Content Introduction Using appropriate activities, lead learners in giving value to environment and market and its implication to be successful in a business related to Wellness Massage. Guide learners in understanding the importance of environment and market; likewise, lead them in appreciating the value of SWOT Analysis. Provide relevant, appropriate, and meaningful examples of SWOT Analysis pertaining to Wellness Massage. Help learners in presenting the importance of assessing their immediate TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10  environment and market pertaining to Wellness Massage. Using your processing and questioning skills, guide learners in coming up with a generalization about the environment and market and its relationship to a successful field of Wellness Massage.

Objectives  Guide learners in identifying and understanding the objectives of this module. Pre-assessment  Use the sample pre-assessment test available in the learner‟s materials or craft a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess learner‟s prior knowledge and skills in environment and market.  Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the learners. Guide Questions   Ask learners to perform task 2 and guide them in presenting their answers to the class. Process learners‟ responses and guide them in making appropriate generalizations.

Learning Goals and Target   Help learners in planning their own learning goals and target as reflected on page 18. Provide enrichment activities and guide them in analyzing available resources and technology in the community to be used in accomplishing their learning goals and targets. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer Product development Know  Discuss product development, concept of developing a product, finding value, innovation, unique selling proposition, and its relationship to environment and market and business at large.  Let learners participate in the discussion on the aforementioned topics.

Assist and/or guide learners in presenting their ideas and relevant experiences.  Design varied levels of learning activities for the learners to better understand the topics related above.  Guide learners in reflecting on the importance of product development, concept of developing a product, finding value, innovation, and unique TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 selling proposition.  Design an assessment to evaluate learners‟ knowledge, skills, and understanding of the previous topics.

 Use the result of the assessment in designing / developing learning activities that will enrich learners‟ understanding. Process  Guide learners in accomplishing task 3 on pages 24 to 25. Let them conduct a research by interviewing a successful entrepreneur or practitioner within the province.

 Have learners present their research to the class. Process their understanding in relation to the objectives of this module. Reflect and Understand     Inspire learners to deepen their understanding about the environment and market by carefully watching the videos related to the prescribed topics on task 4 on page 25.

After watching the videos, let them prepare a comprehensive narrative report on the topics they watched. Encourage learners to present their accomplishments to the class. Process learners‟ understanding in relation to the objectives of this module. Transfer      Guide learners in developing concepts for their own product or service as reflected on task 5 on page 26. Assist learners in analyzing and utilizing available resources in developing their concept of their own product or service. Evaluate learners‟ output by referring to teacher-made rubrics which is aligned to the performance standards. Let learners eloquently share and present their output with the class.

Lead learners in reflecting on the importance of product conceptualization. Generating Ideas for Business Know  Let learners read and understand topics related to generating ideas for business, selecting a business idea, and branding.  Let learners undergo varied levels of learning activities to better appreciate the importance of generating ideas for business, selecting a business idea, and branding.

 Process learners‟ understanding relative to the objectives of this module. Process TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10      Lead learners in reflecting on their SWOT Analysis and its importance in generating business ideas by engaging them in learning opportunities for interaction with others outside the classroom and with the use of technology. Instruct learners to enrich their knowledge on SWOT Analysis by conducting researches. Provide an appropriate type of assessment to evaluate learners‟ understanding of the SWOT Analysis. Use the result of the assessment to craft more appropriate and productive learning activities.

Assist learners in performing task 6 (SWOT Analysis). Evaluate / Assess learners‟ output and check it against the objectives of this module. Reflect and Understand   Let learners work on an independent learning activity or cooperative learning (ICL) in accomplishing task 7 (Extra Readings and Video Viewing) on page 33. Assist learners in presenting their output. Assess the evidence of learning and provide useful input to improve their output.

Transfer  Have learners prepare task 8 (Designing a Logo). Assist learners in accomplishing this task by letting them adhere to their real life experience.  Assess learners‟ output using teacher-made rubrics following the standards and objectives of this module.  Have learners prepare task 9 (Making My Own Vicinity Map). Guide learners in creating their own vicinity map reflective of potential market in Wellness Massage in your province. Ask them to present their output and process their understanding by asking relevant and essential questions.  Assess learners‟ output using teacher-made rubrics following the standards and objectives of this module.

V – Feedback Pre / Post Assessment 1. D TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 VI – References 8.

Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education 9. QUARTER I TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 LESSON 1 (PT) Overview PLAN THE WELLNESS PROGRAM OF CLIENT/S Remind your class of the following target for this quarter.

Provide brief discussion for each objective. General Objectives At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:      Discuss the concept of wellness. Confirm wellness massage program. Update the client‟s records. Evaluate the client‟s satisfaction. Check workplace qualities and procedure.

Let’s See What You Know Pre – Test 1 A. Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice in your quiz notebook.

This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage B. Sports Massage D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 2.

As early as 3000 BC, the improve general health. ______ practiced massage to cure ailments and A. Vietnamese D. The Greek physician who used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 A. Hepartacus D.

Eherodicus 4. The most widely used form of massage used for relaxation. Body massage B.

Stone massage C. Sports massage D. Pregnancy massage 5. This rapidly growing field encompasses athletic training massage, and massage designed to help an athlete prepare for competition and recover from competing.

Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage B. Sports Massage D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 6. The lymphatic drainage system removes excess A. Sweat from all over the body, returning it into the bloodstream 7. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress- reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office setting A. Chair Massage B.

Chiropractic adjunct D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 8.

This details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason. Personal records B. Doctors records C. Physical records D.

School records 9. This is the most common kind of massage, relaxation or stress reduction massage includes the types of treatments common in resorts, spas, private offices and client‟s homes. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 A. Chair Massage B. Chiropractic adjunct D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 10.

Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological insight that can be brought about with massage. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage B.

Sports Massage D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction. Per Henrik Ling developed a system of passive and active exercises known as „Swedish Remedial Gymnastics‟ and also a system of massage movements. Ling used the terms, except one (1) A. „effleurage‟, B. „petrissage‟, C.

„vibration‟, D. „ventilation 12. These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client and will influence the type of massage to be given, A. Past Personal Information B. Past Medical History C. Present Medical History D.

Present Personal Information 13. A massage that releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body. It uses slow strokes and deep pressure with the use of fingers, thumbs or elbows on contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of muscles, tendons and fascia. It can be used for specific work or full-body. Deep tissue massage B. Stone massage C.

Sports massage D. Hand massage 14. Different origin of the word massage are the following except one, A.

These details indicate whether massage would be suitable for the client. They will also provide information regarding the client‟s previous experience of massage. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 A.

Massage Analysis B. Arabic Analysis C. Therapeutic Analysis D. Psychological Analysis 16. All are included in the five elements of balance except A. Which statement is true?

Metal controls wood B. Earth controls fire C. Fire controls wood D. Wood controls metal 18. _______details that will enable to contact the client quickly. Massage analysis B. Personal details C.

Contra-indication D. Other information 19. A kind massage that uses heated stones during the treatment A. Deep tissue massage B.

Sports massage C. Reflexology D. Stone massage 20. The following programs can be offered in a massage salon except. Weight management D.

Face surgery Answer key 1. A TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 3. C Enhancement activity Activity Time Travel: Let’s create a general history of massage using the given timeline.

Chinese practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health. Same year, Japan used similar techniques which they called tsubo and now popularly known as shiatsu. 1839-1909 Dr.

Johan Mezgner, a dutch physician, developed massage for use in rehabilitation and used it successfully to treat many diseases and disorders. His theories, based on sound scientific principles 1800 B.C. A sacred book called the Ayur –Veda (The art of life)this describes how shampooing and rubbing were used to reduce fatigue and promote well-being and cleanliness. - The practice of massage spread from the east into Europe, and it was well established. -The Greek physician Herodicus used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases. 500 A.D – 1400 A.D This year was considered the Dark Ages. Little is known about massage or health and beauty practices throughout the Dark and middle Ages 1776-1839 Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish physiologist developed a system of passive and active exercises known as “Swedish Remedial Gymnastics”.

1517 – 90 The French surgeon Ambroise Pare promoted and developed the use massage. He is reputed to have successfully treated Mary Queen of Scots. Renaissance period (rebirth). Interest in the arts and sciences flourished and there was renewed interest in health practices. Massage was once again advocated and practiced.fotherapeutipurp oses became accepted ss medical practice. 1894 A group of women founded the society of Trained Masseuses. Rules and regulations for training and examinations for qualifying were established.

These women raised standards and fought to establish massage as a profession. Enhancement Activity 2 Define the following ailment.

1968 The first full –time course was offered in colleges of further education. The British Association of Beauty Therapists and Cosmetologists, The International Health and Beauty Council and other organizations also developed courses and offered certificates and diplomas. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10      Cardio Vascular problem – health problem related to the increased in blood pressure Allergic reactions – exaggerated sensibility to an environmental substance or sensory stimulus. Fragile Skin – thin skin causing open wounds particularly with diabetic patient Under healing process – any injury or damage to the tissues or fractures of bones must be allowed to heal A pin or plate is inserted in your bone – a metal that is inserted inside the body to stabilize bones and joints Note: This activity would be best to do as homework/ assignment so that the students may ask their parents for an accurate answer. Answers may vary. Let’s See How Much You Learned Post Test 1 I. Identify essential terms or phrases that are being asked.

Write your answer on the space provided each number. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons.

Who practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health during early as 3000 B. The Greek physician who used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases around 500 BC. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation. _________5.This is the most rapidly growing field encompasses athletic training massage, and massage designed to help an athlete prepare for competition and recover from competing. This system which removes excess of fluids sweat from all over the body, returning it into the bloodstream TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _________7. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress-reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office setting. These details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.

This is the most common kind of massage, relaxation or stress reduction massage includes the types of treatments common in resorts, spas, private offices and client‟s homes. A massage therapist which focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological insight that can be brought about with massage.

Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system developed by a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776– 1839). These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client and will influence the type of massage to be given. __________ 13.

Releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body. It uses slow strokes and deep pressure with the use of fingers, thumbs or elbows on contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of muscles, tendons and fascia. It can be used for specific work or fullbody.

The origin of the word massage. These details indicate whether massage would be suitable for the client. They will also provide information regarding the client‟s previous experience of massage. Answer Key: 1. Pampering 11 Effleurage.

Present Medical History 3. Herodicus 13. Deep Tissue Massage 4.

Swedish Massage 14. Sports Massage 15.

Massage Analysis 6. Lymphatic Drainage 7.

Chair Massage 8. Personal Details 9. Turkey Map Garmin Free. Relaxation/Stress reduction Massage 10. Deep tissue massage 16-30 Complete the evaluation sheet. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Objective Identify the acupressure point area of the forehead, nose, nape and back.

Title: Basic Acupressure Massage Procedure: Write down the process on how to relieve headache by using acupressure massage. Press the point area of the forehead 17. Release 18.Place your thumbs on point 1 and with a downward sliding stroke, massage the forehead for 8 seconds starting from the centre point (pt.1)going to the point area of the temples (pts.2 and 3) 19. Repeat the procedure for 3 times 20-24. Draw the acupressure point area of the forehead and nose.

Draw the acupressure point area of the nape and back Classification of massage 28. ______________ 29-30. Remarks/ Evaluation Date: __________________ Learner‟s signature: _____________________ QUARTER II LESSON 1 PROVIDE PRE-SERVICE TO WELLNESS MASSAGE CLIENT (PT) Overview Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for each objective. General Objectives At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:    Conduct preliminary services to clients Observe good interpersonal relationship Evaluate the clients satisfaction Let’s See What You Know Pre – Test 2 TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 I. Complete the statement by writing the correct word or phrase.

Choose the best answer from the box below. The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to ____. The _____ is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed so that it is not rushed.

3 Look ______ – be clean, neat and tidy. A _____ provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors that influence their health and well-being. One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to everyone. Do not use improper language. Always practice the _____ standards of personal and salon hygiene.

Communication is _____ when managers are surrounded with a pool of information which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional group.

Consider the _____ in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be competent, helpful and pleasant. _____ is any message which is against their values is not accepted.

Do your utmost to deliver the most effective treatment ____ to the needs of the client. In booking clients you should prepare an/a __________. To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation, be honest and reliable. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of contact over the phone or in person. The exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process is known as ____. Ethics professional listen. Suited interpersonal communication perceptual and language differences.

Less effective few seconds confidence wellness service speak correctly appointment card consultation manner highest II. MULTIPLE-CHOICE: Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and write the letter on the space provided. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _____ 16.

A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation. Speak in a very low B. Speak clearly D. Speak very soft and ____ 17. Create a friendly working relationship with ______.

Colleagues C. All _____ 18 Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits. Reasonably B. Practically D. Before picking up the receiver, ________any other conversation. Discontinue C.

Disregard _____ 20. It is define as simply the exchange of messages by human beings. Communication Process C. Communication Standards B. Communication Problem D.

Miscommunication _____ 21. Be prepared with ________ when you answer the phone.

Tissue paper C. Information form B. Pen and message slip _____22. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication ___. Requirement _____ 23. It is often said that human communication consist of A.

93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words themselves C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words themselves D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words themselves _____ 24. Smile and the world Smiles With A.

All _____ 25. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with A. Specialist B. Therapist the TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Answer Key: Test 1 1. Consultation 3.

Professional 4. Wellness service 5.

Speak correctly 6. Interpersonal communication 10.Perceptual 11.Suited 12. Appointment card 13. Interpersonal communication 15.

Communication Test II 16. A 21.C 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.A 26-30 Answer the question on a paragraph form. In your own words define “Ethics” and how are you going to use this in your business? Answers may vary Enhancement Activity 2.0 – Role Playing 1. Group the students into 5. Then ask them to role play Enhancement Activity 2.0 – How to book clients on pg.

Follow the steps indicated. Rate the students according to his/her performance. Let’s See How Much You Learned TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Post Test 2 I. LOOP A WORD Direction: Read and analyze the statement below and loop the word that corresponds to your answer. S w p p c f o o d p e e r o I d s o e l r o r h e c u a l c f r y n o k n e e e g c m c e p s c i o m o s t s t e n u r s u i s n s n l a n o s r s a o p e u i e e l n e w l c c r e a a a t a t v t L k y a t r e p r l I h m I s t i e y c i y n a i o t a e c t g t o n n n t s h s e n a i 1. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional group. It is the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person 3.

Always practice the highest standards of personal and salon hygiene 4. It is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed so that it is not rushed. It should be considered in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be competent, helpful and pleasant. It is the exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process 7. Being clean, neat and tidy is looking 8. It provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors that influence their health and well-being.

One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to everyone. Do not use improper language. It is less effective when managers are surrounded with a pool of information which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and write the letter on the space provided. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _____ 11.

For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with the positioned along side or opposite. The environment should feel warm and private A. Emachines E510 Wifi Driver Xp. Specialist D. Therapist _____ 12. It is often said that human communication consist of A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words themselves C.

90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words themselves D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words themselves _____13.

Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits ______. Be honest when advertising. Practically C. Reasonably D.

Before picking up the receiver, __________ conversation or activity such as eating chewing gum, typing etc. That may be heard by the calling party. Discontinue C. Disregard _____ 15. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings, A. Communication Process B. Communication Standards C.

Communication Problem D. Miscommunication _____ 16. Be prepared with _______ message slip when you answer the phone A. Tissue paper B. Calendar TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 C. Information form D. Pen and message slip _____ 17.

As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication A. Requirement _____ 18.

Smile and the world Smiles With A. All _____ 19. A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation A.

Speak clearly C. Speak in a very low D. Speak very soft and distinctly in ____ 20. Create a friendly working relationship with A. Colleagues B. All III.Enumeration:Supply the answer.

5’s Methodology in Japanese words 21. Types of Massage 26. 30 Answer Key: Test I Test II Test III TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 1.ethics 2. Communication 3. Correct speaking 4.

Consultation 5. Speak correctly 6. Professional 8. Wellness service 9. Speak correctly 10.

Perceptual 11. D 20 C 21Seiketsu 22.Seiton 23.Seiri 24.Seiso 25.Shitsuke 26.

Relaxation 27. Transformational 30. Pampering QUARTER III LESSON 1 WELLNESS MASSAGE TECHNIQUES TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Overview Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for each objective. General Objectives At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:  Observe health and safety procedures in wellness massage.

 Prepare client for wellness massage techniques, methods, massage pressure areas.  Perform wellness massage techniques. Let’s See What You Know Pre – Test 3 Test I. Multiple Choice Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement.

Write the answers on your quiz notebook. What do you call the type of drape used to protect the client hair? Facial drape b. Gluteal drape c.

Breast drape d. Turban drape 2. Warning is the very common precautionary measure we oftentimes read in labels of any supplies used in cleaning or disinfecting. Safest substance found in spa salon is known as the _______.

Disinfectant c. What is the technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while getting a massage? What do you call the massage stroke wherein the hands skim over the surface of the skin? Effleurage b.

Percussion c. Petrissage d. Vibration TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 6.

What massage stroke wherein the hand is placed and vibrated over the target area is called as _____. A kind of massage stroke that uses pressure to the tissues. What is the regular time duration for back massage? Petrissage d.

What is the kind of manipulation that pinches and moves the muscle from side to side in a rocking manner? Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage 10. The massage stroke where the hands strike the target area is known as ______. Effleurage c.

Taponement d. Petrissage Test II. True or False: Direction: Write the word TRUE on the remarks column if massage is appropriate with the stated condition and FALSE if it is inappropriate.

Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. Conditions 1 Blood clots 2 Bleeding 3 Fever 4 Fracture 5 Heart disease 6 Infectious disease 7 Kidney or liver disease TRUE FALSE TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 8 Pregnancy-induced diabetes 9 Severe cold 10 Menstrual Period Test III.

Matching Type Direction: Match Column A with Column by identifying the pictures below. Write the letter of the answer. Column A Column B 1. Face towel a 2. Thermometer b.

Sphygmomanometer d. Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase “Wellness Massage”. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Rubric: Clarity and Accuracy of Concept: (3 pts) Grammar Composition (2 pts.) Total 5 pts Answer Key Test I 1. NO Test III 21. D Let’s try this. Open-Ended Statement Directions: Complete the open-ended statements below with your perception, opinion on the concepts on wellness massage.

(10 points) Topic: Wellness Massage Before, I thought that___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ But now, ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I can ________________________________________________________ Rubric for grading: Concept: Articulation Total (5pts) (5 pts.) 10 pts TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Activity 1. Open-Ended Statement. Answers may vary Can you still recall? Direction: Find the 5‟s methodology (in english word) inside the puzzle.

Once you find it, loop the word and write the answers on the opposite of each Japanese word. (2 points each). A s d S o r t f s s v n h d a j e e t d b j g w k r l a b c k s f t t f n n f b y g l y d d w d n s d p g i 1. Shitsuke _______________ 2.

Seiri __________________ 3. Seiso _________________ a e t d t y c f s r r y m e t b j c d s u e m j v i i i d s r a n n o p z x d w t m d l l e v o c i q s j i s y p d z o w b n d t S w e e p n e 4. Seiton ___________________ 5.Seiketsu __________________ Enhancement Activity Multiple Choice. Direction: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and write the letters before the number.

Justify your answer. 2 points each.

Plug the machine into a near and accessible identified socket so that, a. It can be switched off or disconnected easily in an emergency. It will lessen your time from walking from time to time if you want to unplug it c. You can sleep anytime you want and confident that it is safe d. It is easy for you to just reach out if you want to unplug it. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Justify: 2. Follow the correct procedures when using electrical equipment, a.

To avoid accident b. To show your expertise c. To boost your capacity to operate the equipment d. To play safely Justify ____________________________________________ 3. Ensure that people using electrical equipment are trained and competent to do so a. They can easily be hired abroad b.

They can operate the equipment without reading the procedure c. They can prove that they are trained operators d. Keep safe in using the equipment Justify: _________________________________________ 4. Training and supervision to all staff will a.

Ensure that all employees understand the risks from all the hazardous substances they have to deal with. Inform them of the rules and regulations for using, storing and transporting or disposing of hazardous substances. They can be easily be accepted in their field of training to other salon d.

Keep your salon clean and orderly Justify: _____________________________________________ 5. Prepare procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies. Immediate steps must be taken to minimize the harmful effects and damage. These procedures should be a. Clearly written and placed in a prominent and accessible place. Clearly written and placed inside the cabinet b.

Clearly written and placed at the back door a. Clearly written and placed on the table Justify: __________________________________________ TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Answer Key: 1. Mix and Blend Try to interview the student of his/her finish product of massage oils. What are the ingredients used?

How was it made? Investigate or Interview Direction: Visit a Wellness Massage Center. Then, Interview an owner/ employee of a wellness massage spa. Ask equipments, materials and supplies other than those mentioned in the previous discussion. Include the function of each item. Be ready to present your output in class.

Write your answers in your notebook. Equipments/Materials/Supplies Function/Uses Rubrics for Evaluation: (30 points) Item Tools 25 15 10 Has additional equipment aside from what has Lack one equipment used. Lack two or more equipment, Score TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 been discussed. Materials Supplies Has additional materials aside from what has been discussed Lack one or two materials being used Lack three or more materials being Has additional supplies aside from what has been discussed Lack one or two supplies being used Lack three or more materials being DEMONSTRATING HYGIENE PRACTICES in PRE-WELLNESS Let’s try this: Activity 1: Minute Paper Directions: Fill out this survey form to evaluate how far you have gone with the lesson. ( _________________________________________ ) T o p i c / L e s s on Name of Student: __________________ Date: _____________ Year and Section ___________________ Teacher: __________________ After the lesson / activity/ discussion on ________, I have learned that: 1. ______________________________________________________ 2.

______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 But I‟m a little bit confused about: 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ I still want to learn more on: 1. ______________________________________________________ 2.

__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ After the lesson / activity / discussion, I feel ______________ because of the following reasons: 1. _________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ Answers may vary. Activity 2: True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if false. Working uniform can be worn out of the salon.

Underwear and tights should be changed daily and washed in hot soapy water. Wedding ring and small ear studs can be worn during the massage.

A daily bath or shower should be taken to maintain cleanliness of the skin, hair and nails, and to remove stale sweat odours _____5. Therapists must wash their hands before touching a client and after cleaning the feet prior to the massage TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Answer Key: 1. T Activity 1.

Let’s Try This. Directions: Write three sentences answering each question if you have any idea on how to perform body massage. Written inside the box. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. What do you think is the most important reason why we need to have body massage?? Have you observed/learned one or two of your family members experienced having body massage?

Did they share it to you? Share it to us. What do you expect to learn in body massage? Answers may vary. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Activity 1. Short Quiz Direction: Put a check (√) mark if the statement is correct and a Cross (X) mark if incorrect.

Write your answer on a quiz notebook. A lined bin should be to hand for disposal of waste.

Cover the entire surface with a towelling or cotton sheet – the fitted types are best as they stay neat and tidy. The therapist should ensure there is enough space to walk around the bed and work from all sides, and that there is room for a trolley with commodities, and a stool.

Talcum powder or corn starch may be used instead of oil or cream as a massage medium. They work well for very hairy clients. Shower and toilet facilities for the client‟s use should be accessible and regularly cleaned. Answer Key: 1. √ 4.√ 5.√ Activity 1.

Concept Mapping Direction: Discuss with your group mates and choose a certain area to draft Standard Operating Procedure using Concept Mapping. Be ready for a class presentation. Use the pattern to construct your idea. Detail s Detail s Detail s Detail s Detail s Procedu re Detail s Detail s Detail s TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Answers may vary. Activity 1: Direction: Group the following task in its specific time table.

Write the letter on the table below. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. End of Business Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,4 Activity 1.

Direction: Weekly 6 Create a simple Client‟s Information Sheet. Rubrics for Evaluation: 25% A.

Communication Skills B. Self Confidence C. Establishing Rapport D.

Clients Response to information asked 15% 10% TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Activity1. Get your pair and perform the following manipulation. Use the rating below: Time Duration 25% Pressure 25% Effect 50% Answers may vary. Activity 1: Demonstration Student will find a partner and perform effleurage. Ask you partner to give you his/her rating.

Time Duration 25% Pressure 25% Effect 50% Activity 15. Client’s Information Answers may vary. Practice Pressure Massage Ask the student to find a partner and perform the task that will be instructed by the teacher.

TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Activity 17. Return Demonstration Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration. Student will find a partner and will have to perform “effleurage” on his/her partner. Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Time Duration Pressure Effect Points 5 5 10 Score Activity 18. Return Demonstration Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration. Student will find a partner and will have to perform “petrissage” on his/her partner.

Let his/her partner rate him/her. Criteria Time Duration Pressure Effect Points 5 5 10 Score Activity 19. Return Demonstration Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration. Student will find a partner and will have to perform “pounding” on his/her partner. Let his/her partner rate him/her. Criteria Time Duration Pressure Effect Points 5 5 10 Score Activity 20.

Return Demonstration Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration. Student will find a partner and will have to perform “vibration” on his/her partner. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Time Duration Pressure Effect Points 5 5 10 Score Activity 21 Return Demonstration Direction: Work in pairs - one will play at a client/customer and the other will be the therapist. Demonstrate all massage manipulations at various speeds, depths and rhythms. Change roles after performing. Rate one another using the checklist below. After the task, submit the checklist to your teacher the interpretation. Done Rating Effleurage Taponement Petrissage Vibration Activity 1.Multiple-Choice Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement.

Write the answers on your quiz notebook. The hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up and down or from side to side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying tissue. This massage strokes apply pressure to the tissues. Petrissage 3. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues. Effleurage c.

Petrissage 4. This manipulation lifts the muscle away from the bone and moves it from side to side in a rocking manner. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage 5.

Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues. Effleurage c.

Taponement d. Petrissage Answer key: 1. B TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 4. C Let’s See How Much You Learned Post Test 3 Test I.

Multiple Choice Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the answers on your quiz notebook. What do you call the type of drape used to protect the client hair? Facial drape b. Gluteal drape c. Breast drape d.

Turban drape 3. Warning is the very common precautionary measure we oftentimes read in labels of any supplies used in cleaning or disinfecting. Safest substance found in spa salon is known as the _______.

Disinfectant c. What is the technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while getting a massage? What do you call the massage stroke wherein the hands skim over the surface of the skin? Effleurage b.

Percussion c. Petrissage d. What massage stroke wherein the hand is placed and vibrated over the target area is called as _____. A kind of massage stroke that uses pressure to the tissues.

What is the regular time duration for back massage? Petrissage d. 6 minutes TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 9. What is the kind of manipulation that pinches and moves the muscle from side to side in a rocking manner?

Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage 10. The massage stroke where the hands strike the target area is known as ______. Effleurage c. Taponement d.

Petrissage Test II. True or False: Direction: Write the word TRUE on the remarks column if massage is appropriate with the stated condition and FALSE if it is inappropriate. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Conditions Blood clots Bleeding Fever Fracture Heart disease Infectious disease Kidney or liver disease Pregnancy-induced diabetes Severe cold Menstrual Period TRUE FALSE Test III. Matching Type Direction: Match Column A with Column by identifying the pictures below.

Write the letter of the answer. Column A Column B 1. Face towel a 2. Thermometer b. Sphygmomanometer d. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 5.

Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase “Wellness Massage”. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Rubric: Clarity and Accuracy of Concept: (3 pts) Grammar Composition (2 pts.) Total 5 pts Answer Key: Test 1. Essay: Test II 11. D Test III 21.

C A E B D TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Direction: Write a five-sentence paragraph to answer the essay question below. Use your answer sheet to accomplish this task. Answers may vary. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 QUARTER IV LESSON 1 POST ADVICE AND POST SERVICE TO CLIENT Overview Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for each objective. General Objectives At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:     Perform after care service Identify and explain products Enumerate and explain other services Suggest quality and acceptable massage products.

Let’s See What You Know Pre – Test 4 Multiple Choice: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write it in your answer sheets. The ______helps eliminate the toxins from the body. Juice the body. Wine, helps eliminate the toxins from 2. A person must maintain a ______ a light healthy meal b heavy healthy meal c more vegetables d juicy fruits 3.

If possible avoid __________ before performing aftercare services. Alcohol TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 b. Too much eating d.

Drinking plenty of water for about 24 hours 4. After treatment has been given to a client, he/she feels a.

The most common body reactions in the aftercare services, a. Aching/soreness of muscles, b. Tiredness, c. Heightened emotional state d. The backbone of any successful business is customer service and meeting clients‟ needs and expectations in terms of a.

Both product use and beauty therapy services b. Products services c. Beauty therapy services d. In preparation of a room to be used in services, which is more appropriate? Warm, well-ventilated area b. A quiet area, away from distracting noise c. Low and diffused lighting d.

A spotlessly clean environment 1. What is the best after care products to be advised to clients?

Pre-blended aromatic plant oils b. Exfoliates c. Herbal teas and beverages d. Mud/clays 9..It helps to increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide a. Deep breathing exercises b. Travelling are helpful to everyone as they 10. One of the after care services given to client is, TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 a.

Eatingt a light healthy meal b. Taking variety of soups c. Eating more fruits d. Drinking litres of water so the body can concentrate on healing. TRUE or FALSE. Direction: Read and analyze carefully the statements. Write the word TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

Write your answers in your quiz notebook. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients _______2. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.

Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload, that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early _______5. Eat light, easy to digest meals _______6.

Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body oils. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. After the service is being advised. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition.

You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & massage aftercare _______10. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins II. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided each number.

It means being free from tension and anxiety. Body TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _____________2. It involves visualizing pleasantly, suiting situations. It allows the client short time to settle and let go of tension.

It is a technique used which means pull the feet up hard and let go. _____________5.It is a term used to push the feet down hard and let go. Classify the following massage product if supplies, tools and equipment. Write A if supplies and B if tools and equipment _______1. Massage oil ______ 2. Shiatsu foot warmer ______ 3.

Food supplement ______4. Neck and shoulder massager ______5. Massage cream Answer Key: Test I 1.

A Test II 11. TRUE Test III 21.

Relaxation 22. Visualization or imagining 23. Relaxation 24. Dorsi-flexion 25. Plantar flexion Activity 1.

Planning the Spa Group the students into 5. Answers may vary. A TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Let’s See How Much You Learned Post Test 4 Multiple Choice: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write it in your answer sheets. The ______helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

Juice the body. Wine, helps eliminate the toxins from 2. A person must maintain a ______ a light healthy meal b heavy healthy meal c more vegetables d juicy fruits 3. If possible avoid __________ before performing aftercare services. Too much eating d.

Drinking plenty of water for about 24 hours 4. After treatment has been given to a client, he/she feels a. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services, a. Aching/soreness of muscles, b. Tiredness, c. Heightened emotional state d.

The backbone of any successful business is customer service and meeting clients‟ needs and expectations in terms of TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 a. Both product use and beauty therapy services b. Products services c.

Beauty therapy services d. In preparation of a room to be used in services, which is more appropriate? Warm, well-ventilated area b. A quiet area, away from distracting noise c. Low and diffused lighting d. A spotlessly clean environment 2.

What is the best after care products to be advised to clients? Pre-blended aromatic plant oils b. Exfoliates c.

Herbal teas and beverages d. Mud/clays 9..It helps to increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide a. Deep breathing exercises b. Travelling are helpful to everyone as they 10.

One of the after care services given to client is, a. Eatingt a light healthy meal b.

Taking variety of soups c. Eating more fruits d. Drinking litres of water so the body can concentrate on healing.

TRUE or FALSE. Direction: Read and analyze carefully the statements. Write the word TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

Write your answers in your quiz notebook. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _______1. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients _______2. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest of the day, if not, for a few hours at least. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload, that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early _______5.

Eat light, easy to digest meals _______6. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body oils. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. After the service is being advised.

Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & massage aftercare _______10. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins II. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided each number. It means being free from tension and anxiety. It involves visualizing pleasantly, suiting situations. It allows the client short time to settle and let go of tension.

It is a technique used which means pull the feet up hard and let go. _____________5.It is a term used to push the feet down hard and let go. Body TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 III. Classify the following massage product if supplies, tools and equipment. Write A if supplies and B if tools and equipment _______1. Massage oil ______ 2.

Shiatsu foot warmer ______ 3. Food supplement ______4. Neck and shoulder massager ______5. Massage cream Answer Key: Test I Test II Test III 1.C 2. Relaxation 7.

Visualizing or imagining 8. Relaxation 9. Dorsi - flexion 10.

Planta Flexion 11. A Test IV 21. A TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT I.TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins _______2. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & massage aftercare body TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 _______3. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs.

After the service is being advised. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body oils. Eat light, easy to digest meals ________7.

For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload, that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest of the day, if not, for a few hours at least. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients. Multiple Choice. Read each questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice.

Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological insight that can be brought about with massage. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage b. Sports Massage d.

Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction. Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system developed by a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776– 1839). He developed a system of passive and active exercises known as „Swedish Remedial Gymnastics‟ and also a system of massage movements. Ling used the terms, except one (1) a. „effleurage‟, b.

„petrissage‟, c. „vibration‟, d „ventilation TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 3. These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client will influence the type of massage to be given, a.

Past Personal Information b. Past Medical History c. Present Medical History d. Present Personal Information and 4. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage b. Sports Massage d.

Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 5. As early as 3000 BC, the a. Vietnamese d. Swedish practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health 6. Around 500 BC the Greek physician a. Hepartacus d.

Eherodicus used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation. Body massage b. Stone massage c.

Sports massage d. Pregnancy massage 8. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings, a. Communication Process c. Communication Problem b. Communication Standards d.

Miscommunication 9. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 A.

Stroke C.routine D. Requirement 10. It is often said that human communication consist of A.

93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of themselves. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of themselves words words C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of themselves words D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of themselves words 11.

For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with the A. Specialist D.

Therapist positioned along side or opposite. The environment should feel warm and private. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits A. Reasonably C.

Practically D. Be honest when advertising. Before picking up the receiver, _______ or activity such as eating chewing gum, typing etc. That may be heard by the calling party. Discontinue D. Disregard any other conversation 14.

The hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up and down or from side to side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying tissue. This massage strokes apply pressure to the tissues.

Petrissage 16. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues. Effleurage c. Petrissage 17.This manipulation lifts the muscle away from the bone and moves it TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 from side to side in a rocking manner. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage 18.

Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues. Effleurage c. Taponement d. _____ helps eliminate the toxins from the body. A) juice b) tea c) water d) wine 21.. Eat _____so the body can concentrate on healing a) light healthy meal c) more vegetables b) heavy healthy meal d) juicy fruits 22. If possible avoid ____________ water for about 24 hours before performing aftercare services.

A) alcohol b)exercise c) too much eating d) drinking plenty of 22. After treatment you will usually feel a) startle b) creepy c) canny d) relaxed 24. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services, a) aching/soreness of muscles, c) heightened emotional state b) tiredness, d) dizzy 25. Massage was introduced and found in the _______________.

Safest substance found in spa salon a. Disinfectant c.

In the%‟s methodology Seiketsu is the Japanese term for a. Standardize c. Seiri - sort b. Self-discipline d.

The translated English word for seiri is ________. Self-discipline d. Systematize 29. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress- TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office a. Chair Massage b. Chiropractic adjunct d. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction 30.

Different origin of the word massage are the following except one, a. Massege setting 31.

This details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason. Personal details b. Doctors record c.

Physical records d. School records III. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer from the box and write it in the space provided. 32._______ is the chance, great or small that someone will e harmed by the hazard. 33._______ is technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while you‟re getting a massage.

34.An ______ is a region of the body in which nerves arteries, or vein lay close to the body‟s surface. 35.The time to gather and exchange information with the client is called ________________. 36.__________refers to standards and conducts of behaviour of an individual or professional group. 37.__________refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and hair salons.

38.Massage is thought to increase _____ which is desirable in many conditions. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 39._________ is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words. 40.To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation, 41. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of contact over the phone or in person draping endangerment site risk ethics blood flow 5‟s methodology consultation confidence interpersonal communication SYNTHESIS Answer Key: Test I Test II 1. A 31 A 32 D 33 A 34 A 35 D 36 A 37 D 38 A 39 A 40 A pampering Test III 41 Risk 42 Draping 43 Endangerment site 44 consultation 45 ethics 46 pampering 47 blood flow 48 5‟s methodology 49 confidence 50.

Interpersonal communication Synthesis The teacher‟s guide aims to assist teachers and prepare learners in focusing on certain topics relevant in their health being. Planning a wellness massage program give emphasis on the history of massage which is visible nowadays. In providing pre-service to wellness massage has to do with how behavior is being promoted in performing after care services, care should be done. Giving advices with what to be and how it should be maintained is another concern of both the therapist and clients. TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 GLOSSARY Process is simply the exchange of messages by human beings. It is the transmission of ideas from the sender to the receiver through channels. Communication is not complete if there is no feedback or response from the receiver back to the sender.

Consultation- is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed so that it is not rushed. This is the time to gather and exchange information. Ethics refers to the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional group. Hazard – means anything that can cause harm. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it requires focus.

It means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. Hygiene requirements the hygiene standards specified by an organisation or laid down by law Information Overload. Surrounded with a pool of information. Interpersonal Communication is the exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Massage – the application of touch by one person to another, using manual techniques of rubbing, stroking, kneading or compression, when done to produce relaxation, pain relief, injury, rehabilitation, athletic preparedness or a career at your fingertips) Massage Therapists – A massage practitioner who has received training in the theory and practice of massage, and is competent to use massage as a means if TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 promoting pain relief, injury rehabilitation or health improvement. ( Massage a career at your fingertips) Personal details includes the basic information.

These details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason. They will also enable you to seek advice from his/her doctor should this be necessary. Essential oils - Volatile plant oils extracted from certain aromatic plants that have both physiological and psychological effects on the human body. Policies – set of basic principles and associated guidelines, formulated and enforced by the governing body of an organization, to direct and limit its action in pursuit of long term – goals. Procedures – A fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of action (with definite start and end points) that must be followed in the same order to correctly perform a task. Risk – is the chance, great or small, that someone will be harmed by the hazard.

Safety – the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss References Bibliography Williams, Anne, 2007, Spa Body Work A Guide for Massage Therapists, Mo, Rosser, 2004, Body Massage Therapy Basics (2nd Edition), Anatomy, Physiology and First Aid Telephone Etiquette and Customer Service Body Shop Business, March 2007, Newsletter Borg, John. Body Language; 7 Essay Lessons to Master/Silent Language, Prentice hall Life, 2008 Communication with Clients – Wendy S.

Mayers, (Step-by-Step, Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment) 2014, Educational Concept TG – WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade 10 Lifestyle wellness Coaching (2nd edition), James Gavin and Madeleine Mcbrearty, copyright 2013 Wellness Services – Evidence Based Review and Examples) Good Practice, Final Report, Lyn Winter Armatage, Stanfield et al, Observatory Report Series No. 76, Published 2010. Williams, Anne E., Spa Bodyworks, Guide for Massage Therapist, 2015 Rosser, Mo, Body Massage Therapy Basics, Second Edition 2004 Roseberry, Monica, The Body Shop Massage, 2005 Ashley, Martin, Massage a career at your fingertips, 3rd Edition, skill:htm (#ixzzz2ve/smnpS) skill:htm (# Comments.

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